

英语罗老师 482









1. 可以从网上得到各种信息并且有利于学习。2. 可以网上购物、聊天、交朋友……


1. 网上的信息并非都是真实的。2. 学生们沉迷于网络游戏……



要求: 1. 语言通顺,逻辑清晰,字迹工整。

2. 必须包括表格中所给的提示信息,可以适当发挥,以使行文连贯。

3. 文中不得出现真实的人名、校名和地名。

4. 词数:不少于80词。


Whether Students Should Surf the Internet

Recently, we held a discussion about whether students should surf the Internet. 68% of the students said that students can surf the Internet. First, we can get all kinds of information from the Internet and it is good for our study. Secondly, we can shop, chat and make friends online.

However, 32 percent of the students are against surfing the Internet. On one hand, they think not all the information on the Internet is true. On the other hand, students may be addicted to online games.

In my opinion, we should make use of the Internet to study well and get rid of the disadvantages of the Internet.


















As students, we can do different kinds of sports after class. As for me, I think highly of jogging because it’s good for health. I often jog in the playground for half an hour. Another sports that I like is playing football. I often play it with my friends after school. It is very interesting.

There is no doubt that doing sports is helpful to us. We can not only build up our body and keep us healthy and strong. What’s more, when we feel stressed, we can do some sports to relax ourselves. The most important is that we can make friends when we do sports. I met my best friend when I once played football in the playground.

Let’s do more sports. In this way, we can be healthy and happy every day.







某英文网站正在开展以“厉害了,我的国!” 为主题的征文活动。请你以“China makes me feel surprised”为题目,用英语写一篇80词左右的短文投稿。


1. 选择中国发展中一个让你感到惊讶的事件进行简单叙述,并写出你的感受;

2. 书写规范,要点齐全,条理清晰,可合理发挥;

3. 文中不得出现真实姓名、校名、地名,否则不予赋分。

参考词汇:aerospace industry 航空航天工业;spaceship 宇宙飞船;develop hybrid rice 培育杂交水稻;Beijing 2008 Olympics 北京2008奥运会;Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics 北京2022冬奥会


China makes me feel surprised

In recent years, great changes have taken place in China and many achievements have attracted the attention of the world. For example, two Olympic Games were held successfully. It really surprised me. China successfully hosted the 2008 Summer Olympic Games and once again introduced China to the world. China has developed rapidly since then. The Winter Olympic Games were successfully held this year. And many Chinese athletes won gold medals. As a Chinese, I am very proud. Also I feel excited for the strength of the motherland.



1.题干解读:本文是一篇话题作文。以“China makes me feel surprised”为题目,选择中国发展中一个让你感到惊讶的事件进行简单叙述,并写出你的感受。



为响应教育部加强中小学劳动教育的要求,培养学生爱劳动的好习惯,你校学生会举行了主题为“Do housework and develop ourselves”的征文比赛。请根据以下内容提示,用英语写一篇知文参加这次征文活动。








Do housework and develop ourselves

Do you often do housework? I often clean the room, sweet the floor, fold the clothes and take out the rubbish. My parents are very busy with work and housework on weekdays, so I usually do some housework on weekends to let them have a rest.

Last Sunday, I found my bedroom was in a mess, so I decided to do the cleaning. I made my bed, washed my sports clothes. And then I made a delicious lunch for my parents. How happy they were!

From the experience, I realized that I am old enough to look after myself. And doing the housework is a good way to exercise, and it can also develop our independence.






为积极响应落实国家“双减”政策,你校英语老师研发了多种形式的英语作业,为学生减负,为教学增效。英语组正在举办题为“My favorite English homework”的征文活动。请根据以下表中信息,写一篇短文投稿。

要求:1) 文中不得出现真实人名,校名和地名;2) 语言通顺,表达正确;

3) 至少三个理由:4) 词数:80词左右。

My favorite English homework



1. the whole book reading整本书阅读

2. play show 话剧表演

3. king of words单词王

4. collection of translation of public places搜集公共场所的英语译文

5. movie dubbing 电影配音

6. volunteer guide for foreigners



1. develop/raise reading interest, reading habit…

2. improve reading ability, thinking ability, language ability, writing ability, communication ability...

3. build confidence 树立自信

4. enlarge vocabulary 扩大词汇

5. learn by practice

6. enrich knowledge and experience

7. know about western culture

8. tell Chinese good stories

9. spread Chinese traditional and excellent culture



“双减”政策“Double Reduction” policy;减轻学生负担release students’ burden;提升教学效果improve teaching quality


My favorite English homework

In response to the implementation of “Double Reduction” policy, our English teacher has developed various forms of English homework to release students’ burden and improve teaching quality. Among them, I like volunteer guide for foreigners best. It not only helped me improve my spoken English, but also provides a chance for me to spread Chinese traditional and excellent culture to foreigners. What’s more, I become more confident than before.

