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今天我们对“js 数据结构”可能比较珍视,朋友们都需要知道一些“js 数据结构”的相关知识。那么小编也在网络上搜集了一些关于“js 数据结构””的相关内容,希望小伙伴们能喜欢,我们快快来了解一下吧!



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Dear you, this is The LearningYard Academy. Today Xiaobian brings you "Crooked Cross Test 408 – Data Structures”, welcome your visit.


Mind brain


What is a data structure?


Data structures are a way of organizing and storing data in computer science. It is a collection of specific data elements and the relationships between them. Data structures play an important role in computer programs, which can affect the efficiency of algorithms and memory utilization. I'll take a closer look at a few common data structures below.


Array: An array is a linear data structure that consists of a set of elements of the same type and is accessed by index. Arrays have random access to quickly access elements in arbitrary positions. But the size of the array is fixed when it is created, which is not conducive to flexible scaling.

链表(Linked List):链表也是一种线性数据结构,它由一组节点组成,每个节点存储元素和指向下一个节点的引用。链表可以动态地添加和删除元素,不需要预先分配空间。但是链表的访问是顺序的,不能直接访问任意位置的元素。

Linked List: A linked list is also a linear data structure that consists of a set of nodes, each of which stores elements and a reference to the next node. Linked lists can add and remove elements dynamically without pre-allocating space. But the access to the linked list is sequential, and elements in any position cannot be accessed directly.


Stack: A stack is a data structure based on the LIFO principle. It only allows inserts and deletes on top of the stack, which are called push and pop. Stacks are commonly used in scenarios such as expression evaluation, parenthesis matching, and recursion.


Queue: A queue is a data structure based on the first-in-first-out (FIFO) principle. It only allows inserts at the end of the queue and deletion operations at the head of the queue, which are called enqueue and dequeue. Queues are commonly used in scenarios such as task scheduling and breadth-first search.


Graph: A graph is a nonlinear data structure that consists of a set of nodes and edges between nodes. Diagrams can represent many-to-many connections and are often used to represent networks, social relationships, routes, and so on.

哈希表(Hash Table):哈希表是一种基于散列函数的数据结构。它通过将关键字通过散列函数映射到数组的位置来进行快速的查找和插入操作。哈希表常用于实现字典、缓存等。

Hash Table: A hash table is a data structure based on a hash function. It enables fast lookup and insertion operations by mapping keywords to the position of the array through a hash function. Hash tables are commonly used to implement dictionaries, caches, and so on.

除了以上介绍的几种常见的数据结构,还有很多其他的数据结构,例如堆(heap)、二叉树(binary tree)、图的遍历算法等。选择合适的数据结构可以提高算法的效率和程序的性能,因此对数据结构的理解和选择至关重要。

In addition to the several common data structures introduced above, there are many other data structures, such as heaps, binary trees, graph traversal algorithms, etc. Choosing the right data structure can improve the efficiency of the algorithm and the performance of the program, so the understanding and selection of data structures is crucial.






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标签: #js 数据结构