

上观新闻 495






1.1 城市简介


1.2 苏州北站


1.3 设计目标




2.1 苏州北站站城融合核心区范围


2.2 城市设计范围




3.1 申请人必须是独立的法人;

3.2 申请人须在其所在国家或地区合法注册,具有相应设计许可;

3.3 申请人须具有类似项目业绩(指产城融合、站城融合、TOD综合开发类项目,下同);

3.4 本项目接受联合体,联合体成员数量不得超过3家。联合体的每位成员皆须满足本公告第3.1条和第3.2条的要求。联合体的组成以递交的资格预审申请文件为准。联合体各方不得再以个体名义单独参加本次征集活动,也不得同时加入参与本次征集活动的其他联合体,否则相关申请文件均将被否决。


4.1 凡有意参加本次方案征集活动的潜在申请人,请于2021年9月8日至2021年9月22日16:00时(北京时间,下同),在上海国际招标有限公司网站()注册并在线领取资格预审文件。

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4.3 已注册的申请人可从网站采购公告栏的相应公告中进入在线领取资格预审文件流程,征集代理机构不接受没有在上海国际招标有限公司网站()上注册和没有《资格预审文件》下载记录的申请人递交的《申请文件》。

4.4 申请人成功领取资格预审文件并不意味着其资格条件符合要求。申请人是否符合本公告第3条“申请人资格条件”的要求由资格预审评审委员会判定。


5.1 资格预审《申请文件》同时以电子文件和纸质文件的形式递交。递交截止时间为2021年9月28日16:00时,递交的时间以电子文件上传成功的时间为准。未在截止时间前递交的资格预审《申请文件》,将不予受理。

5.2 电子文件包括全套正本《申请文件》的扫描件(pdf格式)和word格式文件。申请人应在上海国际招标有限公司网站()本项目的领购页面下,点击“投标文件”按钮后上传资格预审《申请文件》的电子文件(请注意不要加密压缩文件)。

5.3 申请人应同时将纸质文件3套递交至上海市延安西路358号美丽园大厦14楼(可以专人送达或通过快递)。收件信息详见本公告第13条“联系方式”。当电子文件与纸质文件内容不一致时,以电子文件为准。




7.1 评审委员会将由本项目相关专业的外部专家和征集人代表(如需)组成,方案评审工作由评审委员会承担。

7.2 评审委员会将对应征人的方案进行评审,向征集人提交推荐意见。征集人将在综合评审委员会的推荐意见以及各方征询意见后,评选出方案名次。


8.1 根据评选出的方案名次,第一名将获得方案征集费500万元人民币(含税,下同),第二名将获得方案征集费400万元人民币,第三名将获得方案征集费300万元人民币,入围的另两名应征人将各获得方案征集费200万元人民币。

8.2 第一名的应征人需根据主办单位和承办单位的要求配合方案调整及后续深化工作,在递交了全套深化设计成果文件并经征集人确认后,将获得调整深化费200万元人民币。

8.3 若经评审委员会评审,应征人的方案没有达到任务书规定的设计要求,应由评审委员会单独出具书面意见且有半数以上专家签字,具体阐明不符合要求的设计内容以及扣款评定,征集人将根据书面意见扣减直至不支付应征人方案征集费。






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11.1 乙方承诺其拥有其提供服务时编制的所有图纸、说明、电子文档和其他相关文件(以下总称“成果文件”)的合法权利和知识产权。

11.2 所有由乙方编制的城市设计成果文件,其著作权归乙方所有。在甲方向乙方付清本公告第8条定义的方案征集费和调整深化费(如有)之后,该部分成果文件的知识产权归甲方所有,甲方有权使用、复制、修改及宣传成果文件。甲乙双方均不能将成果文件部分或全部地用于本项目之外的其他项目。

11.3 所有由乙方编制的建筑概念设计成果文件,其著作权归乙方所有。如果项目在方案征集后终止,或甲方聘用其他建筑师来完成方案征集以后的工作,或乙方的方案未能中选,甲方不可将乙方的成果文件用于本项目的方案及初步设计深化。甲乙双方均不能将成果文件部分或全部地用于本项目之外的其他项目。甲方可对乙方递交的成果文件进行印刷、出版和展览,可通过传播媒介、专业杂志、书刊或其他形式对设计方案进行评价、展示和宣传,但应注明乙方的名称。如甲方需在本次方案征集以后修改或实施乙方的设计方案,则甲方和乙方将另行签订后续合同。

