

晚夏 275






Unit 1

go to the beach 去沙滩

enjoy sunbathing 享受日光浴

enjoy the moon and stars 看月亮和星星

stay at home 待在家里

have a party 聚会

enjoy Spring Festival 过春节

By plane 乘飞机

sun 太阳

moon 月亮


at night 在晚上

at home 在家里

listen to English 听英语

speak English 讲英语

read English 读英语

write English 写英语

talk in English 用英语交谈

play in English 用英语玩游戏

learn 学;学习;学到

a lot of 很多

word 单词;词

blackboard 黑板

say 说

do tasks 做任务

have an English party 举办英语聚会

act in drama 表演戏剧

learn from each other 互相学习

subject 学科

lesson 课

but 但是

yesterday 昨天

why 为什么

use 用


Unit 2

bank 银行

in front of 在......前面

bookshop 书店

behind 在......后面

hotel 宾馆

clothes shop 服装店

supermarket 超市

across the road 在马路对面

hospital 医院

river 河流

near 在......附近

beside 在......旁边

between 在......中间

healthy (food) 健康的(事物)

vegetable 蔬菜

go down this street 顺着这条街走

turn right at the traffic lights 交通灯处右转

cross the street 穿过马路

street 大街,街道

turn right/left 右转/左转

on the right/left 在右边/左边

minute 分钟,一会儿

City Library 城市图书馆

restaurant 饭店

post office 邮局

by bike 骑自行车

by subway 乘地铁

on foot 步行

half an hour 半小时

city 城市

library 图书馆


Unit 3

America 美国

Shanghai 上海

Xi\\\\\\\\'an 西安

Dalian 大连

by plane 乘飞机

by train 乘火车

by ship 乘轮船

travel 旅行

know 知道

hear 听见

lake 湖;湖泊

the Ming Tombs 明十三陵

the Temple of Heaven 天坛

the Forbidden City 紫禁城

Beihai Park 北海公园

tomorrow 明天

visit 参观

the Great Wall 长城

them 他们;她们;它们(they的宾格)

Britain 英国

Tower Bridge 伦敦塔桥

Big Ben 大本钟

Niagara Falls 尼亚加拉瀑布

Canada 加拿大

CN Tower 加拿大国家电视塔

Austrialia 澳大利亚

Sydney Opera House 悉尼歌剧院

Disneyland 迪士尼乐园

want 想


favourite 最喜欢的

place 位置;地点


Unit 1 I went to Sanya for my holidays.


go to the beach 去沙滩

enjoy sunbathing 享受日光浴

enjoy the moon and stars 看月亮和星星

stay at home 待在家里

have a party 聚会

enjoy Spring Festival 过春节

by plane 乘飞机

sun 太阳 moon 月亮 star 星星

at night 在晚上 at home 在家里

listen to English 听英语

speak English 讲英语

read English 读英语

write English 写英语

talk in English 用英语交谈

play in English 用英语玩游戏

learn 学;学习;学到

a lot of很多 word 单词;词

blackboard 黑板 say 说 do tasks 做任务

have an English party 举办英语聚会

act in drama 表演戏剧

learn from each other 互相学习

subject 学科 lesson 课 but 但是

yesterday 昨天 why 为什么 use 用


1. —What did you do during your holidays? 你假期都做了什么?

—I went to Sanya with my parents. 我和父母一起去三亚了。

2. —How did you get there? 你怎么到那儿的?

—We went there by plane. 我们坐飞机去的。

3. Did you have a good time? Sure!


4. I\\\\\\\\'d like to tell you about our English learning.


5. We began to learn English three years ago.


6. We are very interested in English. 我们对英语非常感兴趣。

7. We have learned a lot of English words.


8. —What did we learn in the first year?


—We learned many new words and used them.


9. —How did you learn English? 你怎样学习英语?

