

LearningYard学苑 51







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Today, the editor brings the “SWOT Strategic Analysis Research”.

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Did students only conduct industry analysis when learning SWOT analysis methods in the past? This week, I learned an article that gave me a new understanding of SWOT analysis methods. What are the specific methods used? Please take a look at the specific content of this tweet!

Firstly, the author conducted a SWOT industry analysis of the research object H Real Estate Company. The basic conclusion is that traditional qualitative descriptions cannot accurately analyze the company's strategy. Therefore, a combination of qualitative analysis and quantitative calculation is used to conduct a SWOT analysis of H Real Estate Company's strategy, which includes five parts: ① qualitative diagnosis of H Real Estate Company's SWOT; ② Calculation of the strength of various factors in H real estate company; ③ The construction of the strategic quadrilateral of H real estate company; ④ Calculation of strategic type azimuth of H real estate company; ⑤ Calculation of strategic intensity coefficient for H real estate company; ⑥ Analysis of strategic choices for H real estate company. Let's analyze it below. The following table summarizes:



Step 1: Calculate the strength of each factor

In order to accurately evaluate the external opportunities, threats, and internal strengths and weaknesses of H Real Estate Company, interviews were organized with relevant department heads, marketing personnel, department heads of affiliated enterprises, and consumer representatives (collectively referred to as experts). Based on the relevant data of H Real Estate Company, the estimation of the strength and development probability of the relevant factors of H Real Estate Company is shown in Tables 4-5:


Correspond the estimated strength of the opportunity/threat factors of H real estate company to their importance one by one, and obtain the total strength of opportunity O and threat T of H real estate company, that is, O=0.7x0.8+0.65x0.85+0.7x0.9+0.8x0.9=2.46T=(-0.45x0.8)+(-0.45x0.8)+(-0.6x0.7)+(-0.6x0.7)=-1.56


Correspond the estimated strength of H real estate company's strengths/weaknesses with their importance one by one, and obtain the total strength of H real estate company's strengths S and weaknesses T, namely S=0.85 x 0.85+0.7x0.8+0.8x0.8+0.7x0.8=2.48W=(-0.75x0.7)+(-0.7x0.7)+(-0.8x0.8)+(-0.75x0.75)+(-0.7x0.6)+(-0.8x0.8)=-3.20



Step 2: Build a strategic quadrilateral

Based on the above SWOT total factor intensity calculation results, the strategic quadrilateral of H Real Estate Company is constructed using the evaluation results of H Real Estate Company's strengths (S=2.48), H Real Estate Company's weaknesses (W=-3.20), H Real Estate Company's factors (0=2.46), and H Real Estate Company's threat/challenge factors (T=-1.56) as half axes.


According to the strategic quadrilateral of H Real Estate Company, SW=2.48+3.20=5.86OT=2.46+1.56=4.02



Step 3: Calculate strategic type orientation

The Barycentric coordinate system of the strategic quadrangle determines the type of business strategy of H Real Estate Company θ Represents the strategic azimuth of H Real Estate Company, and calculates the type of strategic area where H Real Estate Company is located through azimuth calculation. Tan θ= Y/X=4.02/5.86=0.69, with SW as the horizontal axis, where the size of X equals the value of SW; OT is taken as the vertical T-axis, where the size of Y is equal to the value of OT θ The size is 35 º, within the range of [0, π/4), positioning H Real Estate Company in the first quadrant. Based on relevant strategic selection theory, combined with H Real Estate Company's actual operating situation and external market environment, H Real Estate Company should establish a strength based strategy in an exploratory region.



The strategic intensity calculation of H real estate company yields: V=T × W=(-1.56) x (-3.2)=4.99, U=O × S=2.46x2.48=6.10, so:

ρ= U/(U+V)=6.10/(6.10+4.99)=0.55, accompanied by the continuous increase in strategic strength U of H Real Estate Company, the strategic strength coefficient of H Real Estate Company has increased, and the strategic strength of H Real Estate Company has increased; On the premise that the positive strength U of H real estate company's strategy remains unchanged, the negative strength V value of H real estate company's strategy continues to rise, the strategic strength coefficient of H real estate company weakens, and the strategic strength of H real estate company weakens. It can be further seen from the calculation data that the strategic strength of H Real Estate Company is 0.55, which is between 0.5 and 1 in the strategic development area. Therefore, H Real Estate Company should adopt a strategy with a greater degree of development.


To sum up, the SWOT analysis method can also provide relatively accurate corporate strategic suggestions in the form of data. The next edition will show you how to conduct corporate strategic planning from the perspective of consumers. Please wait!






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[1]杨海荣. 供给侧改革背景下房地产企业市场拓展策略研究[D].武汉理工大学,2021.

标签: #多属性决策分析 #多属性决策分析方法 #多属性决策分析方法有哪些