
科研的力量 | 德胜学子专访牛津大学计算机科学教授

京领新国际 57









在本期“科研的力量”栏目,几名对计算机专业感兴趣的德胜学子与牛津大学计算机科学教授Alex Rogers进行对话,一同探讨计算机专业的相关知识,并针对跨学科学习、专业前景等问题进行了进一步讨论。教授也向同学们传授了计算机相关的学习与实践经验,让同学们对于这一热门专业有了更清晰细致的了解。






















教授详细的解答激发了德胜学子对于计算机学习的热情,他们希望教授分享一些有用的活动与竞赛,教授则分享了网站Project Euler,它可以锻炼用不同编程语言解决问题的能力;网站Kaggle则适用于对机器学习感兴趣的同学。








































A:我们经常向学生推荐一个名为Project Euler的网站。Euler是一位数学家,这个网站上有一系列的问题,可以用计算机来解决。该网站的一个优点是相同的问题可以用一整套不同的编程语言来解决。一旦你用你知道或喜欢使用的特定编程语言解决了这个问题,还可以看看其他的解决方案,看看如何用不同的编程语言解决问题。如果你对机器学习感兴趣,有一个非常著名的网站叫Kaggle。Kaggle允许你访问数据集并训练你的神经网络。它有点高级,但是网上有很多教程。所以,如果你对神经网络感兴趣,这是一个非常好的资源。网上还有很多学习编码的地方。如果你对数学方面非常感兴趣的话,你也可以参加数学奥赛,这对你们也是非常有帮助的。








A:我们还没有谈到健康。当你谈到人工智能在健康中的应用时,另一个问题总是它是否能完成非常高级的诊断?因此,我们将制造一种比人类诊断疾病要好得多的人工智能。这是有价值的,但这是一件很难做到的事情,可以设计一整套低水平的算法,这将是更有价值的,但不必超过人类医生的水平。我们目前的医疗资源是不能保证每一个病人都能在医院完成复健并且完全康复的。但我们可以有一些智能软件来跟踪并帮助他们恢复,鼓励他们锻炼并跟踪他们的表现,如果他们似乎没有如预期的那样改善,这个软件也能及时提醒医生等专业人士介入到患者的恢复中。我认为这是更容易实现的功能也是更有价值的事情。谷歌旗下的大型人工智能公司Deep Mind与伦敦大学学院医院合作,他们正在做的一件事是尝试诊断医院患者的肾脏疾病。这是一个自动化系统,它可以只关注一个特定的问题,它会在后台工作以节省医生的时间。我认为人工智能在这样的应用中有巨大的应用空间。




A:我会推荐Edge Impulses。Edge Impulses是一个易于训练神经网络的网站,重点是收集数据集,然后选择合适的数据集,你可以做的是设置训练过程,你可以选择训练方式并且指导你的神经网络完成这个过程。你可以选择你要做的预处理,也可以选择你要做的分类器。因此,构建一个模型并将其部署到某个地方非常容易。有很多教程和例子让你可以快速上手并且轻易地使用它。它可以识别声音或进行图像识别、目标检测,这是一个很好的网站,它可以让你训练一个更新的网络,看看它有多好。如果你想进入神经网络,看看这个边缘脉冲网站。训练结束后,现在我的智能手机可以在我洗手时检测到我,并告诉我洗手20秒,因为我创造了一个针对从水龙头流出的自来水的声音和一些手势的训练集。这是一个非常好的神经网络的学习网站。



Q: 我最近阅读了一本科幻小说,里面提到了一个AI,最终发展到了可以预测未来一切事情的程度,请问您认为这可能变成现实吗?




Q: 您认为人工智能最后会发展得和真正的人类一样吗?














A:是的,虽然从学术的角度看,在这些网站上磨练自己的编程技术不是必须的,但是这是非常有用的。我认为你刚提到的那个网站和我之前说过的Project Euler非常类似,都是用不固定的编程语言去解决问题,而解决这些问题会给你编程方面的宝贵经验。在英国,当我们面试计算机科学的学生时,我们最感兴趣的点就是学生究竟是为什么热爱计算机的。所以,如果你知道计算机是你喜欢做的事情,这对你来说很好,因为如果你喜欢它,你会努力工作,做得很好。完成这些网站中的一些任务可以帮助你向招生官展示你对计算机科学的热情。所以,我认为无论如何这是有益的。



Interview Content


My first question is could you please share some experiences as a logging engineer, and why you suspended it and choose to study computer science? And what is the biggest difference between those two majors?

