

前端Tom 1354









创建型模式: 工厂方法模式、抽象工厂模式、单例模式、建造者模式、原型模式。

结构型模式: 适配器模式、装饰模式、代理模式、外观模式、桥接模式、组合模式、享元模式。

行为型模式: 策略模式、模板方法模式、观察者模式、迭代器模式、责任链模式、命令模式、备忘录模式、状态模式、访问者模式、中介者模式、解释器模式。

准备好了吗?让我们一起进入JavaScript设计模式的神奇世界,让你的代码变得像Tony Stark一样聪明!

工厂方法模式(Factory Method Pattern)


js复制代码// 定义一个抽象类class Animal {  speak() {    throw new Error('This method must be implemented.');  }}// 实现具体的类class Dog extends Animal {  speak() {    return 'Woof!';  }}class Cat extends Animal {  speak() {    return 'Meow!';  }}// 实现工厂方法class AnimalFactory {  createAnimal(animalType) {      switch(animalType) {        case 'dog':          return new Dog();        case 'cat':          return new Cat();        default:          throw new Error(`Invalid animal type: ${animalType}`);      }  }}// 使用工厂方法创建对象const animalFactory = new AnimalFactory();const dog = animalFactory.createAnimal('dog');console.log(dog.speak()); // Output: Woof!const cat = animalFactory.createAnimal('cat');console.log(cat.speak()); // Output: Meow!
抽象工厂模式(Abstract Factory Pattern)


js复制代码// 创建一组主题对象类型的抽象类class AnimalFood {  provide() {    throw new Error('This method must be implemented.');  }}class AnimalToy {  provide() {    throw new Error('This method must be implemented.');  }}// 创建一组具体代表家族的对象class HighQualityDogFood extends AnimalFood {  provide() {    return 'High quality dog food';  }}class HighQualityDogToy extends AnimalToy {  provide() {    return 'High quality dog toy';  }}class CheapCatFood extends AnimalFood {  provide() {    return 'Cheap cat food';  }}class CheapCatToy extends AnimalToy {  provide() {    return 'Cheap cat toy';  }}// 创建一个抽象工厂class AnimalProductsAbstractFactory {  createFood() {    throw new Error('This method must be implemented.');  }  createToy() {    throw new Error('This method must be implemented.');  }}// 创建具体工厂类class HighQualityAnimalProductsFactory extends AnimalProductsAbstractFactory {  createFood() {    return new HighQualityDogFood();  }  createToy() {    return new HighQualityDogToy();  }}class CheapAnimalProductsFactory extends AnimalProductsAbstractFactory {  createFood() {    return new CheapCatFood();  }  createToy() {    return new CheapCatToy();  }}// 使用具体工厂类来创建相关的对象const highQualityAnimalProductsFactory = new HighQualityAnimalProductsFactory();console.log(highQualityAnimalProductsFactory.createFood().provide()); // Output: High quality dog foodconsole.log(highQualityAnimalProductsFactory.createToy().provide()); // Output: High quality dog toyconst cheapAnimalProductsFactory = new CheapAnimalProductsFactory();console.log(cheapAnimalProductsFactory.createFood().provide()); // Output: Cheap cat foodconsole.log(cheapAnimalProductsFactory.createToy().provide()); // Output: Cheap cat toy
单例模式(Singleton Pattern)


js复制代码class Logger {  constructor() {    if (!Logger.instance) {      this.logs = [];      Logger.instance = this;    }    return Logger.instance;  }  log(message) {    this.logs.push(message);    console.log(`Logger: ${message}`);  }  printLogCount() {    console.log(`Number of logs: ${this.logs.length}`);  }}// 可以使用全局变量来访问实例const logger = new Logger();Object.freeze(logger);// 对于每个实例,输出应该是相同的logger.log('First message'); // Output: Logger: First messagelogger.printLogCount(); // Output: Number of logs: 1const anotherLogger = new Logger(); // 此时返回一个已经存在的实例anotherLogger.log('Second message'); // Output: Logger: Second messageanotherLogger.printLogCount(); // Output: Number of logs: 2
建造者模式(Builder Pattern)


