
每日新闻播报(April 24)

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Graph of Prince Louis ahead of his first birthday on 23rd April 2019 [Photo/IC]

>Photos of Prince Louis 路易王子一周岁晒萌照

Britain's Prince William and his wife Kate have released three new photographs of their youngest son, Prince Louis, to mark his first birthday on Tuesday. 4月23日是英国的路易小王子的一岁生日,威廉王子和凯特王妃发布小儿子的三张新照片为他庆生。

Two of the photographs show Louis in a woodland setting with moss stuck to his red sweater, while in a third he sports a blue jumper with a picture of a dog on the front. 其中两张照片中路易王子在林地里玩耍,红色毛衣上沾满了苔藓,第三张照片中他穿着有小狗图案的蓝色套头毛衣。

All were taken this month by Kate at the family's home in Norfolk, eastern England, Kensington Palace said. 肯辛顿宫表示,三张照片都是由凯特王妃本月在他们位于英格兰东部诺福克的乡村住宅拍摄的。

Louis, who is fifth in line to the throne, has a five-year-old brother, Prince George, and three-year-old sister, Princess Charlotte. 路易王子是英王室第五顺位继承人,他有一个5岁的哥哥乔治王子和一个3岁的姐姐夏洛特公主。


>Song a better way to wake up 动听乐曲叫早效果更佳

Waking up to a catchy pop song rather than a beeping alarm can stop drowsiness, scientists claim. 科学家称,用朗朗上口的流行歌曲叫早比哔哔作响的闹钟能更有效地帮人赶走睡意。

Melodic songs such as the Beach Boys' "Good Vibrations" and The Cure's "Close to Me" can drive away morning sluggishness, say researchers. 研究人员称,"海滩男孩"乐队的《美好感受》和"治疗"乐队的《靠近我》等动听的歌曲还能使人摆脱晨醒迟缓。

Classical music, such as "Fur Elise" by Beethoven and "the Four Seasons" by Antonio Vivaldi, are also widely considered to be highly melodic by listeners and could also help reduce morning grogginess. 听众普遍认为贝多芬的《致爱丽丝》和维瓦尔第的《四季》等旋律鲜明的古典音乐也对减轻晨醒迟钝有效。

Researchers found that while sound is generally good at attracting human attention, melodic music may be better at holding it for longer and help get the brain going in the morning. 研究人员发现,虽然声音在吸引注意力方面通常都很奏效,但旋律性较强的音乐也许能让人注意力保持更长的时间,从而帮助大脑在早上能尽快运转起来。


>IT sector hungry for talents 网络行业人才需求强劲

China's internet companies still have growing demand for talent despite market uncertainties, according to a report by e-recruitment platform Liepin. 根据网络招聘平台猎聘发布的有关中高端人才的报告,尽管市场存在不确定性,国内互联网公司对人才的需求仍在不断上涨。

The job website's report on middle and high-end talents said more than 1,200 companies raised funds or listed on the stock market in the first quarter of this year, including nearly 500 internet companies that saw demand for talent rise by 57.43% year-on-year. 报告称,2019年一季度,超过1200家公司在股市融资或上市,其中包括互联网公司近500家,后者人才需求同比增长57.43%。

Data shows the internet industry is still a magnet for top-level professionals. Demand for mid-to-top-tier talent in the internet accounted for 18.04%, while in real estate, mechanical manufacturing and finance sectors the figures are 16.76%, 14.08% and 11.45%, respectively. 数据显示,互联网行业对高端专业人士来说仍具有较大的吸引力,互联网、房地产、机械制造和金融行业对中高端人才的需求占比分别为18.04%、16.76%、14.08%和11.45%。

Among the top 10 new fields offering the largest number of job opportunities, demand for Internet + education professionals ranks first, with year-on-year growth of 91.42%, followed by e-sports, up 89.5%, and AI-related jobs at 44.3%. 在就业机会最多的十大新兴领域中,互联网+教育的职位需求增速第一,同比增长91.42%;电竞和人工智能紧随其后,相关职位需求同比分别增长89.5%和44.30%。

Sri Lankan military officials stand guard in front of the St. Anthony's Shrine, Kochchikade church after an explosion in Colombo, Sri Lanka April 21, 2019. [Photo/Agencies]

>More than 300 dead in blasts 斯里兰卡进入紧急状态 连环爆炸逾300人丧生

Sri Lanka began a day of national mourning Tuesday with three minutes of silence to honor more than 300 people killed in suicide bomb blasts that have been blamed on a local Islamist group. Police said that 40 people were now under arrest over the suicide bomb attacks - the worst atrocity since Sri Lanka's civil war ended a decade ago. 斯里兰卡将23日定为全国哀悼日,民众静默三分钟,沉痛悼念自杀式连环爆炸案遇难者。斯里兰卡政府称,这一系列袭击案系当地伊斯兰激进组织策划实施,目前已导致超过300人丧生,是该国自10年前内战结束以来最严重的暴力事件。警方表示目前已逮捕了40名炸弹袭击事件嫌疑人。

Investigators are now hunting for clues on whether the local Islamist group named as the chief suspect - National Thowheeth Jama'ath (NTJ) - received "international support", said government spokesman Rajitha Senaratne. 政府发言人塞纳拉特纳表示,当地伊斯兰激进组织NTJ乃爆炸案主要黑手,但调查人员正在寻找线索,以查明该组织是否获得了"国际援助"。

The spokesman added that it was not possible for such "a small organization" to carry out such well coordinated suicide strikes. 该发言人表示,NTJ这个小型组织不可能实施一系列如此高度协同的自杀式袭击。

The state of emergency, which gave police and the military special powers to counter militant strikes, came into force at midnight Monday. Suspects can be detained without a court order. 自22日午夜开始,斯里兰卡进入国家紧急状态,警方和军队被授予打击恐怖犯罪的特别权力,他们可以在无逮捕令的情况下逮捕嫌疑犯。

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