11.4 乙方应保证递交的设计方案在中国境内或境外没有且不会侵犯任何其他人的知识产权(包括但不限于著作权、专利权)或专有技术或商业秘密。乙方应保证,如果其设计方案使用或包含任何其他人的知识产权或专有技术或商业秘密,乙方已经获得权利人合法、有效、充分的授权。乙方因侵犯他人知识产权或专有技术或商业秘密所引起的全部赔偿责任应由乙方承担。


12.1 凡参加本次资格预审的申请人均被视为同意并接受《资格预审文件》的全部内容及条款。

12.2 本次征集活动及相关文件的最终解释权归征集人。资格预审公告使用中文和英文书写。在中、英文两种语言的意思表达不一致时,以中文为准。







◆邮箱:zhangyizhou@shabidding.com, huxinhuan@shabidding.com


International Scheme Solicitation for TOD Comprehensive Development Design of Station-City Integration of Suzhou North Railway Station (Suzhoubei) is hosted by Suzhou Xiangcheng District People's Government, organized by Suzhou High-speed Rail New Town Management Committee, Transportation Bureau of Xiangcheng District and Natural Resources and Planning Bureau of Xiangcheng District, and sponsored by Suzhou Station-City Integrated Development and Construction Co., Ltd (as the Sponsor). Shanghai International Tendering Co., Ltd. is entrusted by the Sponsor to conduct the International Scheme Solicitation for TOD Comprehensive Development Design of Station-City Integration of Suzhou North Railway Station. We welcome all eligible applicants to participate in this Project. Applicants who have passed the Prequalification will enter the following solicitation stage as qualified Participants.

1. Project Background

1.1 City Profile

Suzhou is one of the important central cities in the Yangtze River Delta. It is well-known as a historical and cultural city, a scenic tourism city and a national high-tech industrial base. Xiangcheng District is an important business node and core transportation hub node in the northbound expansion zone of Hongqiao International Opening-up Hub. Suzhou High-speed Rail New Town was established in 2012, with a regional area of 28.9 km2. It is the northern core area of the development strategy of “one core and four cities” in Suzhou. Suzhou High-speed Rail New Town promotes the planning and construction of the comprehensive hub of Suzhou North Railway Station with high standards. Relying on the advantages of the hub, it makes every effort to promote the construction of innovation highlands of new economic industries such as digital finance, intelligent vehicle networking, industrial Internet, advanced materials and blockchain, and strive to create an ecological, industrial, urban and life model.

1.2 Suzhou North Railway Station

The existing station has 2 sets and 6 lines. According to the plan, Suzhou North Railway Station is the intersection of Beijing-Shanghai railway and Nantong-Suzhou-Jiaxing-Ningbo High-speed railway. It will also introduce intercity railways and suburban lines in metropolitan areas, which will be reserved as 13 sets and 30 lines in the long term. Suzhou North Railway Station aims at building an international railway hub, a comprehensive transportation hub in the Yangtze River Delta and a composite hub integrating Shanghai and Suzhou. At present, the scheme solicitation of architectural concept of Suzhou North Railway Station is undertaking, and the scale of station building is preliminarily determined to be 192,000 m2. In order to improve the utilization efficiency of resource system, comprehensive development will be carried out around the station in accordance with the TOD concept.

1.3 Design Goal

To actively adopt new concepts and models, make greater exploration in station-city integration and industry-city integration, reasonably layout commercial buildings, create characteristic business formats, promote the organic integration of the construction of the comprehensive hub of the station and the surrounding areas, and improve the quality and image of the city. With the goal of “industry-city integration, station-city integration, environmental integration, cultural-tourism integration and people-city integration”, to promote the “upgraded version” of TOD comprehensive development integration, and create an international model of “station-industry-city integration”.