js复制代码// 创建 Product 类class Sandwich {  constructor() {    this.ingredients = [];  }  addIngredient(ingredient) {    this.ingredients.push(ingredient);  }  toString() {    return this.ingredients.join(', ');  }}// 创建一个建造者类class SandwichBuilder {  constructor() {    this.sandwich = new Sandwich();  }  reset() {    this.sandwich = new Sandwich();  }  putMeat(meat) {    this.sandwich.addIngredient(meat);  }  putCheese(cheese) {    this.sandwich.addIngredient(cheese);  }  putVegetables(vegetables) {    this.sandwich.addIngredient(vegetables);  }  get result() {    return this.sandwich;  }}// 创建用户(director)使用的 builderclass SandwichMaker {  constructor() {    this.builder = new SandwichBuilder();  }  createCheeseSteakSandwich() {    this.builder.reset();    this.builder.putMeat('ribeye steak');    this.builder.putCheese('american cheese');    this.builder.putVegetables(['peppers', 'onions']);    return this.builder.result;  }}// 建造一个三明治const sandwichMaker = new SandwichMaker();const sandwich = sandwichMaker.createCheeseSteakSandwich();console.log(`Your sandwich: ${sandwich}`); // Output: Your sandwich: ribeye steak, american cheese, peppers, onions
原型模式(Prototype Pattern)

原型模式(Prototype Pattern)是一种创建型设计模式,它可以用于创建对象的成本相对较高,但对于由相同属性的对象可以通过克隆来创建。原型模式将对象的创建过程和对象的使用过程分离,它通过克隆已有对象来创建新的对象,从而避免了昂贵的对象创建过程。在 JavaScript 中,原型模式的实现很容易,因为它天然支持对象的 clone(即浅拷贝)。


js复制代码// 创建一个原型对象const carPrototype = {  wheels: 4,  color: 'red',  start() {    console.log('Starting the car...');  },  stop() {    console.log('Stopping the car...');  },};// 使用Object.create()方法克隆const car1 = Object.create(carPrototype);console.log(car1); // Output: {}car1.wheels = 6;console.log(car1.wheels); // Output: 6console.log(car1.color); // Output: redcar1.start(); // Output: Starting the car...car1.stop(); // Output: Stopping the car...// 克隆另一个对象const car2 = Object.create(carPrototype);console.log(car2); // Output: {}car2.color = 'blue'; console.log(car2.color); // Output: blueconsole.log(car2.wheels); // Output: 4car2.start(); // Output: Starting the car...car2.stop(); // Output: Stopping the car...

在这个例子中,我们创建了一个名为 carPrototype 的原型对象。然后,我们通过 Object.create() 方法克隆了该原型对象。由于我们使用了浅拷贝,所以在使用前我们可以修改对象的属性,并且 car2 和 car1 对象的 start() 和 stop() 方法是相同的,因为它们来自相同的原型对象。


适配器模式(Adapter Pattern)

适配器模式(Adapter Pattern)是一种结构型设计模式,它允许将不兼容的对象包装在适配器中,从而使它们能够在一起工作。以下是适配器模式的代码示例:

js复制代码// 目标接口class Target {  request() {    console.log('Target: 请求已被调用');  }}// 需要适配的类class Adaptee {  specificRequest() {    console.log('Adaptee 方法已被访问');  }}// 适配器类,将 Adaptee 转换为 Targetclass Adapter extends Target {  constructor(adaptee) {    super();    this.adaptee = adaptee;  }  request() {    this.adaptee.specificRequest();  }}// 使用适配器将客户端与 Adaptee 解耦const client = new Adapter(new Adaptee());client.request(); // Output: Adaptee 方法已被访问

在上述代码中,我们有一个目标接口 Target 和一个需要适配的类 Adaptee。我们通过创建一个适配器类 Adapter 将 Adaptee 转换为 Target,并使用适配器进行通信的客户端 client 调用 request() 方法,从而实现 Adaptee 的功能。

装饰模式(Decorator Pattern)

