
官宣 | GZDOC2019金红棉优秀纪录片终评评审团阵容

广州国际纪录片节 52

























Graduated from the Journalism Department of Fudan University, Mrs. Liang Hong is now a senior editor and the Director of China Media Group Documentary Channel. Many of the works she has produced, including Dabbah Is Singing, Variine of Love, Wang Pinlan’s Migration, and Into the City, have won awards at national and international documentary festivals. She has also created an impressive list of programs that have had a profound impact on China’s TV industry, such asStory and Psychological Interview. She headed the team that developed and produced major cultural programs, such as Chinese Poetry Contest, which received a number of TV awards and great social acclaim. Liang Hong is the mastermind and producer of Looking for the Most Beautiful …series, including Looking for the Most Beautiful Village Teachers and Looking for the Most Beautiful Village Doctors. In 2016, she put forward the idea of ’Telling Chinese stories in an international way and expressing Chinese values with a global view’, which has guided the production of a number of outstanding documentary series. Among them are Aerial China, Every Treasure Tells a Story, and Big Pacific. With her great contribution, innovative perceptions, and global view, Liang Hong has won great recognition in China’s TV industry. She has received many honorary titles such as the ‘Top 100 Producers of China’, ‘Top 10 Contributors of the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television’, ‘CCTV Women of Excellence’, etc.




Bob Connolly is an Australian documentary master, writer, and cinematographer. He was nominated for Oscar and won multi awards of international renown film festivals such as IDFA, Cinema du Reel, Yamagata, IDA, etc.

Connolly is best known internationally for his documentary trilogy he created with Robin Anderson: First Contact (1982), Joe Leahy's Neighbours (1989) and Black Harvest (1992). Set in Papua New Guinea and shot over a decade, these three films won 30 international awards, including an Oscar nomination for First Contact. Five of Connolly's six films won the AFI Award - Australia's domestic version of the Oscars - for Feature Documentary.

Connolly holds an MA Honours degree from the Australian Film TV and Radio School and has published three books. He is now engaging in his fourth book.


Gao Changli is the Director of the Publicity Affairs Department of the National Radio and Television Administration, who graduated from Beijing Broadcasting Institute (now Communication University of China) with a bachelor’s degree in literature and art editing, and a master’s degree from Journalism Institute of Beijing Broadcasting Institute. He has worked as a reporter, editor and producer director for Heilongjiang People’s Radio Station, China Consumer Journal, and CCTV Oriental Horizon. In December 1994, he was admitted to the Editor Office of the Ministry of Radio, Film and Television (now the Publicity Affairs Department of the National Radio and Television Administration) by the first national civil servant recruitment examination, and has served as Deputy Director General, Director General, Assistant Inspector, Deputy Director and Director. From May 2004 to November 2008, he served as the Deputy Director of the Media Operation Department of the BOCOG, the President of Beijing Olympic Broadcasting Co., Ltd., who also served as the Executive Deputy Director of the International Broadcasting Center at the time of the Games, mainly responsible for the broadcasting and media service of the Beijing Olympic Games. He has published more than 100 professional articles such as At the Crossroad of Homogenization and Differentiation on newspapers and journals in the industry, and has written monographs such as Television Is Not a Madhouse. He presided over Research on Post-broadcast Supervision of Broadcasting and TV Programs, Research on Broadcasting and TV Program Standards, Research on Innovation of Broadcasting and TV Publicity and Management and other social science topics of the National Radio and Television Administration.


He is a director at the national level, an international judge, a member of the expert library of National Radio and Television Administration (NRTA), an audiovisual program evaluation expert of the Network Department under the NRTA, the vice chairman of China Cinema and Television Arts Association, and deputy secretary-general of the Documentary Academic Committee of China Television Artists Association. His personal masterpieces include Kongshan, Balance, Cinema On Back, etc. Peng Hui has won the 20-year outstanding achievement award of Golden Eagle Award, and the 10-year special achievement award of Chinese TV Documentary Academic Award, and was awarded many honorary titles, such as the national TV artist pursuing both professional excellence and moral integrity, the country’s top 100 journalists, the 40 documentary figures in China’s 40 years of reform and opening-up, China’s top 10 excellent documentary directors, Sichuan Province’s top 10 television artists and Chengdu’s top 10 outstanding young persons in succession. Over the past 33 years, Peng Hui has won over 150 international and domestic awards for his more than 50 works. His eight representative works have been listed by dozens of well-known universities as teaching and viewing films. They have been taken as ‘collections’ by the Taiwan Film Archive for study by film scholars and as ‘special collections’ by the Chinese University of Hong Kong.


