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Digital advertising



Flying blind


Apple’s privacy rules force marketers to find new ways to target ads


① Online shoppers often feel they are being watched. Put an item in your basket but fail to buy it, and it may follow you plaintively around the internet for days. Announce your engagement on social media and you will be hit with adverts for the honeymoon. As you turn 40, expect the attention of elasticated-trouser merchants.


② On April 26th Apple, which supplies one-fifth of the world’s smartphones and around half of America’s, introduced a software update that will end much of this snooping. Its latest mobile operating system forces apps to ask users if they want to be tracked. Many will decline. It is the latest privacy move forcing marketers to rethink how they target online ads.


③ By micro-profiling audiences and monitoring their behaviour, digital-ad platforms claim to solve advertisers’ age-old quandary of not knowing which half of their budget is being wasted. In the past decade digital ads have gone from less than 20% of the global ad market to more than 60%, according to GroupM, the world’s largest media buyer. Even last year, amid the pandemic, the business grew by 9%. As lockdowns ease it is going gangbusters. On April 27th Alphabet, Google’s parent company and the world’s biggest digital-ad platform, reported first-quarter advertising revenues up by 34%, year on year. The next day Facebook, the second-largest, said its own ad sales had grown by 46%.

通过微观侧写用户画像和用户行为监测,数字广告平台声称可解决广告商的老大难问题,即不知道究竟是哪一半的广告预算白白打了水漂。全球最大的媒体采购平台群邑集团(Group M)表示,过去十年间,数字广告占全球广告市场的份额从不到20%增至60%以上。即便去年疫情期间,数字广告业务也增长了9%。而随着各地放宽封锁措施,数字广告更是势如破竹。4月27日,全球第一大数广平台同时也是谷歌(Google)母公司的字母表(Alphabet)发布财报,其一季度的广告收入同比上涨34%。而就在次日,全球第二大数广平台脸书(Facebook)也宣布其广告销售额增长了46%。

④ Stronger privacy protections may make their ads less effective. In 2018 the EU imposed its General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and America’s most-populous state introduced the California Consumer Privacy Act. Both made it harder to harvest users’ data. Since 2020 Apple’s Safari web browser has blocked the “cookies” that advertisers use to see what people get up to online. Google has similar plans for its more popular Chrome browser.


⑤ Apple’s latest change makes explicit an option that was previously hidden deep in its phones’ settings. Users can forbid apps to access their “identifier for advertisers” (IDFA) code, which singles out their device, and from tracking their activity across other firms’ apps and websites. It amounts to a “seismic shift” in in-app advertising, says Jon Mew, head of the Internet Advertising Bureau, an industry body.

苹果的隐私新规将原本隐藏在手机设置中的默认选项明明白白地摆上了台面。由此一来,用户可禁止应用获取其“广告商识别码”(IDFA)权限,从而防止自己使用的设备被单独识别。同时,用户还可禁止应用跨平台和网站追踪自己的线上活动轨迹。行业组织互联网广告局负责人乔恩·梅(Jon Mew)表示,这不亚于应用内广告投放的“剧变”。

⑥ The platforms best-placed to survive the shake-out are those with lots of consumer data of their own. Google’s $147bn ad business gets most of the information it needs from the terms users type into its search bar. Amazon, whose digital-ad business is the third-largest and growing fast, has the advantage of being able to track what people buy after seeing ads on its site—a “closed loop”, as marketers call it. Apple knows where iPhone-users go, what time they wake up and much besides. It has a small but growing ad business, selling prominence in its app store, for instance.


⑦ For Facebook, which knows more about its users’ interests than about their shopping needs, Apple’s changes are more worrying. In August it warned they might reduce revenues at its Audience Network, through which it sells ads to other apps, by as much as 50%. But the Audience Network represents less than a tenth of its business. Thanks to its intimate knowledge of users, it will still be better at targeting than almost anyone else. “In a world with a lot less data, who has relatively more?” asks Brian Wieser of GroupM. The effect of GDPR was, if anything, to increase Facebook’s and Google’s market shares, he adds.

不过,对脸书(Facebook)而言,苹果这一新规对其造成的冲击确实令人担忧,因为比起用户的购物需求,脸书更了解他们的日常喜好。去年八月,脸书就曾预警,苹果新规有可能导致其应用广告销售平台Audience Network的收入锐减50%。不过,Audience Network的规模尚不及其公司业务的十分之一。何况,脸书对其用户的喜好一清二楚,这在定向广告投放方面,恐怕要比几乎任何的其他平台都更有优势。“如果大家手里的数据都大幅减少,比拼的难道不是谁拥有的稍微多一些吗?”群邑集团的布莱恩·维塞尔(Brian Wieser)如此说到。他还补充道,如无意外,GDPR的实施反而会帮助脸书和谷歌扩大数字广告业务的市场份额。

⑧ To improve its tracking of purchases, Facebook is moving to create a closed loop of its own. Last year it introduced Facebook Shops on its flagship social network and Instagram Shops and its sister photo-sharing app. Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook’s boss, speculated in March that “we may even be in a stronger position if Apple’s changes encourage more businesses to conduct more commerce on our platforms, by making it harder for them to use their data…outside of our platforms”.

