这个Command Line颜色不够丰富,directory和file分不清。改。
nano ~/.bashrc
export PS1="\\[\\e[34m\\]\\u@\\h \\[\\e[32m\\]\\w \\[\\e[0m\\]\\[\\e[31m\\]\\$ \\[\\e[0m\\]”
Blue: DirectoryGreen: Executable or recognized data fileCyan (Sky Blue): Symbolic link fileYellow with black background: DeviceMagenta (Pink): Graphic image fileRed: Archive fileRed with black background: Broken link
In your development process, you'll undoubtedly be required to run some commands in the terminal (or on the "command line" — these are effectively the same thing). Read some articles about the terminal, the essential commands you'll need to enter into it, how to chain commands together, and how to add your own command line interface (CLI) tools.
标签: #ubuntubash颜色 #ubuntu终端颜色怎么调 #ubuntu设置背景颜色 #ubuntu16设置shell编码 #ubuntu命令颜色