QRadialGradient(const QPointF ¢er, qreal centerRadius, const QPointF &focalPoint, qreal focalRadius)
---Constructs an extended radial gradient with the given center, centerRadius, focalPoint, and focalRadius.
--- Extended radial gradients interpolate colors between a focal circle and a center circle. Points outside the cone defined by the two circles will be transparent.
void Widget::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *event)
const int r = 400;
QPainter painter(this);
//move origin to the center
/*creat a radial grdient object by given center circle and focal circle.
center circle: its center is QPointF(0,0), radius is r/2.0
focal circle: its center is QPointF(r,0), radius is r/4.0. */
QRadialGradient radialGradient(QPointF(0,0),r/2.0,QPointF(r,0),r/4.0);
//interpolate colors from focal circle to center circle
radialGradient.setColorAt(0.0, Qt::red);
radialGradient.setColorAt(0.3, Qt::yellow);
radialGradient.setColorAt(0.6, Qt::blue);
radialGradient.setColorAt(1.0, Qt::magenta);
//set radial gradient to brush's style
QBrush brush(radialGradient);
/*draw a border of the widget with the brush of specified style
and you will see the entire cone defined by center circle and focal circle*/
/*redefine the brush to Qt::Nobrsh,
so as to draw center circle and focal circle. */
painter.drawEllipse(QPoint(0, 0), r/2.0, r/2.0);
painter.drawEllipse(QPoint(r, 0), r/4.0, r/4.0);
//Set font's family and pointSize to painter
painter.setFont(QFont("Times New Roman",20));
//draw the tabs of center circle and focal circle
painter.drawText(-60,0,"Center circle");
painter.drawText(0.77*r,0,"Focal circle");
标签: #an怎么改渐变方向 #an怎么调整渐变方向