A:My major was physics at university, and I was quite interested in traveling. When I graduated, I joined Slumberget as a wireline logging engineer. So that involves sort of traveling to oil fields. I worked in the North Sea and in the Middle East Desert, and in Indonesia in forest. So I was very interested at the time, and sort of traveling and working in exotic places. But working in oil industry is quite, sort of a time consuming, so you are basically working in the field nearly all the time. I did it for fun for five years and then I started to think about what I what I wanted to do.

I've always been really interested in computers, and so I left Slumberget and went back and did a phd in computer science, applying ideas for physics to early AI systems. I used to work in a business trying to apply complexity abuse modeling to business problems. And then I turned to be an scholar, and now at University of Oxford, I teach computer science and and research computer science. Therefore, there are great differences between petroleum industry and computer science. Twenty years ago, the oil industry was still growing, but now it is declining with the depletion of oil resources. I think computers are the future of mankind.


Is there a difference between the computer science major in UK and us? Is there any difference in teaching style?

A:In terms of the content, the contents are essentially the same. The US system tends to allow you to take a broader range of courses, and so there's a whole strand through the US system, where you have major and minor courses which allow you to take a much broader range of courses. In the UK, we tend to become quite specialized at A-levels, so students from 16 to 18 are doing A-levels and have to choose three or four topics. So at that point in the UK, students were quite specialized. If they go on to do computer science or maths of computer science, they will then focus all their time on math and computer science, and it's much harder to do other a more comprehensive range of topics. The similarity between American and British universities is that their basic courses are all big lectures that consist of hundreds of students. But, once you get up to more specialized 3rd and 4th-year courses, you might just have ten or 20 students in the lecture. Therefore, in essence, the computer science teaching in the United States and Britain is similar, but the computer science major in Britain is more professional-oriented.


Malaysia's economy and science and technology are developing rapidly, especially in the field of automobile. I'd like to ask you what's your opinion on University Science Education in Malaysia?

A:I was previously working at South Hampton University, and South Hampton has a campus in Malaysia, and so lots of lots of UK universities often have tie ups, and Malaysia is one of the countries where UK universities target for, because a lot of the technology is developed in Malaysia. So I had a previous spin out where we made some low cost temperature centers and then use some algorithms to infer the thermal properties of homes. And we set up the manufacturing there in Malaysia, because it's the place where everyone speaks very good English, and it's very high tech, and you have good resources and and it's a nice place to visit. So Malaysia is definitely, um, A good candidate as well.


I have a question, is there any majors they can combine with computer science like just mentioned business and physics?

A:I think mathematics can be well combined with computer science. In fact, theoretical computer science is very close to mathematics. So my students either study computer science directly or combine mathematics and computer science. Therefore, there are many overlaps between the two disciplines. At the same time, many problems about artificial intelligence and the ethical problems of artificial intelligence system are very close to the research in the field of philosophy, so computer science and philosophy are also very closely linked. In the university where I worked before, computer science was associated with the Department of engineering, so the students there would study electronics, digital electronics, and then computer science. It is a more theoretical and practical computer science. So it depends on your future direction. The subject of computer can be freely combined with many other subjects. We have also opened many interdisciplinary courses, such as physical informatics and bioinformatics. Now it seems to me that it is a very good thing to combine these disciplines with computer science.


I wanna ask, which programming language would be the most competitive one in the future? Why? It is because of the logic behind or something else?

A:Everyone has their favorite programming language. Python is very popular now. It is an interpretative scripting language. One of the reasons for its popularity is that it is used by many science libraries, such as CYPI and NMPI. Moreover, a lot of machine learning research is done in Python because this is essentially sticking some code together. If you are beginning to learn a language, Python will be very interesting. Some problem with Python is that it is not a compiled language, so you will only find errors when you actually run the code. This means that Python has limitations, so learning a variety of languages is very interesting and necessary. Golang is a relatively more modern language. What's interesting about it is that it can use message passing to write concurrent code. Therefore, parallel concurrency can help you decode processes for many reasons, which is also a trend in the future. So I don't think there is a most popular language yet. Each language has its advantages and disadvantages. So instead of becoming a language expert, it's better to learn more languages.


I have a question about software and hardware. I am particularly interested in both software and hardware, so I want to know which of these two directions is more suitable for me in the future.

