
新概念英语第一册Lesson 77阅读练习题(带答案)

岳猿 76



Lesson 77 Terrible toothache 要命的牙痛


1 Is Mr. Croft at the doctor's or at the dentist's?

2 Who is Mr. Croft talking to?

3 What does Mr. Croft want to do?

4 Does he have an appointment?

5 Why does he want to see the dentist?

6 How urgent is it?

7 Can the dentist see him now?

8 Why can't the dentist see him now?

9 What time can the dentist see him today?

10 Can't Mr. Croft wait till this afternoon?

新概念英语第一册Lesson 77阅读练习题答案

Lesson 77 Terrible toothache 要命的牙痛


1 He's at the dentist's.

2 He's talking to a nurse.

3 He wants to see the dentist.

4 No, he doesn't.

5 Because he has terrible toothache.

6 It's very urgent.

7 No, he can't.

8 Because he's very busy at the moment.

9 At 2.0 p.m.

10 Yes, he can, but his toothache can't.

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