

任逍遥 365



This is the first part of the final exam for AcF 351b: Python Stream.

Students are expected to act according to the highest ethical standards. All students enrolled at

Lancaster University are to perform their academic work according to standards set by faculty

members, departments, schools and colleges of the university; and cheating and plagiarism

constitute fraudulent misrepresentation for which appropriate sanctions are warranted and will

be applied. Please note that any form of violation of the following rules will be treated as


1. Answer the questions yourself without asking others for assistance. This is a test of your

ability of data science and computer programming.

2. Do not share the questions or your answers with anyone. This includes posting the

questions or your solutions publicly on services like quora, stackoverflow, or github.

We will run a system to detect any kind of plagiarism, e.g., coding scripts with high


Do NOT erase the #export at the top of any cells as it is used by notebook2script.py

to extract cells for submission.

Import modules.

Do NOT change the following cell!

In [1]:

If you need extra modules, use the following cell to

import them.

In [2]:

Section 1: Basic Data Science

In this section, you will be asked to answer questions regarding WiFi hotspot locations in NYC.

Please make sure that the dataset entitled "NYC_Wi-Fi_Hotspot_Locations.csv" is in the same

folder as the Jupyter Notebook.

Each row in the data represents one reported WiFi hotspot.


import pandas as pd

import numpy as np

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

import string


# imported extra moduels:


标签: #pythonifinandnot