为更好地追踪用户的消费行为,脸书也在加速构建自家的“闭环”。 去年,脸书在其旗舰社交网络、Instagram Shops及其照片分享应用同步上线脸书商店(Facebook Shops)。今年三月,脸书的老板马克·扎克伯格(Mark Zuckerberg)就曾推测:“如果苹果新规导致很多企业难以在脸书以外的平台使用他们的数据,进而促使他们更多地在脸书上进行交易,那么这反而会让脸书处于更为有利的地位。”

⑨ Not every ad platform will be able to adapt as easily. Smaller publishers with fewer data and resources will suffer, believes Nicole Perrin of eMarketer, a research firm. Publishers that rely on third-party cookies will be hit hardest. The day Apple launched its new policy, a group of German publishing companies lodged a legal complaint with Germany’s antitrust authorities. Small platforms may also find it harder to persuade phone users to trust them with their data. AppsFlyer, an ad-tech company, found that iPhone users agreed to tracking from shopping and finance apps more than 40% of the time, but 12% of the time with casual gaming apps.

当然,并非所有广告平台都能轻松应对。市场研究公司eMarketer的妮可·佩林(Nicole Perrin)认为,小型出版社由于缺乏数据和资源将会遭受重创。其中损失最惨重的要属那些依赖第三方cookies获取数据的出版机构。苹果新规发布当日,多家德国出版公司便向当地反垄断官方机构提起了法律诉讼。另外,小型广告平台也更难向手机用户获取数据授权。广告科技公司AppsFlyer调查发现,超过40%的iPhone用户同意购物和金融应用追踪他们的数据,而仅有12%的用户授权予休闲游戏应用。

⑩ The inability to share data is forcing advertisers to come up with new ruses. One is to bypass rules banning data transfers between ad-tech companies by consolidating. In February AppLovin, a mobile-software firm, acquired Adjust, which provides mobile-ad attribution, reportedly for $1bn. Another is to ask users to “sign in”, which lets an app monitor their behaviour with no need for IDFAS. And instead of targeting individuals, marketers can target broader interest groups—coffee lovers, Daily Mail readers, and so on—much as they did in the pre-internet age. It’s “back to the future”, says Mr Wieser.

无法共享到数据的广告商们只能另寻出路。其一,是通过公司合并以规避禁止广告科技公司互通数据的规定。例如,今年二月,移动软件公司AppLovin收购了移动广告监测平台Adjust,据说收购价格高达10亿美元。其二,是让用户“登陆”应用。如此一来,各应用无需获取广告商识别码权限就能监控用户的举动。其三,营销人员还可像前互联网时代那样,针对拥有共同爱好的群体而非个人进行定向推广,例如咖啡爱好者、《每日邮报》读者等,诸如此类。正如维塞尔先生所说,这就类似于《回到未来》(back to the future)这部电影里的无奈之举。

Stripped of accurate ways of measuring their impact, “direct-response ads” that require consumers to take an action (like clicking) lose their appeal. Advertisers will again have to gauge ads’ effectiveness by looking for a rise in sales in a region where an ad ran but not elsewhere. Because campaigns that promote general awareness of a brand never benefited as much from tracking, platforms which mostly attract brand advertising will not feel much difference. Snap, whose social network, popular with teenagers, belongs to that group, posted a year-on-year rise in revenues of 66% in the first quarter.

苹果新规使那些需要消费者配合(例如点击页面)的“直效广告”(direct-response ads)无法精准测算推广成效,因而在广告商那里失宠了。广告商又得像从前那样,通过观测广告投放前后特定区域的销量增长情况来衡量推广效果。不过,那些以提升品牌知名度为目标的广告宣传活动本就不太依赖用户数据追踪,因而以品牌用户为主的数字广告平台并未受到苹果新规的波及。备受青少年喜爱的社交网络平台Snap便是其一,该平台第一季度的营收比上年同期增长了66%。

The less advertisers know about their audience, the costlier advertising will become. Facebook has argued this will hurt small businesses. It is probably right, thinks William Merchan of Pathmatics, a data company. Digital ads promise to cut waste in media buys, he says. Now that advertisers are again in the dark about which half of their budget is wasted, they are “going to have to just spend more”.

通常来说,广告商对消费者了解得越少,广告经费就会越高。脸书认为,苹果新规将会打击小型企业。数据公司Pathmatics的威廉·梅尔坎(William Merchan)也基本认同脸书的这一论断。他说,“数字广告一度自诩有能力减少广告预算的浪费。可如今,广告商又两眼抹黑,不知道预算中的哪一半打了水漂,这意味着他们“将不得不花更多的钱”。


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