
故障分析 | MySQL 相同 SQL 不同环境执行时间不一样案例分析

爱可生开源社区 167




现居珠海,主要负责 Oracle、MySQL、mongoDB 和 Redis 维护工作。





SELECT machine.id,       machine.asset_number,       machine.sn,       machine.state,       machine.idc_id,       machine.cabinet_id,       machine.cabinet_order,       machine.unit_size,       machine.brand_model,       machine.buy_time,       machine.expiration_time,       machine.warranty,       machine.renewstart_time,       machine.renewend_time,       machine.warranty_company_id,       machine.renewal_type,       machine.check_hardware,       machine.machine_purchase_price,       machine.tags,       machine.memo,       machine.cpu_core_count,       machine.cpu_model,       machine.cpu_count,       machine.memory_count,       machine.memory_size,       machine.wire_standard,       machine.disk_num,       machine.netcard_total_count,       machine.netcard_1g,       machine.netcard_10g,       machine.os_version,       machine.kernel_version,       machine.raid,       machine.power,       machine.firmware,       machine.manage_card_ip,       machine.hostname,       machine.private_mac,       machine.public_mac,       machine.private_ip,       machine.public_ip,       machine.other_ips,       machine.create_time,       machine.update_time,       machine.creator,       machine.updater,       machine.delete_flag,       machine.disk_desc_id,       res.id res_id,       res.owner_company_code,       res.owner_company_name,       res.project_id,       res.project_group_id,       res.sub_project_id,       res.finance_product_id,       res.finance_product_name,       res.sub_project_name,       res.admin_id,       res.admin_name,       res.owner_id,       res.owner_name,       2 AS resource_type,       res.resource_id,       res.machine_usage_types,       res.machine_usage_names,       cdl1.display AS check_hardware_name,       cdl2.display AS state_name,       cdl3.display AS brand_model_name,       cdl4.display AS renewal_type_name,       cdl5.display AS power_name,       cdl6.display AS unit_size_name,       cec.company_name AS warranty_company_name,       cc.serial_number AS cabinet_name,       ci.name AS idc_name,       dd.disk_desc AS disk_desc_name,       machine.virtual_ip,       machine.qingteng_binded,       machine.qingteng_id,       machine.remark  FROM CMDB_PHYSICAL_MACHINE machine  LEFT JOIN cmdb_dropdown_list cdl1    ON (machine.check_hardware=cdl1.code and cdl1.type="HardwareCheck")  LEFT JOIN cmdb_dropdown_list cdl2    ON (machine.state=cdl2.code and cdl2.type="DeviceStatus")  LEFT JOIN cmdb_dropdown_list cdl3    ON (machine.brand_model=cdl3.code and cdl3.type="BrandModels")  LEFT JOIN cmdb_dropdown_list cdl4    ON (machine.renewal_type=cdl4.code and cdl4.type="RenewalType")  LEFT JOIN cmdb_dropdown_list cdl5    ON (machine.power=cdl5.code and cdl5.type="PowerInfo")  LEFT JOIN cmdb_dropdown_list cdl6    ON (machine.unit_size=cdl6.code and cdl6.type="UnitSize")  LEFT JOIN cmdb_external_company cec    ON (machine.warranty_company_id=cec.id)  LEFT JOIN cmdb_cabinet cc    ON (machine.cabinet_id=cc.id)  LEFT JOIN cmdb_disk_desc dd    ON (machine.disk_desc_id=dd.id) inner JOIN cmdb_idc ci    ON (machine.idc_id=ci.id and ci.delete_flag=0)  left join cmdb_resource_group res    on (machine.id = res.resource_id and res.resource_type = 2) where 1=1   AND machine.delete_flag=0 order by id desc LIMIT 0,30



