
C++ 的9种作用域(scope)

小智雅汇 683



Each identifier that appears in a C++ program is visible (that is, may be used) only in some possibly discontiguous portion of the source code called its scope.


Within a scope, an identifier may designate more than one entity only if the entities are in different name spaces.


C++ has four kinds of scopes:

① block scope and nested block scope

② file scope

③ function scope

④ function prototype(or parameter) scope

5 Namespace scope

6 Class scope

7 Enumeration scope

8 Template parameter scope

9 Point of declaration

1 Block scope

The potential scope of a name declared in a block (compound statement) begins at the point of declaration and ends at the end of the block. Actual scope is the same as potential scope unless an identical name is declared in a nested block, in which case the potential scope of the name in the nested block is excluded from the actual scope of the name in the enclosing block.

在块(复合语句)中声明的名称的潜在作用域从声明点开始(C and C++ use one-pass compilers),到块的末尾结束。实际作用域与潜在作用域相同,除非在嵌套块中声明了相同的名称,在这种情况下,嵌套块中名称的潜在作用域将从封闭块中名称的实际作用域中排除。

The scope of any identifier declared inside a compound statement, including function bodies, or in any expression, declaration, or statement appearing in if, switch, for, while, or do-while statement (since C99), or within the parameter list of a function definition begins at the point of declaration and ends at the end of the block or statement in which it was declared.


void f(int n)  // scope of the function parameter 'n' begins{         // the body of the function begins    ++n;   // 'n' is in scope and refers to the function parameter    // int n = 2; // error: cannot redeclare identifier in the same scope    for(int n = 0; n<10; ++n) { // scope of loop-local 'n' begins        printf("%d\n", n); // prints 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9    } // scope of the loop-local 'n' ends    // the function parameter 'n' is back in scope    printf("%d\n", n); // prints the value of the parameter} // scope of function parameter 'n' endsint a = n; // Error: name 'n' is not in scopeint main() {    int i = 0; // scope of outer i begins    ++i; // outer i is in scope    {        int i = 1; // scope of inner i begins,                   // scope of outer i pauses        i = 42; // inner i is in scope    } // block ends, scope of inner i ends,      // scope of outer i resumes} // block ends, scope of outer i ends//int j = i; // error: i is not in scope

Block-scope variables have no linkage and automatic storage duration by default. Note that storage duration for non-VLA local variables begins when the block is entered, but until the declaration is seen, the variable is not in scope and cannot be accessed.

默认情况下,块作用域变量没有链接和自动存储持续时间。请注意,非VLA(variant length arrays)局部变量的存储持续时间从输入块时开始,但在看到声明之前,该变量不在范围内,无法访问。

If two different entities named by the same identifier are in scope at the same time, and they belong to the same name space, the scopes are nested (no other form of scope overlap is allowed), which is called nested block scopes, and the declaration that appears in the inner scope hides the declaration that appears in the outer scope:


// The name space here is ordinary identifiers.int a;   // file scope of name a begins herevoid f(void){    int a = 1; // the block scope of the name a begins here; hides file-scope a    {      int a = 2;         // the scope of the inner a begins here, outer a is hidden      printf("%d\n", a); // inner a is in scope, prints 2    }                    // the block scope of the inner a ends here    printf("%d\n", a);   // the outer a is in scope, prints 1}                        // the scope of the outer a ends here void g(int a);   // name a has function prototype scope; hides file-scope a
2 File scope

The scope of any identifier declared outside of any block or parameter list begins at the point of declaration and ends at the end of the translation unit.


int i; // scope of i beginsstatic int g(int a) { return a; } // scope of g begins (note, "a" has block scope)int main(void){    i = g(2); // i and g are in scope}

File-scope identifiers have external linkage and static storage duration by default.