装饰模式(Decorator Pattern)是一种结构型设计模式,它允许在不影响其他对象的情况下,动态地将功能添加到对象中。以下是装饰模式的代码示例:

js复制代码// 抽象组件类class Component {  operation() {    console.log('Component:基础操作');  }}// 具体组件类class ConcreteComponent extends Component {  operation() {    console.log('ConcreteComponent:具体操作');  }}// 抽象装饰器类class Decorator extends Component {  constructor(component) {    super();    this.component = component;  }  operation() {    this.component.operation();  }}// 具体装饰器类class ConcreteDecoratorA extends Decorator {  operation() {     super.operation();    console.log('ConcreteDecoratorA:添加操作');   }}class ConcreteDecoratorB extends Decorator {  operation() {     super.operation();    console.log('ConcreteDecoratorB:添加操作');   }}// 使用装饰器组合对象const component = new ConcreteComponent();const decoratorA = new ConcreteDecoratorA(component);const decoratorB = new ConcreteDecoratorB(decoratorA);decoratorB.operation();

在上述代码中,我们有一个抽象组件类 Component 和一个具体组件类 ConcreteComponent。我们创建了两个装饰器类 ConcreteDecoratorA 和 ConcreteDecoratorB,它们都继承自 Decorator 类,并且可以添加新的行为到被装饰的对象上。最后,我们实例化 ConcreteComponent 类,将其封装在 ConcreteDecoratorA 和 ConcreteDecoratorB 类中,最终组成一个具有多个操作的对象。

代理模式(Proxy Pattern)

代理模式(Proxy Pattern)是一种结构型设计模式,它允许在访问对象时提供一个占位符或代理,以控制对对象的访问。以下是代理模式的代码示例:

js复制代码// 主题接口class Subject {  request() {    console.log('Subject:处理请求');  }}// 真实主题类class RealSubject extends Subject {  request() {    console.log('RealSubject:处理请求');  }}// 代理类class Proxy extends Subject {  constructor(realSubject) {    super();    this.realSubject = realSubject;  }  request() {    if (this.checkAccess()) {      this.realSubject.request();      this.logAccess();    }  }  checkAccess() {    console.log('Proxy:检查访问权限');    return true;  }  logAccess() {    console.log('Proxy:记录访问日志');  }}// 使用代理访问真实对象const realSubject = new RealSubject();const proxy = new Proxy(realSubject);proxy.request();

在上述代码中,我们有一个主题接口 Subject 和一个真实主题类 RealSubject。我们创建了一个代理类 Proxy,它封装了一个真实主题,并在对其进行访问时提供了额外的功能,例如检查访问权限和记录访问日志。我们通过实例化 RealSubject 类并封装它在 Proxy 类中,最终通过代理访问真实的主题对象。

外观模式(Facade Pattern)

外观模式(Facade Pattern)是一种结构型设计模式,它为一组复杂的子系统提供了一个更简单的接口。以下是外观模式的代码示例:

js复制代码// 子系统1class Subsystem1 {  operation1() {    console.log('Subsystem1:执行操作1');  }}// 子系统2class Subsystem2 {  operation2() {    console.log('Subsystem2:执行操作2');  }}// 外观类class Facade {  constructor() {    this.subsystem1 = new Subsystem1();    this.subsystem2 = new Subsystem2();  }  operation() {    this.subsystem1.operation1();    this.subsystem2.operation2();  }}// 客户端代码const facade = new Facade();facade.operation(); // Output: Subsystem1:执行操作1,Subsystem2:执行操作2

在上述代码中,我们有两个子系统 Subsystem1 和 Subsystem2,它们都提供了复杂的操作。我们通过使用外观模式创建了一个 Facade 类,它的接口更加简单,通过组合 Subsystem1 和 Subsystem2 对象的操作来实现其功能。最后,我们实例化 Facade 类并调用操作方法 operation(),完成了复杂的功能操作。

桥接模式(Bridge Pattern)

