
Apache Ignite入门系列教程(一)

jacob的vlog 479



Apache ignite是一个高性能内存计算框架,。本系列教程意在记录作者的使用和研究,同时希望给大家一些参考。



或者docker image:



C:\Users\temp\apache-ignite-2.9.1-bin>dir 驱动器 C 中的卷没有标签。 卷的序列号是 42E3-4287 C:\Users\temp\apache-ignite-2.9.1-bin 的目录2021/02/27  15:00    <DIR>          .2021/02/27  15:00    <DIR>          ..2020/12/09  14:33    <DIR>          benchmarks2020/12/09  14:33    <DIR>          bin2020/12/09  14:33    <DIR>          config2020/12/09  14:33    <DIR>          docs2020/12/09  14:33    <DIR>          examples2020/12/09  14:33    <DIR>          libs2020/12/09  14:33            17,858 LICENSE2020/12/09  14:33                57 MIGRATION_GUIDE.txt2020/12/09  14:33               421 NOTICE2020/12/09  14:33    <DIR>          platforms2020/12/09  14:33             3,343 README.txt2020/12/09  14:33            81,971 RELEASE_NOTES.txt2021/02/27  15:00    <DIR>          work               5 个文件        103,650 字节              10 个目录  9,489,559,552 可用字节

到apache-ignite-2.9.1-bin\bin,运行ignite.bat (Windows)或ignite.sh(Linux)。

C:\Users\temp\apache-ignite-2.9.1-bin\bin>ignite.batWARNING: An illegal reflective access operation has occurredWARNING: Illegal reflective access by org.apache.ignite.internal.util.GridUnsafe$2 (file:/C:/Users/temp/apache-ignite-2.9.1-bin/libs/ignite-core-2.9.1.jar) to field java.nio.Buffer.addressWARNING: Please consider reporting this to the maintainers of org.apache.ignite.internal.util.GridUnsafe$2WARNING: Use --illegal-access=warn to enable warnings of further illegal reflective access operationsWARNING: All illegal access operations will be denied in a future release[15:51:08]    __________  ________________[15:51:08]   /  _/ ___/ |/ /  _/_  __/ __/[15:51:08]  _/ // (7 7    // /  / / / _/[15:51:08] /___/\___/_/|_/___/ /_/ /___/[15:51:08][15:51:08] ver. 2.9.1#20201203-sha1:adcce517[15:51:08] 2020 Copyright(C) Apache Software Foundation[15:51:08][15:51:08] Ignite documentation: [15:51:08][15:51:08] Quiet mode.[15:51:08]   ^-- Logging to file 'C:\Users\temp\apache-ignite-2.9.1-bin\work\log\ignite-0553540f.0.log'[15:51:08]   ^-- Logging by 'JavaLogger [quiet=true, config=null]'[15:51:08]   ^-- To see **FULL** console log here add -DIGNITE_QUIET=false or "-v" to ignite.{sh|bat}[15:51:08][15:51:08] OS: Windows 10 10.0 amd64[15:51:08] VM information: OpenJDK Runtime Environment 11+28 Oracle Corporation OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM 11+28[15:51:08] Please set system property '-Djava.net.preferIPv4Stack=true' to avoid possible problems in mixed environments.[15:51:08] Configured plugins:[15:51:08]   ^-- None[15:51:08][15:51:08] Configured failure handler: [hnd=StopNodeOrHaltFailureHandler [tryStop=false, timeout=0, super=AbstractFailureHandler [ignoredFailureTypes=UnmodifiableSet [SYSTEM_WORKER_BLOCKED, SYSTEM_CRITICAL_OPERATION_TIMEOUT]]]][15:51:09] Message queue limit is set to 0 which may lead to potential OOMEs when running cache operations in FULL_ASYNC or PRIMARY_SYNC modes due to message queues growth on sender and receiver sides.[15:51:09] Security status [authentication=off, sandbox=off, tls/ssl=off][15:51:11] Data Regions Started: 3[15:51:11]     ^--   sysMemPlc region [type=internal, persistence=false, lazyAlloc=false,[15:51:11]       ...  initCfg=40MB, maxCfg=100MB, usedRam=0MB, freeRam=100%, allocRam=40MB][15:51:11]     ^--   default region [type=default, persistence=false, lazyAlloc=true,[15:51:11]       ...  initCfg=256MB, maxCfg=1623MB, usedRam=0MB, freeRam=100%, allocRam=0MB][15:51:11]     ^--   TxLog region [type=internal, persistence=false, lazyAlloc=false,[15:51:11]       ...  initCfg=40MB, maxCfg=100MB, usedRam=0MB, freeRam=100%, allocRam=40MB][15:51:11] Performance suggestions for grid  (fix if possible)[15:51:11] To disable, set -DIGNITE_PERFORMANCE_SUGGESTIONS_DISABLED=true[15:51:11]   ^-- Switch to the most recent 1.8 JVM version[15:51:11]   ^-- Set max direct memory size if getting 'OOME: Direct buffer memory' (add '-XX:MaxDirectMemorySize=<size>[g|G|m|M|k|K]' to JVM options)[15:51:11]   ^-- Disable processing of calls to System.gc() (add '-XX:+DisableExplicitGC' to JVM options)[15:51:11] Refer to this page for more performance suggestions: [15:51:11][15:51:11] To start Console Management & Monitoring run ignitevisorcmd.{sh|bat}[15:51:11][15:51:11] Ignite node started OK (id=0553540f)[15:51:11] Topology snapshot [ver=1, locNode=0553540f, servers=1, clients=0, state=ACTIVE, CPUs=8, offheap=1.6GB, heap=1.0GB]

