
陕旅版四上Unit 1第一课时教学设计

VincentMu 71



Unit 1 What Is Your Father ?

Period 1

Teaching Contents:

Part A: Complete your family tree;Let’s learn

Part C: Listen and write T(True) or F(False)

Teaching Objectives:

1. Review the words about family members:Grandpa,grandma,father,mother,brother,sister.

2. Learn the words about jobs:cook,doctor,driver,policeman,nurse,worker,farmer.

3. Can make flexible use of the above words according to the teacher’s instruction.

4. Lead the pupils to perceive the pronunciation of the letter combination --oo,er.

Teaching Important Points:Pupils can listen and say the daily expression“What is Your father/mother?He/She is a ...”

Teaching Difficult Points:

Pupils are able to make flexible use of the sentence patterns in the daily life.

Teaching Method:Efficient Classroom Model

Teaching Preparation:

Teacher preparation

(1)a family photo of his/her own,a family photo of Anna(or other names),job pictures of cook,doctor,driver,policeman,nurse,worker,farmer.

(2)Recording of the part of Let’s learn & Listen and write T or F.

(3)Pictures or courseware of farm ,hospital and policeman.

Teaching Process:

Ⅰ.Leading in

ⅰ.Ask and answer before class

1.The teacher shows the family photo and describes the family members to the pupils one by one.

T:Hello,everyone.Look,I have a happy family.This is my grandpa.And this is my grandma.These are my father and my mother.What about your family?

2.Lead the pupils to finish “Complete your family tree” in Part A Warming-up,and let them(two in a group) introduce their family members each other.Review the family members through the activity.

ⅱ.Lead in new class


The teacher holds the book with the gesture of having a class&driving a car &working in the field and shows as well as saying.

I am a teacher.I can teach ABCDEFG.

I am a driver.I can drive.Di,di,di;di,di,di.

I am a farmer.I can farm.Haiyouyou,haiyouyou.

2.The teacher shows the family photo of Anna,and asks the pupils.

T:Hello,boys and girls.Do you know who they are?

(The pupil maybe say some names or names of family members)

Ss:Well,the girl is my friend Anna.They are her family.Look,this is her father,He is a driver.(Lead the pupils to say --He is a driver.)

Ss:He is a driver.

T:This is her mother.She is a teacher.(Lead the pupils to say--She is a teacher.)

Ss:She is a teacher.

T:And this is her grandpa.(Lead the pupils to say--He is a farmer.)

Ss:He is a farmer.

The teacher can encourage the pupils to perform the roles and express it vividly.


I. Show the new class :Part A Let’s learn

1. Learn the new word--farmer.

1.1The teacher shows the farm picture and asks.

T:Look,this is a farm.Who is there?

Ss:Anna’s grandpa is here.

T:Well,Anna’s grandpa is a farmer.He is a farmer.Let’s spell farmer.Read and write the word on the blackboard--far/fɑː/mer/mə/.

The teacher can ask all the pupils and lead them to answer:

Whose grandpa is a farmer?

Whose grandma is a farmer?

Whose father/mother is a farmer?

My/His/Her/...’s grandpa/grandma/father/mother is a farmer.

1.2Teach the pronunciation of the word farmer,and write it on the blackboard.Pay attention to the right calligraphy of the letter--f,a.

2. The teacher leads out the words--doctor and nurse--through continuing to introduce the family members of Anna.

T:Look at Anna’s father.Is he a farmer?

Ss:No,he isn’t.

T:He isn’t a farmer.He is a doctor.

The teacher takes notice of the lose of plosive phenomenon in the word doctor with teaching it.Spell the word:doc-tor according to the syllables.

T:Her father is a doctor.What about her mother?

Show the nurse picture and spell the word nurse.

The teacher can ask all the pupils and lead the pupils that put up their hands to answer:

Whose grandpa/grandma/father/mother is a farmer/doctor/nurse?My/His/Her/..’s grandpa/grandma/father/mother is a farmer/doctor/nurse.

Is Anna’s father a farmer?

No,he isn’t.He is a doctor.

3. Learn the word --driver.

The teacher shows the family photo of Anna, and points at the grandpa with asking:Is Anna’s grandpa a doctor?Lead the pupils to answer:No,he isn’t.He is a driver.

The teacher spells and writes the word driver on the blackboard,and lets the pupils to find out the common point of driver &farmer--the word combination of er,and leads the pupils to know the pronunciation of “er”&”dr”.

4. Learn the word--policeman

4.1The teacher shows the picture that the policeman checks the drunken driving and asks.

T:Look at this driver.Is he good?


T:He isn’t a good driver.A policeman comes here.Look at this man.He is a policeman.

4.2The teacher teaches the pronunciation of “policeman”,decomposes and spells police-man.

5. learn the words--worker,cook.

5.1The teacher shows a book to the pupils and asks.

T:What’s this?

Ss:It’s a book.

The teacher writes the word “book” on the blackboard, and then changes the letter b into letter c, leads the pupils to transfer the word “cook”.At last, use the picture to know the word.

5.2The teacher acts like a cooking cook,and lets the pupils understand two meaning of cook.

T:I am a cook.I can cook.Can you cook?


T:Good.Now you are a little cook.You are a good worker.

5.3Teach the pronunciation of the words -- worker &cook--and the right handwriting.Take notice of the handwritten form of the small letter.

ⅱ.The teacher plays the recording and lets the pupils listen&read after the words of “Let’s learn”.Pay attention to correct the wrong pronunciation of pupils.

1.All the pupils listen to the recording and read after the words.Require the pupils to read the words with pointing them.

2.Pupils in groups listen to the recording and read after the words and require them to read the words with pointing them.

3.Individual students show and the teacher evaluates it in time.

4.The teacher pays attention to the words that pupils are easy to make mistake(doctor,worker) and practices them during the process.

Ⅲ.Practice Activities

ⅰ.You show and I guess

1.The teacher and a pupil show at first.The teacher does an action in order to show the features of the job, then the pupils say the job name.For example:The teacher does the action of driving a car,and the pupils say the word --driver.

2.Divide the pupils into several groups and play a timed race.The teacher awards the group that say the most job names in 30 seconds.

ⅱComplete the words

The teacher shows the below words and lets the pupils say the missing letters.

driv( ) work( ) doct( ) farm( )

ⅲ.Tongue twister

The teacher says the tongue twister,and lets the pupils practice two meaning&the pronunciation of oo word combination of the word cook.For example:Good cook can cook good cookies.The first cook is a noun and means “厨师” ,the second cook is a verb and means “做饭” in the tongue twister.The letter combination oo pronounces short sound /ʊ/.

ⅳPart C Listen and write T(True) or F(False).

1.Pupils see the pictures and review the words of Unit 1.

2.The teacher explains how to finish the exercise.

3.Pupils listen to the recording and do the exercise.

4.Pupils listen to the recording and check answers.

5.The teacher leads the pupils to check answers,and explains pointedly.

Recording contents as follows:

1. This man is a policeman.

2. He is a doctor.

3. His mother is a driver.

4. Zhang Tao’s father is a worker.

5. They are farmers.

6. My sister is a nurse.

7. The boy is a student.

8. Miss White is our teacher.

Keys:1.T 2.F 3.T 4.F 5.F 6.F 7.T 8.F

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