—We learned English by doing things. 我们通过做事学习英语。

—We learned from each other. 我们互相学习。


1. during 和 for 的辨析

during 在……期间,表示动作发生在这段期间的某一点或整段时间。

for 只表示动作的持续,表示持续多长时间

例:I was ill for a week and during the week I didn’t go to work.


2. by + 交通工具, 表示 “乘坐……”

例:by bike,by car,by bus,by train,by subway,by plane / air , by ship /sea等,但“步行 ”为 on foot

3. take sb to + 地点, 意为“把某人带到某地”

例:Would you like to take me to your school?


拓展:用某些动词短语来表示交通方式。如:walk to:步行去;drive to :开车去;ride to :骑马/车去;fly to :乘飞机去。

注意:如果后面接地点副词here , there , home,介词to应省去。

4. enjoy oneself = have a good/great time = have fun


5. teach的拓展

①teach sb. sth.教某人某事

例:Mr Wang teaches us history this term. 王老师这学期教我们历史。

②teach sb. to do sth.教某人做某事

例:Susan often teaches me to read English. 苏珊经常教我读英语。

6. tell sb sth.告诉某人某事

tell sb. to do sth.告诉某人去做某事

tell sb. about sth.给某人讲述某事

7. talk to sb. 和 talk with sb. (与……谈话)

①talk to sb.强调一方主动和另一方去谈话

例:Don’t talk to him, because he is doing his homework.


②talk with sb.强调双方在谈话

8. help的用法

help sb with sth 在某方面帮助某人

例:He usually helps me with my lessons. 他通常在学习上帮助我。

help sb (to) do sth 帮助某人做某事

例:We are going to help Mrs. Li (to) clean the room.


help to do sth 帮着去做某事

例:He never helps to set the dinner table.他从不帮着摆放餐桌。

9. interesting 有趣的

例:This story is interesting. 这个故事真有趣。

be interested in + 名词/doing sth. 对......感兴趣

例:He is interested in music. 他对音乐感兴趣。

10. 表示时间频率的副词 (按频率由高到底排序)

always 总是 usually通常 often 经常 sometimes有时

seldom 很少,不常 hardly难得, 几乎从来不 never决不, 从未

Unit 2 There is a park near my home.


bank 银行 in front of 在……前面

bookshop 书店 behind 在……后面

hotel 宾馆 clothes shop 服装店

supermarket 超市

across the road 在马路对面 hospital 医院

river 河流 near 在……附近 beside 在……旁边

between 在……中间

healthy (food)健康的(食品)

vegetable 蔬菜

go down this street 顺着这条街走

turn right at the tragic lights 交通灯处右转

cross the street 穿过马路


turn right/left 右转/左转

on the right/left 在右边/左边

minute 分钟;一会儿

City Library 城市图书馆 restaurant 饭店

post office 邮局

by bike 骑自行车

by subway 乘地铁

on foot 步行

half an hour 半小时

city 城市 library 图书馆


1. There is a park near my home and there is a river behind the park.


2. There are a lot of trees and flowers in the park.


3. —Where are you going? 你要去哪?

—I want to go to the bookshop. 我想去书店。

4. —But where is it? 但是它在哪?

—Go down this street and turn right at the traffic lights. Then you can see the bookshop on the left.


5. —How long does it take to go there on foot?


—Only a few minutes. 只需要几分钟。

6. —Excuse me. How can I get to the City Library?


—You can go there by No. 6 bus. 你可以做6路公车过去。

7. —Is it far from here? 离这远吗?

—No, it\\\\\\\\'s about half an hour by bus. 不,坐公交大概半小时。

8. —Thank you! 谢谢!—My pleasure! 我的荣幸!

9. —Thanks a lot! 非常感谢!—You\\\\\\\\'re welcome! 不客气!


1. ①in front of 在物体外部的前面

例:There are some trees in front of the building.

②in the front of在物体内部的前面

例:There is a desk in the front of the classroom.

