得到应用ID、 API KEY、Secret Key
下载对应语言的SDK后安装Face Java SDK或使用maven依赖。
<dependency> <groupId>com.baidu.aip</groupId> <artifactId>java-sdk</artifactId> <version>4.16.10</version></dependency>复制代码新建AipFace
public class Sample { //设置APPID/AK/SK public static final String APP_ID = "你的 App ID"; public static final String API_KEY = "你的 Api Key"; public static final String SECRET_KEY = "你的 Secret Key"; public static void main(String[] args) { // 初始化一个AipFace AipFace client = new AipFace(APP_ID, API_KEY, SECRET_KEY); // 可选:设置网络连接参数 // 建立连接的超时时间(单位:毫秒) client.setConnectionTimeoutInMillis(2000); // 通过打开的连接传输数据的超时时间(单位:毫秒) client.setSocketTimeoutInMillis(60000); // 可选:设置代理服务器地址, http和socket二选一,或者均不设置 client.setHttpProxy("proxy_host", proxy_port); // 设置http代理 client.setSocketProxy("proxy_host", proxy_port); // 设置socket代理 // 调用接口 String image = "取决于image_type参数,传入BASE64字符串或URL字符串或FACE_TOKEN字符串"; String imageType = "BASE64"; // 人脸检测 JSONObject res = client.detect(image, imageType, options); System.out.println(res.toString(2)); }}复制代码人脸检测
SDK文档 REST-API-SDK Java-SDK 人脸检测复制代码
import com.baidu.aip.face.AipFace;import com.baidu.aip.util.Base64Util;import org.json.JSONException;import org.json.JSONObject;import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test;import org.springframework.boot.test.context.SpringBootTest;import java.io.IOException;import java.nio.file.Files;import java.nio.file.Paths;import java.util.HashMap;@SpringBootTestclass FaceApplicationTests { @Test public void testFaceCheck() throws IOException, JSONException { /** * 传入appId、apiKey、secretkey。创建Java代码和百度云交互的Client对象 */ AipFace client = new AipFace("26820026", "wiGTH1L6Peh9QFrgW0yqUx8b", "lIHbEgfUpzvgN4qYHYaGt77ggqicwvaf"); // 构造模拟人像图片。 取决于image_type参数,传入BASE64字符串或URL字符串或FACE_TOKEN字符串 String path = "D:\\face.png"; byte[] bytes = Files.readAllBytes(Paths.get(path)); String encode = Base64Util.encode(bytes); // 传入可选参数调用接口 HashMap<String, Object> options = new HashMap<>(); options.put("face_field", "age"); options.put("max_face_num", "2"); options.put("face_type", "LIVE"); options.put("liveness_control", "LOW"); // 调用Api进行人脸检测 /** * image 图片的url或者base64字符串 * imageType 图片形式(URL,BASE64) * options Map中配置基本参数,null:使用默认配置 */ JSONObject res = client.detect(encode, "BASE64", options); System.out.println(res.toString(2)); }}复制代码
{ "result": { "face_num": 1, "face_list": [ { "liveness": { "livemapscore": 0.3849793375 }, "angle": { "roll": -8.37, "pitch": 17.62, "yaw": 16.2 }, "face_token": "a99aa4ef86a0abf7e91bd79fee0170e5", "location": { "top": 126.19, "left": 202.3, "rotation": -1, "width": 142, "height": 140 }, "face_probability": 1, "age": 22 } ] }, "log_id": 1322968968, "error_msg": "SUCCESS", "cached": 0, "error_code": 0, "timestamp": 1658935322}复制代码人脸对比
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { /** * 传入appId、apiKey、secretkey。创建Java代码和百度云交互的Client对象 */ AipFace client = new AipFace("27285857", "oaHvQava3f9upcKof3wXa20a", "EDGmHiWRtheCsudE9zyo7cYA8AmZKK9G"); // 登录图片 String loginImagePath = "D:\\user\\login.jpg"; String loginImagePath2 = "D:\\user\\login2.jpg"; // 对比的图片 String comparedImagePath = "D:\\user\\compared.jpg"; Double faceComparison = faceComparison(client, loginImagePath, comparedImagePath); if (faceComparison > 85) { System.out.println("人脸识别登录成功"); } else { System.out.println("人脸识别登录失败"); } Double faceComparison2 = faceComparison(client, loginImagePath2, comparedImagePath); if (faceComparison2 > 85) { System.out.println("人脸识别登录成功"); } else { System.out.println("人脸识别登录失败"); } } static Double faceComparison(AipFace client, String loginImagePath, String comparedImagePath) throws Exception { byte[] loginImageBytes = Files.readAllBytes(Paths.get(loginImagePath)); byte[] comparedImageBytes = Files.readAllBytes(Paths.get(comparedImagePath)); String image1 = Base64Util.encode(loginImageBytes); String image2 = Base64Util.encode(comparedImageBytes); // image1/image2也可以为url或facetoken, 相应的imageType参数需要与之对应。 