

嵌入式小美老师 786








/*=============================================================================#     FileName: hex2dec.cpp#         Desc: Convert a hex string to a int number#       Author: Caibiao Lee#      Version: #   LastChange: 2018-11-26 #      History:=============================================================================*/ #include <stdio.h>  #include <stdlib.h>  #include <string.h>  #include <ctype.h> int c2i(char ch)  {      // 如果是数字,则用数字的ASCII码减去48, 如果ch = '2' ,则 '2' - 48 = 2      if(isdigit(ch))              return ch - 48;       // 如果是字母,但不是A~F,a~f则返回      if( ch < 'A' || (ch > 'F' && ch < 'a') || ch > 'z' )              return -1;       // 如果是大写字母,则用数字的ASCII码减去55, 如果ch = 'A' ,则 'A' - 55 = 10      // 如果是小写字母,则用数字的ASCII码减去87, 如果ch = 'a' ,则 'a' - 87 = 10      if(isalpha(ch))              return isupper(ch) ? ch - 55 : ch - 87;       return -1;  }  int hex2dec(char *hex)  {      int len;      int num = 0;      int temp;      int bits;      int i;      char str[64] = {0};  if(NULL==hex) {  printf("input para error \n");  return 0; }   if(('0'==hex[0])&&(('X'==hex[1])||('x'==hex[1]))) {  strcpy(str,&hex[2]); }else {  strcpy(str,hex); }  printf("input num = %s \n",str);     // 此例中 str = "1de" 长度为3, hex是main函数传递的      len = strlen(str);       for (i=0, temp=0; i<len; i++, temp=0)      {              // 第一次:i=0, *(str + i) = *(str + 0) = '1', 即temp = 1              // 第二次:i=1, *(str + i) = *(str + 1) = 'd', 即temp = 13              // 第三次:i=2, *(str + i) = *(str + 2) = 'd', 即temp = 14              temp = c2i( *(str + i) );              // 总共3位,一个16进制位用 4 bit保存              // 第一次:'1'为最高位,所以temp左移 (len - i -1) * 4 = 2 * 4 = 8 位              // 第二次:'d'为次高位,所以temp左移 (len - i -1) * 4 = 1 * 4 = 4 位              // 第三次:'e'为最低位,所以temp左移 (len - i -1) * 4 = 0 * 4 = 0 位              bits = (len - i - 1) * 4;              temp = temp << bits;               // 此处也可以用 num += temp;进行累加              num = num | temp;      }       // 返回结果      return num;  }   int main(int argc, char **argv){ int l_s32Ret = 0;  if(2!=argc) {  printf("=====ERROR!======\n");  printf("usage: %s Num \n", argv[0]);  printf("eg 1: %s 0x400\n", argv[0]);  return 0; }  l_s32Ret = hex2dec(argv[1]); printf("value hex = 0x%x \n",l_s32Ret); printf("value dec = %d \n",l_s32Ret); return 0;}


biao@ubuntu:~/test/flash$ ./a.out 0x400input num = 400 value hex = 0x400 value dec = 1024 biao@ubuntu:~/test/flash$ 


