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目前看官们对“js a标签”大体比较关切,同学们都需要知道一些“js a标签”的相关文章。那么小编也在网络上搜集了一些有关“js a标签””的相关资讯,希望兄弟们能喜欢,朋友们一起来了解一下吧!


1. social media社交媒体,What's the most popular social media platform in your country?你们国家最流行的社交媒体平台是什么?

2. social networking社交网络 ,Social networking connects individuals with other people.社交网络将个人与他人联系起来。

3. instant Messaging即时消息,At work we use instant messaging to communicate with colleagues online. 工作中我们使用即时消息与同事在线交流。

4. live streaming video直播视频The concert's live streaming video begins at 7pm. 音乐会的现场直播晚上七点开始。

5. go viral走红,That video is going viral on social media .那个视频在社交媒体上火了。

6. Give a thumbs up点赞,like喜欢,If you like my video please give me a thumbs up.如果您喜欢我的视频,请给我个赞,

7. share分享,Feel free to share my video with your friends. 随时与你的朋友分享我的视频。

8. comment评论,Please leave me a comment to let me know what you think,请给我留言,让我知道您的想法。

9. tag加上标签,If someone mentions you in a social media post ,you are being tagged. 如果有人在社交媒体帖子中提到你,那么你被加上了标签。

10. hashtag话题标签,A social media hashtag contains a pound sign,“#”,and a keyword. 社交媒体话题标签包含“#”号和关键字。

11. influencer网红,An influencer is someone who influences through their social media platforms. 网络红人是通过社交媒体平台影响他人的人。

12. follow/subscribe关注,

13. follower/subscriber粉丝

14. blog博客,blogger博主,

15. blog post博文,

16. vlog视频博客,

17. vlogger视频博客主,

18. chat聊天,

19. chat room聊天室,

20. forum论坛,

21. DM(direct message)私信,

22. PM( private message)私信,

标签: #js a标签