看到[15:04:30] Ignite node started OK (id=41e9eabc)表示一个节点启动成功

[15:04:30] Topology snapshot显示ignite cluster的当前状态信息,包括ver号,server节点数,client节点数,运行状态,cpu数,offheap大小,heap大小等信息。


打开新的一个cmd line,到apache-ignite-2.9.1-bin\bin目录,运行ignite.bat。

C:\Users\temp\apache-ignite-2.9.1-bin\bin>ignite.batWARNING: An illegal reflective access operation has occurredWARNING: Illegal reflective access by org.apache.ignite.internal.util.GridUnsafe$2 (file:/C:/Users/temp/apache-ignite-2.9.1-bin/libs/ignite-core-2.9.1.jar) to field java.nio.Buffer.addressWARNING: Please consider reporting this to the maintainers of org.apache.ignite.internal.util.GridUnsafe$2WARNING: Use --illegal-access=warn to enable warnings of further illegal reflective access operationsWARNING: All illegal access operations will be denied in a future release[15:57:32]    __________  ________________[15:57:32]   /  _/ ___/ |/ /  _/_  __/ __/[15:57:32]  _/ // (7 7    // /  / / / _/[15:57:32] /___/\___/_/|_/___/ /_/ /___/[15:57:32][15:57:32] ver. 2.9.1#20201203-sha1:adcce517[15:57:32] 2020 Copyright(C) Apache Software Foundation[15:57:32][15:57:32] Ignite documentation: [15:57:32][15:57:32] Quiet mode.[15:57:32]   ^-- Logging to file 'C:\Users\temp\apache-ignite-2.9.1-bin\work\log\ignite-9595bde5.0.log'[15:57:32]   ^-- Logging by 'JavaLogger [quiet=true, config=null]'[15:57:32]   ^-- To see **FULL** console log here add -DIGNITE_QUIET=false or "-v" to ignite.{sh|bat}[15:57:32][15:57:32] OS: Windows 10 10.0 amd64[15:57:32] VM information: OpenJDK Runtime Environment 11+28 Oracle Corporation OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM 11+28[15:57:32] Please set system property '-Djava.net.preferIPv4Stack=true' to avoid possible problems in mixed environments.[15:57:32] Configured plugins:[15:57:32]   ^-- None[15:57:32][15:57:32] Configured failure handler: [hnd=StopNodeOrHaltFailureHandler [tryStop=false, timeout=0, super=AbstractFailureHandler [ignoredFailureTypes=UnmodifiableSet [SYSTEM_WORKER_BLOCKED, SYSTEM_CRITICAL_OPERATION_TIMEOUT]]]][15:57:32] Message queue limit is set to 0 which may lead to potential OOMEs when running cache operations in FULL_ASYNC or PRIMARY_SYNC modes due to message queues growth on sender and receiver sides.[15:57:32] Security status [authentication=off, sandbox=off, tls/ssl=off][15:57:35] Nodes started on local machine require more than 80% of physical RAM what can lead to significant slowdown due to swapping (please decrease JVM heap size, data region size or checkpoint buffer size) [required=5495MB, available=8117MB][15:57:35] Data Regions Started: 3[15:57:35]     ^--   sysMemPlc region [type=internal, persistence=false, lazyAlloc=false,[15:57:35]       ...  initCfg=40MB, maxCfg=100MB, usedRam=0MB, freeRam=100%, allocRam=40MB][15:57:35]     ^--   default region [type=default, persistence=false, lazyAlloc=true,[15:57:35]       ...  initCfg=256MB, maxCfg=1623MB, usedRam=0MB, freeRam=100%, allocRam=0MB][15:57:35]     ^--   TxLog region [type=internal, persistence=false, lazyAlloc=false,[15:57:35]       ...  initCfg=40MB, maxCfg=100MB, usedRam=0MB, freeRam=100%, allocRam=40MB][15:57:35] Performance suggestions for grid  (fix if possible)[15:57:35] To disable, set -DIGNITE_PERFORMANCE_SUGGESTIONS_DISABLED=true[15:57:35]   ^-- Switch to the most recent 1.8 JVM version[15:57:35]   ^-- Set max direct memory size if getting 'OOME: Direct buffer memory' (add '-XX:MaxDirectMemorySize=<size>[g|G|m|M|k|K]' to JVM options)[15:57:35]   ^-- Disable processing of calls to System.gc() (add '-XX:+DisableExplicitGC' to JVM options)[15:57:35] Refer to this page for more performance suggestions: [15:57:35][15:57:35] To start Console Management & Monitoring run ignitevisorcmd.{sh|bat}[15:57:35][15:57:35] Ignite node started OK (id=9595bde5)[15:57:35] Topology snapshot [ver=2, locNode=9595bde5, servers=2, clients=0, state=ACTIVE, CPUs=8, offheap=3.2GB, heap=2.0GB][15:57:35]   ^-- Baseline [id=0, size=2, online=2, offline=0]



标签: #apache解压版启动错误1