/*=============================================================================#     FileName: hex2dec.cpp#         Desc: Convert a hex/dec string to a int number#       Author: Caibiao Lee#      Version: #   LastChange: 2018-12-03 #      History:=============================================================================*/#include <stdio.h>  #include <stdlib.h>  #include <string.h>  #include <ctype.h> int String2int(char *strChar){ int len=0; const char *pstrCmp1="0123456789ABCDEF"; const char *pstrCmp2="0123456789abcdef";  char *pstr=NULL; int uiValue=0; int j=0;  unsigned int t=0; int i=0; if(NULL==strChar)  return -1; if(0>=(len=strlen((const char *)strChar)))  return -1; if(NULL!=(pstr=strstr(strChar,"0x"))||NULL!=(pstr=strstr(strChar,"0X"))) {  pstr=(char *)strChar+2;    if(0>=(len=strlen((const char *)pstr)))   return -1;  for(i=(len-1);i>=0;i--)  {   if(pstr[i]>'F')   {    for(t=0;t<strlen((const char *)pstrCmp2);t++)    {      if(pstrCmp2[t]==pstr[i])      uiValue|=(t<<(j++*4));    }   }   else   {    for(t=0;t<strlen((const char *)pstrCmp1);t++)    {      if(pstrCmp1[t]==pstr[i])      uiValue|=(t<<(j++*4));    }   }  } } else {  uiValue=atoi((const char*)strChar); } return uiValue;} int main(int argc, char **argv){ int l_s32Ret = 0;   if(2!=argc) {  printf("=====ERROR!======\n");  printf("usage: %s Num \n", argv[0]);  printf("eg 1: %s 0x400\n", argv[0]);  return 0; } l_s32Ret = String2int(argv[1]); printf("value hex = 0x%x \n",l_s32Ret); printf("value dec = %d \n",l_s32Ret); return 0;}






/*=============================================================================#     FileName: CreateFile.cpp#         Desc: 创建固定大小的文件,然后填充固定的数据#       Author: Caibiao Lee#      Version: #   LastChange: 2018-11-26 #      History:=============================================================================*/#include <stdio.h>  #include <stdlib.h>  #include <string.h>  #include <ctype.h> //#define FILL_DATA_VALUE  0xff#define FILL_DATA_VALUE  0x30 //char 0 int c2i(char ch)  {      if(isdigit(ch))              return ch - 48;       if( ch < 'A' || (ch > 'F' && ch < 'a') || ch > 'z' )              return -1;       if(isalpha(ch))              return isupper(ch) ? ch - 55 : ch - 87;       return -1;  }  int hex2dec(char *hex)  {      int len;      int num = 0;      int temp;      int bits;      int i;      char str[64] = {0};  if(NULL==hex) {  printf("input para error \n");  return 0; }  if(('0'==hex[0])&&(('X'==hex[1])||('x'==hex[1]))) {  strcpy(str,&hex[2]); }else {  strcpy(str,hex); }  printf("input num = %s \n",str);     len = strlen(str);       for (i=0, temp=0; i<len; i++, temp=0)      {              temp = c2i( *(str + i) );               bits = (len - i - 1) * 4;              temp = temp << bits;               num = num | temp;      }      return num;  }   int main(int argc, char **argv){ FILE *l_pFile = NULL; int  l_s32Rest = 0; unsigned int l_WriteLen = 0; unsigned int l_FileLen = 0; unsigned char TempData[1024] = {FILL_DATA_VALUE};  if(3!=argc) {  printf("usage: %s FileName  FileLen \n ", argv[0]);  printf("eg: %s ./Outfile.bin 0x400 \n ", argv[0]);  return 0; };  const char *l_pFileName = argv[1]; if(NULL==l_pFileName) {  printf("input file name is NULL \n");  return -1; }  if(('0'==argv[2][0])&&(('X'==argv[2][1])||('x'==argv[2][1]))) {  l_FileLen = hex2dec(argv[2]);   }else {  l_FileLen = atoi(argv[2]); }  printf("Need To Write Data Len %d \n",l_FileLen); printf("Fill Data Vale = 0x%x \n",FILL_DATA_VALUE);  for(int i=0;i<1024;i++) {  TempData[i] = FILL_DATA_VALUE; }   l_pFile = fopen(l_pFileName,"w+"); if(l_pFile==NULL) {  printf("open file %s error \n",l_pFileName);  return -1; }   while(l_WriteLen<l_FileLen) {  if(l_FileLen<1024)  {   l_s32Rest = fwrite(TempData,1,l_FileLen,l_pFile);     }  else  {   l_s32Rest = fwrite(TempData,1,1024,l_pFile);  }   if(l_s32Rest <= 0)  {   break;  };   l_WriteLen +=l_s32Rest;  }  if(NULL!=l_pFile) {  fclose(l_pFile);  l_pFile = NULL; }  return 0; }