2. 问路

①How can I get to the + 地点?

②Where is the + 地点?

③Can you tell me the way to the+ 地点?

3. There be 句型 (表示“在……有……” )


①There is + 单数可数名词或不可数名词 + 其他.

②There are + 复数可数名词 + 其他.

例:There is a book on the desk. 在书桌上有一本书。

There are some birds in the tree. 在树上有些鸟。

另外要注意:当句子中出现几个并列的主语时,be动词要与靠近的主语的数上保持一致。区别这两个句子 :

There is a girl and some boys in the classroom.

There are some boys and a girl in the classroom.

(2)There be 句型的时态变化

①一般现在时: There is /There are...

②一般将来时: A.肯定句:There will be /There is going to be/ There are going to be...

B.否定句:There won’t be…/There isn’t going to be…/ There aren’t going to be…


问:Will there be…?/ Is there going to be…? / Are there going to be…?

答:Yes, there will. / No, there won’t.

Yes, there is. / No, there isn’t.

Yes, there are. / No, there aren’t.

③ 一般过去时: A.肯定句:There was /There were...

B.否定句:There wasn’t… /There weren’t…


问:Was there…? / Were there…?

答:Yes, there was./ No, there weren’t.

Unit 3 We are going to travel.


America 美国 Shanghai 上海

Xi\\\\\\\\'an 西安 Dalian 大连

by plane 乘飞机 by train 乘火车

by ship 乘轮船 travel 旅行

know 知道 hear 听见 lake 湖;湖泊

the Ming Tombs 明十三陵

the Temple of Heaven 天坛

the Forbidden City 紫禁城

Beihai Park 北海公园

tomorrow 明天 visit 参观

the Great Wall 长城

them 他们;她们;它们 (they的宾格)

Britain 英国 Tower Bridge 伦敦塔桥

Big Ben 大本钟

Niagara Falls 尼亚加拉瀑布

Canada 加拿大

CN Tower 加拿大国家电视塔

Australia 澳大利亚

Sydney Opera House 悉尼歌剧院

Disneyland 迪士尼乐园

want 想 see 看见

favourite 最喜欢的 place 位置;地点


1. We are going to travel around China during the summer holidays.


2. We\\\\\\\\'re going to Hangzhou by plane. 我们要坐飞机去杭州。

3. They are going to stay in Beijing for three days.


4. I want to visit Wuhan. 我想拜访武汉。

5. —What do you think about Shanghai? 你对上海有什么看法?

—It\\\\\\\\'s a big city. 它是个大城市。

6. —Where are we going today? 我们今天去哪?

—We\\\\\\\\'re going to visit the Great Wall this morning and then the Ming Tombs in the afternoon.


7. —When are we going to the Summer Palace?


—Tomorrow morning. 明早。

8. —Would you like to go to Disneyland? 你想去迪士尼吗?

—Yes, of course. I want to see all my favourite places.



1. 含义:表示将来某一时刻的动作或状态。将来某一段时间内经常的动作或状态。

2. 陈述句结构:

①肯定句:主语+ be going to /will + 动词原形 + 其他.

②否定句:主语+ be not going to /will not +动词原形 + 其他.

3. 一般疑问句结构:

Will +主语 + 动词原形 + 其他?

Be +主语 + going to + 动词原形 + 其他?

答语: Yes, 主语 + will. / No, 主语 + won\\\\\\\\'t.

4. 特殊疑问句结构:

特殊疑问词 + will + 主语 + 动词原形 + 其他?

特殊疑问词 + be + 主语 + going to + 动词原形 + 其他?



基数词one two three four ★five six seven eight nine ten

序数词 fourth sixth

基数词 eleven ★twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen


基数词 sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen ★twenty


基数词 twenty-one twenty-two twenty-three twenty-four twenty-five


基数词 thirty thirty-one forty fifty sixty




red yellow green blue purple

white black orange pink brown


①year(年) 一年 两年 三岁 大四岁


There are seasons in a year. They’re and .