+----+-------------+---------+------------+--------+-----------------------------+---------------+---------+----------------------------------+------+----------+-------------+| id | select_type | table   | partitions | type   | possible_keys               | key           | key_len | ref                              | rows | filtered | Extra       |+----+-------------+---------+------------+--------+-----------------------------+---------------+---------+----------------------------------+------+----------+-------------+|  1 | SIMPLE      | machine | NULL       | index  | NULL                        | PRIMARY       | 4       | NULL                             |    1 |    10.00 | Using where ||  1 | SIMPLE      | cdl1    | NULL       | ref    | idx_type_code               | idx_type_code | 62      | const                            |    3 |   100.00 | Using where ||  1 | SIMPLE      | cdl2    | NULL       | ref    | idx_type_code               | idx_type_code | 62      | const                            |    9 |   100.00 | Using where ||  1 | SIMPLE      | ci      | NULL       | eq_ref | PRIMARY                     | PRIMARY       | 4       | omms.machine.idc_id              |    1 |    10.00 | Using where ||  1 | SIMPLE      | res     | NULL       | eq_ref | resource_id,idx_resource_id | resource_id   | 5       | omms.machine.id,const            |    1 |   100.00 | NULL        ||  1 | SIMPLE      | cdl3    | NULL       | ref    | idx_type_code               | idx_type_code | 124     | const,omms.machine.brand_model   |    1 |   100.00 | Using where ||  1 | SIMPLE      | cdl4    | NULL       | ref    | idx_type_code               | idx_type_code | 62      | const                            |    3 |   100.00 | Using where ||  1 | SIMPLE      | cdl5    | NULL       | ref    | idx_type_code               | idx_type_code | 62      | const                            |    2 |   100.00 | Using where ||  1 | SIMPLE      | cdl6    | NULL       | ref    | idx_type_code               | idx_type_code | 62      | const                            |   10 |   100.00 | Using where ||  1 | SIMPLE      | cec     | NULL       | eq_ref | PRIMARY                     | PRIMARY       | 4       | omms.machine.warranty_company_id |    1 |   100.00 | Using where ||  1 | SIMPLE      | cc      | NULL       | eq_ref | PRIMARY                     | PRIMARY       | 4       | omms.machine.cabinet_id          |    1 |   100.00 | NULL        ||  1 | SIMPLE      | dd      | NULL       | eq_ref | PRIMARY                     | PRIMARY       | 4       | omms.machine.disk_desc_id        |    1 |   100.00 | NULL        |+----+-------------+---------+------------+--------+-----------------------------+---------------+---------+----------------------------------+------+----------+-------------+12 rows in set, 1 warning (0.01 sec)


+----+-------------+---------+------------+--------+-----------------------------+---------------+---------+----------------------------------+------+----------+----------------------------------------------------+| id | select_type | table   | partitions | type   | possible_keys               | key           | key_len | ref                              | rows | filtered | Extra                                              |+----+-------------+---------+------------+--------+-----------------------------+---------------+---------+----------------------------------+------+----------+----------------------------------------------------+|  1 | SIMPLE      | ci      | NULL       | ALL    | PRIMARY                     | NULL          | NULL    | NULL                             |    8 |    12.50 | Using where; Using temporary; Using filesort       ||  1 | SIMPLE      | machine | NULL       | ALL    | NULL                        | NULL          | NULL    | NULL                             | 1976 |     1.00 | Using where; Using join buffer (Block Nested Loop) ||  1 | SIMPLE      | res     | NULL       | eq_ref | resource_id,idx_resource_id | resource_id   | 5       | omms.machine.id,const            |    1 |   100.00 | NULL                                               ||  1 | SIMPLE      | cdl1    | NULL       | ref    | idx_type_code               | idx_type_code | 62      | const                            |    3 |   100.00 | Using where                                        ||  1 | SIMPLE      | cdl2    | NULL       | ref    | idx_type_code               | idx_type_code | 62      | const                            |    9 |   100.00 | Using where                                        ||  1 | SIMPLE      | cdl3    | NULL       | ref    | idx_type_code               | idx_type_code | 124     | const,omms.machine.brand_model   |    1 |   100.00 | Using where                                        ||  1 | SIMPLE      | cdl4    | NULL       | ref    | idx_type_code               | idx_type_code | 62      | const                            |    3 |   100.00 | Using where                                        ||  1 | SIMPLE      | cdl5    | NULL       | ref    | idx_type_code               | idx_type_code | 62      | const                            |    2 |   100.00 | Using where                                        ||  1 | SIMPLE      | cdl6    | NULL       | ref    | idx_type_code               | idx_type_code | 62      | const                            |   10 |   100.00 | Using where                                        ||  1 | SIMPLE      | cec     | NULL       | eq_ref | PRIMARY                     | PRIMARY       | 4       | omms.machine.warranty_company_id |    1 |   100.00 | Using where                                        ||  1 | SIMPLE      | cc      | NULL       | eq_ref | PRIMARY                     | PRIMARY       | 4       | omms.machine.cabinet_id          |    1 |   100.00 | NULL                                               ||  1 | SIMPLE      | dd      | NULL       | eq_ref | PRIMARY                     | PRIMARY       | 4       | omms.machine.disk_desc_id        |    1 |   100.00 | NULL                                               |+----+-------------+---------+------------+--------+-----------------------------+---------------+---------+----------------------------------+------+----------+----------------------------------------------------+