biao@ubuntu:~/test/flash$ gcc CreateFile.cpp biao@ubuntu:~/test/flash$ lsa.out  CreateFile.cpp  hex2dec.cpp  main.cpp  out.binbiao@ubuntu:~/test/flash$ ./a.out ./out.bin 0x10input num = 10 Need To Write Data Len 16 Fill Data Vale = 0x30 biao@ubuntu:~/test/flash$ lsa.out  CreateFile.cpp  hex2dec.cpp  main.cpp  out.binbiao@ubuntu:~/test/flash$ vim out.bin   1 0000000000000000                                     


/*=============================================================================#     FileName: CutFile.cpp#         Desc: 批量处理,将图片的前面固定字节删除#       Author: Caibiao Lee#      Version: #   LastChange: 2018-11-26 #      History:=============================================================================*/#include <stdio.h>#include <stdlib.h>#include <string.h>#include <unistd.h>#include <sys/stat.h>  #define START_READ_POSITION  128#define PHOTO_START_TIME  83641//l_s32PhotoTime = 92809; int Cut_file(char * InputFile){ FILE *l_pFileInput = NULL; FILE *l_pFileOutput = NULL; char l_ars8OutputName[128] = {0}; unsigned char l_arru8TempData[1024] = {0}; int l_s32Ret = 0; static unsigned int ls_u32Num = 0;   if(NULL== InputFile)  {  goto ERROR; }  //sprintf(l_ars8OutputName,"./outfile/_%s",&InputFile[8]); sprintf(l_ars8OutputName,"./outfile/00%d.jpg",ls_u32Num++);  //printf("out file name %s \n",l_ars8OutputName);  l_pFileInput = fopen(InputFile,"rb+"); if(NULL==l_pFileInput) {  printf("input file open error\n");  goto ERROR; }  l_pFileOutput = fopen(l_ars8OutputName,"w+"); if(NULL==l_pFileOutput) {  printf("out file open error\n");  goto ERROR; }  fseek(l_pFileInput,START_READ_POSITION,SEEK_SET);  while(!feof(l_pFileInput)) {  l_s32Ret = fread(l_arru8TempData,1,1024,l_pFileInput);  if(l_s32Ret<0)  {   break;  }   l_s32Ret = fwrite(l_arru8TempData,1,l_s32Ret,l_pFileOutput);  if(l_s32Ret<0)  {   break;  } } ERROR: if(NULL!=l_pFileOutput) {  fclose(l_pFileOutput);  l_pFileOutput =NULL; };  if(NULL !=l_pFileInput); {  fclose(l_pFileInput);  l_pFileInput =NULL; }} int main(void){ char l_arrs8InputName[128] = {0}; char l_s8PhotoChannel = 0; int  l_s32PhotoTime = 0;  l_s8PhotoChannel = 3; l_s32PhotoTime = PHOTO_START_TIME;  /**从第一通道开始**/ for(int j=1;j<l_s8PhotoChannel;j++) {   for(int i=l_s32PhotoTime;i<235959;i++)  {   memset(l_arrs8InputName,0,sizeof(l_arrs8InputName));   sprintf(l_arrs8InputName,"./image/%dY%06d.jpg",j,i);    if(0==access(l_arrs8InputName,F_OK))   {    printf("%s\n",l_arrs8InputName);    Cut_file(l_arrs8InputName);       }  } }}