Winter is , and . Spring is , and .Summer is , and .Fall is , and .

◇January is the month of a year.


There are days in a week.

They are , , , , , and .


周末 下周 上周 明天 昨天

今晚 或 今天早上 今天下午

♀in spring/summer/January/February/March

on Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday


at seven o’clock at nine o’clock

at six thirty

4.Food and drinks(食品与饮料)

①western food(西方食品)

cake (面包) hot dog hamburger (鸡腿)

French fries coke (果汁) water tea coffee ice-cream

②eastern food(东方食品)

米饭 fish 猪肉 mutton 面条

牛肉 汤 egg


卷心菜 茄子 green beans tofu

土豆 番茄 黄瓜 onion 胡萝卜


桃子 梨 orange 西瓜 apple banana

草莓 葡萄


可口的 或 ,健康的 ,甜的 ,

酸的 ,新鲜的 ,咸的 ,饿了


盘子 ,叉子 , knife 勺子 , 筷子



coat(外衣,winter), 夹克衫 , 衬衫 , 裙子 ,

连衣裙 ,毛线衣 ,一条牛仔裤 , 一条长裤 , 一双袜子 一条短裤


Shoes分为 (运动鞋), (拖鞋), (凉鞋),


※我穿17尺码 .

6.Toy and stationary(玩具与文具)


洋娃娃 ,小船 ,皮球 ,风筝 ,气球 ,car, 飞机

♀交通工具:地铁 ,ship,plane,火车 ,bus,bike,jeep,taxi

motor cycle,“乘……”用by,但是on foot。


pen , pencil ,pencil-case ,ruler ,橡皮擦 ,蜡笔 ,bag,sharpener.

形容词: 便宜的 , expensive, pretty, 多彩的 .


漫画书 ,报纸 ,杂志 ,字典 ,post card,Chinese book ,English book, math book, story book ,notebook


air-conditioner , (窗帘) ,trash bin ,closet ,mirror ,end table ,phone ,bed ,sofa , (书架),fridge ,table ,walkman ,


※After school ,I went (家).This is my (房子).There are five rooms in my house. They’re a (书房),a

(卫生间), a (卧室),a (客厅) and a (厨房).

※I’m helpful at home. I can empty the trash, (煮饭),water the flowers, (扫地),clean the bedroom,

(做家务),make the bed , (整理餐具),wash the clothes, (洗碗),put away the clothes, watch TV and play computer games.


At zoo, there are fox, zebra, giraffe ,梅花鹿 ,cat ,dog ,

monkey,熊猫 ,兔子 ,鸭子 ,pig ,bird ,熊 ,mouse,squirrel ,kangaroo ,狮子 ,蛇 and 老虎 .

At (农场),there are sheep ,lamb ,马 ,母鸡 ,山羊 ,奶牛 ,donkey and goose.


seed ,soil ,sprout 植树


air sky (小溪) mountain (河流) flower grass lake forest path park (村庄) (城市) bridge tree road


library , post office , hospital , cinema , bookstore , shoe store ,

fruit stand ,pet shop ,supermarket ,bank ,science museum


head ,face ,nose ,mouth ,eye ,ear ,arm ,hand ,finger ,leg ,foot ,throat.

♀feel sick/ill(生病了)

发烧 ,受伤 ,感冒 ,牙疼 , 头疼 ,喉咙疼

心情 feel tired excited angry happy ored sad(感到疲劳兴奋生气高兴无聊悲伤)


My name is .My (爱好)isriding a bike , diving , playing the violinpiano , making kites ,collecting stamps, music ,science ,sports, computer game ,painting


This is my family. There are eight people in my family. They are my (父母)【 and 】, (兄弟), (姐妹) (舅舅,叔叔), (姑姑,婶婶), (外公,爷爷)and


按性别分为boy and girl ,man and woman.


young ,funny ,tall ,strong ,big

small ,long ,kind(和蔼的,亲切的) ,old ,

short ,thin ,strict(严厉的), (聪明的), (活跃的) (安静的),long hair , (短头发)

⊙问“他/她长什么样?” ?

