
阿里云 CentOS 7 安装 Zimbra-8.8.15开源邮件系统

蜀小陈 849



邮件系统,那是企业必备,你可以选择目前市面上已有的各种企业邮箱,如阿里企业邮箱,腾讯企业邮箱 …… 你需要为每一个账户买单费用还不少,当然如果你有技术实力也可以选择使用开源邮件系统进行搭建,主要有 Zimbra,iRedMail , ExtMail….

这其中我喜欢的还是Zimbra,开源免费,随便你建多少用户都可以,功能相当丰富,完美的web端可自适应各种浏览器,方便用户随时查收邮件,除了最基本的邮件收发,额外的一些功能更是外企必备,特别是日历功能,不像其他邮箱的日历也就是本地日历自己玩,Zimbra的日历是和Gmail, Yahoo 等日历是一样的可分享给其他人,外企必备啊,主要外国人喜欢用日历。此外,还有Zimlet类似于一些插件,可以通过插件丰富你的邮件系统。

iRedMail 和 ExtMail以前用过,也还可以,但当时个人感觉还是有些局限,不知道现在怎么样,所以我还是推荐Zimbra。

Zimbra有两个版本,一个是NETWORK EDITION网络版,像企业邮箱一样,你付钱使用就可以了,另一个就是OPEN SOURCE开源版,开源免费随便用。




系统:CentOS7.7 64位




Zimbra 版本:Zimbra-8.8.15



1. 开放以下端口:

80, 443, 25, 110, 143, 465, 995, 993, 587, 7025, 8443, 7071


2. 配置主机名

[root@iZ2ze1mxb0c9j7l4rr6oxkZ ~]# echo 'mail.chenxie.net' > /etc/hostname

3. 配置hosts


[root@iZ2ze1mxb0c9j7l4rr6oxkZ ~]# echo ' mail.chenxie.net mail' >> /etc/hosts

4. 检查并停止sendmail和postfix,如果服务器上有的话

# systemctl stop sendmail# systemctl disable sendmail# systemctl stop postfix# systemctl disable postfix

5. 重启系统,确保都生效了



1. 安装dnsmasq

[root@mail ~]# yum install -y dnsmasq bind-utils

2. 配置dnsmasq

vim /etc/dnsmasq.conf



3. 修改本地dns服务器

vim /etc/resolv.conf



4. 启动dnsmasq

[root@mail ~]# systemctl start dnsmasq

5. 测试

[root@mail ~]# dig MX chenxie.net; <<>> DiG 9.11.4-P2-RedHat-9.11.4-9.P2.el7 <<>> MX chenxie.net;; global options: +cmd;; Got answer:;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: NOERROR, id: 52611;; flags: qr aa rd ra ad; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 1, AUTHORITY: 0, ADDITIONAL: 2;; OPT PSEUDOSECTION:; EDNS: version: 0, flags:; udp: 4096;; QUESTION SECTION:;chenxie.net. IN MX;; ANSWER SECTION:chenxie.net. 0 IN MX 5 mail.chenxie.net.;; ADDITIONAL SECTION:mail.chenxie.net. 0 IN A;; Query time: 0 msec;; SERVER:;; WHEN: Thu Nov 28 21:07:17 CST 2019;; MSG SIZE rcvd: 88