桥接模式(Bridge Pattern)是一种结构型设计模式,它将一个对象的抽象和实现分离开来,从而使它们都可以独立变化。以下是桥接模式的示例代码:

js复制代码// 实现类接口class Implementor {  operationImpl() {    console.log('Implementor:执行操作');  }}// 抽象类class Abstraction {  constructor(implementor) {    this.implementor = implementor;  }  operation() {    this.implementor.operationImpl();  }}// 扩展抽象类class RefinedAbstraction extends Abstraction {  otherOperation() {    console.log('RefinedAbstraction:其他操作');  }}// 使用桥接模式const implementor = new Implementor();const abstraction = new Abstraction(implementor);abstraction.operation(); // Output: Implementor:执行操作const refinedAbstraction = new RefinedAbstraction(implementor);refinedAbstraction.operation(); // Output: Implementor:执行操作refinedAbstraction.otherOperation(); // Output: RefinedAbstraction:其他操作

在上述代码中,我们有一个实现类接口 Implementor 和一个抽象类 Abstraction。我们通过创建一个扩展抽象类 RefinedAbstraction 来扩展抽象类的功能,它们都使用了某个实现类的实例对象。然后,我们实例化 Implementor 并通过在 Abstraction 和 RefinedAbstraction 类的声明中传递 Implementor 对象来创建两个具有不同行为的对象。通过将实现和抽象分离开来,我们可以随意地组合实现与抽象,并使其易于扩展。

组合模式(Composite Pattern)

组合模式(Composite Pattern)是一种结构型设计模式,它使用树形结构来表示对象的部分-整体层次结构,并使用户能够以统一的方式处理单个对象和对象组合。以下是组合模式的示例代码:

js复制代码// 抽象构件class Component {  constructor(name) {    this.name = name;  }  operation() {    console.log(`Component ${this.name}:执行操作`);  }  add(component) {    console.log('Component:不支持的操作');  }  remove(component) {    console.log('Component:不支持的操作');  }  getChild(index) {    console.log('Component:不支持的操作');  }}// 叶子节点class Leaf extends Component {  constructor(name) {    super(name);  }}// 树枝节点class Composite extends Component {  constructor(name) {    super(name);    this.children = [];  }  add(component) {    this.children.push(component);  }  remove(component) {    const index = this.children.indexOf(component);    if (index >= 0) {      this.children.splice(index, 1);    }  }  getChild(index) {    return this.children[index];  }}// 使用组合模式const root = new Composite('根');const branch1 = new Composite('树枝1');const branch2 = new Composite('树枝2');const leaf1 = new Leaf('叶子1');const leaf2 = new Leaf('叶子2');const leaf3 = new Leaf('叶子3');root.add(branch1);root.add(branch2);branch1.add(leaf1);branch1.add(leaf2);branch2.add(leaf3);root.operation(); // Output: Component 根:执行操作branch1.operation(); // Output: Component 树枝1:执行操作branch1.remove(leaf2);branch2.operation(); // Output: Component 树枝2:执行操作root.getChild(0).operation(); // Output: Component 树枝1:执行操作

在上述代码中,我们有一个抽象构件 Component,通过创建两个具体构建 Leaf 和 Composite 来扩展抽象构件的功能。 Composite 保持着一个子对象的数组,并实现了在包含其他组件的能力。然后,我们使用所有这些组件来建立一个树形结构, 父节点模型是 Component 对象,而子节点可以是 Component 对象或 Composite 对象。最终,我们可以通过调用操作方法来进行操作。

享元模式(Flyweight Pattern)

享元模式(Flyweight Pattern)是一种结构型设计模式,它通过共享对象来最小化内存使用和类实例化的数量。以下是享元模式的示例代码:

js复制代码// Flyweight 工厂类class FlyweightFactory {  constructor() {    this.flyweights = {};  }  getFlyweight(key) {    if (!this.flyweights[key]) {      this.flyweights[key] = new ConcreteFlyweight(key);    }    return this.flyweights[key];  }}// 具体 Flyweight 类class ConcreteFlyweight {  constructor(key) {    this.key = key;  }  operation() {    console.log(`ConcreteFlyweight ${this.key}: 执行操作`);  }}// 使用享元模式const factory = new FlyweightFactory();const flyweight1 = factory.getFlyweight('key');const flyweight2 = factory.getFlyweight('key');flyweight1.operation(); // Output: ConcreteFlyweight key: 执行操作flyweight2.operation(); // Output: ConcreteFlyweight key: 执行操作console.log(flyweight1 === flyweight2); // Output: true