“他瘦瘦的,矮矮.他很和蔼” . .

“她年轻而且漂亮.她很搞笑.” . .

“他有黑色的短发和大大的眼睛.” .

“她很安静.” .

14.学校建筑和学校生活(principal、teacher and student)

(操场), (花园),teacher’s office, (图书馆),

(餐厅),classroom , (美术教室),computer room ,

washroom,music room , (体育馆)window,board,light,

picture ,door ,floor ,classroom ,computer ,teacher’s desk ,

(墙壁), (电风扇),desk and chair.

学校生活:read book ,do homework ,have English class music class P.E. classmath class Chinese class ,do morning exercises ,play sports,


问今天天气怎么样? ? It’s and .

rainy , snowy , windy , cloudy , sunny ,

warm , cold , cool , hot , cloud , vapour


Do you know When are these holidays?

① Spring festival(元旦) is on .

② Tree-planting Day(植树节) is on .

③ Children’s Day(儿童节) is on .

④ Army Day(建军节) is on .

⑤ Teacher’s Day(教师节) is on .

⑥ National Day(国庆节) is on .

⑦ Mid-autumn Day(中秋节) is on .

⑧ Lantern’s Day(元宵节) is on .



Spring ( March April May )

Summer ( June July August )

Fall( September October November )

Winter( December January February )

★日期的读法 比如:Jan.22nd就读成 January the twenty-second

Apr.19th就读成April the nineteenth


traffic light

ule ,stop at a red light ,wait at a yellow light ,

go at a green light ,turn left ,turn right ,go straight ,next to(与…相邻),far away(远离…) , in , on ,under ,near ,behind(在…后面), over(在…上方),in front of(在…前面) ,east ,west ,south, north

This is my room. There is a bed, a desk ,a closet and a shelf. There are two end tables near the bed. The computer is on the desk. The books are on the shelf. The trash bin is behind the door. What can you see over the bed? It’s my picture.


take a trippictures, , read a magazine , go to the cinema ,get up ,go to school, go home ,go to bed ,play football ,haveeat breakfast ,haveeat lunch ,haveeat dinner , climb mountains , go shopping , play the piano ,visit grandparents ,go hiking , fly kites, skate ,make a snowman ,plant trees ,sleep ,draw pictures ,cook dinner ,read a book,answer the phone, listen to music ,clean the room ,write a letter ,write an e-mail , pick up leaves , collect leaves , play chess ,have a picnic ,write a report,drink water ,jump,walk ,run ,climb,fight ,swim ,swing

♀Miss Lin is a teacher. She (居住) in Yue Qing. She

(教)English. She to work by car .She (读)newspaper everyday.

She goes home at 11:15. She (看)TV in the evening. She goes to bed at 11 o’clock.


♀Miss Lin a teacher. She (居住) in Yue Qing. She taught English. She to work by car .She (读)newspaper everyday.

She home at 11:15. She (看)TV in the evening. She to bed at 11 o’clock.


singer , writer , TV reporter , policeman , salesperson ,cleaner ,

baseball player ,driver ,doctor ,farmer, nurse,actor , actress , artist , engineer , accountant

你是做什么的? ?

他她是做什么的? ?
























I am =( ) it is =( ) he is =( )she is =( )

who is =( ) that is =( ) we will=( )

what is =( ) you are =( ) they are =( )

can not =( ) do not =( ) do not = ( )

does not=( ) is not=( ) are not=( )

let us =( ) number =( )


Good idea!( ) All right!( ) Good job!( )

Sure. Here you are. ( ) That’s right. ( )

No problem. ( )

标签: #struts读法