A:They both sorts of evolving together. I was surprised that hardware changes much faster. I mainly use the C programming language. This standard language is 50 years old, and it works perfectly now as it did 50 years ago. But the computers that we use now are thousands of, maybe a million times faster than they were 50 years ago. So many things that we think of as improvements in software are just improvements in the speed that our computers run and where we're writing code in exactly the same way we did 50 years ago. Some of our tools have got to be better; we have better editors, we have maybe better debuggers, but that side is pretty much the same. But what's sort of driven the change is just the speed of the computers and the power consumption that's enabled us to have sort of smartphones, which would run all day on a very small battery. So I think the hardware in computer science is the real driving force. I am always interested in the progress of hardware. Although I am mainly engaged in software, I am interested in how to use all kinds of new hardware to develop technologies such as artificial intelligence.


Can I just continue ask the question? I wanna know how will a background in mathematics and related science help students learn computer science? Can you recommend some related activities or competitions to help us improve our knowledge and experience in related fields?

A:One of the things that we often sort of point students to is a website called Project Euler. Euler was a mathematician, and one of the things on this website is a whole set of um problems that you can solve using a computer. One of the nice things about the website is that the same problem is solved in different programming languages. Once you've solved the problem in your particular programming language that you know or like using, you can look at the other solutions and see how it would be done in different programming languages; if you are interested in machine learning, a very famous website called Kaggle. Kaggle allows you to get access to datasets and train your neural networks. So it's a little bit more advanced, but there are lots of sort of tutorials online. So, if you're interested in neural networks, that's an excellent resource. And then, there are many places to learn to code online. Of course, if you are very interested in mathematics, you can also participate in the Mathematics Olympiad, which is very helpful.


In the future, I want to study aviation engineering. Recently there are lots of aircraft accidents. Do you think computer technology can help the aviation industry reduce the probability of air crash?

A:There's a big area in computer science we called human interaction, computer human interaction, so often called H-C-I. And that's all about sort of understanding the sort of how people interact with computers.And the aviation industry is very good at understanding that.So lots of the rules about how pilots should operate systems, and how you should design systems a kind of designed using lots of those insights.And those insights now are sort of being tried to be used in autonomous vehicles. one of the things from that is that humans tend to be quite bad at watching, monitoring computers. And the experience from aviation is that people are very bad at doing that. So we have air traffic controllers, and the air traffic controllers have to know where the aircraft are and which order they're going to come in to land. We should also restrict the aircraft to fly in very narrow channels to make it easy for the human to navigate even if we will lose more fuel by doing that. So there's lots better ways that we could do that, if we could automate that process. On a modern aircraft the pilot doesn't really do very much. The plane can land itself and take off by itself. Sometimes crashes are caused by pilot intervening when they don't believe instruments, and they basically cause the crash. Therefore maybe an automatic system would have been better.


I want to ask a question about health. I hurt my finger recently, and now I have entered the reconstruction stage. I found that hospitals now use an AI program to evaluate the degree of recovery of patients. Do you think AI can replace doctors in the future?

A:We haven't talked about health yet. When you read about AI in health, another of it is always the very high-level diagnosis. So we'll make an AI that will be much better than a human diagnosing a disease. That's valuable, but it's quite a hard thing to do, and I think there's a whole set of much lower level things that we could design algorithms for, which would be valuable, but don't have to beat the human-level performance. We can't necessarily afford to keep people in hospital while they recuperate. But we could have some intelligent software which would track and help them recover and encourage them to do exercise and follow their performance, and then maybe sort of alert a professional if they don't seem to be improving as they expect. So I think that their aspect is fascinating. Deep Mind, a large, Google-owned AI company, did some work with the University College London hospital. One of the things they were doing was trying to diagnose kidney disease or kidney events in patients in the hospital. This was an automated system, and It could just focus on one particular, then work in the background and save the doctor's time. And I think there's huge scope for applying AI in applications like that.


Can you provide us with some resources for learning neural network?

A:I would go with Edge Impulse. Edge Impulses is a site that the makes it easy to train your networks, and the focus is very much on collecting the data set and then choosing an appropriate data set, and what you can do is you can set up the training process, so you choose your guide you through this process. So you can select the preprocessing you do, and you can choose the classifier you do. So it makes it easy to build a model and then deploy it somewhere. And the nice thing is it's got a whole set of examples. So if you look here, there are a lot of tutorials and examples. It can sort of recognize sounds, recognizing, doing image recognition, object detection. So this is an excellent site, and it allows you to train a newer network and see how well it works. If you want to get into neural networks, look at this Edge Impulse site. After training, now my smartphone can detect me when I'm washing my hands and tells me to wash my hands for 20s, so there is a training set here of running water from a tap and some gestures. So you want to sort of play around with neural networks? This is a really good site to have a play with.


