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Trump's 2020 Strategy: Attack, Rinse and Repeat

----By Susan Milligan, Senior Politics Writer May 22, 2020, at 6:00 a.m.

HE'S ACCUSING HIS election opponent of criminal behavior. He's blaming the nation's woes on foreigners. He attaches schoolyard nicknames to politicians he doesn't like, hoping to brand them out of business. Anyone who crosses him is ostentatiously fired.他指控他的竞选对手有犯罪行为。他把国家的苦难归咎于外国人。他给自己不喜欢的政客起校园绰号,希望以此来让他们歇菜。任何“僭越”他的人都会被明目张胆地解雇。

For Donald Trump, the 2020 presidential campaign strategy is 2016 all over again – demonizing his critics as deranged anti-Trumpers and casting himself and his most ardent supporters as victims of a Washington, D.C., "swamp" out to protect itself at the expense of regular Americans.

对唐纳德·特朗普来说,2020年的总统竞选战略又是2016年的翻版——他把批评者妖魔化为疯狂的反特朗普者,把自己和他最热心的支持者塑造成华盛顿特区的受害者,牺牲普通美国人的利益,为保护自己而“应接不暇” 。

The problem for Trump is that he has been the highest ranking resident of the purported swamp for 3 1/2 years, making it harder for him to run as the outsider best equipped to shake up a corrupt system. But unlike his predecessors, Trump has retained an insurgent image among his base, who continue to see the president as the defiant force against everything from the so-called "deep state" to the "fake news."


"Ordinarily it's hard to run for reelection as the outsider. Jimmy Carter learned this in 1980. He was the anti-Washington person who was in power," says Julian Zelizer, a history and public affairs professor at Princeton University. "Trump is so out of the box and so unconventional that he remains an outsider in certain ways. He also has a massive media and social media platform that will sell that message even if he is the person sitting in the Oval Office."

“一般来说,作为局外人竞选连任很难。这是吉米·卡特是1980年的语录。普林斯顿大学(Princeton University)历史与公共事务教授朱利安•泽利泽(Julian Zelizer)说:“他是一个反华盛顿的掌权者。”特朗普如此出格,如此非常规,以至于他在某些方面仍然是政坛局外人。他还拥有一个庞大的媒体和社交媒体平台,即使他是坐在椭圆形办公室的人,也会兜售这一信息。”

As the presidential campaign nears, Trump has reverted to his old playbook and verbiage.


Immigrants and foreigners? They were responsible, in Trump's 2016 mind, for crime and the decline of manufacturing jobs. This year, it's China that Trump has blamed for the coronavirus, along with world health community officials who didn't stop it.


Former President Barack Obama – who has been out of office nearly four years and is not running for office again – continues to be a target of Trump, who blames the former president for everything from the national debt (which has escalated under the Trump administration) to the lack of planning for a global pandemic (Obama left the incoming administration, literally, a guide for dealing with a potential pandemic). Those attacks have continued despite Obama's post-term popularity: A recent Public Policy Polling survey found that 54% of Americans would vote for Obama against Trump, who would get 43% of the vote.

美国前总统奥巴马(Barack Obama)已经离任近四年,不再竞选总统,但他继续成为特朗普的攻击目标,特朗普将从国债(在特朗普政府的领导下已经升级)到缺乏应对全球流行病的计划(奥巴马让即将上任的政府成为应对潜在流行病的指南)等所有问题都归咎于前总统奥巴马。尽管奥巴马在任期后颇受欢迎,但这些攻击仍在继续:最近的一项公共政策民调调查发现,54%的美国人会投奥巴马反对特朗普,特朗普可能获得43%的选票。

Instead of seeking to build a broader voter coalition, the president has continued an anti-immigrant tirade meant to appeal to his hard-core base – disaffected white men. Trump has even reverted to using his favorite lines from 2016: "What have you got to lose?" Trump said Monday, explaining why he was taking the unproved coronavirus treatment hydroxychloroquine. It was the same line he used in 2016 when asked to explain why African Americans should vote for him.


And while most reelection campaigns are referendums on the incumbent, Trump is trying to make the campaign a ruling on the integrity and health of his opponent. Just as Trump questioned Hillary Clinton's health and fitness, he has suggested former Vice President Joe Biden, the presumptive Democrtic nominee, is losing mental acuity.

虽然多数连任竞选都是针对现任总统的全民公决,特朗普却试图让竞选成为对对手正直和健康的裁决。就在特朗普质疑希拉里·克林顿的健康状况之际,他暗示,前副总统乔·拜登(Joe Biden)这个被认为是民主派候选人的人正在失去精神敏锐性。

As Trump accused Clinton of criminal activity, citing her home email server as proof, so he has gone after Biden. Trump has sought to tie the former vice president to political scandal – to everything from the prosecution of Trump national security adviser Michael Flynn (which Trump says was wrongly done) to a discredited claim that Biden tried to force the removal of a Ukranian prosecutor to protect his son Hunter Biden.


In the latter effort, Trump – as he did in 2016 – has cooperation from congressional Republicans. House Republicans conducted a two-year investigation of the death of four American diplomats in Benghazi, Libya, ultimately finding in its 2016 report no new evidence of wrongdoing by Clinton, who was secretary of state at the time of the killings. Weeks before Clinton was nominated for president at the Democratic National Convention, House Republicans asked the Justice Department to look into whether she had committed perjury when testifying about her email server.


Trump recently has been urging Senate Republicans to look into Obama and Biden, with some success: Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Lindsey Graham, South Carolina Republcian, is preparing hearings on the conduct of the Russia investigation but has said he will not call Obama to testify. Other GOP-run committees are looking into Obama-era matters, including Hunter Biden's work for the Ukrainian firm Burisma. The Senate Homeland Security Committee this week voted along party lines to subpoena testimony and documents from a firm that did business with the Ukrainian company when Hunter Biden was on the board.

特朗普最近一直敦促参议院共和党人调查奥巴马和拜登,他取得了一些成功:参议院司法委员会主席、南卡罗来纳州共和党人林赛·格雷厄姆(Lindsey Graham)正准备就俄罗斯调查的进行举行听证会,但他表示不会打电话给奥巴马作证。其他共和党执掌的委员会正在调查奥巴马时代的事务,包括亨特·拜登为乌克兰Burisma公司所做的工作。本周,参议院国土安全委员会(Senate Homeland Security Committee)按照政党的路线投票,传唤亨特•拜登(Hunter Biden)在董事会任职时与这家乌克兰公司有业务往来的一家公司的证词和文件。

That approach worked, of course, in 2016. But now that Trump has a record of his own to defend, the tactic is not so easy, says Bob Shrum, a longtime Democratic consultant and director of the Center for the Political Future at the University of Southern California.

当然,这种方法在2016年奏效了。但长期担任民主党顾问、南加州大学政治未来中心主任的鲍勃·斯鲁姆(Bob Shrum)表示,既然特朗普有自己的辩护记录,这种策略就不那么容易了。

"No president has ever been reelected in the wake of an economic disaster, like the one we're experiencing. You put that on top of the health disaster, which – if you believe the polls – a majority of Americans believe he should have handled much better. And he has a historical political Mount Everest to climb," Shrum says.


Trump's campaign is "throwing everything they can against (Biden) and hoping it will stick," as Trump did with Clitnon in 2016, Shrum says. Still, Biden's lead nationally is about 8-10 percentage points, Shrum adds. The last candidate to win by nearly 10% of the popular vote, Shrum notes, was a Republican: Ronald Reagan, who ended up taking 489 Electoral College votes to Jimmy Carter's 49.


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