biao@ubuntu:~/test/photo$ gcc CutFile.cpp biao@ubuntu:~/test/photo$ lsa.out  CutFile.cpp  image  outfilebiao@ubuntu:~/test/photo$ ./a.out ./image/1Y083642.jpg./image/1Y083714.jpg./image/1Y083747.jpg./image/1Y083820.jpg./image/1Y083853.jpg./image/1Y083925.jpg./image/1Y084157.jpg./image/1Y084228.jpg./image/1Y084301.jpg./image/1Y084334.jpg./image/1Y084406.jpg./image/1Y084439.jpg./image/1Y084711.jpg./image/1Y084742.jpg./image/1Y173524.jpg./image/1Y173556.jpg./image/1Y173629.jpg./image/1Y173702.jpg./image/1Y173933.jpg./image/1Y174004.jpg./image/1Y174244.jpg./image/1Y174315.jpg./image/1Y174348.jpg./image/1Y174420.jpg./image/1Y174454.jpg./image/1Y174733.jpgbiao@ubuntu:~/test/photo$ tree.├── a.out├── CutFile.cpp├── image│   ├── 1Y083642.jpg│   ├── 1Y083714.jpg│   ├── 1Y083747.jpg│   ├── 1Y083820.jpg│   ├── 1Y083853.jpg│   ├── 1Y083925.jpg│   ├── 1Y084157.jpg│   ├── 1Y084228.jpg│   ├── 1Y084301.jpg│   ├── 1Y084334.jpg│   ├── 1Y084406.jpg│   ├── 1Y084439.jpg│   ├── 1Y084711.jpg│   ├── 1Y084742.jpg│   ├── 1Y173524.jpg│   ├── 1Y173556.jpg│   ├── 1Y173629.jpg│   ├── 1Y173702.jpg│   ├── 1Y173933.jpg│   ├── 1Y174004.jpg│   ├── 1Y174244.jpg│   ├── 1Y174315.jpg│   ├── 1Y174348.jpg│   ├── 1Y174420.jpg│   ├── 1Y174454.jpg│   └── 1Y174733.jpg└── outfile    ├── 000.jpg    ├── 0010.jpg    ├── 0011.jpg    ├── 0012.jpg    ├── 0013.jpg    ├── 0014.jpg    ├── 0015.jpg    ├── 0016.jpg    ├── 0017.jpg    ├── 0018.jpg    ├── 0019.jpg    ├── 001.jpg    ├── 0020.jpg    ├── 0021.jpg    ├── 0022.jpg    ├── 0023.jpg    ├── 0024.jpg    ├── 0025.jpg    ├── 002.jpg    ├── 003.jpg    ├── 004.jpg    ├── 005.jpg    ├── 006.jpg    ├── 007.jpg    ├── 008.jpg    └── 009.jpg 2 directories, 54 filesbiao@ubuntu:~/test/photo$ 




