坏消息是,编写JavaScript(特别是好而简单的JavaScript)并不容易。JavaScript代码语法很复杂,特别是对于从未使用C或C#语言编写代码并且不熟悉区分大小写的源代码或区分大小写的字符串管理的VB程序员而言。而且Visual Studio的Intellisense在JavaScript中不能像在服务器代码中那样有效(在VS2008中已得到改进,但是在VS2005中,JavaScript Intellisense几乎不存在)。
因此,需要一个好的JavaScript代码库。有很多方法可以使编写JavaScript代码的难度最小化。所有这一切的目的是编写一个良好的JavaScript代码库(通常称为“ common.js”)以包含在我们开发的所有或几乎所有ASP.net页面中。
function $() { var elements = new Array(); for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) { var element = arguments[i]; if (typeof element == 'string') element = document.getElementById(element); if (arguments.length == 1) return element; elements.push(element); } return elements;}
您是否厌倦了编写document.getElementById –那个笨拙的函数名-?好吧,然后尝试$()。
var anyObject = $( 'id_of_the_object' );
var firstObject = $('id_of_the_object');var secondObject = $('id_of_another_object');var manyObjects = $('the_third_object', 'the_fourth_object', firstObject, secondObject);
自从问世以来,该功能已成为我最常用的功能。我在以下博客条目中找到它:http : // top-ten-Ja vaScript /。该URL是找到有用的JavaScript函数的无与伦比的起点,这些函数适合放在common.js库中的重要位置。
我们可以通过JavaScript简化生活的另一件令人惊奇的事情是扩展其本机对象。这使我们为他们提供了令人兴奋的新功能,在许多情况下,这些功能看起来像.net对象中现有的功能一样。例如,我们将使用以下新函数扩展本机JavaScript String对象:startsWith()。听起来有点熟?是的,它是.net的System.String对象的本机.net函数,当我们可以使JavaScript字符串为我们提供相同且有用的功能时,这真是太好了。
native_type.prototype.your_new_function = function([arguments]) { // your JavaScript code here // in here, the “this” object refers to the variable in which you call the function}
String.prototype.startsWith = function(chars) { // return true when the substring of the string, starting at 0 // and taking chars.length of length be equal to chars return (this.substr(0,chars.length) == chars);}
String.prototype.startsWith = function(chars,ignoreCase) { if(ignoreCase==true) { return (this.toLowerCase().substr(0,chars.length) == chars.toLowerCase()); } else { return (this.substr(0,chars.length) == chars); }}
好吧,我已经向您展示了方式。现在想象一下以多种方式扩展JavaScript对象:具有startsWith(),endsWith(),contains(),ltrim(),rtrim(),trim()的字符串对象...想象一下在有限且不那么容易的情况下的可能性管理JavaScript Date对象!这是一个无尽的世界,等待您探索。毫无疑问,在您的common.js中,扩展本机JavaScript对象是必不可少的。
//---------------------------- get a reference to the list objectvar list = document.getElementById( 'id_of_the_list' );//---------------------------- Create the new option and give it text and valuevar newOption = document.createElement( 'option' );newOption.text = 'the text';newOption.value = 'the value';//---------------------------- Add the new option to the list objectlist.options.add(newOption);
//---------------------------- get a reference to the list objectvar list = document.getElementById( 'id_of_the_list' );//---------------------------- add the new optionlist.options[list.length] = new Option( 'the text', 'the value' );
var list = new ListControl( 'id_of_the_list' );list.add( 'the text', 'the value' );
正如您可能从先前的代码推断出的那样,我们创建了一个ListControl JavaScript类,该类充当本机HTML <select>标记的包装。
function ListControl(id) { //get a reference to the list control (using, of course, the $() function) var _base = $(id); //this function is to show/hide the list control wrapped, or get its visible state //usage: //alert(listControlObject.visible()); //listControlObject.visible(false); this.visible = function(newValue) { if(newValue==undefined) { return (_base.style.display != 'none'); } else { _base.style.display = (newValue==true) ? '' : 'none'; } } //this function is to enable/disable the list control wrapped, or get its enabled state //usage: //alert(listControlObject.enabled()); //listControlObject.enabled(false); this.enabled = function(newValue) { if(newValue==undefined) { return (!_base.disabled); } else { _base.disabled = (!newValue); } } //this function is to get the number of elements contained in the list this.count = function() { return _base.options.length; } //this function is to clear all the elements from the list this.clear = function() { while(_base.options.length > 0) { _base.options.remove(0); } } //this function is to add a new element to the list. The index argument is optional; //if not supplied, the new element adds at the end of the list this.add = function(text,value,index) { var oItem = document.createElement('option'); oItem.text = text; oItem.value = value; if((index==undefined) || (index==null)) { try { _base.add(oItem,null); } catch (e) { _base.add(oItem,_base.length); } } else { _base.add(oItem,index); } } //this function is to remove an element from the list based on its zero-based position this.remove = function(index) { _base.options.remove(index); } //this function is to get a concrete element based on its zero-based position. The function //returns the native Option javasacript object, so we can access to text, value, and so on this.item = function(index) { return _base.options[index]; } //this function is to sort alphabetically the elements in the list. Note that this will only //work well when elements are text-unique and value-unique this.sort = function() { var texts = new Array(); for(var k=0;k<_base.options.length;k++) { texts[k] = _base.options[k].text; } texts.sort(); var values = new Array(); for(var k=0;k<texts.length;k++) { values[k] = this.valueOf(texts[k]); } this.clear(); for(var k=0;k<texts.length;k++) { this.add(texts[k],values[k]); } } //this function is to retrieve the text that corresponds to a concrete value this.textOf = function(value) { for(var k=0;k<_base.options.length;k++) { if(_base.options[k].value==value) { return _base.options[k].text; } } return null; } //this function is to retrieve the value that corresponds to a concrete text this.valueOf = function(text) { for(var k=0;k<_base.options.length;k++) { if(_base.options[k].text==text) { return _base.options[k].value; } } return null; } //this function is to know when the list contains any element with the specified text this.containsText = function(text) { for(var k=0;k<_base.options.length;k++) { if(_base.options[k].text==text) { return k; } } return -1; } //this function is to know when the list contains any element with the specified value this.containsValue = function(value) { for(var k=0;k<_base.options.length;k++) { if(_base.options[k].value==value) { return k; } } return -1; }}
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