

金秋技术课堂 234






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此款为国外好用的Sublime编辑器 同样免费


分别建立三个文件 html css js

第一个是html结构文件:命名为 index.html 代表首页。





<!DOCTYPE html>  <head>    <meta charset="UTF-8">    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">    <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="ie=edge">    <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/wp_style.css">    <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/pc_style.css">    <title>2023年春节倒计时</title>  </head>  <body>    <div class="container">      <h2><span id="title">癸卯兔年</span>距离2023年春节还有</h2>	  <!-- <h3><span id="title">距离下一年春节还有</span></h3> -->      <div class="countdown">        <div id="day">--</div>        <div id="hour">--</div>        <div id="minute">--</div>        <div id="second">--</div>      </div>    </div>      <script  src="js/script.js"></script>  </body></html>


@media screen and (max-width: 1025px) {	* {		margin: 0;		padding: 0;	}	body {		background-color: #CC0033;		background-size: cover;		background-position: center center;		height: 100%;	}	.container {		margin: 0;		color: #fff;		line-height: normal;		position: absolute;		align-items: center;		left: 5%;		right: 5%;	}	.container h2 {		font-size: 2em;		text-align: center;		margin: 10% 0;		color: #fff;	}	.container h2 span {		color: #fff;		display: block;		text-align: center;		font-size: 2.3em;		font-weight: 800;		letter-spacing: 2px;	}	.countdown {		display: flex;		justify-content: space-around;		margin: 0;	}	.countdown div {		width: 20%;		height: 13vw;		margin: 0 10px;		line-height: 13vw;		font-size: 2em;		position: relative;		text-align: center;		background: #444444;		color: #ffffff;		font-weight: 500;		border-radius: 10px 10px 0 0;	}	.countdown div:before {		content: '';		position: absolute;		bottom: -30px;		left: 0;		width: 100%;		height: 30px;		background: #fff;		color: #CC0000;		font-size: 0.4em;		line-height: 30px;		font-weight: 400;		border-radius: 0 0 10px 10px;	}	.countdown #day:before {		content: '天';	}	.countdown #hour:before {		content: '时';	}	.countdown #minute:before {		content: '分';	}	.countdown #second:before {		content: '秒';	}}


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class Snowflake {  constructor() {    this.x = 0;    this.y = 0;    this.vx = 0;    this.vy = 0;    this.radius = 0;    this.alpha = 0;    this.reset();  }  reset() {    this.x = this.randBetween(0, window.innerWidth);    this.y = this.randBetween(0, -window.innerHeight);    this.vx = this.randBetween(-3, 3);    this.vy = this.randBetween(2, 5);    this.radius = this.randBetween(1, 4);    this.alpha = this.randBetween(0.1, 0.9);  }  randBetween(min, max) {    return min + Math.random() * (max - min);  }  update() {    this.x += this.vx;    this.y += this.vy;    if (this.y + this.radius > window.innerHeight) {      this.reset();    }  }}class Snow {  constructor() {    this.canvas = document.createElement('canvas');    this.ctx = this.canvas.getContext('2d');    document.body.appendChild(this.canvas);    window.addEventListener('resize', () => this.onResize());    this.onResize();    this.updateBound = this.update.bind(this);    requestAnimationFrame(this.updateBound);    this.createSnowflakes();  }  onResize() {    this.width = window.innerWidth;    this.height = window.innerHeight;    this.canvas.width = this.width;    this.canvas.height = this.height;  }  createSnowflakes() {    const flakes = window.innerWidth / 4;    this.snowflakes = [];    for (let s = 0; s < flakes; s++) {      this.snowflakes.push(new Snowflake());    }  }  update() {    this.ctx.clearRect(0, 0, this.width, this.height);    for (let flake of this.snowflakes) {      flake.update();      this.ctx.save();      this.ctx.fillStyle = '#FFF';      this.ctx.beginPath();      this.ctx.arc(flake.x, flake.y, flake.radius, 0, Math.PI * 2);      this.ctx.closePath();      this.ctx.globalAlpha = flake.alpha;      this.ctx.fill();      this.ctx.restore();    }    requestAnimationFrame(this.updateBound);  }}new Snow();var stop = false;function show_runtime() {  var newDay = '2023/1/21 00:00:00';  var countDate = new Date(newDay);  var now = new Date().getTime();  gap = countDate - now;  var second = 1000;  var minute = second * 60;  var hour = minute * 60;  var day = hour * 24;  var d = Math.floor(gap / day);  var h = Math.floor((gap % day) / hour);  var m = Math.floor((gap % hour) / minute);  var s = Math.floor((gap % minute) / second);  if ((d, h, m, s < 0)) {    stop = true;  } else {    document.getElementById('day').innerText = d;    document.getElementById('hour').innerText = h;    document.getElementById('minute').innerText = m;    document.getElementById('second').innerText = s;  }}function newyear() {  document.getElementById('title').innerText = 'Happy Spring Festival';  document.getElementById('day').innerText = '春';  document.getElementById('hour').innerText = '节';  document.getElementById('minute').innerText = '快';  document.getElementById('second').innerText = '乐';}var time = setInterval(() => {  show_runtime();  if (stop === true) {    newyear();    clearInterval(time);  }}, 1000);window.onload = downTime;


在PC浏览器上运行 倒计时代码 效果



标签: #html倒计时秒杀