MatchRequest req1 = new MatchRequest(image1, "BASE64"); MatchRequest req2 = new MatchRequest(image2, "BASE64"); ArrayList<MatchRequest> requests = new ArrayList<>(); requests.add(req1); requests.add(req2); JSONObject match = client.match(requests); System.out.println(match.toString(2)); return match.getJSONObject("result").getDouble("score"); }复制代码
score 人脸相似度得分face_list 人脸信息列表face_token 人脸的唯一标志复制代码
{ "result": { "score": 100, "face_list": [ { "face_token": "27f621640149e860bd3108d7baf2d316" }, { "face_token": "27f621640149e860bd3108d7baf2d316" } ] }, "log_id": 1938820671, "error_msg": "SUCCESS", "cached": 0, "error_code": 0, "timestamp": 1662201138}人脸识别登录成功{ "result": { "score": 36.30554962, "face_list": [ { "face_token": "4f7391b4d7807d112f9cff4809ff15f1" }, { "face_token": "27f621640149e860bd3108d7baf2d316" } ] }, "log_id": 1939016848, "error_msg": "SUCCESS", "cached": 0, "error_code": 0, "timestamp": 1662201139}人脸识别登录失败复制代码人脸注册
人脸库 用户组一 用户01 人脸 用户02 人脸 人脸 用户组二 用户组三 复制代码
@Test public void testFaceRegister() throws IOException, JSONException { /** * 传入appId、apiKey、secretkey。创建Java代码和百度云交互的Client对象 */ AipFace client = new AipFace("26820026", "wiGTH1L6Peh9QFrgW0yqUx8b", "lIHbEgfUpzvgN4qYHYaGt77ggqicwvaf"); // 构造模拟人像图片。 取决于image_type参数,传入BASE64字符串或URL字符串或FACE_TOKEN字符串 String path = "D:\\face.png"; byte[] bytes = Files.readAllBytes(Paths.get(path)); String encode = Base64Util.encode(bytes); // 传入可选参数调用接口 HashMap<String, String> options = new HashMap<String, String>(); options.put("user_info", "user's info"); options.put("quality_control", "NORMAL"); options.put("liveness_control", "LOW"); options.put("action_type", "REPLACE"); // 调用api方法完成人脸注册 /** * image 图片的url或者base64字符串 * imageType 图片形式(URL,BASE64) * groupId 组Id(固定一个字符串) * userId 用户Id * options hashMap基本参数配置 */ JSONObject res = client.addUser(encode, "BASE64", "group1", "user1", options); System.out.println(res.toString(2)); }复制代码
{ "result": { "face_token": "a99aa4ef86a0abf7e91bd79fee0170e5", "location": { "top": 126.19, "left": 202.3, "rotation": -1, "width": 142, "height": 140 } }, "log_id": 1689402612, "error_msg": "SUCCESS", "cached": 0, "error_code": 0, "timestamp": 1658935689}复制代码
@Test public void testFaceSearch() throws IOException, JSONException { /** * 传入appId、apiKey、secretkey。创建Java代码和百度云交互的Client对象 */ AipFace client = new AipFace("26820026", "wiGTH1L6Peh9QFrgW0yqUx8b", "lIHbEgfUpzvgN4qYHYaGt77ggqicwvaf"); // 构造模拟人像图片。 取决于image_type参数,传入BASE64字符串或URL字符串或FACE_TOKEN字符串 String path = "D:\\face.png"; byte[] bytes = Files.readAllBytes(Paths.get(path)); String encode = Base64Util.encode(bytes); // 传入可选参数调用接口 HashMap<String, Object> options = new HashMap<>(); options.put("match_threshold", "70"); options.put("quality_control", "NORMAL"); options.put("liveness_control", "LOW"); options.put("user_id", "user1"); options.put("max_user_num", "3"); //人脸搜索 JSONObject res = client.search(encode, "BASE64", "group1,group2", options); System.out.println(res.toString(2)); }复制代码
{ "result": { "face_token": "a99aa4ef86a0abf7e91bd79fee0170e5", "user_list": [ { "score": 100, "group_id": "group1", "user_id": "user1", "user_info": "user's info" } ] }, "log_id": 1961953770, "error_msg": "SUCCESS", "cached": 0, "error_code": 0, "timestamp": 1658935961}复制代码人脸删除
