此刻咱们对“css dialog”大体比较着重,咱们都需要了解一些“css dialog”的相关内容。那么小编也在网摘上汇集了一些有关“css dialog””的相关文章,希望咱们能喜欢,姐妹们快快来了解一下吧!12 Module: UI UI模块12.1 .add_context_menu_handler{|menu| ... } ⇒ Integer
# Right click on anything to see a Hello World item.UI.add_context_menu_handler do |context_menu| context_menu.add_item("Hello World") { UI.messagebox("Hello world") }end
右键菜单中增加了一个hello world按钮。点击后会弹框“hello world”
12.2 .beep⇒ nil
12.3 .create_cursor(path, hot_x, hot_y) ⇒ Integer
12.4 .inputbox(prompts, defaults, title) ⇒ Array<String>, false12.4 .inputbox(prompts, defaults, list, title) ⇒ Array<String>, false
# With three params, it shows all text boxes:prompts = ["What is your Name?", "What is your Age?", "Gender"]defaults = ["Enter name", "", "Male"]input = UI.inputbox(prompts, defaults, "Tell me about yourself.")# With four params, it shows a drop down box for prompts that have# pipe-delimited lists of options. In this case, the Gender prompt# is a drop down instead of a text box.prompts = ["What is your Name?", "What is your Age?", "Gender"]defaults = ["Enter name", "", "Male"]list = ["", "", "Male|Female"]input = UI.inputbox(prompts, defaults, list, "Tell me about yourself.")
12.5 .inspector_names⇒ Array<String>
inspectors = UI.inspector_names#["Materials", "Components", "Styles", "Scenes", "Shadows", "Layers", "SoftenEdges", "Outliner", "Instructor", "Fog", "MatchPhoto"]
12.6 .menu(menu_name = "Plugins") ⇒ Sketchup::Menu
tool_menu = UI.menu("Tools")tool_menu.add_item("Cheese Tool") { UI.messagebox("Cheese activated.")}12.7 .messagebox(message, type = MB_OK) ⇒ Integer
Creates a dialog box containing static text with a series of buttons for the user to choose from.
Valid message box types are:
MB_OK - Contains an OK button.MB_OKCANCEL - Contains OK and Cancel buttons.MB_ABORTRETRYIGNORE - Contains Abort, Retry, and Ignore buttons.MB_YESNOCANCEL - Contains Yes, No, and Cancel buttons.MB_YESNO - Contains Yes and No buttons.MB_RETRYCANCEL - Contains Retry and Cancel buttons.MB_MULTILINE - Contains and OK button.
Return values can be any of following:
In an MB_MULTILINE message box, the message is displayed as a multi-line message with scrollbars (as needed). MB_MULTILNE also allows a third string argument that will be used as the title for the messagebox.
result = UI.messagebox('Do you like cheese?', MB_YESNO)if result == IDYES UI.messagebox('SketchUp likes cheese too!')end#选yes返回1,选no无返回:)12.8 .model_info_pages⇒ Array<String>
mypages = UI.model_info_pages#["Animation", "Classifications", "Components", "Credits", "Dimensions", "File", "Geo-location", "Rendering", "Statistics", "Text", "Units"]12.9 .openpanel(title, directory, filename) ⇒ String
chosen_image = UI.openpanel("Open SKP File", "c:/", "model.skp")chosen_image = UI.openpanel("Open Image File", "c:/", "Image Files|*.jpg;*.png;||")chosen_image = UI.openpanel("Open CAD File", "c:/", "DXF|*.dxf|DWG|*.dwg||")
12.10 .openURL(url) ⇒ Boolean
status = UI.openURL(";)#打开网页12.11 .play_sound(filename) ⇒ nil
UI.play_sound "Plugins/mediadiscussion.wav"12.12 .preferences_pages⇒ Array<String>
prefs = UI.preferences_pages12.13 .refresh_inspectors⇒ nil
UI.refresh_inspectors12.14 .refresh_toolbars⇒ nil
UI.refresh_toolbars12.15 .savepanel(title, directory, filename) ⇒ String
The savepanel method is used to display the Save dialog box. The path that is returned can then be used inside code to save out a text or image file. See the standard Ruby class File for examples of reading and writing from disk.
path_to_save_to = UI.savepanel("Save Image File", "c:\\", "Shapes.jpg")12.16 .scale_factor⇒ Float
12.17 .select_directory(options = {}) ⇒ String, ...