其中,qa环境选择machine作为驱动表,ci作为被驱动表,ci.id有主键索引,故表关联采用Index Nested Loop 算法,并利用主键索引有序性避免了排序,这里驱动表machine基数为1,实际上应该为30,而dev环境选择ci作为驱动表,machine是被驱动表,由于machine.idc_id列无索引,故表关联采用Block Nested Loop算法,且需要排序,导致了SQL执行效率不一样。








Controls whether, in the case of a query having an ORDER BY or GROUP BY with a LIMIT clause, the optimizer tries to use an ordered index instead of an unordered index, a filesort, or some other optimization. This optimzation is performed by default whenever the optimizer determines that using it would allow for faster execution of the query.Because the algorithm that makes this determination cannot handle every conceivable case (due in part to the assumption that the distribution of data is always more or less uniform), there are cases in which this optimization may not be desirable. Prior to MySQL 5.7.33, it ws not possible to disable this optimization, but in MySQL 5.7.33 and later, while it remains the default behavior, it can be disabled by setting the prefer_ordering_index flag to off.

当参数prefer_ordering_index为on,order by 带有limit时,优化器倾向于使用索引去避免排序,5.7.33以前默认就是打开的,5.7.33以后可以关闭。似乎也排除了版本差异,但心有不甘,抱着试试看态度把dev环境升级到了5.7.34,果然和版本差异无关,还是同样执行计划。