In my opinion, it’s also a good choice to draw mind maps. It helps us to have a better understanding of the lessons. Besides, we can learn to sing English songs, since most of us like singing. In this way, our English as well as hobbies develops.

I hope we will have more creative English homework in the future.



1.题干解读:本文是一篇材料作文。要求以“My favorite English homework”为题,结合提示内容进行写作,注意要点齐全,可适当发挥。



随着义务教育“双减”政策的实施,学校的作业少了,课外辅导班叫停了。作为政策的亲历者,你的课余生活发生了哪些变化?你如何看待这一政策?现你校英文报刊就“双减”这一话题开设专栏,展开讨论。请根据思维导图以“Changes after the ‘Double Reduction’ Policy”为题写一篇短文,向该栏目投稿。

提示词:the“double reduction”policy“双减”政策





Changes after the “Double Reduction” Policy

Since the “double reduction” policy was carried out, my life has changed greatly. I used to have much homework. But now I have less homework than before. I had to do homework that was boring in the past. Now I have some creative homework.

As for weekend activities, I had to take after-school classes. I used to be busy and tired. I had too much pressure. But now I have more time to take up my hobbies. On weekends I often play basketball with my friends to improve my skills. I also plan to learn to play the guitar. I read more books to develop my reading abilities. I have more time to do what I like.

All in all, I think the “double reduction” policy is good for my body and mind. It makes my life colorful.



1.题干解读:本文是一篇材料作文,要求以“Changes after the ‘Double Reduction’ Policy”为题写一篇短文。







③词数:80 左右。


At home, I always help my parents do some housework, such as looking after pets, sweeping the floor, doing some washing, cooking and so on, among which, cooking is what I often do for my parents on weekends because they are so busy with their work that they have no time to prepare meals. I buy some fresh vegetables and meat from the market nearby and cook them in the kitchen with great care. Seeing them enjoy the delicious dishes, I am so proud of myself, so are my parents.

Labor not only brings me a lot of pleasure but also helps ease the burden of my parents.



1.题干解读:本文是一篇材料作文。 短文要求介绍我们所做的家务劳动,然后谈谈收获和感受。



某中学生英文报Your Voice栏目中有如下征文通知,请你写篇英语文章投稿,谈谈你的想法。

It’s not very easy for teenagers to make true friends. Some of them make friends by following suit (随大流). That means they do the same as their friends, such as playing online games or saying bad words behind others, although they’re not willing to.Share your ideas about the topic.

1. Is it wise to follow suit in order to make friends?

2. How can teenagers make true friends?

Don’t forget to support your ideas with your experience as an example.





I want to share my ideas about the topic.

In my opinion, making friends by following suit is not wise. Because everyone is an individual, with his own interests and personality. So don’t follow the crowd and just do what other people like to do.

We should make friends with those who can give us help and share our happiness and sadness. To make true friends, you must be friendly to others. Smile at others and you will get a smile in return. You can make friends with those who share the same interest with you or those who are totally different from you. Try to help your friends when they are in trouble because a friend in need is a friend indeed.

















The People’s Republic of China was founded on 1st October 1949. People have celebrated the National Day since then. There are flowers and national flags everywhere, and we have a three-day holiday.

My parents and I are going to visit my grandparents in the countryside and we’ll stay there until the end of the holiday. While we’re staying with my grandparents, we’re going to help them do some housework and some farm work.

I believe my grandparents will be happy if we help them do such things, and we’ll be happy, too. I think it’s very meaningful to spend a holiday like this.







提示词语:plan, task, attention, make use of, progress

提示问题:How do you increase your efficiency(效率)?

What have you achieved?


High efficiency is important for a busy student. It is necessary for everyone to learn how to increase efficiency.

I have tried many ways to increase my efficiency since I was a middle school student. Before the beginning of a day, I always think about my goals and make a list of things I need to do. Then, I organize my to-do list to make an effective plan for the day. I always spend time doing important tasks first and make good use of the rest of the time.

By managing my time well, I have made progress. I usually finish my homework on time and still have time to relax myself. High efficiency and time management have helped me be successful in various areas of my life.






每个人都是独一无二的,都会发出自身特有的光芒。结合自己的爱好、性格和生活经历,以“What I like about myself”为题,并根据写作要点和写作要求,用英语写一篇短文。







What I like about myself

Everyone is special, so am I. What I like about myself is mainly my healthy life habits and good personality.

To begin with, I have developed healthy life habits. For example, I never stay up so that I can focus in class. Besides, running for half an hour every day helps me keep in good health. What’s more, it’s my personality that enables me to live happily. Being an outgoing girl, I can make friends easily and express my thoughts freely.

What I own has brought me lots of benefits, and I will insist on working hard to make me a better person.



