Unity在升级到2018.3版本后 新增了Prefab Mode系统,可以通过Open Prefab直接打开新的Scene对预设进行编辑。
Unity的Prefab Mode强制在对Prefab节点进行删除/移动时 需要在Prefab Mode系统中才能进行,因此若是在NGUI5.6升级Unity到2018.3 就会出现 在Scene场景中无法删、移预设,但是进入Prefab Mode会有导致NGUI控件报错的问题。
1,简单的解决方法是 每次进行预设编辑时 使用Unpack 进行预设的解引用,这样不需要进入Prefab Mode也可以进行预设的删、移,而缺点就是 每次修改之后需要进行预设的覆盖,带来操作成本,隐患则是进行Unpack会导致引用丢失,需要每次都重新拖引用,提高了操作失误率。
2,对NGUI 5.6 源码修改,在进入Prefab Mode时为其创建UIRoot,在寻找解决方案的时候发现了NGUI2018已经有相应的解决方法,这里将需要修改的代码整理出来:
UIRect.cs `protected virtual void Awake () { ``#if UNITY_2018_3_OR_NEWER `` NGUITools.CheckForPrefabStage (gameObject); ``#endif `` mStarted = false; `` mGo = gameObject; `` mTrans = transform; ``} ``static public void CheckForPrefabStage (GameObject gameObject) { ``#if UNITY_EDITOR && UNITY_2018_3_OR_NEWER `` var prefabStage = UnityEditor.Experimental.SceneManagement.PrefabStageUtility.GetPrefabStage (gameObject); `` if (prefabStage == null) `` return; `` var rootsInParents = gameObject.GetComponentsInParent<UIRoot> (true); `` var panelsInParents = gameObject.GetComponentsInParent<UIPanel> (true); `` bool missingRoot = rootsInParents.Length == 0; `` bool missingPanel = panelsInParents.Length == 0; `` if (!missingRoot && !missingPanel) `` return; `` // Since this function is called from Awake/OnEnable, utilities like PrefabStage.prefabContentsRoot `` // or Scene.GetRootGameObjects () aren't available at this point `` var instanceRoot = gameObject.transform; `` while (instanceRoot.parent != null) `` instanceRoot = instanceRoot.parent; `` GameObject container = UnityEditor.EditorUtility.CreateGameObjectWithHideFlags ("UIRoot (Environment)", HideFlags.DontSave); `` container.layer = instanceRoot.gameObject.layer; `` if (missingRoot) `` container.AddComponent<UIRoot> (); `` if (missingPanel) `` container.AddComponent<UIPanel> (); `` UnityEngine.SceneManagement.SceneManager.MoveGameObjectToScene (container, prefabStage.scene); `` instanceRoot.SetParent (container.transform, false); ``#endif ``} `
NGUITools.cs `static public void SetDirty (UnityEngine.Object obj) ``{ ``#if UNITY_EDITOR `` if (obj) `` { `` if (UnityEditor.AssetDatabase.Contains(obj)) `` { `` UnityEditor.EditorUtility.SetDirty(obj); `` } `` else if (!Application.isPlaying) `` { `` if (obj is Component) `` { `` var component = (Component)obj; `` UnityEditor.SceneManagement.EditorSceneManager.MarkSceneDirty(component.gameObject.scene); `` } `` else if (obj is UnityEditor.EditorWindow || obj is ScriptableObject) `` { `` UnityEditor.EditorUtility.SetDirty(obj); `` } `` else `` { `` UnityEditor.EditorUtility.SetDirty(obj); `` UnityEditor.SceneManagement.EditorSceneManager.MarkAllScenesDirty(); `` } `` } `` } `` //if (obj) `` //{ `` // //if (obj is Component) Debug.Log(NGUITools.GetHierarchy((obj as Component).gameObject), obj); `` // //else if (obj is GameObject) Debug.Log(NGUITools.GetHierarchy(obj as GameObject), obj); `` // //else Debug.Log("Hmm... " + obj.GetType(), obj); `` // UnityEditor.EditorUtility.SetDirty(obj); `` // } ``#endif ``} `
UIDrawCall `static UIDrawCall Create (string name, UIPanel pan, Material mat, Texture tex, Shader shader) ``{ `` UIDrawCall dc = Create(name); `` dc.gameObject.layer = pan.cachedGameObject.layer; `` dc.baseMaterial = mat; `` dc.mainTexture = tex; `` dc.shader = shader; `` dc.renderQueue = pan.startingRenderQueue; `` dc.sortingOrder = pan.sortingOrder; `` dc.manager = pan; ``#if UNITY_EDITOR && UNITY_2018_3_OR_NEWER `` // We need to perform this check here and not in Create (string) to get to manager reference `` var prefabStage = UnityEditor.Experimental.SceneManagement.PrefabStageUtility.GetCurrentPrefabStage (); `` if (prefabStage != null && dc.manager != null) `` { `` // If prefab stage exists and new daw call `` var stage = UnityEditor.SceneManagement.StageUtility.GetStageHandle (dc.manager.gameObject); `` if (stage == prefabStage.stageHandle) `` UnityEngine.SceneManagement.SceneManager.MoveGameObjectToScene (dc.gameObject, prefabStage.scene); ``} ``#endif `` return dc; ``} `