/*=============================================================================#     FileName: Hi3520_IO_CTRL.cpp#         Desc: Hi3520DV300 IO Write and  Read#       Author: Caibiao Lee#      Version: #   LastChange: 2018-11-30#      History:=============================================================================*/#include <stdio.h>#include <stdlib.h>#include "hstGpioAL.h" int PrintfInputTips(char *ps8Name){ printf("=========== error!!! ========\n\n"); printf("usage Write: %s GPIO bit value \n", ps8Name); printf("usage Read : %s GPIO bit \n", ps8Name); printf("eg Write 1 to GPIO1_bit02  :     %s 1 2 1\n", ps8Name); printf("eg Read  GPIO1_bit02 Value :     %s 1 2 \n\n", ps8Name);  printf("=============BT20==================\n") printf("USB HUB    GPIO_0_2  1_UP; 0_Down \n"); printf("RESET_HD   GPIO_13_0 0_EN; 1_disEN\n"); printf("Power_HD   GPIO_13_3 1_UP; 0_Down \n"); return 0;} int main(int argc, char **argv){ if((3!=argc)&&(4!=argc)) {  PrintfInputTips(argv[0]);  return -1; }  unsigned char l_u8GPIONum = 0; unsigned char l_u8GPIOBit = 0; unsigned char l_u8SetValue = 0;  GPIO_GROUP_E  l_eGpioGroup; GPIO_BIT_E   l_eBit; GPIO_DATA_E   l_eData;  l_u8GPIONum   = atoi(argv[1]); l_u8GPIOBit   = atoi(argv[2]);  if(l_u8GPIONum<14) {  l_eGpioGroup = (GPIO_GROUP_E)l_u8GPIONum; }else {  printf("l_u8GPIONum error l_u8GPIONum = %d\n",l_u8GPIONum);  return -1; };  if(l_u8GPIOBit<8) {  l_eBit = (GPIO_BIT_E)l_u8GPIOBit; }else {  printf("l_u8GPIOBit error l_u8GPIOBit = %d\n",l_u8GPIOBit);  return -1; }  if(NULL!=argv[3]) {  l_u8SetValue = atoi(argv[3]);  if(0==l_u8SetValue)  {   l_eData = (GPIO_DATA_E)l_u8SetValue;  }else if(1==l_u8SetValue)  {   l_eData = (GPIO_DATA_E)l_u8SetValue;  }else  {   printf("l_u8SetValue error l_u8SetValue = %d\n",l_u8SetValue);  } }  if(3==argc)                                                        {/**read**/                                                                                                                                                           printf("read GPIO%d Bit%d \n",l_u8GPIONum,l_u8GPIOBit);                   /**set input**/                                                       HstGpio_Set_Direction(l_eGpioGroup, l_eBit, GPIO_INPUT);                                                                                                                       /**read **/                                                                                    char l_s8bit_val = 0;                                                                          HstGpio_Get_Value(l_eGpioGroup, l_eBit, &l_s8bit_val);                                                                                                                                        printf("read Data = %d \n",l_s8bit_val);                                                                                                                                                      }else if(4==argc)                                                                                {/**write**/                                                                                                                                                                                   printf("Write GPIO %d; Bit %d; Value %d\n",l_u8GPIONum,l_u8GPIOBit,l_u8SetValue);                                                                                                                 /***set IO output*/                                                                              HstGpio_Set_Direction(l_eGpioGroup, l_eBit, GPIO_OUPUT);                                                                                                                                          /**Write To IO**/     HstGpio_Set_Value(l_eGpioGroup,l_eBit,l_eData);   }else                                               {                                                                                                                                                                                                 }  return 0; }


