

海上生明月对影成三人 83



1. This restaurant wasn’t _____that other restaurant we went to.

A. half as good as

B. as half good as

C. as good as half

D. good as half as

2.The new stadium being built for the next Asian Games will be____the present one.

A. as three times big as

B. three times as big as

C. as big as three times

D. as big three times as

3. It took us quite a long time to get to the amusement park. It was____journey.

A. three hour

B. a three-hours

C. a three-hour

D. three hours

4. The engineer is considering going to work in a coastal city, where he can get paid____.

A, as three times much

B. as much three times

C. much as three times

D. three times as much

5. - -What impresses you most about your hometown?

- -The street, the length of which is ____it was eight years ago.

A, four times that

B, four times as

c. four times than

D. four times what

6.The pork is expensive. I’ve got about half the amount I had at home and I’m paying ___here.

A.as three times much

B.as much three times

C.three times as much

D.much as three times


1. A。题意:这家饭店不及我们之前去的那家饭店一半好。wasn't 后需用形容词作表语,所以原级as...as中间用good;比较等级的修饰语half要置于as...as之前,故选A。

2. B.题意:正在为下一届亚运会修建的新体育场将是现在这个的三倍大。倍数修饰原级比较as... as时置于第一个as之前,故B项正确。

3. C。题意:我们花了相当长的时间才到达游乐园,那是一段三个小时的路程。由“数词+名词”构成的复合形容词中,该名词需用单数形式,并且数词与名词之间用连字符连接。“三个小时的”也可用three hours'表达。


酬。倍数修饰as.. as和.. than 比较结构时置于其前,本题中是three times as much as what he can get here 的省略。

5.D. 题意:“你的家乡给你印象最深的是什么?”“街道,它的宽度是八年前的四倍。”


6.C.题意:猪肉很贵。 我买了在家里买的一半的量,在这里却付了三倍的钱。倍数修饰as...as和...than比较结构时置于其前,本题中省略了as I paid at home。

标签: #js判断倍数 #js如何表示一个数的倍数和倍数 #js如何表示一个数的倍数和倍数的关系