
“That's interesting”居然不是“真有趣”的意思?

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It was just one word in one E-mail, but it triggered huge financial losses for a multinational company. The message, written in English, was sent by a native speaker to a colleague for whom English was a second language. Unsure of the word, the recipient found two contradictory meanings in his dictionary. He acted on the wrong one.


trigger:to make something happen 引发;引起;触发

做名词的时候意思是“触发器;(枪的)扳机”,pull the trigger 表示“开枪”。

He kept his finger on the trigger.


Stress may act as a trigger for these illnesses.


Nuts can trigger off a violent allergic reaction.


be unsure of 不确定

act on: to do something because you have been given information, advice, or orders


Then she decided to act on her plan.

然后她决定按计划行事。《VOA Special》

But people are slow to act on the changes.


Months later, senior management investigated why the project had flopped, costing hundreds of thousands of US dollars. It all traced back to this one word. Things spiraled out of control because both parties were thinking the opposite.


flop: to be a complete failure 完全失败

It is the public who decide whether a film is a hit or a flop.



He seemed so sure of his decision, how could he flip-flop so dramatically now?



拓展:flip-flop 突然改变的; (尤指政客)改变立场

out of control 失控的;控制不了的

When such misunderstandings happen, it’s usually the native speakers who are to blame. Ironically, they are worse at delivering their message than people who speak English as a second or third language, according to a communication expert. A lot of native speakers are happy that English has become the world’s global language. They feel they don’t have to spend time learning another language. The non-native speakers, it turns out, speak more purposefully and carefully, typical of someone speaking a second or third language.


ironically: used for saying that a situation has developed in an unexpected and sometimes humorous way 讽刺地;出乎意料的是;意想不到的是

deliver their message 可以译为“表述意思”,deliver在这里表示“传送;传达;表达”

The question is, can he deliver?



deliver the goods 交货;履行诺言

deliver goods 交货

deliver a speech 发表演讲;发表讲话

Anglophones, on the other hand, often talk too fast for others to follow, and use jokes, slangs and references specific to their own culture. The native English speaker is the only one who might not feel the need to accommodate or adapt to others. With non-native English speakers in the majority worldwide, it’s Anglophones who may need improvement.


Anglophone:someone who speaks English as one of their main languages


reference:a word or phrase that comes from a book or a poem 参考书;引文,这里是指典故,指的是英语为母语的人喜欢引经据典。

Native speakers are often at a disadvantage when English is being used as a common language. It's the native English speakers that have difficulty understanding and making themselves understood. Non-native speakers generally use more limited vocabulary and simpler expressions, without flowery language or slang. Because of that, they understand one another easily.


flowery: flowery language or writing uses many complicated words that are intended to make it more attractive


A straightforward talk is better than a flowery speech.


Then there’s cultural style. When a Brit reacts to a proposal by saying, “That’s interesting,” a fellow Brit might recognize this as an understatement for “that’s rubbish.” But other nationalities would take the word “interesting” at face value. English speakers with no other language often have a lack of awareness about how to speak English internationally.


Brit 英国人[贬], 注意这个词语含有贬义色彩。

understatement: a statement that makes something seem less important, serious, big, etc. than it really is


To say I'm disappointed is an understatement.


take at face value: 根据外表判断

You shouldn't take anything she says at face value.


Taken at face value, the figures look very encouraging.


In Berlin, German staff of a Fortune 500 company were briefed from their Californian HQ via a video link. Despite being competent in English, the Germans gleaned only the gist of what their American project leader said. So among themselves they came up with an agreed version, which might or might not have been what was intended by the Californian staff.


Fortune 500 company 世界500强

HQ: headquarter 总部

brief 常常用作形容词表示“简洁的”,在这里用作动词:

brief: to give someone information about a situation, especially officially

给……指示,向……介绍情况; 做简报

glean: to learn small pieces of information by asking questions or watching or listening carefully


From his own conversation I was able to glean nothing.


gist: the main or general meaning of 要点;主旨;大意

Too many non-Anglophones, especially Asians and French, are too concerned about not “losing face” and nod approvingly while not getting the message at all. That’s why a former senior international marketing executive at IBM, devised Globish ---a distilled form of English, stripped down to 1,500 words and simple but standard grammar. “It’s not a language, it’s a tool,” he says. Since launching Globish in 2004, he’s sold more than 200,000 Globish textbooks in 18 languages.


IBM: 国际商业机器公司(International Business Machines Corporation)。


Globish =global+English 全球英语

distill: to produce a summary that contains only the most important ideas or pieces of information


“If you can communicate efficiently with limited, simple language, you save time, avoid misinterpretation and you don’t have errors in communication,” he says. When trying to communicate in English with a group of people with varying levels of fluency, it's important to be receptive and adaptable, timing your ears into a whole range of different ways of using English.


People who’ve learned other languages are good at doing that, but native speakers of English generally are not very good at adapting to language variation. In meetings, Anglophones tend to speed along at what they consider a normal pace. One recommendation is making the same point in a couple of different ways and asking for acknowledgement or reaction.


make the point 表达一个观点或者见解

acknowledgement: an act of accepting that sth exists or is true, or that sth is there (对事实、现实、存在的)承认;认可;认同


标签: #给我的朋友发邮件的英文