
挑战常用短语1000个- part 15 动词短语(2)

鹿语林 138



1 apply for

/əˈplaɪ fɔːr/ 申请

put in an application for, seek, request

I am going to apply for this job because I meet all the requirements. (我打算申请这个工作,因为我符合所有的要求。)She decided to apply for the scholarship so that she can continue her studies. (她决定申请这个奖学金,以便能够继续学业。)

2 apply to

/əˈplaɪ tuː/ 适用于

be relevant to, pertain to, be applicable to

This rule only applies to full-time employees of the company. (这个规定只适用于公司的全职员工。)The same principles can be applied to different situations. (相同的原则可以应用于不同的情况。)

3 approach to

/əˈprəʊtʃ tuː/ 方法,态度

way of doing something, method, attitude

We need to adopt a new approach to solve this problem. (我们需要采取一种新的方法来解决这个问题。)His attitude is very negative, we need to change his approach towards things. (他的态度非常消极,我们需要改变他对事物的处理方式。)

4 approve of

/əˈpruːv ɒv/ 赞同

agree with, support, endorse

My parents approve of my decision. (我父母赞成我的决定。)She doesn't approve of our plan, she thinks it's too risky. (她不赞成我们的计划,她认为它太冒险了。)

5 argue about

/ˈɑːɡjuː əˈbaʊt/ 争论

debate, dispute, discuss

They always argue about money. (他们总是为钱争论不休。)We shouldn't waste time arguing about this issue. (我们不应该浪费时间在这个问题上争论。)

6 argue out

/ˈɑːɡjuː aʊt/ 辩论

debate, discuss, negotiate

We need to argue out a solution before making a decision. (我们需要争论出一个解决方案然后做出决定。)They argued out their differences and reached a compromise. (他们争论出彼此的分歧并达成了妥协。)

7 argue sb into sth

/ˈɑːɡjuː sb ˈɪntuː sth/ 劝说某人做某事

persuade, convince

He argued his parents into letting him go on the trip. (他说服父母让他去旅行。)She argued her friend into joining the club. (她说服朋友加入俱乐部。)

8 argue sb out of sth

/ˈɑːɡjuː sb aʊt ɒv sth/ 劝说某人不做某事

dissuade, discourage, talk someone out of something

I tried to argue her out of quitting her job, but she was determined. (我试图劝说她不要辞职,但她很坚决。)They argued him out of buying that expensive car. (他们劝说他不要买那辆昂贵的车。)

9 argue with

/ˈɑːɡjuː wɪθ/ 与...争论

debate, dispute, quarrel with

I don't want to argue with you about this anymore. (我不想再与你为这个问题争论了。)He always argues with his siblings over small things. (他总是与兄弟姐妹为小事争吵。)

10 arrive at

/əˈraɪv æt/ 到达

reach, get to

We will arrive at the airport in an hour. (我们将在一个小时内到达机场。)They finally arrived at a decision after hours of discussion. (经过几个小时的讨论,他们终于达成了一个决定。)

11 ascribe something to

/əˈskraɪb ˈsʌmθɪŋ tuː ˈsʌmbədi/ 将某事归因于某人

attribute, credit, assign something to somebody

The success of the project can be ascribed to the hard work and dedication of the team. (项目的成功可以归功于团队的努力和奉献。)The discovery of the new medicine was ascribed to the brilliant research conducted by Dr. Smith. (这种新药的发现被归因于史密斯博士进行的杰出研究。)

12 ask after somebody

/ɑːsk ˈɑːftə sʌmbədi/ 问候某人

inquire about, check on, enquire after somebody

I saw your friend yesterday and asked after you. (昨天我见到了你的朋友,问候了你。)When I bumped into your neighbor, I asked after your family. (当我遇到你的邻居时,我询问了你的家人。)

13 ask somebody along

/ɑːsk ˈsʌmbədi əˈlɒŋ/ 邀请某人一起去

invite, request, ask someone to come along

We're going to the movies tonight, would you like to ask your friend along? (我们今晚要去看电影,你想邀请你的朋友一起去吗?)The party is tomorrow, make sure to ask your colleagues along. (明天是派对,记得邀请你的同事们一起来。)

14 ask around

/ɑːsk əˈraʊnd/ 打听

inquire, seek information, ask people for advice

I'm not sure where to find a good restaurant, so I'll ask around and see if anyone has any recommendations. 我不确定在哪里找到一家好餐厅,所以我会打听一下,看看有没有人有什么推荐。If you're looking for a job, it's a good idea to ask around and see if anyone knows of any openings. 如果你正在找工作,问问周围的人是否知道有什么职位空缺是个好主意。

15 ask somebody back to

/ɑːsk ˈsʌmbədi bæk tuː ˈsʌmθɪŋ/ 邀请某人回来

invite someone to return to something, ask someone to come back to something

We had a great time at the party last night. Let's ask everyone back to our place for a barbecue next weekend. 昨晚的聚会非常愉快。下周末我们邀请大家回到我们家来烧烤。The professor was so impressed with my presentation that he asked me back to his office for further discussion. 教授对我的演讲非常印象深刻,他邀请我回他的办公室进一步讨论。

16 ask for somebody

/ɑːsk fɔːr ˈsʌmbədi/ 请求见某人

request to meet someone, ask to speak with someone

I need to speak with the manager. Can you please ask for her? 我需要和经理谈话。你能请她出来吗?When you arrive at the airport, ask for me at the information desk and I'll come to pick you up. 当你到达机场时,在信息台找我,我会来接你。