可以看到A记录mail.chenxie.net 成功解析到IP 以及 MX 记录 chenxie.net 成功解析到 mail.chenxie.net



[root@mail ~]# cd /tmp/[root@mail tmp]# wget  <--下载Zimbra软件包[root@mail tmp]# tar -zxf zcs-8.8.15_GA_3869.RHEL7_64.20190918004220.tgz [root@mail tmp]# cd zcs-8.8.15_GA_3869.RHEL7_64.20190918004220[root@mail zcs-8.8.15_GA_3869.RHEL7_64.20190918004220]# lltotal 44drwxr-xr-x 2 503 503 4096 Sep 17 13:55 bindrwxr-xr-x 2 503 503 4096 Sep 17 13:55 datadrwxr-xr-x 3 503 503 4096 Sep 17 13:55 docs-rwxr-xr-x 1 503 503 8873 Sep 17 13:55 install.shdrwxr-xr-x 3 503 503 4096 Sep 17 13:55 libdrwxr-xr-x 2 503 503 4096 Oct 3 15:45 packages-rw-r--r-- 1 503 503 369 Sep 17 13:55 readme_binary_en_US.txt-rw-r--r-- 1 503 503 428 Sep 17 13:55 README.txtdrwxr-xr-x 3 503 503 4096 Sep 17 13:55 util[root@mail zcs-8.8.15_GA_3869.RHEL7_64.20190918004220]# ./install.sh <--开始安装Operations logged to /tmp/install.log.YKo3dKujChecking for existing installation... zimbra-drive...NOT FOUND zimbra-imapd...NOT FOUND zimbra-patch...NOT FOUND zimbra-mta-patch...NOT FOUND zimbra-proxy-patch...NOT FOUND zimbra-license-tools...NOT FOUND zimbra-license-extension...NOT FOUND zimbra-network-store...NOT FOUND zimbra-network-modules-ng...NOT FOUND zimbra-chat...NOT FOUND zimbra-talk...NOT FOUND zimbra-ldap...NOT FOUND zimbra-logger...NOT FOUND zimbra-mta...NOT FOUND zimbra-dnscache...NOT FOUND zimbra-snmp...NOT FOUND zimbra-store...NOT FOUND zimbra-apache...NOT FOUND zimbra-spell...NOT FOUND zimbra-convertd...NOT FOUND zimbra-memcached...NOT FOUND zimbra-proxy...NOT FOUND zimbra-archiving...NOT FOUND zimbra-core...NOT FOUND----------------------------------------------------------------------PLEASE READ THIS AGREEMENT CAREFULLY BEFORE USING THE SOFTWARE.SYNACOR, INC. ("SYNACOR") WILL ONLY LICENSE THIS SOFTWARE TO YOU IF YOUFIRST ACCEPT THE TERMS OF THIS AGREEMENT. BY DOWNLOADING OR INSTALLINGTHE SOFTWARE, OR USING THE PRODUCT, YOU ARE CONSENTING TO BE BOUND BYTHIS AGREEMENT. IF YOU DO NOT AGREE TO ALL OF THE TERMS OF THISAGREEMENT, THEN DO NOT DOWNLOAD, INSTALL OR USE THE PRODUCT.License Terms for this Zimbra Collaboration Suite Software: you agree with the terms of the software license agreement? [N] yUse Zimbra''s package repository [Y] yImporting Zimbra GPG keyConfiguring package repositoryChecking for installable packagesFound zimbra-core (local)Found zimbra-ldap (local)Found zimbra-logger (local)Found zimbra-mta (local)Found zimbra-dnscache (local)Found zimbra-snmp (local)Found zimbra-store (local)Found zimbra-apache (local)Found zimbra-spell (local)Found zimbra-memcached (repo)Found zimbra-proxy (local)Found zimbra-drive (repo)Found zimbra-imapd (local)Found zimbra-patch (repo)Found zimbra-mta-patch (repo)Found zimbra-proxy-patch (repo)Select the packages to installInstall zimbra-ldap [Y] yInstall zimbra-logger [Y] yInstall zimbra-mta [Y] yInstall zimbra-dnscache [Y] yInstall zimbra-snmp [Y] yInstall zimbra-store [Y] yInstall zimbra-apache [Y] yInstall zimbra-spell [Y] yInstall zimbra-memcached [Y] yInstall zimbra-proxy [Y] yInstall zimbra-drive [Y] yInstall zimbra-imapd (BETA - for evaluation only) [N] yInstall zimbra-chat [Y] yChecking required space for zimbra-coreChecking space for zimbra-storeChecking required packages for zimbra-storezimbra-store package check complete.Installing: zimbra-core zimbra-ldap zimbra-logger zimbra-mta zimbra-dnscache zimbra-snmp zimbra-store zimbra-apache zimbra-spell zimbra-memcached zimbra-proxy zimbra-drive zimbra-imapd zimbra-patch zimbra-mta-patch zimbra-proxy-patch zimbra-chatThe system will be modified. Continue? [N] yBeginning Installation - see /tmp/install.log.YKo3dKuj for details... zimbra-core-components will be downloaded and installed. zimbra-timezone-data will be installed. zimbra-common-core-jar will be installed. zimbra-common-mbox-conf will be installed. zimbra-common-mbox-conf-attrs will be installed. zimbra-common-mbox-conf-msgs will be installed. zimbra-common-mbox-conf-rights will be installed. zimbra-common-mbox-db will be installed. zimbra-common-mbox-docs will be installed. zimbra-common-mbox-native-lib