遗传算法(Genetic Algorithm, GA)是一种模拟生物进化过程的启发式搜索算法,它通过模拟自然选择、遗传、交叉和突变等生物学机制来优化问题的解决方案。遗传算法因其通用性、高效性和鲁棒性,在多个领域中得到了广泛应用,如工程、科研、经济和艺术等。
适应度函数(Fitness Function):用于评估个体的优劣。
选择策略(Selection Strategy):确定哪些个体会被选择进行繁殖。常见的策略包括轮盘赌选择、锦标赛选择等。
交叉策略(Crossover Strategy):决定如何将两个父母个体的基因组合成子代个体。常见的策略包括单点交叉、两点交叉等。
变异策略(Mutation Strategy):在个体中引入随机变异,以增加种群的多样性。
import numpy as npdef initialize_population(pop_size, gene_length): return np.random.randint(2, size=(pop_size, gene_length))def fitness_function(individual): # 示例:适应度函数为个体基因的汉明重量 return np.sum(individual)def select(population, fitness_values): # 示例:轮盘赌选择 probabilities = fitness_values / np.sum(fitness_values) indices = np.random.choice(range(len(population)), size=len(population), p=probabilities) return population[indices]def crossover(parent1, parent2): # 示例:单点交叉 point = np.random.randint(1, len(parent1)) child1 = np.concatenate((parent1[:point], parent2[point:])) child2 = np.concatenate((parent2[:point], parent1[point:])) return child1, child2def mutate(individual, mutation_rate): # 示例:基因突变 for i in range(len(individual)): if np.random.rand() < mutation_rate: individual[i] = 1 - individual[i] return individualdef genetic_algorithm(population_size, gene_length, num_generations): population = initialize_population(population_size, gene_length) for _ in range(num_generations): fitness_values = np.array([fitness_function(ind) for ind in population]) population = select(population, fitness_values) next_generation = [] while len(next_generation) < population_size: parent1, parent2 = np.random.choice(population, size=2, replace=False) child1, child2 = crossover(parent1, parent2) child1 = mutate(child1, 0.01) child2 = mutate(child2, 0.01) next_generation.extend([child1, child2]) population = np.array(next_generation) best_individual = population[np.argmax(fitness_values)] return best_individual# 运行遗传算法best_solution = genetic_algorithm(100, 10, 50)print("Best solution:", best_solution)
import java.util.ArrayList;import java.util.Collections;import java.util.List;import java.util.Random;class Individual { List<Integer> genes; double fitness; public Individual(int geneLength) { genes = new ArrayList<>(Collections.nCopies(geneLength, 0)); Random rand = new Random(); for (int i = 0; i < geneLength; i++) { genes.set(i, rand.nextInt(2)); // Binary genes } } public void calculateFitness() { // Example fitness function: sum of genes fitness = genes.stream().mapToInt(Integer::intValue).sum(); }}class GeneticAlgorithm { private List<Individual> population; private int geneLength; private int populationSize; private double mutationRate; private int generations; public GeneticAlgorithm(int geneLength, int populationSize, double mutationRate, int generations) { this.geneLength = geneLength; this.populationSize = populationSize; this.mutationRate = mutationRate; this.generations = generations; population = new ArrayList<>(); for (int i = 0; i < populationSize; i++) { population.add(new Individual(geneLength)); } } public void evolve() { for (int generation = 0; generation < generations; generation++) { evaluateFitness(); List<Individual> newPopulation = new ArrayList<>(); while (newPopulation.size() < populationSize) { Individual parent1 = selectParent(); Individual parent2 = selectParent(); Individual child = crossover(parent1, parent2); mutate(child); newPopulation.add(child); } population = newPopulation; } } private void evaluateFitness() { population.forEach(Individual::calculateFitness); } private Individual selectParent() { // Simple roulette wheel selection double totalFitness = population.stream().mapToDouble(i -> i.fitness).sum(); double rand = new Random().nextDouble() * totalFitness; double sum = 0; for (Individual individual : population) { sum += individual.fitness; if (sum >= rand) return individual; } return population.get(population.size() - 1); // Should not reach here } private Individual crossover(Individual parent1, Individual parent2) { Individual child = new Individual(geneLength); int crossoverPoint = new Random().nextInt(geneLength); for (int i = 0; i < geneLength; i++) { child.genes.set(i, i < crossoverPoint ? parent1.genes.get(i) : parent2.genes.get(i)); } return child; } private void mutate(Individual individual) { for (int i = 0; i < geneLength; i++) { if (new Random().nextDouble() < mutationRate) { individual.genes.set(i, 1 - individual.genes.get(i)); } } }}
