Usage: qt-unified-windows-x86-4.1.1-online.exe [options] command <args> <key=value>
Qt Installer Framework supports both GUI and headless mode. The installation operations can be invoked with the following commands and options. Note that the options marked with "CLI" are available in the headless mode only.
in, install - install default or selected packages - <pkg ...>
ch, check-updates - show available updates information on maintenance tool
up, update - update all or selected packages - <pkg ...>
rm, remove - uninstall packages and their child components - <pkg ...>
li, list - list currently installed packages - <regexp>
se, search - search available packages - <regexp>
co, create-offline - create offline installer from selected packages - <pkg ...>
pr, purge - uninstall all packages and remove entire program directory
-?, -h, --help Displays this help.
-v, --version Displays version information.
-d, --verbose Verbose mode. Prints out more
information. Adding -d or
--verbose more than once
increases verbosity.
-g, --logging-rules <rules> Enables logging according to
passed rules. Comma separated
logging rules have the
following syntax:
Passing empty logging rules
enables all logging categories.
The following rules enable a
single category: ifw.*=false,
ifw.category=true. The
following logging categories
are available:
--ar, --add-repository <URI,...> Add a local or remote
repository to the list of user
defined repositories.
--at, --add-temp-repository <URI,...> Add a local or remote
repository to the list of
temporary available
--st, --set-temp-repository <URI,...> Set a local or remote
repository as temporary
repository, it is the only one
used during fetch.
Note: URI must be prefixed with
the protocol, i.e. ,
https://, http:// or ftp://.
--sp, --system-proxy Use system proxy on Windows
and Linux. This option has no
effect on macOS. (Default)
--np, --no-proxy Do not use system proxy.
--su, --start-updater Start application in updater
mode. This will override the
internal marker that is used to
distinguish which kind of
binary is currently running.
--sm, --start-package-manager Start application in package
manager mode. This will
override the internal marker
that is used to distinguish
which kind of binary is
currently running.
--sr, --start-uninstaller Start application in
uninstaller mode. This will
override the internal marker
that is used to distinguish
which kind of binary is
currently running.
-t, --root <directory> [CLI] Set installation root
--oi, --offline-installer-name <filename> [CLI] Set custom filename for
the generated offline
installer. Without this the
original filename is used with
an added "_offline-yyyy-MM-dd"
-p, --platform <plugin> Use the specified platform
--nf, --no-force-installations Allow deselecting components
that are marked as forced.
--nd, --no-default-installations Deselects components that are
marked as default.
--ns, --no-size-checking Disable checking of free space
for installation target.
--sv, --show-virtual-components Show virtual components in
installer and package manager.
-i, --install-compressed-repository <URI,...> Installs QBSP or 7z file. The
QBSP (Board Support Package)
file must be a .7z file which
contains a valid repository.
--cl, --create-local-repository Create a local repository
inside the installation
directory. This option has no
effect on online installers.
--am, --accept-messages [CLI] Accepts all message
queries without user input.
--rm, --reject-messages [CLI] Rejects all message
queries without user input.
--aa, --auto-answer <identifier=value> [CLI] Automatically answers
the message queries with the
message identifier and button
value. Several identifier=value
pairs can be given separated
with comma, for example
--da, --default-answer [CLI] Automatically answers to
message queries with their
default values.
--al, --accept-licenses [CLI] Accepts all licenses
without user input.
--file-query <identifier=value> [CLI] Automatically sets the
QFileDialog values
getExistingDirectory() or
getOpenFileName() requested by
install script. Several
identifier=value pairs can be
given separated with comma, for
example --file-query
-c, --confirm-command [CLI] Confirms starting of
installation, update or removal
of components without user
-s, --script <file> Execute the script given as
--ss, --start-server <mode, socketname, key> Starts the application as
headless process waiting for
commands to execute. Mode can
DEBUG mode, the option values
can be omitted. Note: The
server will not shutdown on his
own, you need to quit the
process by hand.
--sc, --start-client <socketname, key> Starts the application to
debug the client-server
communication. If a value is
omitted, the client will use a
default instead. Note: The
server process is not started
by the client application in
that case, you need to start it
on your own.
-q, --squish-port <port number> Give a port where Squish can
connect to. If no port is
given, default port 11233 is
used. Note: To enable Squish
support you first need to build
IFW with SQUISH_PATH parameter
where SQUISH_PATH is pointing
to your Squish installation
folder: <path_to_qt>/bin/qmake
-r SQUISH_PATH=<pat_to_squish>
-m, --email <email> [CLI] Email used for Qt
Account login.
--pw, --password <password> [CLI] Password used for Qt
Account login.
--ra, --reset-qtaccount Erase Qt Account information
from disk.
--ao, --accept-obligations [CLI] Accepts Qt Open Source
usage obligations without user
--mirror <mirror> Uses the given mirror url for
opensource downloads.
Command Command to be run by
installer. Note that this
feature may be disabled by
Args Extra arguments for command,
each separated by space.
InstallerValue Key-value pair to be set
internally by the framework.
国内著名的 Qt 镜像网站,主要是各个高校的:
qt-unified-windows-x86-4.1.1-online.exe --mirror
标签: #centos7清华镜像安装