

MrKing学英语 587





1.系动词,亦称连系动词(Link Verb),是一类特殊的英语动词;





She is beautiful.她很美。

They are teachers.他们是老师。

They are not here.他们不在这里。

My work is to clean the room everyday.我的工作是每天打扫房间。

My question is that I don't know about him.我的问题是我了解他的情况。

2.感官系动词:主要有smell(闻起来), sound(听起来), taste(尝起来), feel(感觉/摸起来、),look(看起来)等。 主要由形容词来充当表语。

This kind of cloth feels very soft(柔软的).这种布摸起来很柔软。

She feels lonely (孤独的)because She has no friends to talk with.


This flower smells sweet(香的). 这朵花闻起来很香。

The story sounds true(真实的). 这个故事听起来很真实。

The food tastes delicious(美味的).这种食物(尝起来)很美味。

She looks beautiful (美丽的). 她看起来美丽。

You don't look well(健康的、气色好的).你看起来气色不好。

特别要注意的是,如果以上动词不是括号里的中文意思的话,那它们就不是系动词,而是普通的实义动词。比如:look如果不是“看起来”的意思,而是“看或看着”的意思,那此时look就不是系动词,而是实义动词。两种动词的用法是不一样的。e.g. He is looking at me angrily.(他正生气地看着我。)此句中的look(看着)是实义动词,由副词angrily修饰。

He looks angry.(他看起来很生气。)此句中的look(看起来)是系动词,后接形容词angry,构成系表结构。

3.表象系动词:主要有seem(似乎、好像), appear(似乎、好像)等。可由形容词、名词、动词不定式、从句等来充当表语。

He seems happy/ very sad.他看起来很开心/很伤心

He seemed an honest man. 他看上去像个老实人。

I seem to hear someone knocking at the door.我似乎听到有人敲门。

It seems that the answer is right.看来好像答案是对的。

He appears quite young.他显得年轻。

4.持续系动词:用来表示主语继续或保持一种状况或态度,主要有keep(保持), remain(仍是), stay(处于.....状态), lie(处于.....状态), stand(处于.....状态)等。

He always keeps silent(沉默的) at the meeting. 他开会时总保持沉默。

We should do much exercise to keep healthy(健康的).


His health remains poor(差的、弱的).他的健康状况仍然很差。

This matter remains a mystery(神秘). 此事仍是一个谜。

5.变化系动词:这些系动词表示主语变成什么样,有“变得/变成”的意思,主要有 get, become,go, grow, turn, fall等。

The father was lonely and often became /got angry。父亲孤寂并且经常易怒。

Trees turn green when Spring comes 春天来了,树变绿了

The weather gets warmer in spring. 春天天气变得更温暖。

I hope you'll get well soon. 我希望你快点康复。

Eggs can go bad easily in summer.夏季,鸡蛋容易变坏

Everyone will grow rich if you work hard. 只要你努力工作,就能变得富裕。

He turned doctor in 1980. 在1980年他成为了医生。(turn后面接单数名词时,名词前不用不定冠词)

She has become a doctor. 他已成为一名医生。(become后面接单数名词时,名词前要用不定冠词)



以上列出的是中考常见的系动词,大家要记住的是“系动词+ 形容词→构成系表结构”的这一重要用法考点。所以一般情况下,英语系动词后可接形容词,构成系表结构,而实义动词则由副词来修饰。


​1. The story sounds ____.

A. to be true B. as true C. being true D. true

2. These oranges taste ____.

A. good B. well C. to be good D. to be well

3. What Mr White said sounds____.

  A. friendly B. wonderfully C. Pleasantly D. nicely

4. You ____ very weak. Do you feel sick?

  A. looked B. look C. looking D. are looked

5.She told us a story. Her voice _____ sweet.

A. heard B. sounded C. felt D. listened

6.Something smells_____ ,you'd better clean your house often.

A. good B. terribly C.nice D. terrible

7.---Do you like the song You and Me ?----Of course.It____ great.

A. sounds B. looks C.smells D. feels

8.The food on the plate smells_____.You can't eat it.

A. badly B. well C.delicious D. bad

9.The soft music sounds ____. We are all listening ____.

A. beautiful; carefully B. beautifully; carefully

C. moving; careful D. happily; careful

10. He always gets ____ when giving a talk.

A. nervous B. nervously C. exciting D. relaxing

11.He seems a little ____ ,because he couldn't get a ticket to The Sound of Music.

A. happy B. happily C. unhappy D. excited

12.-----You look ____.Anything wrong?

------I did badly in the English exam.

A. happy B. lonely C. worried D. excited

13.Tom felt ______ because he failed the math exam.

A. happy B. interested C. disappointed D. excited

14.The father was lonely and often became ______ because of the noisy children.

A. happy B. angry C. angrily D. funny

15.The movie,The Sound of Music, is very _____ ,so we all enjoy it.

A. interesting B. upset C. boring D. disappointing

16. When the teacher asks him, he always ____.

A. keep silent B. keep silently

C. keeps silent D. keeps silence

17.This kind of cake looks ____ and smells _____ .

A. good ; good B. good ; well C. well ; good D. well ; well

18.----Do you think the chicken tastes ____?

-----She cooked it _____ ,I think.

A. good ; good B. good ; well

C. well ; good D. well ; well

19.—How is this kind of apple?—It tastes ____ and sells ____.

A. good; good B. well; well C. good; well D. well; good

20.—Which kind of food smells ____ or tastes ____? —Sorry, I don’t know.

A. good; well B. well; bad C. good; good D. well; well


1.D 2.A 3.A 4.B 5.B 6.D 7.A 8.D 9.A 10.A 11.C 12.C 13.C 14.B 15.A 16.C 17.A 18.B 19.C 20.C

标签: #特征是名词还是形容词英语