眼前大家对“http get请求带参数”大体比较注重,你们都需要知道一些“http get请求带参数”的相关内容。那么小编同时在网上汇集了一些有关“http get请求带参数””的相关资讯,希望咱们能喜欢,看官们快快来学习一下吧!简介
python复制代码@setupmethod def route(self, rule: str, **options: t.Any) -> t.Callable[[T_route], T_route]: """Decorate a view function to register it with the given URL rule and options. Calls :meth:`add_url_rule`, which has more details about the implementation. .. code-block:: python @app.route("/") def index(): return "Hello, World!" See :ref:`url-route-registrations`. The endpoint name for the route defaults to the name of the view function if the ``endpoint`` parameter isn't passed. The ``methods`` parameter defaults to ``["GET"]``. ``HEAD`` and ``OPTIONS`` are added automatically. :param rule: The URL rule string. :param options: Extra options passed to the :class:`~werkzeug.routing.Rule` object. """ def decorator(f: T_route) -> T_route: endpoint = options.pop("endpoint", None) self.add_url_rule(rule, endpoint, f, **options) return f return decoratorCalls:meth: add_url_ruleend_poiont 如果未传递 endpoint 参数,则路由的端点名称默认为视图函数的名称,如果已为注册函数,则会引发错误methods 参数默认值是 ["GET"],所以当你不传 methods 参数时,只有发送 GET 请求才能匹配上对应的路由创建http请求创建get请求
python复制代码# 不指定 methods,默认就是 GET@app.route('/', methods=['GET'])def index(): return 'Hello, Flask!'@app.route('/get', methods=["GET"])def get_(): # 返回字符串 return '这是get请求'创建post请求
python复制代码@app.route('/api/data', methods=['POST'])def post_data(): data = request.json # 处理POST请求数据并返回响应 return jsonify({"message": "Data received successfully!", "data": data})创建PUT、DELETE 请求
python复制代码@app.route('/putordelete', methods=['PUT', 'DELETE'])def update_or_delete_data(id): if request.method == 'PUT': # 处理PUT请求并更新数据 return jsonify({"message": f"Data with ID {id} updated successfully!"}) elif request.method == 'DELETE': # 处理DELETE请求并删除数据 return jsonify({"message": f"Data with ID {id} deleted successfully!"})
注:视图函数的返回值类型只能是 string、dict、tuple,若返回的是其他类型的数据,将会报错。
python复制代码import requestsbase_url = ';# GET请求response = requests.get(base_url)print(response.text)response = requests.get(base_url+ '/get')print(response.text)# POST请求data = {'name': 'John', 'age': 30}response = requests.post(base_url+'/api/data', json=data)print(response.json())# PUT请求response = requests.put(base_url+'/api/data/1', json={'name': 'Updated Data'})print(response.json())# DELETE请求response = requests.delete(base_url+'/api/data/1')print(response.json())###################运行脚本,结果如下:Hello, Flask!这是get请求{'data': {'age': 30, 'name': 'John'}, 'message': 'Data received successfully!'}{'message': 'Data with ID 1 updated successfully!'}{'message': 'Data with ID 1 deleted successfully!'}总结
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