在上述代码中,我们有一个 Flyweight 工厂类 FlyweightFactory,用于创建并管理基础的共享 ConcreteFlyweight 对象。ConcreteFlyweight 对象包含需要共享的数据或状态。我们实例化 FlyweightFactory,并通过在 FlyweightFactory 的 getFlyweight() 方法中获取对象,以及通过多个对象来验证是否共享相同的对象。最终,结果显示 flyweight1 跟 flyweight2 指向同一个对象,由此证明了共享对象的概念。

策略模式(Strategy Pattern)

策略模式是一种设计模式,它定义了一系列算法,并将每个算法封装起来,使它们可以相互替换。策略模式让算法独立于使用它的客户端而独立变化。这种模式属于行为型模式。 示例代码如下:

js复制代码class Strategy {  constructor(name) {    this.name = name;  }    execute() {}}class StrategyA extends Strategy {  execute() {    console.log('Executing strategy A');  }} class StrategyB extends Strategy {  execute() {    console.log('Executing strategy B');  }}class Context {  constructor(strategy) {    this.strategy = strategy;  }    executeStrategy() {    this.strategy.execute();  }}let context = new Context(new StrategyA('A'));context.executeStrategy(); // Executing strategy A context.strategy = new StrategyB('B');context.executeStrategy(); // Executing strategy B
模板方法模式(Template Method Pattern)



js复制代码class Game {  setup() {}    start() {    this.setup();    this.play();    this.finish();  }    play() {}    finish() {}}class Chess extends Game {  setup() {    console.log('Setting up chess game');  }    play() {    console.log('Playing chess');  }    finish() {    console.log('Finishing chess game');  }}class TicTacToe extends Game {  setup() {    console.log('Setting up TicTacToe game');  }    play() {    console.log('Playing TicTacToe');  }    finish() {    console.log('Finishing TicTacToe game');  }}let game = new Chess();game.start();game = new TicTacToe();game.start();
观察者模式(Observer Pattern)



js复制代码class Subject {  constructor() {    this.observers = [];  }    attach(observer) {    this.observers.push(observer);  }    detach(observer) {    const index = this.observers.indexOf(observer);    if (index > -1) {      this.observers.splice(index, 1);    }  }    notify() {    for(const observer of this.observers) {      observer.update(this);    }  }}class Observer {  update(subject) {}}class ConcreteSubject extends Subject {  constructor(state) {    super();    this.state = state;  }    set_state(state) {    this.state = state;    this.notify();  }    get_state() {    return this.state;  }} class ConcreteObserver extends Observer {  update(subject) {    console.log(`Got updated value: ${subject.get_state()}`);  }}let subject = new ConcreteSubject('initial state');let observer = new ConcreteObserver();subject.attach(observer);subject.set_state('new state');
迭代器模式(Iterator Pattern)



js复制代码class Iterator {  constructor(items) {    this.items = items;    this.cursor = 0;  }    has_next() {    return this.cursor < this.items.length;  }    next() {    const item = this.items[this.cursor];    this.cursor += 1;    return item;  }}class Collection {  constructor() {    this.items = [];  }    add_item(item) {    this.items.push(item);  }    iterator() {    return new Iterator(this.items);  }}const collection = new Collection();collection.add_item('item 1');collection.add_item('item 2');collection.add_item('item 3');const iterator = collection.iterator();while(iterator.has_next()) {  console.log(iterator.next());}
责任链模式(Chain of Responsibility)