2. Design Scope

The scope of this scheme solicitation is divided into two levels: the core area of station-city integration of Suzhou North Railway Station and the scope of urban design. Different scope levels have their own emphasis on key research issues and the depth of achievements.

2.1 Core area Scope

The land area is about 58 hectare, which is designed to the depth of the architectural concept scheme. The scope extends from the Huanxiu Lake in the north, Nantiancheng Road in the south, Chengyang Road in the east and Shuijing Road in the west. The area within the station building red line is not included, but the scope needs to be integrated with the station building scheme.

2.2 Urban Design Scope

The land area is about 105 hectare, which is studied to the depth of the urban design of the planning control stage. The scope extends from Xigongtian Road in the north, planned intercity railway line in the south, Jujin Road in the east and Yuanhetang River in the west.

3. Qualification Requirements of Eligible Applicants

3.1 Applicants must be registered independent legal entities;

3.2 Applicants must be legally registered in the country or region where they are located and permitted for corresponding architectural design;

3.3 Applicants must have experiences of similar projects (i.e. industry-city integration, station-city integration, TOD comprehensive development);

3.4 This project accepts applicants from Consortium, and the number of Consortium members shall not exceed 3. Each member of the Consortium should meet the requirements of Item 3.1 and 3.2. Any member of the Consortium shall neither individually participate in the prequalification on its own, nor concurrently participate as a member of another Consortium. Otherwise, all relevant application documents will be rejected.

4. Access to Prequalification Document

4.1 All potential Applicants who are interested in participating in this solicitation can register and download this prequalification document through Shanghai International Tendering Co., Ltd. website () from September 8th, 2021 to 4:00pm September 22nd, 2021 (Beijing time, same hereinafter).

4.2 Those who have never registered before shall provide scanned copies of “Special Authorization Letter and Letter of Commitment for Supplier Registration” (downloaded from the supplier registration page), the business license and other basic documents as required. Applicants should prepare in advance and apply as soon as possible to avoid affecting the procurement process of prequalification document.

4.3 Registered Applicants can enter the online prequalification document collection process from the corresponding announcement on the website purchase bulletin board. The solicitation agency does not accept the application documents submitted by Applicants who have not registered on the website of Shanghai International Tendering Co., Ltd. () and have no download record of the prequalification document.

4.4 The Applicant's successful collection of the prequalification document does not mean that the qualifications meet certain requirements. Whether the Applicant passes the qualification evaluation is determined by the Prequalification Jury.


5.1 The prequalification application documents should be submitted in the form of electronic documents AND paper documents. The deadline for submission is 4:00pm September 28th, 2021. The time of submission is subject to the time when the Email reaches the inbox. Any late submission will not be accepted.

5.2 The electronic documents include a full set of scanned copies (PDF format) and word documents of the original application documents. Applicants should submit by clicking the “tender documents” button under the procurement webpage to upload the electronic documents (please do not encrypt compressed file).

5.3 Applications should submit 3 sets of paper documents and deliver to: 14F, 358 Yan an (W) Road, Shanghai. The recipient’s information can be found in Item 13 of this Announcement. When there is inconsistency between the electronic documents and paper documents, the electronic documents shall prevail.

6. Prequalification

Once Applicants have submitted prequalification application documents, the Prequalification Jury will conduct a comprehensive review of all Applicants and select 5 Applicants as shortlisted Participants for the formal solicitation stage. If the number of Applicants is exactly 5, the Prequalification Jury will determine whether the Applicants' overall ability, chief designer’s experience, and team composition have met the project requirements. If all 5 Applicants are determined to meet the project requirements, all 5 Applicants will be directly shortlisted. If less than 5 Applicants are determined to have met the project requirements, the Sponsor reserves the right to reorganize the Prequalification.

7. Scheme Evaluation

7.1 The Sponsor shall invite experts in relevant majors to form a Jury for scheme evaluation.

7.2 The Jury will review the scheme and submit recommendations to the Sponsor. The Sponsor will rank the scheme after the comprehensive evaluation of the recommendations of the Jury and the consultation of all relevant parties.