I recently read a science fiction novel that mentioned an AI, which finally developed to the extent that it can predict everything in the future. Do you think this may become a reality?

A:Yes, probably. But one of the exciting things that we have when we build AI, is that we use these neural networks. And the basis of a neural network is learning a mapping between the input and the output. So we have a training set, and we say that training input could be an image. The output could be a label for the thing in the image, and we train the neural network. The neural network then becomes able to look at an image that it hasn't seen yet and make an inference. People are talking about a lot of the time, we're going to build the network, and then we're going to use it to make predictions into the future. And so those predictions might be, okay, are you going to turn left or right? Are you going to use this particular appliance? And so, we're using your networks to make predictions. And we can only do that if what we're predicting looks like something that we've seen in the past. So we have to be very careful when we try and apply these systems in the future, in that maybe something will change in the world which isn't in our training data set. That's the real danger that we've got.


I want to ask, do you believe that artificial intelligence will be like human beings one day?

A:Yeah, good question. I don't think anyone really knows. So many of the tasks now that we use neural networks seem to be very intelligent. We can show an algorithm image, and it will generate a description of the image, and that seems sort of human-like intelligence. But then we can show that same algorithm a slightly changed image. Still, it thinks it's something completely different. so the danger is that maybe we're tricking ourselves into thinking these algorithms are intelligent in the way that we think of a person as being intelligent, whereas what they're doing is just learning a big mapping between a back to space of possible images, an avatar space of possible descriptions. They're just sort of learning a backing between those two with no real understanding of what's in the scene. So that really is how neural networks work. There is no understanding inside. And so some proponents will say, well, maybe that's all that's happening in our brains, and that is intelligence. And others will sort of argue that, there has to be something else has to be, that's sort of a higher level reasoning that's happening inside, and that that debate's been going on for a long time. But I think lots of them, things that we want computers to do, don't require human-level intelligence. And that's a big question. So if you have a computer with human-level intelligence, the next question is, does it have consciousness? If it's conscious, what happens when you switch it off? Do these computers then have to have rights that you can't switch off? So in some sense, not building-level intelligent computers might be, might be a better move for us as humans.


I want to ask a question about my future career as a computer science student. Since computer science is a big field. It has many different branches and research directions. Which research direction can help me find a job more easily?

A:I think having an experience in any programming puts you in a really valuable position. Because nearly everything now requires computers, every business has websites and back in software. Increasingly, we need AI algorithms being applied in specialist settings. Previously, if you wanted to deploy Artificial Intelligence, you would typically have to have a researcher who may be with a Ph.D. who had the necessary experience to develop a bespoke solution. With the tools that we have, so the Python libraries that we have, it's now much easier to deploy. And then there's a whole set of things like you mentioned security. Many people are developing security protocols and safe, secure systems that tend to be more back-end programming work, which is less focused on a particular product that might be used to cost lots of different products. Then there's the whole sort of web development area, where um, which is quite creative and graphical. If you are the sort of software engineer, then your job is to take their design and make it work and connect it all up. These directions are very good and have good prospects. But which path you choose depends on your interests and preferences.


Another question about obtaining jobs. Suppose I choose to study computer science at University but do not engage in computer-related work after graduation. If I am involved in other jobs such as economics or business, can my computer background help me do better?

A:Some computer science students will become software engineers and do some coding professionally. Some will go to the game industry. But the whole set also will go into sort of professional business. So they will go into accountancy companies and management consultancy companies. So if you're in any business now, you typically manage some software project. In the UK, the big sort of management consult companies like Deloitte often manages the delivery of software projects. So having some hands-on experience in computer science and understanding what the software developers tell you is valuable. And there are many interesting things in business around cryptocurrencies and blockchain, which are all driven by new ways of building computer systems and what we to do with computer systems. Thus, having that background and understanding actually what hashing means and how these databases work is really valuable. So I think now in any industry, as long as you have a background in computer science, it can help you do very well.


I also have a question. There are some websites with some temporarily released programming tasks for programmers to take over the tasks and make money. Do you recommend students like us to take tasks on these websites to train their programming skills?

A:Yes, it's not a requirement, but it is useful. The website you mentioned is quite similar to Project Euler, which are both solving problems with indefinite languages. Solving some of these problems will give you precious programming experiences when we interview students for computer science admissions; we are just interested in what they find interesting about computers. So it's pretty good for you to know that that's something that you enjoy doing because if you enjoy it, you'll work hard and do well. Working on some of these tasks can help you show your passion for computer science to the admission officer. So, I think anyway it is beneficial.

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