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It's more kind to repay the kindness of others than to give favors to others; it's more leisurely to avoid reputation than to invite reputation; it's more authentic to be honest than to be pretentious.

故意施予别人恩惠,以求得对方的喜悦,这一定是一种有目的求取利益 的行为,或者为了笼络人心,或者为了树立威望,其施舍是为了获取,虽然助了人,其出发点是为了助己,这样离真诚还有一段距离。受人以恩,报之以德,则是传统的道德规范,这种以德报恩的行为是心存感激,不求索取,“滴水之恩,当涌泉相报”,透露着人性中的真诚与善良。

It must be a purposeful act of seeking benefits to deliberately give favors to others in order to get the other party's joy, or to win over the hearts of the people,or to establish prestige.Its alms are for pain,however it helps others, it is actually for itself, which is still a distance from sincerity. It is a traditional moral code to receive kindness and repay kindness with virtue.This kind of behavior of repaying kindness with virtue is to be grateful without asking for anything. "The kindness of dripping water, when the spring returns", reveals the sincerity and kindness in human nature.


A man of integrity will never go against his conscience to fish for fame,but would rather avoid the trouble brought by fame. Because of fame, life may lose its original calm, and you must always be trembling under the halo. Isn't this kind of affectation losing the nature of sincerity and peace.


So as the saying goes, work hard,be a man, be plain is the real life.

标签: #distance and sincerity案例分析