
C++核心准则编译边学-F.21 返回多个值时使用结构体或者tuple

面向对象思考 166



F.21: To return multiple "out" values, prefer returning a struct or tuple(如果需要返回多个输出值,最好返回结构体或者tuple)


A return value is self-documenting as an "output-only" value. Note that C++ does have multiple return values, by convention of using a tuple (including pair), possibly with the extra convenience of tie at the call site. Prefer using a named struct where there are semantics to the returned value. Otherwise, a nameless tuple is useful in generic code.




// BAD: output-only parameter documented in a commentint f(const string& input, /*output only*/ string& output_data){ // ... output_data = something(); return status;}// GOOD: self-documentingtuple<int, string> f(const string& input){ // ... return make_tuple(status, something());}


C++98's standard library already used this style, because a pair is like a two-element tuple. For example, given a set<string> my_set, consider:

C++98的标准库中已经使用这种风格,因为pair就像2个元素的tuple。例如,假设有一个set<string> my_set,考虑下面的代码:

// C++98result = my_set.insert("Hello");if (result.second) do_something_with(result.first); // workaround

With C++11 we can write this, putting the results directly in existing local variables:使用C++11你可以这样写,直接将结果放入已经存在的局部变量。

Sometype iter; // default initialize if we haven't alreadySomeothertype success; // used these variables for some other purposetie(iter, success) = my_set.insert("Hello"); // normal return valueif (success) do_something_with(iter);

With C++17 we are able to use "structured bindings" to declare and initialize the multiple variables:


if (auto [ iter, success ] = my_set.insert("Hello"); success) do_something_with(iter);


Sometimes, we need to pass an object to a function to manipulate its state. In such cases, passing the object by reference T& is usually the right technique. Explicitly passing an in-out parameter back out again as a return value is often not necessary. For example:


istream& operator>>(istream& is, string& s); // much like std::operator>>()for (string s; cin >> s; ) { // do something with line}


Here, both s and cin are used as in-out parameters. We pass cin by (non-const) reference to be able to manipulate its state. We pass s to avoid repeated allocations. By reusing s (passed by reference), we allocate new memory only when we need to expand s's capacity. This technique is sometimes called the "caller-allocated out" pattern and is particularly useful for types, such as string and vector, that needs to do free store allocations.


To compare, if we passed out all values as return values, we would something like this:


pair<istream&, string> get_string(istream& is); // not recommended{ string s; is >> s; return {is, s};}for (auto p = get_string(cin); p.first; ) { // do something with p.second}

We consider that significantly less elegant with significantly less performance.


For a truly strict reading of this rule (F.21), the exception isn't really an exception because it relies on in-out parameters, rather than the plain out parameters mentioned in the rule. However, we prefer to be explicit, rather than subtle.

如果真正严格地理解这条准则(F.21), 这个例外并不是真的例外,因为它依赖于输入/输出参数,而不是本准则提到的简单的输出参数。然而我们强调的是明确而不是隐含地传递的情况。


In many cases, it may be useful to return a specific, user-defined type. For example:很多情况下,传递一个明确的,用户定义的类型可能是有用的。例如:

struct Distance { int value; int unit = 1; // 1 means meters};Distance d1 = measure(obj1); // access d1.value and d1.unitauto d2 = measure(obj2); // access d2.value and d2.unitauto [value, unit] = measure(obj3); // access value and unit; somewhat redundant // to people who know measure()auto [x, y] = measure(obj4); // don't; it's likely to be confusing

译者注:代码中[x,y]的用法是C++17中引入的结构化绑定(structred binding)

The overly-generic pair and tuple should be used only when the value returned represents independent entities rather than an abstraction.一般的pair和tuple应该只被用于返回值表现独立实体(数据之间没什么内在联系)的情况,而不是表现某种抽象。

Another example, use a specific type along the lines of variant<T, error_code>, rather than using the generic tuple.另外一个例子,使用和variant<T, error_code>类似的特定类型,而不是使用一般的tuple。



Output parameters should be replaced by return values. An output parameter is one that the function writes to, invokes a non-const member function, or passes on as a non-const.应该使用返回值代替输出参数。输出参数可以是函数写入动作的对象,调用一个非常量成员函数,或者作为一个非常量传递。




标签: #结构体返回值用什么接受