#include <stdio.h>#include <stdlib.h>#include <string.h> #define BASIC_FILE_NAME  "./nandflash.bin"#define UBOOT_FILE_NAME  "./u-boot.bin"#define KERNEL_FILE_NAME "./kernel.bin"#define ROOTFS_FILE_NAME "./rootfs.bin"#define APP_FILE_NAME  "./app.bin"  #define UBOOT_POSITION  0x00#define KERNEL_POSITION  0x100000#define ROOTFS_POSITION  0x500000#define APP_POSITION  0x2700000   int InsertData(FILE *pfBasic,FILE *psInsert,int s32Position){ int l_S32Ret = 0; unsigned char l_arru8Temp[1024] = {0xff};  fseek(pfBasic,s32Position,SEEK_SET); fseek(psInsert,0,SEEK_SET); while(1) {  l_S32Ret = fread(l_arru8Temp,1,1024,psInsert);  if(l_S32Ret > 0)  {   l_S32Ret = fwrite(l_arru8Temp,1,l_S32Ret,pfBasic);   if(l_S32Ret<=0)   {    printf("line %d error l_S32Ret = %d \n",__LINE__,l_S32Ret);    return -1;   }  }else  {   break;  } }  return 0;}   int main(void){ int l_s32Ret = 0; FILE *l_pfBasec = NULL; FILE *l_pfUboot = NULL; FILE *l_pfKernel = NULL; FILE *l_pfRootfs = NULL; FILE *l_pfApp = NULL;   l_pfBasec = fopen(BASIC_FILE_NAME,"r+"); if(NULL==l_pfBasec) {  printf("line %d error \n",__LINE__);  goto ERROR; }  l_pfUboot = fopen(UBOOT_FILE_NAME,"r"); if(NULL==l_pfUboot) {  printf("line %d error \n",__LINE__);  goto ERROR; }  l_pfKernel = fopen(KERNEL_FILE_NAME,"r"); if(NULL==l_pfKernel) {  printf("line %d error \n",__LINE__);  goto ERROR; }  l_pfRootfs = fopen(ROOTFS_FILE_NAME,"r"); if(NULL==l_pfRootfs) {  printf("line %d error \n",__LINE__);  goto ERROR; }  l_pfApp = fopen(APP_FILE_NAME,"r"); if(NULL==l_pfApp) {  printf("line %d error \n",__LINE__);  goto ERROR; }  if(0> InsertData(l_pfBasec,l_pfUboot,UBOOT_POSITION)) {  printf("line %d error \n",__LINE__);  goto ERROR; }  if(0> InsertData(l_pfBasec,l_pfKernel,KERNEL_POSITION)) {  printf("line %d error \n",__LINE__);  goto ERROR; }  if(0> InsertData(l_pfBasec,l_pfRootfs,ROOTFS_POSITION)) {  printf("line %d error \n",__LINE__);  goto ERROR; }  if(0> InsertData(l_pfBasec,l_pfApp,APP_POSITION)) {  printf("line %d error \n",__LINE__);  goto ERROR; }  ERROR: if(NULL!=l_pfBasec) {  fclose(l_pfBasec);  l_pfBasec = NULL; }  if(NULL!=l_pfUboot) {  fclose(l_pfUboot);  l_pfUboot = NULL; }  if(NULL!=l_pfKernel) {  fclose(l_pfKernel);  l_pfKernel = NULL; }   if(NULL!=l_pfRootfs) {  fclose(l_pfRootfs);  l_pfRootfs = NULL; }  if(NULL!=l_pfApp) {  fclose(l_pfApp);  l_pfApp = NULL; }  return 0;}


#include <stdio.h>#include <ifaddrs.h>#include <netinet/in.h>#include <string.h>#include <arpa/inet.h> int get_local_ip(char *ps8IpList){    struct ifaddrs *ifAddrStruct;    char l_s8IpAddr[INET_ADDRSTRLEN];    void *tmpAddrPtr;    int l_s32IPCount = 0;        getifaddrs(&ifAddrStruct);    while (ifAddrStruct != NULL)     {        if (ifAddrStruct->ifa_addr->sa_family==AF_INET)        {            tmpAddrPtr=&((struct sockaddr_in *)ifAddrStruct->ifa_addr)->sin_addr;            inet_ntop(AF_INET, tmpAddrPtr, l_s8IpAddr, INET_ADDRSTRLEN);            if (strcmp(l_s8IpAddr, "") != 0)             {                if(l_s32IPCount == 0)                {                        memcpy(ps8IpList, l_s8IpAddr, INET_ADDRSTRLEN);                } else                 {                        memcpy(ps8IpList+INET_ADDRSTRLEN, l_s8IpAddr, INET_ADDRSTRLEN);                }                l_s32IPCount++;            }        }        ifAddrStruct=ifAddrStruct->ifa_next;    }     freeifaddrs(ifAddrStruct);    return l_s32IPCount;} int main(){    char l_arrs8IpAddrList[3][INET_ADDRSTRLEN];    int l_s32AddrCount;        memset(l_arrs8IpAddrList, 0, sizeof(l_arrs8IpAddrList));     l_s32AddrCount = get_local_ip(*l_arrs8IpAddrList);     for(l_s32AddrCount;l_s32AddrCount>0;l_s32AddrCount--)    {        printf("Server Local IP%d: %s\n",l_s32AddrCount,l_arrs8IpAddrList[l_s32AddrCount-1]);    }  return 0;}






标签: #ubuntu删除flash