
「艺术中国」艺术乱弹王文英"Art China" Art Luantan Wang Wenying

我亦飄零久 77





"Art China" Art Luantan Wang Wenying



Wang Wenying

The word Yixi, the owner of Lantang and Shuangqingshan Pavilion. Calligrapher, painter, writer. Distinguished professor of the School of Continuing Education of Renmin University of China, researcher of the Calligraphy and Seal Cutting Institute, member of the Female Calligraphers Working Committee of the Chinese Calligraphers Association.


文 | 王文英

乱弹是中国传统戏曲名词,有多重的意思,但多指除昆山腔以外的各种戏曲声腔,诸如京腔、秦腔、弋阳腔、梆子腔、啰啰腔、二簧调等; 或指兼唱多种不同声腔源流的腔调、剧目。而我想到它,是缘于《书法报》的编辑江红邀我写一写书法之外的生活。


Wen | Wang Wenying

Luantan is a traditional Chinese opera term with multiple meanings, but mostly refers to various opera tunes other than Kunshan tune, such as Jingqiang, Qinqiang, Yiyangqiang, Bangziqiang, Lailaqiang, Erhuang tune, etc.; or refers to multiple singing The accents and repertoires of different vocal sources. And I thought of it because the editor of "Calligraphy" Jiang Hong invited me to write about life other than calligraphy.

曾经写过一篇即兴的小文章《宅女》,谈了自己乐“宅”的一点点感受;也曾写过《正事•余事》一文,一吐自己为“正事”、“”“ 余事”所困扰的窘况。其实,这些感叹都是源于自己的“贪心”,在“正业”之外“余业”太多。I once wrote an impromptu short article "The House Girl", and talked about my own feelings about enjoying "House"; I also wrote the article "Business affairs•Remaining affairs", and I vomited myself as "business affairs", """ Yu The embarrassment plagued by "things". In fact, these sighs are all due to my own "greed", and there is too much "remaining karma" outside of "right karma".

“正业”之外,一两个兴趣,足以令人手忙脚乱,而我在“正业”之外,书法、绘画、读书、写作、填词赋诗,皆爱之深切,又不可割舍,故而常常顾此失彼,不知如何“照顾”好它们,而使自己在忙中能够享受快乐。所以说,生活中但凡像我这样“正业”之外,“余业”兴味盎然的人,都比较心疼那点有限的时光,所以“宅”便成了生活愿望中的愿望。In addition to the "right karma", one or two interests are enough to make people busy. But outside of the "right karma", I love calligraphy, painting, reading, writing, and composing poems. I don't know how to "take care" of them, so that I can enjoy happiness while busy. Therefore, in life, people who are interested in "remaining work" besides me like me are more distressed by the limited time, so "home" has become a wish in life.

即使能天天“宅”在家里,也会烦忧不断,时间、精力不会因为你爱好多而怜悯你,而能有所增长。书法于我,就像空气和食物,而绘画、读书、写作又何尝不是。 Even if you can "stay" at home every day, you will have constant worries, and your time and energy will not be pity for you because of your hobbies, but can increase. Calligraphy is like air and food to me, but painting, reading, and writing are not the same.

对于文字,从识字起就有着一种天生的偏爱,无论后来的时光如何流转,生活如何变化,而于此的情结却始终如一。虽然我对它的“照顾”远不如对书法、绘画那么尽心尽力,但它带给我的慰藉和快乐却是实实在在的。在文字里穿梭,优游自如、怡然自乐。没有任务,没有压力,更没有功利,一任兴趣游走,想到哪,读到哪,写到哪。There is a natural preference for words from the beginning of literacy. No matter how time passes and how life changes later, the complex remains the same. Although my "care" for it is far less than that of calligraphy and painting, the comfort and happiness it brings to me is real. Shuttle in the text, you can travel freely and enjoy yourself. There is no task, no pressure, and no utilitarianism. Whenever you are interested, you can think, read, and write.

相对于读书写作,赋诗填词对于我来说就更是兴趣驱使,那美轮美奂,读来朗朗上口,极富韵律节奏的诗赋、长短句总会让我内心变得柔软,远离烟火,远离尘世的嘈杂烦扰,就像走进了绿树鸣禽的芳草地,沉浸在诗境里,纯净、超然,美好。在平平仄仄平平仄的世界里,记录自己的况味、感悟,还有愿望,是一桩美好至极的事情。Compared to reading and writing, composing poems and writing lyrics is even more interesting to me. It is beautiful, catchy to read, and the rhythmic poetry, long and short sentences will always make my heart soft and stay away from fireworks. , Far away from the noisy annoyance of the world, like walking into the grassland of green trees and songbirds, immersed in the realm of poetry, pure, detached, and beautiful. In a flat and flat world, it is a wonderful thing to record one's own situation, feelings, and wishes.