SELECT ......省略输出...... STRAIGHT_JOIN cmdb_idc ci    ON (machine.idc_id=ci.id and ci.delete_flag=0)  left join cmdb_resource_group res    on (machine.id = res.resource_id and res.resource_type = 2) where 1=1   AND machine.delete_flag=0 order by id desc LIMIT 0,30+----+-------------+---------+------------+--------+-----------------------------+---------------+---------+----------------------------------+------+----------+-------------+| id | select_type | table   | partitions | type   | possible_keys               | key           | key_len | ref                              | rows | filtered | Extra       |+----+-------------+---------+------------+--------+-----------------------------+---------------+---------+----------------------------------+------+----------+-------------+|  1 | SIMPLE      | machine | NULL       | index  | NULL                        | PRIMARY       | 4       | NULL                             |    1 |    10.00 | Using where ||  1 | SIMPLE      | res     | NULL       | eq_ref | resource_id,idx_resource_id | resource_id   | 5       | omms.machine.id,const            |    1 |   100.00 | NULL        ||  1 | SIMPLE      | cdl1    | NULL       | ref    | idx_type_code               | idx_type_code | 62      | const                            |    3 |   100.00 | Using where ||  1 | SIMPLE      | cdl2    | NULL       | ref    | idx_type_code               | idx_type_code | 62      | const                            |    9 |   100.00 | Using where ||  1 | SIMPLE      | cdl3    | NULL       | ref    | idx_type_code               | idx_type_code | 124     | const,omms.machine.brand_model   |    1 |   100.00 | Using where ||  1 | SIMPLE      | cdl4    | NULL       | ref    | idx_type_code               | idx_type_code | 62      | const                            |    3 |   100.00 | Using where ||  1 | SIMPLE      | cdl5    | NULL       | ref    | idx_type_code               | idx_type_code | 62      | const                            |    2 |   100.00 | Using where ||  1 | SIMPLE      | cdl6    | NULL       | ref    | idx_type_code               | idx_type_code | 62      | const                            |   10 |   100.00 | Using where ||  1 | SIMPLE      | cec     | NULL       | eq_ref | PRIMARY                     | PRIMARY       | 4       | omms.machine.warranty_company_id |    1 |   100.00 | Using where ||  1 | SIMPLE      | cc      | NULL       | eq_ref | PRIMARY                     | PRIMARY       | 4       | omms.machine.cabinet_id          |    1 |   100.00 | NULL        ||  1 | SIMPLE      | dd      | NULL       | eq_ref | PRIMARY                     | PRIMARY       | 4       | omms.machine.disk_desc_id        |    1 |   100.00 | NULL        ||  1 | SIMPLE      | ci      | NULL       | eq_ref | PRIMARY                     | PRIMARY       | 4       | omms.machine.idc_id              |    1 |    12.50 | Using where |+----+-------------+---------+------------+--------+-----------------------------+---------------+---------+----------------------------------+------+----------+-------------+12 rows in set, 1 warning (0.00 sec)



为了排除干扰,将无关紧要left join表去掉,简化SQL如下:

      SELECT *      FROM CMDB_PHYSICAL_MACHINE machine      JOIN cmdb_idc ci         ON (machine.idc_id=ci.id and ci.delete_flag=0)     where 1=1       AND machine.delete_flag=0     order by machine.id desc     LIMIT 0,30;


root@3306 omms>  explain SELECT *    ->       FROM CMDB_PHYSICAL_MACHINE machine    ->       JOIN cmdb_idc ci     ->         ON (machine.idc_id=ci.id and ci.delete_flag=0)    ->      where 1=1    ->        AND machine.delete_flag=0    ->      order by machine.id desc    ->      LIMIT 0,30;+----+-------------+---------+------------+------+---------------+------+---------+------+------+----------+----------------------------------------------------+| id | select_type | table   | partitions | type | possible_keys | key  | key_len | ref  | rows | filtered | Extra                                              |+----+-------------+---------+------------+------+---------------+------+---------+------+------+----------+----------------------------------------------------+|  1 | SIMPLE      | machine | NULL       | ALL  | NULL          | NULL | NULL    | NULL | 2087 |    10.00 | Using where; Using temporary; Using filesort       ||  1 | SIMPLE      | ci      | NULL       | ALL  | PRIMARY       | NULL | NULL    | NULL |   21 |     4.76 | Using where; Using join buffer (Block Nested Loop) |+----+-------------+---------+------------+------+---------------+------+---------+------+------+----------+----------------------------------------------------+2 rows in set, 1 warning (0.00 sec)

虽然选择machine作为驱动表,但是却选择了Block Nested Loop算法,也产生了排序,仔细分析SQL,其实条件ci.delete_flag=0是多余的,因为有效的机器所在机房一定是有效的,可以去跟开发核实,这个条件可以去掉,正是因为这个条件影响了驱动表选择,使得执行计划不稳定,将ci.delete_flag=0去掉后执行计划:

