现时朋友们对“net生成pdf并保存图片”可能比较重视,姐妹们都想要剖析一些“net生成pdf并保存图片”的相关知识。那么小编同时在网络上搜集了一些关于“net生成pdf并保存图片””的相关资讯,希望兄弟们能喜欢,我们一起来了解一下吧!Aspose.Words无需Microsoft Word也可在任何平台上满足Word文档的一切操作需求。本文将与大家分享如何将word和图像转换为PDF。
将Microsoft Word文档转换为PDF
要将Microsoft Word文档转换为PDF,只需调用Document.Save方法并将文件的扩展名指定为“.PDF”。下面的代码示例使用默认选项将整个文档从DOC转换为PDF。你可以从此处下载此示例的模板文件。
// For complete examples and data files, please go to The path to the documents directory.string dataDir = RunExamples.GetDataDir_QuickStart();// Load the document from disk.Document doc = new Document(dataDir + "Template.doc");dataDir = dataDir + "Template_out.pdf";// Save the document in PDF format.doc.Save(dataDir);
// For complete examples and data files, please go to The path to the documents directory.string dataDir = RunExamples.GetDataDir_LoadingAndSaving();ConvertImageToPdf(dataDir + "Test.jpg", dataDir + "TestJpg_out.pdf");ConvertImageToPdf(dataDir + "Test.png", dataDir + "TestPng_out.pdf");ConvertImageToPdf(dataDir + "Test.wmf", dataDir + "TestWmf_out.pdf");ConvertImageToPdf(dataDir + "Test.tiff", dataDir + "TestTif_out.pdf");ConvertImageToPdf(dataDir + "Test.gif", dataDir + "TestGif_out.pdf");
// For complete examples and data files, please go to Create Document and DocumentBuilder. // The builder makes it simple to add content to the document.Document doc = new Document();DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder(doc);// Read the image from file, ensure it is disposed.using (Image image = Image.FromFile(inputFileName)){ // Find which dimension the frames in this image represent. For example // The frames of a BMP or TIFF are "page dimension" whereas frames of a GIF image are "time dimension". FrameDimension dimension = new FrameDimension(image.FrameDimensionsList[0]); // Get the number of frames in the image. int framesCount = image.GetFrameCount(dimension); // Loop through all frames. for (int frameIdx = 0; frameIdx < framesCount; frameIdx++) { // Insert a section break before each new page, in case of a multi-frame TIFF. if (frameIdx != 0) builder.InsertBreak(BreakType.SectionBreakNewPage); // Select active frame. image.SelectActiveFrame(dimension, frameIdx); // We want the size of the page to be the same as the size of the image. // Convert pixels to points to size the page to the actual image size. PageSetup ps = builder.PageSetup; ps.PageWidth = ConvertUtil.PixelToPoint(image.Width, image.HorizontalResolution); ps.PageHeight = ConvertUtil.PixelToPoint(image.Height, image.VerticalResolution); // Insert the image into the document and position it at the top left corner of the page. builder.InsertImage( image, RelativeHorizontalPosition.Page, 0, RelativeVerticalPosition.Page, 0, ps.PageWidth, ps.PageHeight, WrapType.None); }}// Save the document to PDF.doc.Save(outputFileName);
标签: #net生成pdf并保存图片 #net word转pdf