目前兄弟们对“mysql函数返回两个值”可能比较关心,咱们都需要剖析一些“mysql函数返回两个值”的相关资讯。那么小编在网摘上搜集了一些关于“mysql函数返回两个值””的相关资讯,希望兄弟们能喜欢,姐妹们快快来了解一下吧!DROP procedure if EXISTS procedure_thinkn_index ;CREATE PROCEDURE procedure_thinkn_index(IN piso VARCHAR(20), IN puserId VARCHAR(80), IN page INT, IN size INT)BEGIN select t.* from ( select bt.think_id id, left(bt.content, 100) content,UNIX_TIMESTAMP(bt.time)*1000 time,0 type,bt.user_id userId,bt.nick_name nickName,bt.avatar, bt.praiser_count praiseCount, bt.favor_count favorCount,bt.comment_count commentCount,bt.auths,bt.iso, bt.bible_id bibleId,bt.bible_name bibleName,bt.book_id bookId,bt.book_name bookName,bt.chapter_id chapterId,bt.verses, '[]' tags,bt.status,0 anony from bible_think bt where bt.status =0 and bt.audit_status = 1 and bt.user_id not in ('0biblesapp') and bt.iso = piso and char_length(bt.content) > 60 and user_id not in (select ignore_id from bible_user_ignore where user_id = puserId ) UNION select bp.pray_id id,left(bp.content, 100) content ,UNIX_TIMESTAMP(bp.time)*1000 time,1 type,bp.user_id userId,bp.nick_name nickName,bp.avatar, bp.praiser_count praiseCount, bp.pray_count favorCount,bp.comment_count commentCount,bp.auths,bp.iso, 0 bibleId,'' bookName,0 bookId,'' bibleName,0 chapterId,'[]' verses, bp.tags,bp.status,bp.anony from bible_pray bp where bp.status >= 0 and bp.audit_status = 1 and bp.iso = piso and char_length(bp.content) > 60 and user_id not in (select ignore_id from bible_user_ignore where user_id = puserId ) UNION select bt.trouble_id id, left(bt.content, 100) content ,UNIX_TIMESTAMP(bt.time)*1000 time,2 type,bt.user_id userId,bt.nick_name nickName,bt.avatar, bt.praiser_count praiseCount,bt.favor_count favorCount,bt.comment_count commentCount,bt.auths,bt.iso, 0 bibleId,'' bookName,0 bookId,'' bibleName,0 chapterId,'[]' verses, '[]' tags,bt.status,bt.anony from bible_trouble bt where bt.status =0 and bt.audit_status = 1 and bt.iso = piso and char_length(bt.content) > 60 and user_id not in (select ignore_id from bible_user_ignore where user_id = puserId ) ) t ORDER BY t.time desc limit page, size; END
标签: #mysql函数返回两个值 #mysql插入数据并返回 #存储过程 返回