1. 题干解读:题目要求根据提示要点,写出喜欢自己的哪些方面以及理由,可以适当发挥,写作时要运用正确的英语表达,要选用恰当的词汇和短语。

2. 写作指导:写作时要与已给出的开头融合起来,本文应该用第一人称来介绍内容;时态采用一般现在时;在介绍内容时,力求语言准确,内容完整,保证行文连贯,条理清晰。


为创造美好的生活,青少年在成长的过程中应不断学习新的生活技能(如烹饪、种植、救护方法……)。请结合下列提示和自身的需求,以“Little Life Skills Are a Big Help”为题写一篇短文,在英语课堂上分享。


1. What life skill do you want to learn?

2. Why do you want to learn this skill?

3. How do you learn this skill?




4. 80词左右(文章开头已给出,不计入总词数)。


Little Life Skills Are a Big Help

Life skills are necessary for us teenagers. To live more healthily and happily, we are supposed to learn more new skills. As for me, I would like to choose cooking, which is a basic skill in our daily life. It’s wonderful to create my own dishes. Besides, learning to look after my family is also my wish.

In order to develop my cooking skill, I will first ask my mother for help. I think the dishes she cooks are the most delicious in the world. And it’s also a good idea to learn from the cooking videos online.

Little life skills are a big help. Let’s take action now.



1.题干解读:本文以“Little Life Skills Are a Big Help”为题,并结合题干中的三个问题,描述自己想要学习的生活技能,可适当增加细节。




Hi, Next week I’ll be with you in Beijing. I can’t wait! We could do lots of exciting things together. And now I need to pack for my trip. What should I bring with me?

I always take lots of things in my bag and can’t find what I really want! Please tell me how I could pack.

Since I am interested in history and culture of China, I want to know where we will go.

I’d like to get you some souvenirs from where I live. What would you like me to get you?

I’m so excited about the trip! See you soon.


Make a list

(T-shirts, sunglasses…)

Place small bags inside big bags…

Places of interest

(the Palace Museum, the Great Wall…)

Postcards, books…

参考词汇:pack v. 打包 souvenir n. 纪念品

注意:1. 词数90左右,开头和结尾已经写好,不计入总词数;

2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;

3. 文中不得出现反映考生信息的真实人名、地名等内容。


Hi Alan,

I’m so happy to get your email saying that you’re coming to visit us next week. Since you are going on a long flight, I suggest you make a list of things you take. It is a bit hot in summer here. So you can take T-shirts and sunglasses with you. Do you hate that feeling when you can’t find what you’re looking for in your bag? Me too! Placing small bags inside big bags is the best solution.

I think it’s a good idea to go to some places of interest together, such as the Palace Museum and the Great Wall. You will learn a lot about Chinese culture and history. As for the souvenir, I like collecting postcards and books from different places. Do you have any postcards of Tower Bridge? That would suit me fine. Thanks!

I’m looking forward to meeting you!

Li Hua


















参考词汇:做传统手工make traditional handicraftsAn English website invited me to do a survey about what skills students of Grade 9 in our school will learn in the coming summer vacation. Here are the results.


An English website invited me to do a survey about what skills students of Grade 9 in our school will learn in the coming summer vacation. Here are the results. Thirty-five percent of the students plan to learn how to cook. Twenty-five percent of the students are going to learn how to make traditional handicrafts. Twenty percent of them plan to learn swimming. Fifteen percent of them plan to learn a musical instrument. Ten percent of them plan to do other things. I’m going to be a volunteer to teach the children English in the countryside. I think we should do what we can to help people in need.






今年4月,教育部颁发了《义务教育劳动课程标准(2022年版)》。从2022年秋季学期起,多种劳动技能将纳入中小学课程,引发同学们的热议和关注。假如你是李华,请根据下面内容对即将开设的劳动课(labor classes)写一封信给校长,提出你的想法及建议。

1.感觉非常高兴及兴奋。从中可以学到一些劳动技能,学会照顾自己(learn some labor skills, look after)。

2.希望学校能提供给每班劳动课的场地。每周开课两节。由生活经验丰富的老师教授同学们如何做饭、种菜……(补充两个内容)(provide ... for, with rich experience, teach)。

3.希望学校在期末举行各种劳动技能比赛;邀请家长们参观并分享劳动课成果(at the end of, hold, labor achievements)。






Dear headmaster,

My name is Li Hua. I’m in Class 6, Grade 8. It is said that we are going to have labor classes next term. All my classmates are interested in it. I’m writing to you to share my ideas about the coming labor classes.


Dear headmaster,

My name is Li Hua. I’m in Class 6, Grade 8. It is said that we are going to have labor classes next term. All my classmates are interested in it. I’m writing to you to share my ideas about the coming labor classes.