# Default title and folder:chosen_folder = UI.select_directory# Custom dialog title:chosen_folder = UI.select_directory(title: "Select Image Directory")# Force a start folder:chosen_folder = UI.select_directory(directory: "C:/images")# Allow multiple items to the selected:chosen_folder = UI.select_directory(select_multiple: true)# Custom dialog title and force a start folder:chosen_folder = UI.select_directory( title: "Select Image Directory", directory: "C:/images")12.18 .set_cursor(cursor_id) ⇒ Boolean
def onSetCursor UI.set_cursor(cursor_id)end
12.19 .set_toolbar_visible(name, visible) ⇒ Boolean
status = UI.set_toolbar_visible("Camera", true)
12.20 .show_extension_manager⇒ nil
12.21 .show_inspector(name) ⇒ Boolean
status = UI.show_inspector("Components")
12.22 .show_model_info(page_name) ⇒ Boolean
UI.show_model_info('Credits')#返回true,弹出模型信息->版权信息12.23 .show_preferences(page_name) ⇒ Boolean
status = UI.show_preferences('GraphicsCard')#返回true,弹出系统设置->openGL12.24 .start_timer(seconds, repeat = false) {|procedure| ... } ⇒ Integer
# Beep once after 10 seconds.id = UI.start_timer(10, false) { UI.beep }12.25 .stop_timer(id) ⇒ nil
# Stop timer before it triggers.id = UI.start_timer(10) { UI.beep }UI.stop_timer(id)
12.26 .toolbar(name) ⇒ UI::Toolbar
toolbar = UI.toolbar('Test')12.27 .toolbar_names⇒ Array<String>
names = UI.toolbar_names#["¦ᄌᄏ│ᆭチ", "¦ᄏモ¥ᄎモ", "¦ᄑヤᄄ¥ナᆬ←ラᄄ", "¥ネニᄆᄏ¥ルᄄ", "¥ワᄚツᄍ", "¥ᄂᄃ¥ᄋᆬ¥ナᄋ←ロニ", "¥ᆴ゙¦ᄑモ¥ᄋᆬ¥ナᄋ", "¥ᄏᄎᆳム₩ヨᄑ¥ᄋᆬ", "₩ネᆰ←ンᄁ", "₩ᅠヌ¥ヌニ", "₩ᅠヌ│ᆴᄚ", "₩ᅠᄋ¥ᄐマ", "ロᄌ₩ワᄎ", "ᄏリ¥ロᄒ", "ᄐヨ│ᄒム", "│ᄃニ¥ロᄒ", "←リᄡ¥ᄑᄆ"]12.28 .toolbar_visible?(name) ⇒ Boolean
status = UI.toolbar_visible?("Camera")
12.29 Class: UI::Command 命令类
# You can add menu items as procedure blocks, as shown here, but# you have no control over whether it is grayed out, for example.UI.menu("Draw").add_item("My Procedure") { UI.messagebox("My Procedure")}# Better to create a command object.cmd = UI::Command.new("Tester") { UI.messagebox("My Command")}cmd.menu_text = "My Command"cmd.set_validation_proc { if Sketchup.active_model.selection.length == 0 MF_GRAYED else MF_ENABLED end}UI.menu("Draw").add_item cmd
12.29.1 .new(menutext) { ... } ⇒ UI::Command
UI.menu("Draw").add_separator# Adds a Test submenu to the Draw menu where the Tester menu item appearstestmenu = UI.menu("Draw").add_submenu("Test")# This menu item simply displays Hello World on the screen when clicked.cmd = UI::Command.new("Tester") { UI.messagebox("Hello World") }testmenu.add_item cmd
12.29.2 #extension⇒ SketchupExtension?
extension = Sketchup.extensions['Sandbox Tools']cmd = UI::Command.new("Tester") {}cmd.extension = extensionp cmd.extension == extension#在SU2020下,返回error
注: 在SketchUp 2019之前,由于SketchUp初始化类的方式存在错误,无法对UI::Command进行子类。
12.29.3 #extension=(extension) ⇒ Object
注: 同上
12.29.4 #get_validation_proc⇒ Proc?
