

英语·点 848




介词短语on the back是最常见的、简单的短语,它可以指“在背上”,比如:I can feel the warm sun on my back.我背上感受到了阳光的温暖。Please help me to sweep the dust on my back.请帮我掸一下我后背的尘土。

at one’s back不是“后背旁”,而是“支持某人;给某人撑腰”的意思。比如:He knows that he has the head of the Department at his back.他知道部门领导给他撑腰。He has a large number of people at his back.有很多人在支持他。

turn one’s back on的意思“不理;背弃”,on后面一般跟人称代词的宾格做宾语。比如:He’s always been kind to me. I can’t turn my back on him.他一直对我很好,我不能背弃他。She did not turn her back on her neighbours when they needed help.当邻居需要帮助时她不会不理的。

behind one’s back不是“在某人背后”的意思,而是指“背着某人,背地里(说坏话等)”。比如:This decision was taken behind my back.这个决定是背着我做出的。Don’t speak ill of others behind their backs.不要背地里说别人的坏话。They criticized him behind his back.他们在背后批评他。

pat on the back的意思是“鼓励;表扬”。比如:The players of the Olympic Game deserve a pat on the back.奥运会上的运动员们值得表扬。He deserves a pat on the back for all his hard work.他工作兢兢业业,值得嘉许。Dearest graduates, give yourself a pat on the back and treat yourself with a getaway! 亲爱的毕业生童鞋们,来一场毕业旅行犒劳自己吧!

back除了构成短语外,它还有很多我们常用到的复合名词,比如:backache背痛;backbone骨干,支柱;backbone network中枢网络,[计]骨干网;backbone system主干系统;backbone teacher骨干教师。backbiter造谣中伤者;backbreaker工作极度辛苦的人;backdoor后门等等。

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