
Cakewalk 3D 帮您的蛋糕进行精心装饰

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作为一个具有中等素描技巧(我不知道如何获得我的设计学位)和可怜的笔迹(应该是医生,但我对流行病不善的人)的Cakewalk 3D看上去给我绝对的喜悦! Cakewalk 3D设计用于安装到您现有的3D打印机上,是一种便捷的食品挤出机,可让您装饰蛋糕,制作蛋白甜饼,用华丽的奶酪图案装饰披萨或在墨西哥卷饼上用鳄梨调味酱制成您的名字。如果有任何可以挤压的食物,Cakewalk 3D几乎可以挤压它,这要归功于不锈钢食物管,像阿基米德螺丝一样将食物推出的螺旋线和Nema 17电机,在挤压时整个安装程序(安装在打印机的XY轴臂上)来回移动,以创建复杂的图案,然后将其送入打印机程序。

As a person with moderately good sketching skills (how I got my design degree, I don’t know), and pathetic handwriting (should’ve become a doctor instead, but I don’t deal well with pandemics), the Cakewalk 3D looks like an absolute delight to me! Designed to mount onto your existing 3D printer, the Cakewalk 3D is a handy food extruder that lets you decorate cakes, make meringues, adorn your pizza with ornate cheese patterns, or write your name in guacamole on a burrito. If there’s any food that can be extruded, the Cakewalk 3D can pretty much extrude it, thanks to a stainless-steel food-tube, a helix that pushes the food out like an Archimedes screw, and a Nema 17 motor that runs the extrusions while the entire setup (which gets mounted on the X-Y axis arm of your printer) moves back and forth to create complex patterns that you feed into your printer program.

将Cakewalk 3D看作是您的手和管道袋的自动化版本。挤出机可容纳管道材料,从糖霜和生奶油到巧克力,蜂蜜,蛋白甜饼,甚至是咸味食品,例如番茄酱,鳄梨调味酱(最好是非块状)和素食泥。 Cakewalk 3D设计用于与大多数标准3D打印机配合使用,包括Creality,Anet,Anycubic,Alfawise,Prusa等品牌的打印机或任何FDM打印机,Cakewalk 3D使用您已经熟悉的软件(包括设置打印机所需的Gcode)进行操作路径。您需要做的只是将食物准备得有点流鼻涕(比如蜂蜜或番茄酱),然后将其装入挤压室。组装好零件并连接Nema 17电机,就可以开始挤压了。在大多数情况下,Cakewalk 3D挤出机只能在X轴和Y轴上工作(番茄酱无法真正实现3D打印雕塑),但是如果您有速干的东西,例如回火的巧克力,蛋白酥皮或糖霜, ,您也可以在Z轴上工作,创建可以立即食用甚至烘烤的复杂3D图案! Cakewalk 3D套件带有一个硅胶垫(您可以将其放在打印机的床上),因此您可以直接在其上打印出蛋白酥皮,或在烤箱中烘烤蛋糕并在冷却后取出并直接放在蛋糕上。打印机使其结冰。 Cakewalk挤出机的每个零件均由食品安全的无毒材料制成,例如不锈钢,硅树脂和聚丙烯(用于Tupperware),使其使用起来安全,甚至以后易于清理(Cakewalk 3D的所有零件,除电机外,洗碗机也是安全的)。

Think of the Cakewalk 3D as an automated version of your hands and a piping-bag. The extruder holds your piping material, which could be anything from icing and whipped cream to chocolate, honey, meringue, or even savory items like ketchup, guacamole (preferably non-chunky), and veggie puree. Designed to work with most standard 3D printers including the ones from brands like Creality, Anet, Anycubic, Alfawise, Prusa, or any FDM printer, the Cakewalk 3D operates using software you’re already familiar with including the Gcode you need to set the printer paths. All you need to do is prepare your food to a slightly runny consistency (think honey or ketchup) and load it into the extrusion-chamber. Assemble your parts and connect the Nema 17 motor and you’re ready to begin extruding. For the most part, the Cakewalk 3D extruder works only in X and Y axes (you can’t really 3D print sculptures out of ketchup), but if you’ve got something that’s quick-drying like tempered chocolate, meringue batter, or icing, you could potentially work in the Z axis too, creating intricate 3D patterns that are ready to eat or even bake! The Cakewalk 3D kit comes with a silicone mat (that you place on your printer’s bed), so ou can either directly print out meringues on it, or bake a cake in the oven and carry it out when it’s cooled and place it directly on the printer to get it iced. Every part of the Cakewalk extruder is made from food-safe non-toxic materials like stainless steel, silicone, and polypropylene (used in Tupperware), making it safe to use and even easy to clean up afterward (all of the Cakewalk 3D’s parts, excluding the motor, are dishwasher safe too).

Cakewalk 3D在最终能够“打印”食物方面取得了长足的进步!无论您是业余爱好者还是专业人士,挤出机都可以帮助您探索个性化糖果的各种途径,或者使用复杂的几何装饰制作食物……手工制作实际上并不可行。它还是复制图案非常容易,因此您可以有效地对20个蛋糕进行相同的糖衣设计,而无需付出任何努力或降低一致性。此外,厨师,3D打印主管和创作者Marine Core-Baillais表示,Cakewalk 3D在使孩子们吃剩饭上也非常有效!将食物捣成糊状,然后以有趣的形状挤出,然后冷冻和/或油炸,让孩子吃通常要扔掉的食物!

The Cakewalk 3D makes leaps and bounds in finally being able to ‘print’ food! Whether you’re a hobbyist or a professional, the extruder helps you explore a lot of avenues when it comes to personalized confectionery, or making food with intricate, geometric decorations… stuff that isn’t really feasible by-hand. It also makes replicating patterns really easy, so you could effectively make the same icing design on 20 cakes without any effort or drop in consistency. Moreover, chef, 3D printing executive, and creator Marine Core-Baillais says the Cakewalk 3D is incredibly effective in getting kids to eat leftovers too! Mash your food into a saucy paste and extrude them out in fun shapes before freezing and/or frying them to get your kids to eat food you’d normally have to throw out!


Marine Core-Baillais

标签: #cakewalk基础和高级安装 #cakewalk使用教程