root@3306 omms>  explain SELECT *    ->       FROM CMDB_PHYSICAL_MACHINE machine    ->       JOIN cmdb_idc ci     ->         ON (machine.idc_id=ci.id)    ->      where 1=1    ->        AND machine.delete_flag=0    ->      order by machine.id desc    ->      LIMIT 0,30;+----+-------------+---------+------------+--------+---------------+---------+---------+---------------------+------+----------+-------------+| id | select_type | table   | partitions | type   | possible_keys | key     | key_len | ref                 | rows | filtered | Extra       |+----+-------------+---------+------------+--------+---------------+---------+---------+---------------------+------+----------+-------------+|  1 | SIMPLE      | machine | NULL       | index  | NULL          | PRIMARY | 4       | NULL                |   30 |    10.00 | Using where ||  1 | SIMPLE      | ci      | NULL       | eq_ref | PRIMARY       | PRIMARY | 4       | omms.machine.idc_id |    1 |   100.00 | NULL        |+----+-------------+---------+------------+--------+---------------+---------+---------+---------------------+------+----------+-------------+2 rows in set, 1 warning (0.01 sec)


root@3306 omms> explain SELECT machine.id,    ......省略输出......    ->  inner JOIN cmdb_idc ci    ->     ON (machine.idc_id=ci.id)    ->   left join cmdb_resource_group res    ->     on (machine.id = res.resource_id and res.resource_type = 2)    ->  where 1=1    ->    AND machine.delete_flag=0    ->  order by id desc    ->  LIMIT 0,30;+----+-------------+---------+------------+--------+-----------------------------+---------------+---------+----------------------------------+------+----------+-------------+| id | select_type | table   | partitions | type   | possible_keys               | key           | key_len | ref                              | rows | filtered | Extra       |+----+-------------+---------+------------+--------+-----------------------------+---------------+---------+----------------------------------+------+----------+-------------+|  1 | SIMPLE      | machine | NULL       | index  | NULL                        | PRIMARY       | 4       | NULL                             |    1 |    10.00 | Using where ||  1 | SIMPLE      | ci      | NULL       | eq_ref | PRIMARY                     | PRIMARY       | 4       | omms.machine.idc_id              |    1 |   100.00 | NULL        ||  1 | SIMPLE      | res     | NULL       | eq_ref | resource_id,idx_resource_id | resource_id   | 5       | omms.machine.id,const            |    1 |   100.00 | NULL        ||  1 | SIMPLE      | cdl1    | NULL       | ref    | idx_type_code               | idx_type_code | 62      | const                            |    3 |   100.00 | Using where ||  1 | SIMPLE      | cdl2    | NULL       | ref    | idx_type_code               | idx_type_code | 62      | const                            |    9 |   100.00 | Using where ||  1 | SIMPLE      | cdl3    | NULL       | ref    | idx_type_code               | idx_type_code | 124     | const,omms.machine.brand_model   |    1 |   100.00 | Using where ||  1 | SIMPLE      | cdl4    | NULL       | ref    | idx_type_code               | idx_type_code | 62      | const                            |    3 |   100.00 | Using where ||  1 | SIMPLE      | cdl5    | NULL       | ref    | idx_type_code               | idx_type_code | 62      | const                            |    2 |   100.00 | Using where ||  1 | SIMPLE      | cdl6    | NULL       | ref    | idx_type_code               | idx_type_code | 62      | const                            |   10 |   100.00 | Using where ||  1 | SIMPLE      | cec     | NULL       | eq_ref | PRIMARY                     | PRIMARY       | 4       | omms.machine.warranty_company_id |    1 |   100.00 | Using where ||  1 | SIMPLE      | cc      | NULL       | eq_ref | PRIMARY                     | PRIMARY       | 4       | omms.machine.cabinet_id          |    1 |   100.00 | NULL        ||  1 | SIMPLE      | dd      | NULL       | eq_ref | PRIMARY                     | PRIMARY       | 4       | omms.machine.disk_desc_id        |    1 |   100.00 | NULL        |+----+-------------+---------+------------+--------+-----------------------------+---------------+---------+----------------------------------+------+----------+-------------+12 rows in set, 1 warning (0.01 sec)


标签: #mysql时间条件前后比较