绘画,是我由来已久的一个梦想。还是小学生的我,常常与邻家的妹妹一起,描摹小人书,这是那个时代我们所能见到的唯一的绘画书。虽然当时的我不知道画画是为了什么,但喜爱却是由衷的,即使在后来的岁月中,对书法的执着占去了大半的时间和精力,但对绘画的爱依旧,尤其钟情山水画。而当有一天我决定不再小打小闹地偶尔描摹两笔,要认真地分出一部分时间、精力认真地系统地临摹学习,我发现自己真的是爱之深切,一发而不可收。进国家画院进修,常常画至深夜而不知疲倦,这就是兴趣的魔力。Painting is a long-standing dream of mine. As an elementary school student, I often traced the little man book with my sister next door. This was the only picture book we could see in that era. Although I didn't know what I was painting for, I loved it from the bottom of my heart. Even in the years that followed, my persistence in calligraphy took up most of my time and energy, but I still loved painting, especially landscape painting. And when one day I decided to stop tracing two pens occasionally, to earnestly divide a part of the time and energy to earnestly copy and study systematically, I found that I was really deeply in love, and I couldn’t take a shot. Entering the National Academy of Painting for further studies, often painting until late at night without getting tired, this is the magic of interest.

常常地想,如果能抽离凡尘俗务,常能于瓦屋纸窗之下,用素雅的陶瓷茶具,品清泉绿茶。三两朋友,谈天说地,吟诗作画,皆由心来,纵然“得半日之闲,可抵十年尘梦”(周作人《喝茶》)。I often think that if I can get away from the mundane and mundane tasks, I can often use simple and elegant ceramic tea sets under the tiled paper windows to taste Qingquan green tea. Three or two friends, talking about the world, reciting poems and painting, all come from the heart, even if "a half-day's leisure can be worth ten years of dusty dream" (Zhou Zuoren "Drinking Tea").

遗憾的是,人是无法逃脱俗务,摆脱生存的需求,而瓦屋纸窗、清泉绿茶、三两朋友、半日之闲,也不是常能如愿的。但流连在文字里,盘桓在诗词歌赋中,徜徉在笔下的山川风物里,心就可以时时抽离凡尘俗务,可以时时享受这静好之美,足可以抵一辈子的尘梦。It is a pity that people cannot escape the mundane affairs and get rid of the needs of survival, and tile house paper windows, clear spring green tea, three or two friends, half-day leisure, are not always what they want. But lingering in the words, lingering in the poems and songs, wandering in the mountains and rivers in the pen, the heart can always be removed from the mundane affairs, and can always enjoy the beauty of peace and goodness, which is enough to resist the dust dream of a lifetime.

这么多爱好,常使我的生活杂乱无章,每天睁开眼都会觉得有许多事情在等着我,约人吃饭逛街,围观电视电影都是奢侈的事。虽然我知道鱼和熊掌不可兼得的道理,但依然无法割舍这许多的爱好。So many hobbies often make my life chaotic. I open my eyes every day and feel that there are many things waiting for me. Meeting people for dinner and shopping, watching TV and movies are all extravagant things. Although I know the truth that fish and bear's paw cannot have both, I still cannot give up these many hobbies

我想,如果有办法使自己的生活能像“乱弹”,兼唱多种不同声腔源流的腔调、剧目,而又能和谐统一,那该多好!说实话,我是真的不知道有什么办法。或许因为这样我可能最终什么都不成,什么都不是,但这些爱好,我还是不会因为哪个更重要而放弃其他。因为它们对我而言,就像一个母亲膝下的几个孩子,个个都好,也个个都重要,并不期望哪个更出众,只希望个个都健康、都能快乐地成长。I think if there is a way to make one's life like a "luandan", and sing a variety of accents and repertoires of different vocal sources, while being harmonious and unified, that would be great! To be honest, I really don't know how to do it. Perhaps because of this, I may end up with nothing, nothing, but these hobbies, I still will not give up on the other because of which is more important. Because to me, they are like several children under the knee of a mother. All are good and all are important. I don't expect which one is more outstanding. I just hope that all of them are healthy and can grow up happily.

王 文 英 诗

Wang Wenying's Poems




Sitting and tasting tea at Shuangqingshan Pavilion in the early summer of Wuzi

The courtyard breeze plays with crabapples, and the small window sits idle with the fragrance of jade pots.

The shadow of the setting sun is empty, and there are warblers crossing the short wall from time to time.




Spring Outing in He Garden

The lonely day of the small building is late, passing through the stone sky and moon reflection pool.

How does a swallow know that an old friend has gone, and it flies to still build the old branches.




Wuzi Spring Tour to Slender West Lake

In the spring dream of painting the bridge, lightly move the green warbler in small steps.

Suddenly a breeze passed, and pieces of hair flew red.




Sit alone under the moon

In the last month of Qingqiuchi, the shadow of fluctuations lingered.

Sitting alone in the breeze, the sound of frogs came to my ears.

槐 花



Locust flower

Slowly walking along the long winding path of the East Garden, the wind blowing willow silk on your face.

Who said that April is full of fragrance, and a tree of locust blossoms and a tree of fragrance.




Ding Hai Recalling Dinghu Mountain

The stream is clear and the fish is near the bottom, the trees are quiet and the birds are real.

Sitting in love with mountains and forests, Tao Ran has forgotten the dust.

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