17 ask somebody in

/ɑːsk ˈsʌmbədi ɪn/ 邀请某人进来

invite someone to come in, ask someone to enter

We were having a family gathering and when our neighbor passed by, we asked him in to join us. 我们正在举行家庭聚会,当我们的邻居经过时,我们请他进来和我们一起参加。

18 ask somebody out

/ɑːsk ˈsʌmbədi aʊt/ 邀请某人出去

invite someone on a date, ask someone to go out

Tom finally gathered the courage to ask Mary out on a date. 汤姆终于鼓起勇气邀请玛丽出去约会。Sarah asked her colleague out for lunch to discuss a work project. 莎拉请她的同事一起吃午饭,讨论一个工作项目。

19 ask somebody around

/æz ˈsʌmbədi əˈraʊnd/ 有某人在

have someone present, have someone around

We haven't seen our old neighbors in a while, let's ask them around for dinner. (我们有一段时间没见到我们的老邻居了,让我们邀请他们来家里吃饭吧。)I miss my college friends, I should ask them around for a reunion. (我想念我的大学朋友们,我应该邀请他们来一次聚会。)

20 aspire to something

/əˈspaɪə tuː ˈsʌmθɪŋ/ 渴望成为某事

desire, aim for, strive for something

Ever since she was a child, Jenny aspired to become a successful lawyer. 自从她还是个孩子的时候,珍妮就渴望成为一名成功的律师。Tom has always aspired to travel the world and experience different cultures. 汤姆一直渴望周游世界,体验不同的文化。

21 associate with somebody

/əˈsoʊʃieɪt wɪθ ˈsʌmbədi/ 与某人交往

socialize with, spend time with, be friends with someone

It's important to choose friends who have a positive influence on you and whom you can associate with. 选择对你有积极影响并且你可以交往的朋友非常重要。She doesn't like to associate with people who are constantly negative and bring her down. 她不喜欢与那些消极并让她沮丧的人交往。

22 associate oneself with

/əˈsoʊʃieɪt wʌnˈsɛlf wɪθ/ 与...联系在一起

align oneself with, identify with, connect oneself with

By joining the charity organization, he wanted to associate himself with a cause he deeply cared about. 通过加入慈善机构,他希望与一个他非常关心的事业联系起来。The politician tried to associate himself with popular public figures to gain more support from the public. 这位政治家试图与受欢迎的公众人物联系在一起,以获得更多的支持。

23 attend to somebody/something

/əˈtɛnd tuː ˈsʌmbədi/ˈsʌmθɪŋ/ 照顾,关注

take care of, look after, pay attention to someone/something

The nurse quickly attended to the patient's needs and made sure they were comfortable. 护士迅速照顾病人的需求,并确保他们感到舒适。The manager had to attend to an urgent matter and asked his assistant to handle the meeting in his absence. 经理不得不处理一件紧急事务,要求助理在他不在场时处理会议。

24 attribute ... to ...

/əˈtrɪbjuːt tuː/ 将...归因于...

ascribe, credit, assign something to someone/something

She attributes her success to hard work, determination, and the support of her family. 她把自己的成功归因于努力工作、决心以及家人的支持。The increase in sales can be attributed to the company's new marketing strategy. 销售增长可以归因于公司的新营销策略。

25 average out

/ˈævərɪdʒ aʊt/ 平均

even out, balance, level

Despite some fluctuations, the overall performance of the stock market tends to average out over time. 尽管存在一些波动,但股市的整体表现随着时间的推移会趋于平均。When it comes to weather, the temperatures in this region average out to be quite mild throughout the year. 谈到天气,这个地区的温度全年平均来看相当温和。

26 average something out

/ˈævərɪdʒ ˈsʌmθɪŋ aʊt/ 平均

even out, balance, level something

The teacher decided to average out the grades of the students to account for any inconsistencies in grading. 老师决定将学生的成绩平均起来,以弥补评分中的任何不一致之处。The chef tasted the soup and added more seasoning to average out the flavors. 厨师品尝了汤,加入了更多的调味料来调和味道。

27 awake to something

/əˈweɪk tuː ˈsʌmθɪŋ/ 意识到

realize, become aware of, comprehend something

Young people need to awake to the risks involved in casual sex.The government has finally awakened to the urgency of addressing climate change and is implementing new environmental policies. 政府终于意识到了应对气候变化的紧迫性,并正在实施新的环境政策。

28 awaken to something

/əˈweɪkən tuː ˈsʌmθɪŋ/ 觉醒

become aware of, realize, awaken to something

It took him a while, but he eventually awakened to the fact that he was in an unhealthy relationship. 虽然花了一些时间,但他终于意识到自己这段不健康的关系The British never awaken to peril until it is almost too late.英国人从未意识到危险,直到几乎为时已晚

29 attach to

/əˈtætʃ tuː/ 附属于,依附于

connect to, join to, affix to

The small pouch is designed to attach to your backpack for easy access. (这个小袋子设计成可以附属在你的背包上,方便取用。)The document should be properly labeled and attached to the email before sending. (在发送之前,应该将文件正确标记并附加到电子邮件上。)

apply forapply toapproach toapprove ofargure aboutargue outargue sb into sthargue sb out of sthargue witharrive atascribe something to somebodyask after somebodyask sombody alongask aroundask somebody back toask for somebodyask somebody inask somebody outask somebody aroundaspire to somethingassociate with somebodyassociate oneself withattend toattribute ... to ...average outaverage something outawake to somethingawaken to somethingattach to

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