如今大家对“iosc语言函数指针的指针的指针的指针”可能比较注意,各位老铁们都想要学习一些“iosc语言函数指针的指针的指针的指针”的相关知识。那么小编同时在网摘上汇集了一些对于“iosc语言函数指针的指针的指针的指针””的相关内容,希望各位老铁们能喜欢,姐妹们一起来学习一下吧!函数指针是指指向一个函数的指针(pointer to function),如:
int (*pf)(int);
上面的代码要按运算符的优先级去理解,()的优先级最高,所以上面*pf加上前面的int表示是一个int指针的声明,后面跟的(int)表示是函数,则int (*pf)(int)是指一个int类型的函数指针,
int *pf(int);1 函数指针
#include <iostream>using namespace std;int f1(int);int (*pf)(int);int main(){ pf = f1; int x = f1(4); int y = (*pf)(4); cout<<x<<" "<<y; cin.get(); return 0;}int f1(int n){ return n*n;}
int y = (*pf)(4);也可以写成:
int y = pf(4);
2 指针函数
int * f1(int ar[], int n);
int * f1(int [], int n);
int * f1(int *, int n);
int *(*pf)(int *, int n) = f1;
#include <iostream>double betsy(int);double pam(int);// second argument is pointer to a type double function that// takes a type int argumentvoid estimate(int lines, double (*pf)(int));int main(){ using namespace std; int code; cout << "How many lines of code do you need? "; cin >> code; cout << "Here's Betsy's estimate:\n"; estimate(code, betsy); cout << "Here's Pam's estimate:\n"; estimate(code, pam); cin.get(); cin.get(); return 0;}double betsy(int lns){ return 0.05 * lns;}double pam(int lns){ return 0.03 * lns + 0.0004 * lns * lns;}void estimate(int lines, double (*pf)(int)){ using namespace std; cout << lines << " lines will take "; cout << (*pf)(lines) << " hour(s)\n";}
#include <iostream>char * buildstr(char c, int n);int main(){ using namespace std; int times; char ch; cout << "Enter a character: "; cin >> ch; cout << "Enter an integer: "; cin >> times; char *ps = buildstr(ch, times); cout << ps << endl; delete [] ps; // free memory ps = buildstr('+', 20); // reuse pointer cout << ps << "-DONE-" << ps << endl; delete [] ps; // free memory cin.get(); cin.get(); return 0;}// builds string made of n c characterschar * buildstr(char c, int n){ char * pstr = new char[n + 1]; pstr[n] = '\0'; // terminate string while (n-- > 0) pstr[n] = c; // fill rest of string return pstr; }