@Test public void testFaceDelete() throws JSONException { /** * 传入appId、apiKey、secretkey。创建Java代码和百度云交互的Client对象 */ AipFace client = new AipFace("26820026", "wiGTH1L6Peh9QFrgW0yqUx8b", "lIHbEgfUpzvgN4qYHYaGt77ggqicwvaf"); // 用户id String userId = "user1"; // 用户组id String groupId = "group1"; // 需要删除的人脸图片token String faceToken = "a99aa4ef86a0abf7e91bd79fee0170e5"; // 人脸删除 JSONObject res = client.faceDelete(userId, groupId, faceToken, null); System.out.println(res.toString(2)); }复制代码
{ "result": null, "log_id": 2967502100, "error_msg": "SUCCESS", "cached": 0, "error_code": 0, "timestamp": 1658972967}复制代码身份验证
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { /** * 传入appId、apiKey、secretkey。创建Java代码和百度云交互的Client对象 */ AipFace client = new AipFace("27285857", "oaHvQava3f9upcKof3wXa20a", "EDGmHiWRtheCsudE9zyo7cYA8AmZKK9G"); // 登录图片 String imagePath = "D:\\user\\face.png"; // 推荐阈值0.8,超过即判断为同一人 Double faceComparison = authentication(client, imagePath, "身份证", "真实姓名"); if (faceComparison >= 80) { System.out.println("身份验证成功"); } else { System.out.println("身份验证成失败"); } } static Double authentication(AipFace client, String imagePath, String idCardNumber, String name) throws Exception { // 传入可选参数调用接口 HashMap<String, String> options = new HashMap<>(); options.put("quality_control", "NORMAL"); options.put("liveness_control", "LOW"); byte[] imagePathBytes = Files.readAllBytes(Paths.get(imagePath)); String image = Base64Util.encode(imagePathBytes); String imageType = "BASE64"; // 身份验证 JSONObject res = client.personVerify(image, imageType, idCardNumber, name, options); System.out.println(res.toString(2)); double score = res.getDouble("score"); return score; }复制代码
{ "result": { "code": "908", "session_id": "S6313318d119c4671440984" }, "serverlogid": 3053070821, "error_msg": "SUCCESS", "err_msg": "SUCCESS", "cached": 0, "error_code": 0, "err_no": 0, "timestamp": 1662202253}复制代码Spring Boot集成百度云人脸识别添加依赖
<dependency> <groupId>org.springframework.boot</groupId> <artifactId>spring-boot-starter-web</artifactId> </dependency> <!--百度AI--> <dependency> <groupId>com.baidu.aip</groupId> <artifactId>java-sdk</artifactId> <version>4.8.0</version> </dependency> <dependency> <groupId>com.alibaba</groupId> <artifactId>fastjson</artifactId> <version>1.2.79</version> </dependency>复制代码配置application.yml
server: port: 8888 # 413 Payload Too Large# max-http-header-size: 1024KB servlet: context-path: /facebaidu: face: appId: 27285866 apiKey: oaHvQava3f9upcKof3wXa20a secretKey: EDGmHiWRthA8AmZxdE9zyo7cYA8AmZKK9G imageType: BASE64 groupId: group1复制代码BaiduAiUtils工具类封装
@Component@Slf4jpublic class BaiduAiUtils { @Value("${baidu.face.appId}") private String APP_ID; @Value("${baidu.face.apiKey}") private String API_KEY; @Value("${baidu.face.secretKey}") private String SECRET_KEY; @Value("${baidu.face.imageType}") private String IMAGE_TYPE; @Value("${baidu.face.groupId}") private String groupId; private AipFace client; private HashMap<String, String> map = new HashMap<>(); private BaiduAiUtils() { //图片质量控制 NONE: 不进行控制 LOW:较低的质量要求 NORMAL: 一般的质量要求 HIGH: 较高的质量要求 默认 NONE map.put("quality_control", "NORMAL"); // 活体检测控制 NONE: 不进行控制 LOW:较低的活体要求(高通过率 低攻击拒绝率) NORMAL: 一般的活体要求(平衡的攻击拒绝率, 通过率) HIGH: 较高的活体要求(高攻击拒绝率 低通过率) 默认NONE map.put("liveness_control", "LOW"); } @PostConstruct public void init() { client = new AipFace(APP_ID, API_KEY, SECRET_KEY); } /** * 用户照片存入人脸库中 */ public Boolean faceRegister(String userId, String image) { JSONObject res = client.addUser(image, IMAGE_TYPE, groupId, userId, map); log.info("addUser result :{}", res); Integer errorCode = res.getInt("error_code"); return errorCode == 0 ? true : false; } /** * 更新人脸库中的用户照片 */ public Boolean faceUpdate(String userId, String image) { JSONObject res = client.updateUser(image, IMAGE_TYPE, groupId, userId, map); log.info("updateUser result :{}", res); Integer errorCode = res.getInt("error_code"); return errorCode == 0 ? true : false; } /** * 判断上传的图片中是否具有面部信息 */ public Boolean faceCheck(String image) { JSONObject res = client.detect(image, IMAGE_TYPE, map); log.info("detect result :{}", res); if (res.has("error_code") && res.getInt("error_code") == 0) { JSONObject resultObject = res.getJSONObject("result"); Integer faceNum = resultObject.getInt("face_num"); return faceNum == 1 ? true : false; } else { return false; } } /** * 1.搜索人脸库中相似的人脸并返回数据 * * 2.判断人脸匹配得分(score)大于80分则认为是同一个人 */ public String faceSearch(String image) { JSONObject res = client.search(image, IMAGE_TYPE, groupId, map); log.info("search result :{}", res); if (res.has("error_code") && res.getInt("error_code") == 0) { JSONObject result = res.getJSONObject("result"); JSONArray userList = result.getJSONArray("user_list"); if (userList.length() > 0) { JSONObject user = userList.getJSONObject(0); double score = user.getDouble("score"); if (score > 80) { return user.getString("user_id"); } } } return null; }}复制代码Controller层
@Controller@RequestMapping("/user")public class UserController { @Autowired private FaceService faceService; @RequestMapping("/test") @ResponseBody public String test() { return "hello world"; } /** * 人脸登录 */ @RequestMapping("/login") @ResponseBody public JSONObject searchface(@RequestBody JSONObject jsonObject) { StringBuffer imagebast64 = new StringBuffer(jsonObject.getString("imagebast64")); String userId = faceService.loginByFace(imagebast64); JSONObject res = new JSONObject(); res.put("userId", userId); res.put("code", 200); return res; } /** * 人脸登录 * * @return * @throws Exception */ @RequestMapping("/register") @ResponseBody public JSONObject registerFace(@RequestBody JSONObject jsonObject) { StringBuffer imagebast64 = new StringBuffer(jsonObject.getString("imagebast64")); String userId = UUID.randomUUID().toString().substring(0, 4); Boolean registerFace = faceService.registerFace(userId + "", imagebast64); JSONObject res = new JSONObject(); res.put("userId", userId); if (registerFace) { res.put("code", 200); } return res; }}复制代码Service层
@Servicepublic class FaceService { @Autowired private BaiduAiUtils baiduAiUtils; /** * 人脸登录 */ public String loginByFace(StringBuffer imagebast64) { // 处理base64编码内容 String image = imagebast64.substring(imagebast64.indexOf(",") + 1, imagebast64.length()); String userId = baiduAiUtils.faceSearch(image); return userId; } /** * 人脸注册 */ public Boolean registerFace(String userId, StringBuffer imagebast64) { // 处理base64编码内容 String image = imagebast64.substring(imagebast64.indexOf(",") + 1, imagebast64.length()); Boolean registerFace = baiduAiUtils.faceRegister(userId, image); return registerFace; }}复制代码跨域配置
@Configurationpublic class WebConfigurer implements WebMvcConfigurer { @Override public void addCorsMappings(CorsRegistry registry) { // 为url添加映射路径 registry.addMapping("/**") // 设置允许的域 .allowedOrigins("*") // 设置允许请求的方式 .allowedMethods("*") // 设置允许的header .allowedHeaders("*") // 设置是否发送cookie信息 .allowCredentials(true); }}复制代码Vue前端H5新媒体接口调用摄像头
