

软件测试木木 177



引言】工作关系,作为曾经的独立测试部门,现在与开发团队一起组成Scrum Team融合阶段。

因为以前的项目系统问题较多,上边大老板为了提高开发团队的代码提交质量,要求开发除了必要的Unit Test之外,也到做一些E2E的Functioanl Testing俗称Dev Testing;而QA的SIT Testing则可以侧重更广的E2E范围甚至直接上Regression。

而跟开发最近几次的会议讨论中,发现很多开发人员多次提出Dev Testing的侧重点和测试范围,并反复提到很可能与QA Testing有重复性工作。




白盒测试:理论基础ISTQB – White Box Testing Techniques in Software Testing为什么国内很少有公司做白盒测试?Structure Based or White Box techniques

White-box test design techniques (also called structural or structure- based techniques) are used to derive test cases from an analysis of the program(code). Deriving test case after analysis or understanding programs is white box testing.

In contrast to black box testing where test cases are designed from specification.

How to derive test cases from a program? And also how to derive coverage metrics for tests undertake?

Test cases from code are similar to black box test cases, but think test data here – like what values you will provide to run through the code. The emphasis here is what lines will be executed with the data you provide. And the minimum number of test cases to achieve this.

Blank Box testing limitations: During Black Box testing, depending on the tester’s experience, after a full round of System testing, the lines of code covered varies between 30% and 70%. So that leaves a lot of lines of code untested.

Coverage metrics help understand what lines are not covered and help us design test cases to increase the coverage. There are certain tools available to measure the lines of code covered when tests are run.

Statement coverage: If the test case executes every line of code in the program, it is called 100% statement coverage.

Decision coverage: If the test cases execute both the decisions, it is called 100% decision coverage.

Statement Coverage = Number of executable statements executed x 100                        Total number of executable statements
Decision Coverage = Number of decisions exercised x 100                        Total number of decisions

Coding Structures: A program code can be sequential where statements execute one after another. Execution of code can also be based on a condition being true or false.

Sequential or Linear statements: Example of a sequential code, where the program is executed line after line.

1  READ  A2  READ B3  Sum = A+ B

Test cases for Sequential statements are simple, assign values to A & B.

For eg, test case /data : A=1, B=2, will run through statements 1,2,3 or all the lines of this program. In this case, one test case is needed for 100% Statement coverage.

Selection or Decisions: In this case the computer has to decide if a condition is true or false. If it is true the computer takes one route, and if it is false the computer takes a different route.

IF (condition is true)   Do thisELSE  (condition is False)   Do something elseEND IF


1 IF Age  > 162              Process License application3 ELSE4              Decline the License application process5 END IF

Test cases: Age =18 tests lines 1,2,5 and Age =14 tests lines 1,3,4,5.

So, 2 test cases are needed to execute every line of code. And 2 test cases to execute the True and False conditions. So 2 test cases are needed for 100% Statement and Decision coverage.

There may not always be an ELSE part, as below:

 1 IF Age  >16 2    THEN 3     "Process License Application" 4  ENDIF

Test cases for the above, assigning Age =18 tests lines 1,2,3,4, so only one test case is needed to execute every line of code.

But 2 test cases are needed to test the decisions: 1 to execute the True (Age > 16) and False(Age < 16). Why?

Because for Age <16 , we need to ensure the program does not do anything, it needs to go to the ENDIF.

Hence Decision coverage is stronger than Statement coverage. 100% Decision coverage ensures 100% Statement coverage. The vice versa is not true.

Consider the following:

1  IF (Age  > 16) and (Gender = Female)2              Process License application3 ELSE4              Decline the License application process5 END IF
1  IF (Age  > 16) or (Gender = Female)2              Process License application3 ELSE4              Decline the License application process5 END IF

Assign (Age =18 and Gender=Female) to test lines 1,2,5 and (Age=14, Gender = Male) to test lines 1,3,4,5. So, 2 test cases are needed to execute every line of code(100% Statement coverage). And 2 test cases to test both the decisions – true and false (100% Decision Coverage).

In the above examples, we see why Decision coverage is inadequate, all conditions are not fully tested:

Age >16 & Female, Age > 16 & Male, Age <16 and Female and Age <16 & Male will cover all the combinations. Hence the need for other stronger metrics.

Nested Ifs or multiple IFs within an IF:

1 IF ( Age > 17)2  IF Age <503     Print Age is between 17 and 504   ELSE IF ( Age > 50)5      Print Age is greater than 506  END IF7 ELSE8   Print Age is less than 17.9 END IF

Test cases for the above, assigning Age =16, Age =51 and Age =29 (3 test cases) will test every line/statement and every decision..

CASE Structure: The nested If can also be expressed as a CASE structure.

Case Age > 50:Report “Age is greater than 50”Case Grade > 17:Report “Age is between 17 and 50”Default:Report “Age is less than 17”End Case

Again, assigning Age =16, Age =51 and Age =29 (3 test cases) will test every line and every decision..

Iterations or loops: When an action needs to repeated until the Condition becomes False, loops are used. There are 2 types of loops, While -Do and Repeat Until

DO WHILE condition  sequenceENDWHILE

The loop is entered only if the condition is true. The “sequence” is performed for each iteration. At the conclusion of each iteration, the condition is evaluated and the loop continues as long as the condition is true.


WHILE ( Shopping Trolley not empty)DO     Add Cost of Item to Total.     Print the item name and item costEND DOPrint TotalCost

  Test cases for Do-While – the loop is entered if the condition is true, so one test case that has a true value is enough to test all the lines of code and the decision.

  There is another variation of the loop structure known as a REPEAT UNTIL loop.

This loop is similar to the WHILE loop except that the test is performed at the bottom of the loop instead of at the top. Two keywords, REPEAT and UNTIL are used. The general form is:

REPEAT   sequenceUNTIL condition

Again, only one test case is sufficient to test all lines of code for both Statement and Decision Coverage.



要做上面的事还要写测试框架,把一些与具体用例无关,但是常用的公共功能,如参数化,结果断言,出报告等等实现。让测试人员专心为用例写测试代码。还好来源大潮提供了不少选择,如xunitgoogletest。还有覆盖工具,如Emma,codecover, ncover,不过大部分也只提供了语句覆盖,判断覆盖的信息,少部分有循环覆盖信息。开源的数据流测试的工具没见过。









1. 图形矩阵:是在基本路径测试中起辅助作用的软件工具,利用它可以实现自动地确定一个基本路径集。

1) 控制流图

图3 流图符号

2. 独立路径












4) 工具方法:图形矩阵

导出控制流图和决定基本测试路径的过程均需要机械化,为了开发辅助基本路径测试的软件工具,称为图形矩阵(graph matrix)的数据结构很有用。



对每个矩阵项加入连接权值(link weight),图矩阵就可以用于在测试中评估程序的控制结构,连接权值为控制流提供了另外的信息。最简单情况下,连接权值是 1(存在连接)或0(不存在连接),但是,连接权值可以赋予更有趣的属性:


图9 图形矩阵


标签: #白盒测试需要考虑模块内部的执行过程吗对吗