

傩城老王 176




win the race 赢得比赛

bike / car racing 自行车赛 / 汽车赛

racing car 赛车

listen to the radio 听广播

railway station 火车站

heavy / light rain 大 / 小雨

in the rain 在雨中

rain heavily / hard 下大雨

raise one's hand 举手

raise one's voice 提高嗓音

raise the price of sth 提价

raise money 筹钱

rapid development 快速发展

make rapid progress 进步很快

birth rate 出生率

at a rate of 以……速度

rather than 而不

would rather ... (than) 宁愿 / 宁可……(而不)

reached for 伸手够……

reached out 伸出手

reach one's goal 实现目标

reach an agreement 达成协议

out of reach 够不到

read a magazine / newspaper 看杂志 / 报纸

read sb sth / read sth to sb 给某人读……

read about / of sth 读到;看到……

read out 大声读出;宣读

be / get ready for 为……做好准备

be / get ready to do sth 准备好做某事

be ready to do sth 乐于做某事

in real life 实际生活中

the real world 现实世界

not really 不是

reason for (doing) sth (做)某事的理由

for some reason 不知什么原因

receive sth from sb / sth 从……收到……

in recent years 近年来

keep a record of sth 记录……

hold / break the world record 保持 / 打破世界纪录

set up a new world record 创造一项新的世界纪录

a personal record 个人履历

turn/ go red 变红

in red 穿红衣服

refer to 指的是;查阅;参考

refuse to do sth 拒绝做某事

regard* 把……看作;认为……是

be regarded as 被视为是

regret doing sth 后悔做了某事

regret to say / tell … 很遗憾地说 / 告诉……

have no regrets about 不后悔……

regular customer 老顾客 / 常客

be related to 与……相关

have a close relationship with 与……有密切关系

remember doing sth 记得曾做过某事

remember to do sth 记着要做某事

be remembered for 因……而著名

remind sb about / of 提醒某人……

remind sb to do sth 提醒某人做某事

remove … from … 从……移除……

under repair 正在修理

reply to 回应……

reply with 用……回答

report sth to sb 向某人报告某事

report on sth 报道某事

report (sb / sth) doing sth 报告……做过……

it is reported that … 据报道……

give / make a report on 作一个有关……的报告

require doing / to be done 需要做某事

require sb to do sth 要求某人做某事

research on / into 有关……的研究

do research 做研究

have / take a good rest 好好休息一下

the rest of one's life 余生

as a result (of) 作为(……的)结果

result from 因……发生;随……产生

result in 造成;导致

return to 返回 / 重回

return … to … 把……还给……

in return (for) 作为(……的)回报

good reviews 好评

the rich 富人

rich in 富含

get rid of 除去;摆脱

go for a ride 兜风

give sb a ride 搭车

it is right do sth 做某事是对的

right now 现在;立刻;马上

right away 立刻;马上

right and wrong 是与非

on the right of 在……右边

have the right to do sth 有权利做某事

ring back 再打电话;回电话

ring up sb / ring sb up 打电话(给)

give sb a ring 给某人打电话

rise by 上涨……

on the rise 正在上涨

at risk 处于危险境地

at risk of 面临……危险

risk doing sth 冒险做某事

rock climbing 攀岩

a rock band 摇滚乐队

plays the role of 扮演……角色

play an important role in 在……中起重要作用

living / sitting room 客厅

double / single room 双人间 / 单人间

make room for 给……腾出空间/余地

a jump rope 跳绳

round trip 往返旅行

go round 运转

all (the) year round 全年

a row of 一排

in a row 排成一行;连续地

go for a row 去划船

be rude to sb 对某人粗鲁/不礼貌

break class / traffic rules 违反班规 /交通规则

against rules 违反规则

follow / obey rules 遵守规则

run across 偶然碰见

run after 追赶;追求

run away (from) (从……)逃走;逃避

run into 撞上;偶然遇见;遇到(困难等)

run out (of) 用完;耗尽

run over 撞倒;碾过

in / over the long run 从长远看

there is no rush 不用急

rush hour 高峰时间

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