will be installed. zimbra-common-core-libs will be installed. zimbra-core will be installed. zimbra-ldap-components will be downloaded and installed. zimbra-ldap will be installed. zimbra-logger will be installed. zimbra-mta-components will be downloaded and installed. zimbra-mta will be installed. zimbra-dnscache-components will be downloaded and installed. zimbra-dnscache will be installed. zimbra-snmp-components will be downloaded and installed. zimbra-snmp will be installed. zimbra-store-components will be downloaded and installed. zimbra-jetty-distribution will be downloaded and installed. zimbra-mbox-conf will be installed. zimbra-mbox-war will be installed. zimbra-mbox-service will be installed. zimbra-mbox-webclient-war will be installed. zimbra-mbox-admin-console-war will be installed. zimbra-mbox-store-libs will be installed. zimbra-store will be installed. zimbra-apache-components will be downloaded and installed. zimbra-apache will be installed. zimbra-spell-components will be downloaded and installed. zimbra-spell will be installed. zimbra-memcached will be downloaded and installed. zimbra-proxy-components will be downloaded and installed. zimbra-proxy will be installed. zimbra-drive will be downloaded and installed (later). zimbra-imapd will be installed. zimbra-patch will be downloaded and installed (later). zimbra-mta-patch will be downloaded and installed (later). zimbra-proxy-patch will be downloaded and installed (later). zimbra-chat will be downloaded and installed (later).Downloading packages (11): zimbra-core-components zimbra-ldap-components zimbra-mta-components zimbra-dnscache-components zimbra-snmp-components zimbra-store-components zimbra-jetty-distribution zimbra-apache-components zimbra-spell-components zimbra-memcached zimbra-proxy-components ...doneRemoving /opt/zimbraRemoving zimbra crontab entry...done.Cleaning up zimbra init scripts...done.Cleaning up /etc/security/limits.conf...done.Finished removing Zimbra Collaboration Server.Installing repo packages (11): zimbra-core-components zimbra-ldap-components zimbra-mta-components zimbra-dnscache-components zimbra-snmp-components zimbra-store-components zimbra-jetty-distribution zimbra-apache-components zimbra-spell-components zimbra-memcached zimbra-proxy-components ...doneInstalling local packages (27): zimbra-timezone-data zimbra-common-core-jar zimbra-common-mbox-conf zimbra-common-mbox-conf-attrs zimbra-common-mbox-conf-msgs zimbra-common-mbox-conf-rights zimbra-common-mbox-db zimbra-common-mbox-docs zimbra-common-mbox-native-lib zimbra-common-core-libs zimbra-core zimbra-ldap zimbra-logger zimbra-mta zimbra-dnscache zimbra-snmp zimbra-mbox-conf zimbra-mbox-war zimbra-mbox-service zimbra-mbox-webclient-war zimbra-mbox-admin-console-war zimbra-mbox-store-libs zimbra-store zimbra-apache zimbra-spell zimbra-proxy zimbra-imapd ...doneInstalling extra packages (5): zimbra-drive zimbra-patch zimbra-mta-patch zimbra-proxy-patch zimbra-chat ...doneRunning Post Installation Configuration:Operations logged to /tmp/zmsetup.20191128-211310.logInstalling LDAP configuration database...done.Setting defaults...DNS ERROR resolving MX for mail.chenxie.netIt is suggested that the domain name have an MX record configured in DNSChange domain name? [Yes] yes <--yes同意Create domain: [mail.chenxie.net] chenxie.net <--要求输入有MX记录的域名,输入chenxie.net MX: mail.chenxie.net ( Interface: Interface: for port conflictsPort conflict detected: 53 (zimbra-dnscache)Port conflict detected: 53 (zimbra-dnscache)Port conflicts detected! - Press Enter/Return key to continue Main menu 1) Common Configuration:  2) zimbra-ldap: Enabled  3) zimbra-logger: Enabled  4) zimbra-mta: Enabled  5) zimbra-dnscache: Enabled  6) zimbra-snmp: Enabled  7) zimbra-store: Enabled  +Create Admin User: yes  +Admin user to create: admin@chenxie.net ******* +Admin Password UNSET  +Anti-virus quarantine user: virus-quarantine.zc2g14ji@chenxie.net +Enable automated spam training: yes  +Spam training user: spam.tsm0pkqpq@chenxie.net  +Non-spam(Ham) training user: ham.kbsf7h9cf@chenxie.net  +SMTP host: mail.chenxie.net  +Web server HTTP port: 8080  +Web server HTTPS port: 8443  +Web server mode: https  +IMAP server port: 7143  +IMAP server SSL port: 7993  +POP server port: 7110  +POP server SSL port: 7995  +Use spell check server: yes  +Spell server URL:  +Enable version update checks: TRUE  +Enable version update notifications: TRUE  +Version update notification email: admin@chenxie.net  +Version update source email: admin@chenxie.net  +Install mailstore (service webapp): yes  +Install UI (zimbra,zimbraAdmin webapps): yes  8) zimbra-spell: Enabled  9) zimbra-proxy: Enabled  10) zimbra-imapd: Enabled  11) Default Class of Service Configuration:  s) Save config to file  x) Expand menu  q) Quit Address unconfigured (**) items (? - help) 7 <--管理员密码没有设置,按7进入管理员设置菜单Store configuration 1) Status: Enabled  2) Create Admin User: yes  3) Admin user to create: admin@chenxie.net ** 4) Admin Password UNSET  5) Anti-virus quarantine user: virus-quarantine.zc2g14ji@chenxie.net 6) Enable automated spam training: yes  7) Spam training user: spam.tsm0pkqpq@chenxie.net  8) Non-spam(Ham) training user: ham.kbsf7h9cf@chenxie.net  9) SMTP host: mail.chenxie.net  10) Web server HTTP port: 8080  11) Web server HTTPS port: 8443  12) Web server mode: https  13) IMAP server port: 7143  14) IMAP server SSL port: 7993  15) POP server port: 7110  16) POP server SSL port: 7995  17) Use spell check server: yes  18) Spell server URL:  19) Enable version update checks: TRUE  20) Enable version update notifications: TRUE  21) Version update notification email: admin@chenxie.net  22) Version update source email: admin@chenxie.net  23) Install mailstore (service webapp): yes  24) Install UI (zimbra,zimbraAdmin webapps): yes Select, or 'r' for previous menu [r] 4 <--按4设置管理员密码Password for admin@chenxie.net (min 6 characters): [XODMeCq7] 123678 <--我这里设置管理员密码为 123678Store configuration 1) Status: Enabled  2) Create Admin User: yes  3) Admin user to create: admin@chenxie.net  4) Admin Password set  5) Anti-virus quarantine user: virus-quarantine.zc2g14ji@chenxie.net 6) Enable automated spam training: yes  7) Spam training user: spam.tsm0pkqpq@chenxie.net  8) Non-spam(Ham) training user: ham.kbsf7h9cf@chenxie.net  9) SMTP host: mail.chenxie.net  10) Web server HTTP port: 8080  11) Web server HTTPS port: 8443  12) Web server mode: https  13) IMAP server port: 7143  14) IMAP server SSL port: 7993  15) POP server port: 7110  16) POP server SSL port: 7995  17) Use spell check server: yes  18) Spell server URL:  19) Enable version update checks: TRUE  20) Enable version update notifications: TRUE  21) Version update notification email: admin@chenxie.net  22) Version update source email: admin@chenxie.net  23) Install mailstore (service webapp): yes  24) Install UI (zimbra,zimbraAdmin webapps): yes Select, or 'r' for previous menu [r] r <--设置完成,按r返回上级菜单Main menu 1) Common Configuration:  2) zimbra-ldap: Enabled  3) zimbra-logger: Enabled  4) zimbra-mta: Enabled  5) zimbra-dnscache: Enabled  6) zimbra-snmp: Enabled  7) zimbra-store: Enabled  8) zimbra-spell: Enabled  9) zimbra-proxy: Enabled  10) zimbra-imapd: Enabled  11) Default Class of Service Configuration:  s) Save config to file  x) Expand menu  q) Quit *** CONFIGURATION COMPLETE - press 'a' to applySelect from menu, or press 'a' to apply config (? - help) a <--按a应用设置Save configuration data to a file? [Yes] yes <--yes保存配置到文件Save config in file: [/opt/zimbra/config.8030] <--直接回车,保存到配置到文件/opt/zimbra/config.8030Saving config in /opt/zimbra/config.8030...done.The system will be modified - continue? [No] yes <--yes继续安装Operations logged to /tmp/zmsetup.20191128-211310.logSetting local config values...done.Initializing core config...Setting up CA...done.Deploying CA to /opt/zimbra/conf/ca ...done.Creating SSL zimbra-imapd certificate...done.Creating new zimbra-store SSL certificate...done.Creating new zimbra-ldap SSL certificate...done.Creating new zimbra-mta SSL certificate...done.Creating new zimbra-proxy SSL certificate...done.Installing mailboxd SSL