I feel very happy and excited. I think we can learn some labor skills and learn to look after ourselves. I hope the school can provide a place for each class to work. The school can have two classes a week. The teachers with rich experience teach students how to cook, grow vegetables, wash clothes, clean the house and other simple housework. I also hope that the school can hold all kinds of labor skills competition at the end of the term and invite parents to visit and share labor achievements.

That’s all my opinions. We’re looking forward to the classes. Thank you!


Li Hua












3.词数60﹣80。开头结尾已给出, 不计入总词数。

参考词汇: habit take exercise finish


Good morning, everyone!

As students, we can also choose good living habits. In daily life, we should insist on exercise, don’t stay up late and get enough sleep. We should insist on eating breakfast, more fruit and vegetables, and less junk food. At home, we should be considerate of our parents and do more housework. As students, we should also choose good study habits. We must listen carefully and take notes frequently in class. We must finish our homework on time and read widely. We should also insist on reading every night. Finally, we should develop good healthy habits and keep the classroom and bedroom clean. We should wash our hands before eating and pay attention to the prevention and control of infectious diseases.

That’s all. Thank you!






假设你是李雷,是建华中学一名九年级学生。市里将举行一年一度的中学生英语演讲比赛,今年演讲题目为“My Dream”。请你根据以下提示,写一篇英语演讲稿为此做准备。


1. What do you want to be?

2. Why do you want to be a/an …?

3. How are you going to be a /an …?


1. 需包含上述三个要点,可适当发挥;

2. 语句通顺,意思连贯,语法正确,书写规范,卷面整洁;

3. 词数80左右,开头和结尾已给出,但不计入总词数;

4. 文中不能出现“李雷”和“建华中学”以外的人名,校名或地名。


My Dream

Hello, everyone! I’m glad to be here to share my dream with you. I want to be an English teacher, and I am going to work and live in the city of Beijing.

First, English is becoming more and more useful and important and being an English teacher is exciting, too. If I am an English teacher, I can help my students with their English study. Second, I like being with children because it makes me feel young. Last, Beijing is the capital of China. I can meet many English speakers and I can improve my English by communicating with them.

To make my dream come true, I will study English hard every day and speak English as often as possible. I will do more listening in the morning. I’m sure I’ll love my job and students and be a friend of them.

No pains, no gains. I believe as long as I try my best, my dream will come true some day.

Thank you.



1. 题干解读:本文属于演讲稿写作,要求以“My dream”为题,根据提示的三个要点进行讲述,说明你的未来职业,选择这一职业的缘由以及如何为这一职业去奋斗。

2. 写作指导:本文主要采用第一人称来写,时态以一般现在时及一般将来时为主。写作时第一段承接短文开头,并说明自己的未来职业选择是什么;第二段依次说明选择这一职业的理由,可列举三四个原因,运用表示次序的衔接词进行衔接,使内容表达更有条理性;第三段指出要实现这一职业的梦想的具体做法,时态采用一般将来时,可列举两到三条做法;第四段总结并结尾;第五段致谢。


假如你是李华,为营造更好的校园英语氛围,你班决定以学校花园为载体,开展“Create Our Outdoor Classroom”项目式学习(COOC Project),经过分组讨论,你们形成了Plan A与Plan B 两个实施方案(见下表)。请你选择其中一个方案,用英语写一篇短文,代表小组在英语拓展课上就你们所选方案的内容和优势进行回报。





Plan A

Dear classmates,

I’m very proud to share our plan with you today. The plan we choose is naming the plants in English.

There are mainly two steps. We’ll first do a survey to find information about the plants. We can surf the Internet, or ask our teachers for help if we meet with difficulties. The second step is to design name cards. We’ll describe each kind of plants in English. To make the cards look prettier, a photo of the plant will be included in each card.

We believe this plan will make our school garden a better place to learn about nature and improve our English. I can’t wait to see it come into practice.

That’s all. Thank you!

Plan B

Dear classmates,

I’m very proud to share our plan with you today. The plan we choose is creating an English corner.

The first thing we’ll do is to choose an area for it. As you see in the map, the grassland makes a good choice. We’ll decorate it with several tables and chairs, so that we can have comfortable talks. A shelf of English books and magazines will also be put there. Then we’re going to make some rules. For example, we need to take care of things, and of course, speak English only.

I’m sure this corner will become a popular place for us to improve our spoken English, and make more friends as well.

That’s all. Thank you!



1.题干解读:本文是一篇材料作文。要求以“Create Our Outdoor Classroom”为主题,结合提示内容,选择一个方案进行介绍。注意要点齐全,可适当发挥。

2.写作指导:以Plan A为例,写作时要以第一人称来介绍,时态综合使用一般现在时和一般将来时。作文可分为四段,第一段引出话题;第二段介绍具体要怎么做;第三段介绍该计划预期的成果;第四段收尾。要保证语言连贯,无语法和拼写错误。

标签: #你的父母是做什么的英文怎么写