12.29.5 #large_icon⇒ String大图标
toolbar = UI::Toolbar.new "Test"# This command displays Hello World on the screen when clickedcmd = UI::Command.new("Test") { UI.messagebox("Hello World") }cmd.small_icon = "ToolPencilSmall.png"cmd.large_icon = "ToolPencilLarge.png"toolbar = toolbar.add_item cmdtoolbar.showputs cmd.large_icon12.29.6 #large_icon=(path) ⇒ String
toolbar = UI::Toolbar.new "Test"# This command displays Hello World on the screen when clickedcmd = UI::Command.new("Test") { UI.messagebox("Hello World") }cmd.small_icon = "ToolPencilSmall.png"cmd.large_icon = "ToolPencilLarge.png"toolbar = toolbar.add_item cmdtoolbar.show
12.29.7 #menu_text⇒ String
add_separator_to_menu("Draw")# Adds a Test submenu to the Draw menu where the Tester menu item appearstestmenu = UI.menu("Draw").add_submenu("Test")cmd = UI::Command.new("Tester") { UI.messagebox("Hello World") }cmd.menu_text = "New String"testmenu.add_item cmdputs cmd.menu_text12.29.8 #menu_text=(menuitem) ⇒ String
add_separator_to_menu("Draw")# Adds a Test submenu to the Draw menu where the Tester menu item appearstestmenu = UI.menu("Draw").add_submenu("Test")cmd = UI::Command.new("Tester") { UI.messagebox("Hello World") }cmd.menu_text = "New String"testmenu.add_item cmd12.29.9 #proc⇒ Proc
12.29.10 #set_validation_proc{ ... } ⇒ UI::Command
# Create a command object.cmd = UI::Command.new("Tester") { UI.messagebox("My Command")}cmd.menu_text = "My Command"cmd.set_validation_proc { if Sketchup.active_model.selection.length == 0 MF_GRAYED else MF_ENABLED end}UI.menu("Draw").add_item(cmd)#当有active_model被selection时,按钮My Command生效,否则按钮失效。12.29.11 #small_icon⇒ String12.29.11 #small_icon=(path) ⇒ String12.29.12 #status_bar_text⇒ String
toolbar = UI::Toolbar.new("Test")# This toolbar tool simply displays Hello World on the screen# when clickedcmd = UI::Command.new("Tester") { UI.messagebox("Hello World") }cmd.small_icon = "ToolPencilSmall.png"cmd.large_icon = "ToolPencilLarge.png"cmd.status_bar_text = "Testing the toolbars class."toolbar = toolbar.add_item cmdtoolbar.showputs cmd.status_bar_text12.29.12 #status_bar_text=(text) ⇒ String12.29.13 #tooltip⇒ String12.29.13 #tooltip=(text) ⇒ String
toolbar = UI::Toolbar.new "Test"# This command displays Hello World on the screen when clickedcmd = UI::Command.new("Test") { UI.messagebox("Hello World") }cmd.tooltip = "Hello World Tool"cmd.status_bar_text = "Testing the toolbars class."toolbar = toolbar.add_item cmdtoolbar.showputs cmd.tooltip#添加一行,第5行后,案例就清楚了。12.30 Class: UI::HtmlDialog (HTML对话框)12.30.1 #initialize(properties) ⇒ UI::HtmlDialog
dialog = UI::HtmlDialog.new({ :dialog_title => "Dialog Example", :preferences_key => "com.sample.plugin", :scrollable => true, :resizable => true, :width => 600, :height => 400, :left => 100, :top => 100, :min_width => 50, :min_height => 50, :max_width =>1000, :max_height => 1000, :style => UI::HtmlDialog::STYLE_DIALOG})dialog.set_url(";)dialog.show#Access denied
properties(Hash)—A hash containing the initial properties of the newly created dialog.