certificates...done.Installing imapd SSL certificates...done.Installing MTA SSL certificates...done.Installing LDAP SSL certificate...done.Installing Proxy SSL certificate...done.Initializing ldap...done.Setting replication password...done.Setting Postfix password...done.Setting amavis password...done.Setting nginx password...done.Setting BES searcher password...done.Creating server entry for mail.chenxie.net...done.Setting Zimbra IP Mode...done.Saving CA in ldap...done.Saving SSL Certificate in ldap...done.Setting spell check URL...done.Setting service ports on mail.chenxie.net...done.Setting zimbraFeatureTasksEnabled=TRUE...done.Setting zimbraFeatureBriefcasesEnabled=TRUE...done.Checking current setting of zimbraReverseProxyAvailableLookupTargetsQuerying LDAP for other mailstoresSearching LDAP for reverseProxyLookupTargets...done.Adding mail.chenxie.net to zimbraReverseProxyAvailableLookupTargetsSetting Master DNS IP address(es)...done.Setting DNS cache tcp lookup preference...done.Setting DNS cache udp lookup preference...done.Setting DNS tcp upstream preference...done.Updating zimbraLDAPSchemaVersion to version '1557224584'Setting TimeZone Preference...done.Disabling strict server name enforcement on mail.chenxie.net...done.Initializing mta config...done.Setting services on mail.chenxie.net...done.Adding mail.chenxie.net to zimbraMailHostPool in default COS...done.Creating domain chenxie.net...done.Setting default domain name...done.Creating domain chenxie.net...already exists.Creating admin account admin@chenxie.net...done.Creating root alias...done.Creating postmaster alias...done.Creating user spam.tsm0pkqpq@chenxie.net...done.Creating user ham.kbsf7h9cf@chenxie.net...done.Creating user virus-quarantine.zc2g14ji@chenxie.net...done.Setting spam training and Anti-virus quarantine accounts...done.Initializing store sql database...done.Setting zimbraSmtpHostname for mail.chenxie.net...done.Configuring SNMP...done.Setting up syslog.conf...done.Enabling IMAP protocol for zimbra-imapd service...done.Enabling IMAPS protocol for zimbra-imapd service...done.Starting servers...done.Installing common zimlets... com_zimbra_date...done. com_zimbra_proxy_config...done. com_zimbra_mailarchive...done. com_zimbra_tooltip...done. com_zimbra_ymemoticons...done. com_zimbra_phone...done. com_zimbra_cert_manager...done. com_zimbra_url...done. com_zimbra_attachcontacts...done. com_zimbra_adminversioncheck...done. com_zimbra_viewmail...done. com_zimbra_webex...done. com_zimbra_clientuploader...done. com_zextras_chat_open...done. com_zimbra_email...done. com_zextras_drive_open...done. com_zimbra_bulkprovision...done. com_zimbra_srchhighlighter...done. com_zimbra_attachmail...done.Finished installing common zimlets.Restarting mailboxd...done.Creating galsync account for default domain...done.You have the option of notifying Zimbra of your installation.This helps us to track the uptake of the Zimbra Collaboration Server.The only information that will be transmitted is: The VERSION of zcs installed (8.8.15_GA_3869_RHEL7_64) The ADMIN EMAIL ADDRESS created (admin@chenxie.net)Notify Zimbra of your installation? [Yes] noNotification skippedChecking if the NG started running...done. Setting up zimbra crontab...done.Moving /tmp/zmsetup.20191128-211310.log to /opt/zimbra/logConfiguration complete - press return to exit [root@mail zcs-8.8.15_GA_3869.RHEL7_64.20190918004220]# 


重要:接下来移除文件 /etc/resolv.conf 第一行的 nameserver 然后reboot重启系统。


[root@mail ~]# su - zimbra <--切换到zimbra用户下Last login: Thu Nov 28 21:30:21 CST 2019 on pts/0[zimbra@mail ~]$ [zimbra@mail ~]$ zmcontrol status <--查看zimbra服务运行状态Host mail.chenxie.net amavis Running antispam Running antivirus Running dnscache Running imapd Running ldap Running logger Running mailbox Running memcached Running mta Running opendkim Running proxy Running service webapp Running snmp Running spell Running stats Running zimbra webapp Running zimbraAdmin webapp Running zimlet webapp Running zmconfigd Running












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标签: #centos安装邮件客户端