3 Function scope

A label (and only a label) declared inside a function is in scope everywhere in that function, in all nested blocks, before and after its own declaration. Note: a label is declared implicitly, by using an otherwise unused identifier before the colon character before any statement.


void f(){   {          goto label; // label in scope even though declared laterlabel:;   }   goto label; // label ignores block scope} void g(){    goto label; // error: label not in scope in g()}
4 Function prototype scope(Function parameter scope)

The scope of a name introduced in the parameter list of a function declaration that is not a definition ends at the end of the function declarator.


int f(int n,      int a[n]); // n is in scope and refers to the first parameter

Note that if there are multiple or nested declarators in the declaration, the scope ends at the end of the nearest enclosing function declarator:


void f ( // function name 'f' is at file scope long double f,            // the identifier 'f' is now in scope, file-scope 'f' is hidden char (**a)[10 * sizeof f] // 'f' refers to the first parameter, which is in scope); enum{ n = 3 };int (*(*g)(int n))[n]; // the scope of the function parameter 'n'                       // ends at the end of its function declarator                       // in the array declarator, global n is in scope// (this declares a pointer to function returning a pointer to an array of 3 int)
5 Namespace scope

The potential scope of a name declared in a namespace begins at the point of declaration and includes the rest of the namespace and all namespace definitions with an identical namespace name that follow, plus, for any using-directive that introduced this name or its entire namespace into another scope, the rest of that scope.


The top-level scope of a translation unit ("file scope" or "global scope") is also a namespace and is properly called "global namespace scope". The potential scope of a name declared in the global namespace scope begins at the point of declaration and ends at the end of the translation unit.


The potential scope of a name declared in an unnamed namespace or in an inline namespace includes the potential scope that name would have if it were declared in the enclosing namespace.


namespace N { // scope of N begins (as a member of global namespace)    int i; // scope of i begins    int g(int a) { return a; } // scope of g begins    int j(); // scope of j begins    void q(); // scope of q begins    namespace {        int x; // scope of x begins    } // scope of x continues (member of unnamed namespace)    inline namespace inl { // scope of inl begins        int y; // scope of y begins    } // scope of y continues (member of inline namespace)} // scopes of i, g, j, q, inl, x, and y pause namespace {    int l = 1; // scope of l begins} // scope of l continues (member of unnamed namespace) namespace N { // scopes of i, g, j, q, inl, x, and y resume    int g(char a) { // overloads N::g(int)        return l + a; // l from unnamed namespace is in scope    }//  int i; // error: duplicate definition (i is already in scope)    int j(); // OK: duplicate function declaration is allowed    int j() { // OK: definition of the earlier-declared N::j()        return g(i); // calls N::g(int)    }//  int q(); // error: q is already in scope with a different return type} // scopes of i, g, j, q, inl, x, and y pause int main() {    using namespace N; // scopes of i, g, j, q, inl, x, and y resume    i = 1; // N::i is in scope    x = 1; // N::(anonymous)::x is in scope    y = 1; // N::inl::y is in scope    inl::y = 2; // N::inl is also in scope} // scopes of i, g, j, q, inl, x, and y end

The name may also be visible in translation units that have imported the current translation unit.


6 Class scope

The potential scope of a name declared in a class begins at the point of declaration and includes the rest of the class body, all the derived classes bodies, the function bodies (even if defined outside the class definition or before the declaration of the name), function default arguments, function exception specifications, in-class brace-or-equal initializers, and all these things in nested classes, recursively.


struct X {    int f(int a = n) { // n is in scope in function default argument        return a * n;  // n is in scope in function body    }    using r = int;    r g();    int i = n * 2; // n is in scope in initializer//  int x[n]; // error: n is not in scope in class body    static const int n = 1; // scope of n begins    int x[n]; // OK: n is now in scope in class body}; // scope of n pauses struct Y: X { // scope of n resumes    int y[n]; // n is in scope}; // scope of n ends //r X::g() {     // error: r is not in scope outside out-of-class function bodyauto X::g()->r { // OK: trailing return type r is in scope    return n;    // n is in scope in out-of-class function body}

If a name is used in a class body before it is declared, and another declaration for that name is in scope, the program is ill-formed, no diagnostic required.


