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Do human beings have a magnetic sense? Biologists know other animals do. They think it helps creatures including bees, turtles and birds navigate through the world.


Scientists have tried to investigate whether humans belong on the list of magnetically sensitive organisms. For decades, there’s been a back-and-forth between positive reports and failures to demonstrate the trait in people, with seemingly endless controversy.


Over the past 50 years or so, scientists have shown that hundreds of organisms in nearly all branches of the bacterial, protist and animal kingdoms have the ability to detect and respond to this geomagnetic field. In some animals – such as honey bees – the geomagnetic behavioral responses are as strong as the responses to light, odor or touch.


Biologists have identified strong responses in vertebrates ranging from fish, amphibians, reptiles, numerous birds and a diverse variety of mammals including whales, rodents, bats, cows and dogs – the last of which can be trained to find a hidden bar magnet. In all of these cases, the animals are using the geomagnetic field as components of their homing and navigation abilities, along with other cues like sight, smell and hearing.


In normal life, when someone rotates their head – say, nodding up and down or turning the head from left to right – the direction of the geomagnetic field (which remains constant in space) will shift relative to their skull. This is no surprise to the subject’s brain, as it directed the muscles to move the head in the appropriate fashion in the first place.

In our experimental chamber, we can move the magnetic field silently relative to the brain, but without the brain having initiated any signal to move the head.



This is comparable to situations when your head or trunk is passively rotated by somebody else, or when you’re a passenger in a vehicle which rotates. In those cases, though, your body will still register vestibular signals about its position in space, along with the magnetic field changes – in contrast, our experimental stimulation was only a magnetic field shift. When we shifted the magnetic field in the chamber, our participants did not experience any obvious feelings.


The EEG data, on the other hand, revealed that certain magnetic field rotations could trigger strong and reproducible brain responses. One EEG pattern known from existing research, called alpha-ERD (event-related desynchronization), typically shows up when a person suddenly detects and processes a sensory stimulus. The brains were “concerned” with the unexpected change in the magnetic field direction, and this triggered the alpha-wave reduction. That we saw such alpha-ERD patterns in response to simple magnetic rotations is powerful evidence for human magnetoreception.



Moreover, our series of experiments show that the receptor mechanism – the biological magnetometer in human beings – is not electrical induction, and can tell north from south. This latter feature rules out completely the so-called “quantum compass” or “cryptochrome” mechanism which is popular these days in the animal literature on magnetoreception. Our results are consistent only with functional magnetoreceptor cells based on the biological magnetite hypothesis. Note that a magnetite-based system can also explain all of the behavioral effects in birds that promoted the rise of the quantum compass hypothesis.


A human response to Earth-strength magnetic fields might seem surprising. But given the evidence for magnetic sensation in our animal ancestors, it might be more surprising if humans had completely lost every last piece of the system. Thus far, we’ve found evidence that people have working magnetic sensors sending signals to the brain – a previously unknown sensory ability in the subconscious human mind. The full extent of our magnetic inheritance remains to be discovered.



原创翻译:龙腾网 翻译:土拨鼠之日 转载请注明出处



I could be in a room full of compasses and couldn’t find north, my wife could be floating in the ocean in the middle of the day with the sun directly above and point accurately to north. I never understood how she was able to do that, or how I wasn’t, now I know. Very interesting article. I, too, am from Pasadena.



I find it endlessly fascinating that people tend to go from work using statistical distributions, which may be valid, to suggest validity of single events of personal anecdote, which is not valid. Even trained pharmacists can ask “does it work” for preventive medicines when the proper answer in that case is “I would not know (but it works statistically)”.


Shakeel Ahmed

What an awesome article. I’ve got to say, you guys really know how to put out killer content. Thanks so much. I’m really enjoying it.


There is a feeling~a strong sense of comfort and belonging when I do this.

Another thing I enjoy is random road trips without a map.I realize that there are road signs however, several times I have driven from the midwest to the west coast by just getting into my car and saying, “Let’s go”.This is different from my wandering in the woods butt, I still never get that “lost feeling” that I’ve heard others say they fear.


Janice Ann Reynolds

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The invention of the compass helped those who had a less keen sense of direction; decreased reliance on natural instincts perhaps weakened our innate abilities.


Tim Gahan

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The series of questions posed in the next to last paragraph seem like they would be the basis of typical Control Questions for a study regarding magnetoreception…Do the weak and strong brain responses reflect some kind of individual differences in navigational ability? Can those with weaker brain responses benefit from some kind of training? Can those with strong brain responses be trained to actually feel the magnetic field?


Ewan Blanch(回复楼上)

I’m not sure what you mean by “Control Questions”? Those are research questions.Thasample size appears to be 34 as stated in the article. Since the test subjects were all seated in a closed room the concept of ‘getting lost’ does not appear to be meaningful.


Torbjrn Larsson

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As the article suggest, the field is very weak on experimental procedure. In this work the extraction of a signal from data that mainly constitutes a known artifact and training on classified data instead of doing a double blind experiment is not really convincing to outsiders. (Kudos though for considering repetition in the extensive search for data labels that correlate with experimental conditions. This is too seldomdone in searches targeted on expected results).

Bacterial magnetite cells ate spontaneously ordered to a useful sensory mechanism, but IIRC the magnetite seen in animals are not - I am not sure they.share the proteins bacteria use.



Ewan Blanch(回复楼上)

They are not “magnetite cells”, they are magnetite particles expressed by and found in cells. Most proteins are well conserved throughout biological systems, within a certain limit of sequence and structural homology (similarity).

标签: #哺乳btmagnet