责任链模式(Chain of Responsibility)是一种行为型设计模式。它可以让多个对象都有机会处理请求,从而避免将请求的发送者和接收者耦合在一起。将这些对象连成一个链,并沿着这条链传递请求,直到有一个对象处理它为止。


js复制代码class Handler {  constructor() {    this.nextHandler = null;  }  setNextHandler(handler){    this.nextHandler = handler;  }  handleRequest(request) {    if (this.nextHandler !== null) {      return this.nextHandler.handleRequest(request);    }    return null;  }}class ConcreteHandlerA extends Handler {  handleRequest(request) {    if (request === 'A') {      return `Handle Request ${request}`;    }    return super.handleRequest(request);  }}class ConcreteHandlerB extends Handler {  handleRequest(request) {    if (request === 'B') {      return `Handle Request ${request}`;    }    return super.handleRequest(request);  }}class ConcreteHandlerC extends Handler {  handleRequest(request) {    if (request === 'C') {      return `Handle Request ${request}`;    }    return super.handleRequest(request);  }}const handlerA = new ConcreteHandlerA();const handlerB = new ConcreteHandlerB();const handlerC = new ConcreteHandlerC();handlerA.setNextHandler(handlerB);handlerB.setNextHandler(handlerC);console.log(handlerA.handleRequest('A')); // Handle Request Aconsole.log(handlerA.handleRequest('B')); // Handle Request Bconsole.log(handlerA.handleRequest('C')); // Handle Request Cconsole.log(handlerA.handleRequest('D')); // null



js复制代码class Command {  constructor(receiver) {    this.receiver = receiver;  }  execute() {    throw new Error('You have to implement the method execute!');  }}class ConcreteCommandA extends Command {  execute() {    this.receiver.actionA();  }}class ConcreteCommandB extends Command {  execute() {    this.receiver.actionB();  }}class Receiver {  actionA() {    console.log('Receiver Action A.');  }  actionB() {    console.log('Receiver Action B.');  }}class Invoker {  constructor() {    this.commands = new Map();  }  setCommand(key, command) {    this.commands.set(key, command);  }  executeCommand(key) {    const command = this.commands.get(key);    if (!command) {      console.log(`Command ${key} is not found.`);      return;    }    command.execute();  }}const receiver = new Receiver();const invoker = new Invoker();invoker.setCommand('A', new ConcreteCommandA(receiver));invoker.setCommand('B', new ConcreteCommandB(receiver));invoker.executeCommand('A'); // Receiver Action A.invoker.executeCommand('B'); // Receiver Action B.

备忘录模式(Memento)是一种行为型设计模式,它允许你在不暴露对象实现细节的情况下保存和恢复对象的状态。备忘录模式涉及到三个角色:备忘录(Memento), 发起人(Originator), 管理者(Caretaker)。


js复制代码class Memento {  constructor(state) {    this.state = state;  }  getState() {    return this.state;  }}class Originator {  constructor(state) {    this.state = state;  }  setState(state) {    this.state = state;  }  createMemento() {    return new Memento(this.state);  }  restoreMemento(memento) {    this.state = memento.getState();  }  getState() {    return this.state;  }}class Caretaker {  constructor() {    this.mementos = [];  }  addMemento(memento) {    this.mementos.push(memento);  }  getMemento(index) {    return this.mementos[index];  }}const originator = new Originator('State A');const caretaker = new Caretaker();// Save statecaretaker.addMemento(originator.createMemento());// change stateoriginator.setState('State B');console.log(`Current State: ${originator.getState()}`);// Restore stateoriginator.restoreMemento(caretaker.getMemento(0));console.log(`Current State: ${originator.getState()}`);