typedef int c; // ::cenum { i = 1 }; // ::i class X {//  char v[i]; // error: at this point, i refers to ::i               // but there is also X::i    int f() {         return sizeof(c); // OK: X::c is in scope in member function    }    enum { i = 2 }; // X::i    char c;         // X::c    char w[i]; // OK: i refers to X::i now}; // scope of outer i resumes typedef char* T;struct Y {//  T a; // error: at this point, T refers to ::T         // but there is also Y::T    typedef long T;    T b;};

Names of class members can be used in the following contexts:


in its own class scope or in the class scope of a derived class;


after the operator applied to an expression of the type of its class or a class derived from it;


after the -> operator applied to an expression of the type of pointer to its class or pointers to a class derived from it;


after the :: operator applied to the name of its class or the name of a class derived from it.


7 Enumeration scope

The potential scope of an enumerator of an unscoped enumeration begins at the point of declaration and ends at the end of the enclosing scope.


The potential scope of an enumerator of a scoped enumeration begins at the point of declaration and ends at the end of the enum specifier.


enum e1_t { // unscoped enumeration    A,    B = A * 2 // A is in scope}; // scopes of A and B continue enum class e2_t { // scoped enumeration    SA,    SB = SA * 2 // SA is in scope}; // scopes of SA and SB end e1_t e1 = B; // OK: B is in scope//e2_t e2 = SB; // error: SB is not in scopee2_t e2 = e2_t::SB; // OK
8 Template parameter scope

The potential scope of a template parameter name begins at the point of declaration and ends at the end of the smallest template declaration in which it was introduced. In particular, a template parameter can be used in the declarations of subsequent template parameters and in the specifications of base classes, but can't be used in the declarations of the preceding template parameters.


template<    typename T, // scope of T begins    T* p,       // T is in scope    class U = T // T is in scope>class X: public std::vector<T> // T is in scope{    T f(); // T is in scope}; // scopes of T and U end

The potential scope of the name of the parameter of a template template parameter is the smallest template parameter list in which that name appears.


template<    template< // template template parameter        typename Y,    // scope of Y begins        typename G = Y // Y is in scope    > // scopes of Y and G end    class T,//  typename U = Y // error: Y is not in scope    typename U>class X {}; // scopes of T and U end

Similar to other nested scopes, the name of a template parameter hides the same name from the enclosing scope for the duration of its own.


typedef int N;template<    N X, // ::N is in scope    typename N, // scope of N begins, scope of ::N pauses    template<N Y> class T // N is in scope>struct A; // scope of N ends, scope of ::N resumes
9 Point of declaration

The scope of structure, union, and enumeration tags begins immediately after the appearance of the tag in a type specifier that declares the tag.


struct Node {   struct Node* next; // Node is in scope and refers to this struct};

The scope of enumeration constant begins immediately after the appearance of its defining enumerator in an enumerator list.


enum { x = 12 };{    enum { x = x + 1, // new x is not in scope until the comma, x is initialized to 13           y = x + 1  // the new enumerator x is now in scope, y is initialized to 14         };}

The scope of any other identifier begins just after the end of its declarator and before the initializer, if any:


int x = 2; // scope of the first 'x' begins{    int x[x]; // scope of the newly declared x begins after the declarator (x[x]).              // Within the declarator, the outer 'x' is still in scope.              // This declares a VLA array of 2 int.}
unsigned char x = 32; // scope of the outer 'x' begins{    unsigned char x = x;            // scope of the inner 'x' begins before the initializer (= x)            // this does not initialize the inner 'x' with the value 32,             // this initializes the inner 'x' with its own, indeterminate, value} unsigned long factorial(unsigned long n)// declarator ends, 'factorial' is in scope from this point{   return n<2 ? 1 : n*factorial(n-1); // recursive call}

As a special case, the scope of a type name that is not a declaration of an identifier is considered to begin just after the place within the type name where the identifier would appear were it not omitted.



标签: #语句块作用域 #c语言scope