8. Design Fee

8.1 According to the ranking, If the scheme ranks 1st, it shall receive the Design Fee of RMB 5,000,000 (tax included, same below). If the scheme ranks 2nd, it shall receive the Design Fee of RMB 4,000,000. If the scheme ranks 3rd, it shall receive the Design Fee of RMB 3,000,000. If the scheme ranks 4th or 5th, it shall receive the Design Fee of RMB 2,000,000.

8.2 If the scheme ranks 1st, it shall undertake scheme adjustment and optimization according to the Sponsor’s requirement, and receive an optimization fee of RMB 2,000,000 after completing the scheme optimization and confirmed by the Sponsor.

8.3 If the Jury makes the decision that the design scheme failed to meet the requirements set in the Design Program, the Jury shall provide written opinion to illuminate the specific unqualified design contents and the deduction result. More than half of the Jury must sign on it. The Sponsor is entitled to deduct a portion or all amount of the Design Fee according to the written opinion of the Jury.

9. Schedule of Solicitation

The formal solicitation stage is expected to last about 3.5 months, from early October, 2021 to late January, 2022.

The following is a preliminary schedule. The Sponsor will adjust as needed and notify all Participants in writing in advance.

10. Announcement Releasing Media

PREQUALIFICATION ANNOUNCEMENT is published on the following websites. The amendments and supplements to this announcement is subject to the content released via the following websites:

11. Intellectual Property Rights

The shortlisted Participants will sign the Contract with the Sponsor and the Solicitation Agency. Applicants who submitted the application documents are deemed to have accepted the following terms of the intellectual property rights.

The following “Party A” refers to the Sponsor, and “Party B” refers to the Participant.

11.1 Party B, having stated to Party A that it has the Ownership & Intellectual Property Rights to the drawings, specifications, electronic files and other documents related to this Project (hereinafter referred to as the “Deliverables”).

11.2 Party B has the copyright of all its Deliverables of urban design. Party A has the Intellectual Property Rights of the corresponding deliverables upon Party A’s payment for the design fee and possible optimization fee defined in Item 8. Party A has the right to use, copy, revise and propaganda the Deliverables. However, neither Party A nor Party B has the right to use all or part of the design scheme for projects other than this Project.

11.3 Party B has the copyright of all its Deliverables of architectural conceptual design. If the project is terminated after the scheme solicitation, or Party A employs other architects to complete the work after the scheme solicitation, or Party B does not rank 1st, Party A shall not use Party B’s corresponding Deliverables for the scheme and preliminary design deepening of the project. Neither Party A nor Party B has the right to use all or part of the design scheme for projects other than this Project. Party A may print, publish and exhibit the Deliverables submitted by Party B, and evaluate, display and publicize the design scheme through media, professional magazines, books and other forms, but Party B’s name shall be indicated. If Party A needs to modify or implement Party B’s design scheme, Party A and Party B shall sign a follow-up contract separately.

11.4 Party B shall ensure that the design scheme does not and will not infringe the intellectual property rights (including but not limited to copyright and patent right) or proprietary technology or trade secrets of any other person within or outside China. Party B shall guarantee that if its design scheme uses or contains the intellectual property rights or proprietary technology or trade secrets of any other person, Party B has obtained the legal, effective and sufficient authorization of the owner. Party B shall be liable for all compensation liabilities arising from its infringement of others' intellectual property rights or proprietary technology or trade secrets.

12. Other Items

12.1 All Applicants participating in this prequalification are deemed to have agreed and accepted all the content and terms of the prequalification document.

12.2 The final right of interpretation of this Project and related documents is held by the Sponsor.The PREQUALIFICATION ANNOUNCEMENT is written in Chinese and English. In case of inconsistency between Chinese and English, the Chinese version should prevail.

13. Contact Details

◆Solicitation Agency: Shanghai International Tendering Co., Ltd.

◆Address: 14F, 358 Yan An Road (W), Shanghai, China

◆Contact Person: Ms. Yizhou Zhang, Ms. Xinhuan Hu



◆Email:zhangyizhou@shabidding.com, huxinhuan@shabidding.com

栏目主编:王娜 文字编辑:俞宏浩

图片来源:苏州高铁新城 专题


标签: #netpdfbox