状态模式(State)是一种行为型设计模式,它允许对象在其内部状态发生改变时改变其行为。状态模式通过将每个状态封装在一个类中,使得对于该状态进行的任何操作都可以在该类中处理。从而将状态转换的代码从主要业务逻辑中抽离出来,避免出现大量 if-else 语句。


js复制代码class Context {  constructor() {    this.state = new ConcreteStateA(this);  }  setState(state) {    this.state = state;  }  request() {    this.state.handle();  }}class State {  constructor(context) {    this.context = context;  }  handle() {    throw new Error('You have to implement the method handle!');  }}class ConcreteStateA extends State {  handle() {    console.log('Handle State A');    this.context.setState(new ConcreteStateB(this.context));  }}class ConcreteStateB extends State {  handle() {    console.log('Handle State B');    this.context.setState(new ConcreteStateA(this.context));  }}const context = new Context();context.request(); // Handle State Acontext.request(); // Handle State Bcontext.request(); // Handle State A



js复制代码class Element {  accept(visitor) {    throw new Error('You have to implement the method accept!');  }}class ConcreteElementA extends Element {  accept(visitor) {    visitor.visitConcreteElementA(this);  }  operationA() {    console.log('Operation A of Concrete Element A.');  }}class ConcreteElementB extends Element {  accept(visitor) {    visitor.visitConcreteElementB(this);  }  operationB() {    console.log('Operation B of Concrete Element B.');  }}class Visitor {  visitConcreteElementA(element) {    console.log(`Visit Concrete Element A with ${element.operationA()}`);  }  visitConcreteElementB(element) {    console.log(`Visit Concrete Element B with ${element.operationB()}`);  }}const elementA = new ConcreteElementA();const elementB = new ConcreteElementB();const visitor = new Visitor();elementA.accept(visitor);elementB.accept(visitor);



js复制代码class Mediator {  constructor() {    this.components = new Set();  }  register(component) {    component.mediator = this;    this.components.add(component);  }  notify(sender, event) {    this.components.forEach((component) => {      if (component !== sender) {        component.receive(sender, event);      }    });  }}class Component {  constructor(name) {    this.name = name;    this.mediator = null;  }  send(event) {    console.log(`Send event ${event} from ${this.name}`);    this.mediator.notify(this, event);  }  receive(sender, event) {    console.log(`Receive event ${event} from ${sender.name} by ${this.name}`);  }}const mediator = new Mediator();const componentA = new Component('Component A');const componentB = new Component('Component B');const componentC = new Component('Component C');mediator.register(componentA);mediator.register(componentB);mediator.register(componentC);componentA.send('Hello');  //Send event Hello from Component A, Receive event Hello from Component A by Component B, Receive event Hello from Component A by Component C



js复制代码class Context {  constructor(input) {    this.input = input;    this.output = 0;  }}class Expression {  interpreter(context) {    throw new Error('You have to implement the method interpreter!');  }}class ThousandExpression extends Expression {  interpreter(context) {    const str = context.input;    if (str.startsWith('M')) {      context.output += 1000;      context.input = str.slice(1);    }  }}class HundredExpression extends Expression {  interpreter(context) {    const str = context.input;    if (str.startsWith('C')) {      context.output += 100;      context.input = str.slice(1);    } else if (str.startsWith('CD')) {      context.output += 400;      context.input = str.slice(2);    } else if (str.startsWith('CM')) {      context.output += 900;      context.input = str.slice(2);    }  }}class TenExpression extends Expression {  interpreter(context) {    const str = context.input;    if (str.startsWith('X')) {      context.output += 10;      context.input = str.slice(1);    } else if (str.startsWith('XL')) {      context.output += 40;      context.input = str.slice(2);    } else if (str.startsWith('XC')) {      context.output += 90;      context.input = str.slice(2);    }  }}class OneExpression extends Expression {  interpreter(context) {    const str = context.input;    if (str.startsWith('I')) {      context.output += 1;      context.input = str.slice(1);    } else if (str.startsWith('IV')) {      context.output += 4;      context.input = str.slice(2);    } else if (str.startsWith('V')) {      context.output += 5;      context.input = str.slice(1);    } else if (str.startsWith('IX')) {      context.output += 9;      context.input = str.slice(2);    }  }}class Interpreter {  static parse(roman) {    const context = new Context(roman);    const tree = [      new ThousandExpression(),      new HundredExpression(),      new TenExpression(),      new OneExpression(),    ];    tree.forEach((expression) => expression.interpreter(context));    return context.output;  }}console.log(Interpreter.parse('CDXLVIII')); // 448


标签: #js定义接口