

小智雅汇 226






栈的应用场景(保存暂时不用的数据或存储地址):I 软件撤销功能,浏览器后退、前进功能;II 括号匹配、表达式求值;III 数制转换;IV 函数调用、递归调用;V 辅助其它数据结构,如二叉树遍历;VI 迷宫求解;


1 用结构体来定义栈(当然类是一种更好的抽象数据类型)

typedef struct {int top;//记录数组下标位置int ST[MaxStack];} StackType, *Stack;

2 栈初始化

Stack initStack() {Stack sp = (Stack) malloc(sizeof(StackType));sp -> top = -1;return sp;}

3 用初始来定义一个栈变量

Stack S = initStack();

4 判断栈是否为空

int empty(Stack S) {return (S -> top == -1);}

5 在栈顶增加元素

void push(Stack S, int n) {if (S -> top == MaxStack - 1) {printf("\nStack Overflow\n");exit(1);}++(S -> top);//下标移动S -> ST[S -> top] = n;}



6 在栈顶删除元素

int pop(Stack S) {if (empty(S)) return RogueValue; //a symbolic constantint hold = S -> ST[S -> top];--(S -> top);//下标移动return hold;}


#include <stdio.h>#include <stdlib.h>#define RogueValue -9999#define MaxStack 10typedef struct {	int top;	int ST[MaxStack];} StackType, *Stack;Stack initStack();int empty(Stack);void push(Stack, int);int pop(Stack);int main() {	int n;	Stack S = initStack();	printf("Enter some integers, ending with 0\n");	scanf("%d", &n);	while (n != 0) {		push(S, n);		scanf("%d", &n);	}	printf("Numbers in reverse order\n");	while (!empty(S))		printf("%d ", pop(S));	system("pause");	printf("\n");} //end mainStack initStack() {	Stack sp = (Stack) malloc(sizeof(StackType));	sp -> top = -1;	return sp;} //end initStackint empty(Stack S) {	return (S -> top == -1);} //end emptyvoid push(Stack S, int n) {	if (S -> top == MaxStack - 1) {		printf("\nStack Overflow\n");		exit(1);	}	++(S -> top);	S -> ST[S -> top]= n;} //end pushint pop(Stack S) {	if (empty(S)) return RogueValue;	int hold = S -> ST[S -> top];	--(S -> top);	return hold;} //end pop/*Enter some integers, ending with 02 6 9 12 3 0Numbers in reverse order3 12 9 6 2*/

7 也可以用链表来实现

#include <stdio.h>#include <stdlib.h>#define RogueValue -9999typedef struct node {	int num;//节点数据	struct node *next; //节点指针} Node, *NodePtr;typedef struct stackType {	NodePtr top;//栈top指针} StackType, *Stack;Stack initStack();int empty(Stack);void push(Stack, int);int pop(Stack);int main() {	int n;	Stack S = initStack();	printf("Enter some integers, ending with 0\n");	scanf("%d", &n);	while (n != 0) {		push(S, n);		scanf("%d", &n);	}	printf("Numbers in reverse order\n");	while (!empty(S))		printf("%d ", pop(S));	printf("\n");	system("pause");} //end mainStack initStack() {	Stack sp = (Stack) malloc(sizeof(StackType));	sp -> top = NULL;	return sp;}int empty(Stack S) {	return (S -> top == NULL);}void push(Stack S, int n) {	NodePtr np = (NodePtr) malloc(sizeof(Node));	np -> num = n;	np -> next = S -> top;//此时S -> top==NULL	S -> top = np;//新建节点指针做为栈的top指针}int pop(Stack S) {	if (empty(S)) return RogueValue;	int hold = S -> top -> num;	NodePtr temp = S -> top;//暂存,因为top指针要移动	S -> top = S -> top -> next;//栈top指针下(后)移	free(temp);	return hold;}/*Enter some integers, ending with 04 6 8 12 3 0Numbers in reverse order3 12 8 6 4*/






标签: #c语言迷宫堆栈