

LearningYard学苑 509



experiment aim




包含的运算符只能有'+' 、'-' 、'*' 、'/' 、'('、 ')',“#”代表输入结束符;



Experimental idea




(i)若top的优先级小于c,即top<c< span="">,则将c直接入栈opter,并读入下一字符赋值给c;




















Data Structure (16) Using Stack to Realize Operator-First Calculator

Objective of the experiment: Design a program that demonstrates the process of evaluating arithmetic expressions using operator precedence. Using the operator precedence relationship, the evaluation of the mixed expression of the four arithmetic operations is realized.

(1) Input form: expression, such as 2*(3+4)#

The included operators can only have '+', '-', '*', '/', '(', ')', "#" represents the input terminator;

(2) The form of the output: the result of the operation, such as 2*(3+4)=14;

(3) The function that the program can achieve: evaluate the expression and output it.

Experimental idea: In order to use the stack to calculate the value of an arithmetic expression, two working stacks need to be set up: the stack opter for storing operators, and the stack opnd for storing operands and intermediate results.

(1) First, set the operand stack opnd as an empty stack, and use '#' as the bottom element of the operator stack opter, so as to judge whether the expression has been evaluated.

(2) Read each word of the expression in turn. The expression must be terminated with '#'. If the read character is an operand, it will be pushed into the stack opnd. If the read character is an operator, the stack of this operator c and opter will be used. The top element top performs the corresponding operation after comparing the priority. The specific operations are as follows:

(i) If the priority of top is less than c, that is, top<c, then="" put="" c="" directly="" into="" the="" stack="" opter,="" and="" read="" next="" character="" assign="" it="" to="" c;<="" div="">

(ii) If the priority of top is equal to c, that is, top=c, the top element of the stack of opter is popped, and the next character is read and assigned to c. The purpose of this step is to perform bracket operation;

(iii) If the top priority is higher than c, that is, top>c, it means that the calculation can be performed. At this time, the top two elements of the opnd stack are popped, and the operator at the top of the opter stack is popped. After the calculation, the result is put into the stack opnd. middle. Until the top element of the stack of opter and the currently read character are both '#', the evaluation ends.

The first step of the program: apply the cross-project common code header file, the standard library header file and the macro definitions of some variables.

The second step of the program: set the structure of the stack.

The third step of the program: write some functions that need to be used, including the function of constructing the stack, the function of returning the top element of the stack, the function of inserting operation, the function of deleting operation, the function of clearing the stack and the function of comparing operator priority.

The priority relationship between operators is shown in the following table (table source: Yan Weimin "Data Structure"):

It should be noted in the table that θ1 is the top element of the opter stack, and θ2 is the operator read from the expression. This priority table can be implemented with a two-dimensional array.

The fourth step of the program: the writing of the operation function.

The fifth step of the program: write the main function and test it.




标签: #c用栈实现计算器