import randomclass Individual: def __init__(self, gene_length): self.genes = [random.randint(0, 1) for _ in range(gene_length)] self.fitness = 0 def calculate_fitness(self): self.fitness = sum(self.genes)class GeneticAlgorithm: def __init__(self, gene_length, population_size, mutation_rate, generations): self.gene_length = gene_length self.population_size = population_size self.mutation_rate = mutation_rate self.generations = generations self.population = [Individual(gene_length) for _ in range(population_size)] def evolve(self): for _ in range(self.generations): self.evaluate_fitness() new_population = [] while len(new_population) < self.population_size: parent1 = self.select_parent() parent2 = self.select_parent() child = self.crossover(parent1, parent2) self.mutate(child) new_population.append(child) self.population = new_population def evaluate_fitness(self): for individual in self.population: individual.calculate_fitness() def select_parent(self): total_fitness = sum(individual.fitness for individual in self.population) rand = random.uniform(0, total_fitness) sum_ = 0 for individual in self.population: sum_ += individual.fitness if sum_ >= rand: return individual return self.population[-1] def crossover(self, parent1, parent2): crossover_point = random.randint(0, self.gene_length - 1) child = Individual(self.gene_length) child.genes = parent1.genes[:crossover_point] + parent2.genes[crossover_point:] return child def mutate(self, individual): for i in range(self.gene_length): if random.random() < self.mutation_rate: individual.genes[i] = 1 - individual.genes[i]
#include <iostream>#include <vector>#include <algorithm>#include <random>class Individual {public: std::vector<int> genes; double fitness; Individual(int geneLength) : genes(geneLength), fitness(0) { std::random_device rd; std::mt19937 gen(rd()); std::uniform_int_distribution<> dis(0, 1); for (int &gene : genes) { gene = dis(gen); } } void calculateFitness() { fitness = std::accumulate(genes.begin(), genes.end(), 0.0); }};class GeneticAlgorithm { std::vector<Individual> population; int geneLength; int populationSize; double mutationRate; int generations;public: GeneticAlgorithm(int geneLength, int populationSize, double mutationRate, int generations) : geneLength(geneLength), populationSize(populationSize), mutationRate(mutationRate), generations(generations) { for (int i = 0; i < populationSize; ++i) { population.emplace_back(geneLength); } } void evolve() { for (int generation = 0; generation < generations; ++generation) { evaluateFitness(); std::vector<Individual> newPopulation; while (newPopulation.size() < populationSize) { Individual parent1 = selectParent(); Individual parent2 = selectParent(); Individual child = crossover(parent1, parent2); mutate(child); newPopulation.push_back(child); } population = newPopulation; } }private: void evaluateFitness() { for (auto& individual : population) { individual.calculateFitness(); } } Individual selectParent() { double totalFitness = 0; for (const auto& individual : population) { totalFitness += individual.fitness; } std::uniform_real_distribution<> dis(0, totalFitness); std::random_device rd; std::mt19937 gen(rd()); double rand = dis(gen); double sum = 0; for (const auto& individual : population) { sum += individual.fitness; if (sum >= rand) { return individual; } } return population.back(); // Should not reach here } Individual crossover(const Individual& parent1, const Individual& parent2) { std::uniform_int_distribution<> dis(0, geneLength - 1); std::random_device rd; std::mt19937 gen(rd()); int crossoverPoint = dis(gen); Individual child(geneLength); std::copy(parent1.genes.begin(), parent1.genes.begin() + crossoverPoint, child.genes.begin()); std::copy(parent2.genes.begin() + crossoverPoint, parent2.genes.end(), child.genes.begin() + crossoverPoint); return child; } void mutate(Individual& individual) { std::uniform_real_distribution<> dis(0, 1); std::random_device rd; std::mt19937 gen(rd()); for (int i = 0; i < geneLength; ++i) { if (dis(gen) < mutationRate) { individual.genes[i] = 1 - individual.genes[i]; } } }};
package mainimport ( "math/rand" "time")type Individual struct { Genes []int Fitness float64}func NewIndividual(geneLength int) *Individual { genes := make([]int, geneLength) for i := range genes { genes[i] = rand.Intn(2) } return &Individual{Genes: genes}}func (ind *Individual) CalculateFitness() { sum := 0 for _, gene := range ind.Genes { sum += gene } ind.Fitness = float64(sum)}type GeneticAlgorithm struct { Population []*Individual GeneLength int PopulationSize int MutationRate float64 Generations int}func NewGeneticAlgorithm(geneLength, populationSize int, mutationRate float64, generations int) *GeneticAlgorithm { population := make([]*Individual, populationSize) for i := 0; i < populationSize; i++ { population[i] = NewIndividual(geneLength) } return &GeneticAlgorithm{ Population: population, GeneLength: geneLength, PopulationSize: populationSize, MutationRate: mutationRate, Generations: generations, }}func (ga *GeneticAlgorithm) Evolve() { for i := 0; i < ga.Generations; i++ { ga.EvaluateFitness() newPopulation := make([]*Individual, ga.PopulationSize) for j := 0; j < ga.PopulationSize; j++ { parent1 := ga.SelectParent() parent2 := ga.SelectParent() child := ga.Crossover(parent1, parent2) ga.Mutate(child) newPopulation[j] = child } ga.Population = newPopulation }}func (ga *GeneticAlgorithm) EvaluateFitness() { for _, ind := range ga.Population { ind.CalculateFitness() }}func (ga *GeneticAlgorithm) SelectParent() *Individual { totalFitness := 0.0 for _, ind := range ga.Population { totalFitness += ind.Fitness } randValue := rand.Float64() * totalFitness sum := 0.0 for _, ind := range ga.Population { sum += ind.Fitness if sum >= randValue { return ind } } return ga.Population[len(ga.Population)-1] // Should not reach here}func (ga *GeneticAlgorithm) Crossover(parent1, parent2 *Individual) *Individual { crossoverPoint := rand.Intn(ga.GeneLength) child := NewIndividual(ga.GeneLength) copy(child.Genes[:crossoverPoint], parent1.Genes[:crossoverPoint]) copy(child.Genes[crossoverPoint:], parent2.Genes[crossoverPoint:]) return child}func (ga *GeneticAlgorithm) Mutate(ind *Individual) { for i := range ind.Genes { if rand.Float64() < ga.MutationRate { ind.Genes[i] = 1 - ind.Genes[i] } }}func main() { rand.Seed(time.Now().UnixNano()) ga := NewGeneticAlgorithm(10, 100, 0.01, 50) ga.Evolve()}
project/ ├── main.py ├── ga.py ├── objective.py ├── utils.py ├── requirements.txt └── README.md
from ga import GeneticAlgorithmfrom objective import objective_functiondef main(): ga = GeneticAlgorithm(objective_function, pop_size=100, gene_length=5) best_solution, best_fitness = ga.run(generations=200) print(f"Optimal parameters: {best_solution}, Maximum fitness: {best_fitness}")if __name__ == '__main__': main()
import numpy as npimport randomclass GeneticAlgorithm: def __init__(self, objective_function, pop_size=50, gene_length=10, mutation_rate=0.01): self.objective_function = objective_function self.pop_size = pop_size self.gene_length = gene_length self.mutation_rate = mutation_rate self.population = self.initialize_population() def initialize_population(self): return [np.random.rand(self.gene_length) for _ in range(self.pop_size)] def calculate_fitness(self): return [self.objective_function(ind) for ind in self.population] def selection(self, fitness): idx = np.random.choice(range(len(self.population)), size=len(self.population), p=fitness/np.sum(fitness)) return [self.population[i] for i in idx] def crossover(self, parent1, parent2): point = random.randint(1, len(parent1)-1) return np.concatenate((parent1[:point], parent2[point:])) def mutate(self, individual): for i in range(len(individual)): if random.random() < self.mutation_rate: individual[i] = random.random() return individual def run(self, generations): for generation in range(generations): fitness = self.calculate_fitness() self.population = self.selection(fitness) next_population = [] while len(next_population) < self.pop_size: parent1, parent2 = random.sample(self.population, 2) child = self.crossover(parent1, parent2) child = self.mutate(child) next_population.append(child) self.population = next_population best_individual = self.population[np.argmax(self.calculate_fitness())] return best_individual, self.objective_function(best_individual)
def objective_function(x): return -(x[0]**2 + x[1]**2) + 10 # Example objective function
import numpy as npimport randomimport matplotlib.pyplot as pltdef set_random_seed(seed): """ Set the random seed for reproducibility. Parameters: seed (int): The seed value to use. """ random.seed(seed) np.random.seed(seed)def initialize_population(pop_size, gene_length): """ Initialize a population with random values. Parameters: pop_size (int): The number of individuals in the population. gene_length (int): The length of each individual (chromosome). Returns: List[np.ndarray]: A list containing the initialized population. """ return [np.random.rand(gene_length) for _ in range(pop_size)]def plot_fitness_progress(fitness_history): """ Plot the progress of fitness over generations. Parameters: fitness_history (List[float]): A list of fitness values for each generation. """ plt.figure(figsize=(10, 5)) plt.plot(fitness_history, label='Fitness', color='blue') plt.title('Fitness Progress Over Generations') plt.xlabel('Generation') plt.ylabel('Fitness') plt.legend() plt.grid() plt.show()def save_results_to_file(results, filename): """ Save the results to a text file. Parameters: results (dict): The results to save (e.g., best solution, fitness). filename (str): The name of the file where results will be saved. """ with open(filename, 'w') as f: for key, value in results.items():
numpy>=1.21.0matplotlib>=3.4.0scikit-learn>=0.24.0 # 如果需要用于机器学习相关的库pandas>=1.2.0 # 如果你想处理数据集
标签: #遗传算法原理及应用电子书