<template> <div> <el-row> <el-col :span="12"> <el-row type="flex" class="row-bg" justify="center" style="text-align:center;margin-top:200px"> <el-col :span="12"> <el-button type="primary" @click="login">人脸登录</el-button> </el-col> <el-col :span="12"> <el-button type="success" @click="register">人脸注册</el-button> </el-col> </el-row> </el-col> <el-col :span="12"> <b>{{ tips }}</b> <div> <video id="video" width="500px" height="500px" autoplay="autoplay"></video> <canvas id="canvas" width="500px" height="500px" style="display: none;"></canvas> </div> </el-col> </el-row> </div></template><script>import { login, register } from '@/api/face'export default { name: 'Index', data() { return { tips: '', mediaStreamTrack: null } }, methods: { /** * 打开摄像头 */ openMedia(tag) { const that = this that.tips = '正在打开摄像头' const constraints = { video: { width: 500, height: 500 }, audio: false } // 获得video摄像头区域 const video = document.getElementById('video') /** * H5新媒体接口:navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia() * 1.提示用户是否允许媒体输入,(媒体输入主要包括相机,视频采集设备,屏幕共享服务,麦克风,A/D转换器等) * 2.返回一个Promise对象 * 3.如果用户同意使用权限,则会将MediaStream对象作为resolve()的参数传给then() * 4.如果用户拒绝使用权限,或者请求的媒体资源不可用,则会将 PermissionDeniedError 作为 reject()的参数传给catch() */ const promise = navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia(constraints) promise.then((mediaStream) => { that.mediaStreamTrack = typeof mediaStream.stop === 'function' ? mediaStream : mediaStream.getTracks()[0] video.srcObject = mediaStream video.play() that.tips = '请正视摄像头' setTimeout(() => that.photograph(tag), 2000) }).catch(error => { console.log(error) }) }, /** * 关闭摄像头 */ closeMedia() { if (this.mediaStreamTrack) { this.mediaStreamTrack.stop() this.openOrCloseVideo(true) this.tips = '操作成功' } }, /** * 视频框是否隐藏 * @param val */ openOrCloseVideo(val) { if (val) { document.getElementById('video').style.display = 'none' } else { document.getElementById('video').style.display = 'block' } }, /** * 登录事件 */ login() { this.openOrCloseVideo(false) this.openMedia(1) }, /** * 注册事件 */ register() { this.openOrCloseVideo(false) this.openMedia(2) }, /** * 拍照进行注册、登录 */ photograph(tag) { // 获得Canvas对象 const video = document.getElementById('video') const canvas = document.getElementById('canvas') const ctx = canvas.getContext('2d') ctx.drawImage(video, 0, 0, 500, 500) // 从画布上获取照片数据 const img = document.getElementById('canvas').toDataURL() this.tips = '正在识别' const data = { 'imagebast64': img } if (tag === 1) { login(data).then(res => { console.log('进行登录') console.log(res) }).finally(() => this.closeMedia()) } else if (tag === 2) { console.log('进行注册') register(data).then(res => { console.log(res) }).finally(() => this.closeMedia()) } } }}</script><style scoped></style>复制代码跨域问题
devServer: { port: port, proxy: { // 代理名字代表请求路径 face代表前端访问地址为 '/face': { // 转发后的地址为 target: ';, changeOrigin: true, // 转发后的地址重写规则是什么 pathRewrite: { // 以/face开头的原路径转换成空 就是去掉 '^/face': '/' } } }, open: false, overlay: { warnings: false, errors: true }, before: require('./mock/mock-server.js') },复制代码
devServer: { port: port, proxy: { // 代理名字代表请求路径 face代表前端访问地址为 '/face': { // 转发后的地址为 target: ';, changeOrigin: true, onProxyReq: function(proxyReq, req, res, options) { if (req.body) { const bodyData = JSON.stringify(req.body) // incase if content-type is application/x-www-form-urlencoded -> we need to change to application/json proxyReq.setHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json') proxyReq.setHeader('Content-Length', Buffer.byteLength(bodyData)) // stream the content proxyReq.write(bodyData) } }, // 转发后的地址重写规则是什么 pathRewrite: { // 以/face开头的原路径转换成空 就是去掉 '^/face': '/' } } }, open: false, overlay: { warnings: false, errors: true }, before: require('./mock/mock-server.js') },复制代码
ENV = 'development'VUE_APP_BASE_API = '/face'复制代码
const port = 8888;const service = axios.create({ // baseURL: process.env.VUE_APP_BASE_API, // url = base url + request url baseURL: window.location.protocol + '//' + window.location.hostname + (port == 80 ? '' : ':' + port)+ process.env.VUE_APP_BASE_API, // url = base url + request url timeout: 5000 // request timeout})复制代码
标签: #nginx1139启动