

小智雅汇 160



基本数据类型有不同的编码方案(encoding scheme),需要不同的字节长度来适应各自的值域。



1 基本类型的转换


1.1 基本类型由窄到宽,其隐式转换为安全的

    char ch = 3;    int n = ch;    double f = n; 

1.2 类型提升


    unsigned char a = 0xa5;    unsigned char b = ~a>>4+1;    printf("%d\n",b);  // 250     // 不考虑类型提升      考虑类型提升    // 10100101               0000000000000000000000000000000010100101     // 01011010               11111111111111111111111111101011010     // 00000010               11111010

The implicit conversions that preserve values are commonly referred to as promotions. Before an arithmetic operation is performed, integral promotion is used to create ints out of shorter integer types. This reflects the original purpose of these promotions: to bring operands to the “natural” size for arithmetic operations. In addition, float to double is considered a promotion.


1.3 基本类型由宽到窄(narrowing conversions)

In C++, a narrowing conversion is a numeric conversion that may result in the loss of data. Such narrowing conversions include:


① From a floating point type to an integral type.


② From a wider floating point type to a narrower floating point type, unless the value being converted is constexpr and is in range of the destination type (even if the narrower type doesn’t have the precision to store the whole number).


③ From an integral to a floating point type, unless the value being converted is constexpr and is in range of the destination type and can be converted back into the original type without data loss.


④ From a wider integral type to a narrower integral type, unless the value being converted is constexpr and after integral promotion will fit into the destination type.


The good news is that you don’t need to remember these. Your compiler will usually issue a warning (or error) when it determines that an implicit narrowing conversion is required.


Recommend to using static_cast to make narrowing conversions explicit.


Compilers will often issue warnings when a potentially unsafe (narrowing) implicit type conversion is performed. For example, consider the following program:


int i { 48 };char ch = i; // implicit narrowing conversion

Casting an int (2 or 4 bytes) to a char (1 byte) is potentially unsafe (as the compiler can’t tell whether the integer value will overflow the range of the char or not), and so the compiler will typically print a warning. If we used list initialization, the compiler would yield an error.


To get around this, we can use a static cast to explicitly convert our integer to a char:


int i { 48 };// explicit conversion from int to char, so that a char is assigned to variable chchar ch { static_cast<char>(i) };

When we do this, we’re explicitly telling the compiler that this conversion is intended, and we accept responsibility for the consequences (e.g. overflowing the range of a char if that happens). Since the output of this static_cast is of type char, the initialization of variable ch doesn’t generate any type mismatches, and hence no warnings or errors.


1.3.1 长整型转换为短整型:舍弃高位;

1.3.2 浮点型转换为整型:舍弃小数部分;

1.3.3 double转换为float:可能会有精度损失;

#include <stdio.h>int main(){    int n = 1027;       // 0000 0000 0000 0000 0100 0000 0011    char ch = n;        // 0000 0011,ch与n的编码方式相同(补码),直接取sizeof(ch)个字节    // be reduced modulo (the remainder of an integer division by the) char’s range    printf("%d\n",ch);  // 3    double f = 3.75;    // 11.11b, 0100 0000 0111 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000                        // 指数 100 0000 01, 尾数 11    n = f;              // n与f的编码方式不同(补码与IEEE754浮点编码方案),按语言预定规则转换    printf("%d\n",n);   // 3 , 弃掉小数部分    int a = 1000;   // 0000 0000 0000 0000 0011 1110 1000    char b = a;     // b becomes –24 (on some machines)                    // 取最后一个字节(小端存储则地址不变,取第一个字节),       printf("%d\n",b);// 1110 1000  = -11000 = -24  }// a double-to-int conversion truncates (always// rounds down, toward zero) rather than using the conventional 4/5 rounding.// how conversions from double to int and conversions from int to char // are done on your machine

C++11 introduced an initialization notation that outlaws narrowing conversions.


For example, we could (and should) rewrite the troublesome examples above using a {}-list notation, rather than the = notation:


double x {2.7}; // OKint y {x}; // error: double -> int might narrowint a {1000}; // OKchar b {a}; // error: int -> char might narrowint char b1 {1000}; // error: narrowing (assuming 8-bit chars)char b2 {48}; // OK

We can use narrow_cast when we need to convert a value and we are not sure “if it will fit”; it is defined in std_lib_facilities. h and implemented using error(). narrow_cast<> can throw a runtime_error exception:

当我们需要转换一个值并且我们不确定“它是否合适”时,我们可以使用narrow_cast;它在std_lib_facilities. h中定义,并使用error()实现。narrow_cast<>可以引发runtime_error异常:

int x1 = narrow_cast<int>(2.9); // throwsint x2 = narrow_cast<int>(2.0); // OKchar c1 = narrow_cast<char>(1066); // throwschar c2 = narrow_cast<char>(85); // OK
2 继承链上父类子类转换

子类对象 ← 父类对象,子可能有更多成员,可能存在越界;