Options Hash (properties):
:dialog_title (String):preferences_key (String):scrollable (Boolean):resizable (Boolean) — default: true:use_content_size (Boolean) — default: false:width (Integer) — default: 250:height (Integer) — default: 250:left (Integer) — default: 0:top (Integer) — default: 0:min_width (Integer) — default: 0:min_height (Integer) — default: 0:max_width (Integer) — default: -1:max_height (Integer) — default: -1:style (Integer) — default: UI::HtmlDialog::STYLE_DIALOG
SketchUp 201712.30.2 #add_action_callback(callback_name) {|action_context, *args| ... } ⇒ Boolean
Ruby Code
dialog.add_action_callback("say") { |action_context, param1, param2| puts "JavaScript said #{param1} and #{param2}"}
sketchup.say('Hello World', 42);
JavaScript with callback
sketchup.say('Hello World', 42, { onCompleted: function() { console.log('Ruby side done.'); }});
Returns true if action added successfully, false otherwise.
12.30.2 补充一个案例12.30.3 #bring_to_front⇒ nil
12.30.4 #center⇒ true
12.30.5 #close⇒ nil
12.30.6 #execute_script(script) ⇒ nil
js_command = "document.getElementById('id').innerHTML = '<b>Hi!</b>'"dialog.execute_script(js_command)12.30.7 #get_content_size⇒ Array(Integer, Integer)?
width, height = dialog.get_content_size12.30.8 #get_position⇒ Array(Integer, Integer)?
left, top = dialog.get_position12.30.9 #get_size⇒ Array(Integer, Integer)?
width, height = dialog.get_size12.30.10 #set_can_close⇒ Boolean
dialog.set_can_close { false }12.30.11 #set_content_size(width, height) ⇒ nil
dialog.set_content_size(600, 400)12.30.12 #set_file(filename) ⇒ nil
dialog.set_file("c:/mypage.html")12.30.13 #set_html(html_string) ⇒ nil
html = '<b>Hello world!</b>'dialog.set_html(html)dialog.show()12.30.14 #set_on_closed⇒ Boolean
dialog.set_on_closed { save_selection }
12.30.15 #set_position(left, top) ⇒ true
dialog.set_position(100, 50)12.30.16 #set_size(width, height) ⇒ true
dialog.set_size(320, 240)12.30.17 #set_url(url) ⇒ nil
dialog.set_url(";)12.30.18 #show⇒ nil
dialog.show12.30.19 #show_modal⇒ nil
dialog.show_modal12.30.20 #visible?⇒ Boolean
if dialog.visible? dialog.bring_to_frontelse dialog = UI::HtmlDialog.new dialog.set_url(";) dialog.showend12.31 Class: UI::Notification
12.32 Class: UI::Toolbar 工具条类
toolbar = UI::Toolbar.new "Test"# This toolbar icon simply displays Hello World on the screencmd = UI::Command.new("Test") { UI.messagebox "Hello World"}cmd.small_icon = "ToolPencilSmall.png"cmd.large_icon = "ToolPencilLarge.png"cmd.tooltip = "Test Toolbars"cmd.status_bar_text = "Testing the toolbars class"cmd.menu_text = "Test"toolbar = toolbar.add_item cmdtoolbar.show12.32.1 .new(toolbarname) ⇒ UI::Toolbar
toolbar = UI::Toolbar.new "Test"12.32.2 #add_item(command) ⇒ UI::Toolbar
toolbar = toolbar.add_item command#会报错command指代cmd = UI::Command.new("Test") {}12.32.3 #add_separator(arg) ⇒ UI::Toolbar
toolbar = toolbar.add_separator12.32.4 #count⇒ Integer
number = toolbar.count#返回按钮数量12.32.5 #each{|command| ... } ⇒ nil
toolbar.each { | item | puts item}#返回#<UI::Command:0x00000271d7b25110>#<UI::Command:0x00000271d7b25048>#<UI::Command:0x00000271d7b24fa8>#<UI::Command:0x00000271d7b24f08>#<UI::Command:0x00000271d7b24e68>#<UI::Command:0x00000271d7b24dc8>12.32.6 #get_last_state⇒ Boolean
state = toolbar.get_last_state
12.32.7 #hide⇒ nil
toolbar.hide12.32.8 #length⇒ Integer
toolbar.length#612.32.9 #name⇒ String
puts toolbar.name#test12.32.10 #restore⇒ nil
toolbar.restore12.32.11 #show⇒ nil
toolbar.show12.32.12 #size⇒ Integer
toolbar.size#612.32.13 #visible?⇒ Boolean
visible = toolbar.visible?#true12.33 Class: UI::WebDialog
标签: #css dialog