Tan Fenbo, Senior Editor, is Secretary-general of Guangzhou International Documentary Film Festival, and also Deputy Director-general of Guangdong Administration of Radio and Television. Tan served as Director of TV Series Management Division of Guangdong Administration of Press, Publication, Radio, Film and Television, Secretary-general of Guangdong Association of Radio and Television. Tan has done well in theoretical research of radio and TV with his publication of books and articles such as Features and Development of Radio and TV Cultures in the South of the Five Ridges, Crossing in the Market-Development and Thinking of Guangdong Radio and TV in the Past 20 Years, Frequency Specialization: the Inevitable Way for Radio to Keep Pace with the Times, Deconstruction and Construction of TV Content Industry Chain, Film and TV: Breakthrough for Development of Guangdong Creative Industry, etc. Tan once directed key research topics such as Guangdong TV Content Construction and Industry Development and Research, Research on Development of Private Film and TV Industry in Guangdong, etc. Tan also edited radio and TV academic journals such as Audiovisual Research in the South of the Five Ridges, books such as Guides on Guangdong TV and Media. He is the first-prize winner of ‘China News Award’ and ‘National Radio and TV Works Selection’, the winner of ‘Top 100 Papers on Journalism in 1949-1999’ and ‘National Top 10 Theoretical Workers of Radio and TV’.



Tomer Heymann is a documentary master in Israel, who has won many awards and nominations at a number of international film festivals. His films have been theatrically released around the world, making him one of the documentary film industry's leading directors. /In his professional career of over 20 years, many of his documentaries focus on the minorities in Israel, which brings extraordinary cultural experiences to audiences.

The documentaries he directed, such as Paper Doll (2006), Mr.Gaga (2015), Who’s Gonna Love Me Now (2016), etc, have won a lot of prizes at Berlin International Film Festival, Hot Docs, IDFA and LAFF. Tomer teaches at several film schools in Israel, and is currently engaged in a number of ongoing projects.


Vikram Jayanti is an excellent Indian-American documentary filmmaker responsible for a number of well known full-feature documentary films. Two of his films, for which he has production credits, have received Academy Awards for Best Full-Feature Documentary; the 1997 blockbusterWhen We Were Kings and 2005's Born Into Brothels. His other work including The Man Who Bought Mustique, Game Over: Kasparov and the Machine, Lincoln and so on, have also won a number of other awards, including the Special Jury Prize at the Sundance Film Festival, BAFTA Awards and have been nominated for IDA. Jayanti is currently a Film Studies tutor at University College London.


Zhou Hao is a documentary filmmaker who has worked as a journalist for more than a decade, producing documentaries since 2001. Zhou’s works have won awards and been screened at film festivals around the world more than a hundred times. His 2014 film Cotton won Best Documentary at the 51st Golden Horse Film Festival. Zhou’s 2015 film, The Chinese Mayor, won the Special Jury Award for Unparalleled Access at the 31st Sundance Film Festival, as well as Best Documentary at the 9th Asian Film Awards, and won Zhou the Best Documentary award for the second time in a row at the 52nd Golden Horse Film Festival.


Mrs. Zhang Yaxin is a professor and doctoral supervisor at the School of Television and Journalism and the director of the Television Program Research Institute of the Communication University of China, who has served as the visiting professor of Université Paris 2 Panthéon-Assas, adjunct professor of Macau University of Science and Technology, and doctoral supervisor of film management. She is now the Executive Vice President of the Committee for Film and Television Work of the Social Organizations of China Television Artists Association, executive member of the Documentary Working Committee of China Radio and Television Association, and academic consultant of the CCTV Documentary Channel. She has served as a judge of international and domestic film festivals at home and abroad, including one of the final judge of the Golden Tree International Documentary Festival in Frankfurt, Germany, the president of the expert jury of the Documentary Section of the Beijing International Film Festival, a judge of the Tiantan Awards of the Beijing International Film Festival, a judge of the ‘Golden Panda Award’ of the Sichuan International Television Festival, a judge of the China Television Golden Eagle Award (documentary award), a judge of many awards of the China Television Artists Association, a judge of the Banff China Award, etc. Many full-length TV series in which she serves as the supervisor, chief planner or art consultant have won a number of domestic or foreign documentary awards.

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