父类对象 ← 子类对象,父可能只有更少空间,存在切割;

父类指针或引用 ← 子类指针或引用,不存在切割,且是多态的必备条件。




#include <iostream>#include <string>using namespace std;class Student{public:    Student(string sn,int n,char s);    ~Student();    void dis();private:    string name;    int num;    char sex;};Student::Student(string sn, int n, char s):name(sn),num(n),sex(s){}Student::~Student(){}void Student:: dis(){    cout<<name<<endl;    cout<<num<<endl;    cout<<sex<<endl;}class Graduate:public Student{public:    Graduate(string sn,int in,char cs,float fs);    ~Graduate();    void dump()    {        dis();        cout<<salary<<endl;    }private:    float salary;};Graduate::Graduate(string sn, int in, char cs, float fs):Student(sn,in,cs),salary(fs){}Graduate::~Graduate(){}class Birthday{public:    Birthday(int y,int m,int d);    ~Birthday();    void print();private:    int year;    int month;    int day;};Birthday::Birthday(int y, int m, int d):year(y),month(m),day(d){}Birthday::~Birthday(){}void Birthday::print(){    cout<<year<<month<<day<<endl;}class Doctor:public Graduate{public:    Doctor(string sn,int in,char cs,float fs,string st,int iy,int im,int id);    ~Doctor();    void disdump();private:    string title;   //调用的默认构造器,初始化为””    Birthday birth; //类中声明的类对象};Doctor::Doctor(string sn, int in, char cs, float fs, string st, int iy,               int im, int id)               :Graduate(sn,in,cs,fs),birth(iy,im,id),title(st){}Doctor::~Doctor(){}void Doctor::disdump(){    dump();    cout<<title<<endl;    birth.print();}int main(){    Student s("zhaosi",2001,'m');    s.dis();    cout<<"----------------"<<endl;    Graduate g("liuneng",2001,'x',2000);    g.dump();    cout<<"----------------"<<endl;    Doctor d("qiuxiang",2001,'y',3000,"doctor",2001,8,16);    d.disdump();        getchar();    return 0;}/*zhaosi2001m----------------liuneng2001x2000----------------qiuxiang2001y3000doctor2001816*/

As you have already seen, an object can be cast or assigned to its parent class. If the cast or assignment is performed on a plain old object, this results in slicing:


Base myBase = myDerived; // Slicing!

Slicing occurs in situations like this because the end result is a Base object, and Base objects lack the additional functionality defined in the Derived class. However, slicing does not occur if a derived class is assigned to a pointer or reference to its base class:


Base& myBase = myDerived; // No slicing!

This is generally the correct way to refer to a derived class in terms of its base class, also called upcasting. This is why it’s always a good idea to make your methods and functions take references to classes instead of directly using objects of those classes. By using references, derived classes can be passed in without slicing.


Casting from a base class to one of its derived classes, also called downcasting, is often frowned upon by professional C++ programmers because there is no guarantee that the object really belongs to that derived class, and because downcasting is a sign of bad design. For example, consider the following code:


void presumptuous(Base* base){    Derived* myDerived = static_cast<Derived*>(base);    // Proceed to access Derived methods on myDerived.}

If the author of presumptuous() also writes code that calls presumptuous(), everything will probably be okay because the author knows that the function expects the argument to be of type Derived*. However, if other programmers call presumptuous(), they might pass in a Base*. There are no compile-time checks that can be done to enforce the type of the argument, and the function blindly assumes that base is actually a pointer to a Derived.


Downcasting is sometimes necessary, and you can use it effectively in controlled circumstances. However, if you are going to downcast, you should use a dynamic_cast(), which uses the object’s built-in knowledge of its type to refuse a cast that doesn’t make sense. This built-in knowledge typically resides in the vtable, which means that dynamic_cast() works only for objects with a vtable, that is, objects with at least one virtual member. If a dynamic_cast() fails on a pointer, the pointer’s value will be nullptr instead of pointing to nonsensical data. If a dynamic_cast() fails on an object reference, an std::bad_cast exception will be thrown.


The previous example could have been written as follows:


void lessPresumptuous(Base* base){    Derived* myDerived = dynamic_cast<Derived*>(base);    if(myDerived != nullptr) {        // Proceed to access Derived methods on myDerived.    }}

The use of downcasting is often a sign of a bad design. You should rethink and modify your design so that downcasting can be avoided. For example, the lessPresumptuous() function only really works with Derived objects, so instead of accepting a Base pointer, it should simply accept a Derived pointer. This eliminates the need for any downcasting. If the function should work with different derived classes, all inheriting from Base, then look for a solution that uses polymorphism.



Marc Gregoire 《PROFESSIONAL C++》(比)格莱戈尔《C++高级编程


标签: #c语言浮点型转换为整型 #c语言浮点型强制转换为整型 #浮点型数据向整型数据强制类型转换时小数点 #子类重写父类方法的条件