

小智雅汇 76



The keyboard sends character data to the computer, even when the characters look like numbers. And the program sends characters to the monitor, even when it has calculated a numerical result. (Actually, characters are not sent directly to the monitor. They are sent to the graphics card which converts them into a video signal which is displayed on the monitor.)


If your program does arithmetic, the input characters must be converted into one of the primitive numeric data types. This is done using a Scanner object. Then a result is calculated using arithmetic with the numeric data. The result must then converted into character data before it is sent to the monitor. This is done using a method of System.out.


Here is a picture of a Java program doing character input and output. In this picture, the white box represents the entire program. The program has imported Scanner for use with input, and has imported System.out for use with output.


To use the methods of a Scanner an object must be constructed. (The diagram shows the object as a rectangle.)


The nextLine() method of Scanner reads one line of character data from the keyboard. The characters go into a String object. An assignment statement puts a reference to the object in the reference variable inData. To output the characters to the monitor, the program uses the println() method of System.out.

1 nextLine()


2 nextInt()

The nextInt() method of a Scanner object reads in a string of digits (characters) and converts them into an int type.


The Scanner object reads the characters one by one until it has collected those that are used for one integer. Then it converts them into a 32-bit numeric value. Usually that value is stored in an int variable.


The picture shows a program that reads in character data and then converts it into an integer which is stored in num. Next the program does arithmetic with num and stores the result in square. Finally the result is sent to println which converts the numeric result into characters and prints them out.


The nextInt() method scans through the input stream character by character, gathering characters into a group that can be converted into numeric data. It ignores spaces and end-of-lines that may preceed the group.


A space or end-of-line charater that follows a string of digits ends the group. A non-digit character cannot be part of a group (not even at the end.).


import java.util.Scanner;public class EchoSquare{    public static void main (String[] args)    {        Scanner scan = new Scanner( System.in );        int num, square;      // declare two int variables        System.out.println("Enter an integer:");        num = scan.nextInt();        square = num * num ;  // compute the square        System.out.println("The square of " + num + " is " + square);    }}

Here is a statement from the program:

num = scan.nextInt();

Assignment statements work in two steps:


Evaluate the expression on the right of the equal sign,


Put the value into the variable on the left.


In this particular assignment statement, the expression on the right scans a group of characters from the input stream and converts them into an int, if that is possible. Then the numeric result is stored into num.


If the group of characters cannot be converted, Java throws an Exception and stops your program. An Exception object contains information about what went wrong in a program. Industrial-strength programs may examine the exception and try to fix the problem. Our programs (for now) will just stop.


3 printf()

System.out.printf(Locale.CHINA, "PI =%8.4f%n", Math.PI); // 8 places, 4 for precision

The format string describes the desired format. The characters in the string are printed out as given until a format specifier is encountered. This describes how a value is to be printed.


conversion code:

Conversion Code


Example Output








integer (output as decimal)



integer (output as octal)



integer (output as hex)



floating point



floating point (scientific notation)




Hello World



4 File IO and checked IOException

Input and output are especially error prone. Exception handling is essential for I/O programming.


An exception is a problem that occurs when a program is running. Often the problem is external to the program, such as bad user input, or mechanical failure of an I/O device. When an exception occurs, the Java virtual machine creates an object of class Exception which holds information about the problem.


IOException is a checked exception. Some programs use the readLine() method of BufferedReader for input. This method throws an IOException when there is a problem reading. Programs that use BufferedReader for input need to do something about possible exceptions.

IOException是checked exception。有些程序使用BufferedReader的readLine()方法进行输入。当读取出现问题时,此方法引发IOException。使用BufferedReader进行输入的程序需要对可能的异常进行处理。

Scanner may also be connected to a disk file. Characters from the file are put into a stream one after another.


For checked Exceptions, a method must either declare that it throws the Exception, or it must catch the Exception.

对于checked Exceptions,方法必须声明抛出异常,或者必须捕获异常。

Below program catches both Exception types that might arise. If both the creation of the Scanner and the execution of scan.nextInt() worked, then the square of the number is printed out and neither catch block is executed.


import java.util.*;import java.io.*;public class EchoSquareException{    public static void main (String[] args)    {        int num, square;        Scanner scan = null;                try        {            File file = new File("myData.txt"); // create a File object            scan = new Scanner( file );      // connect a Scanner to the file            num = scan.nextInt();  // read and convert the first token            square = num * num ;            System.out.println("The square of " + num + " is " + square);        }        catch ( IOException iox )        {            System.out.println("Error opening the file");        }        catch ( InputMismatchException imx )        {            System.out.println("Bad data in the file");        }        if( scan != null ) scan.close();        System.out.println("Good-bye");    }}


① 异常本就应该是函数签名的一部分,就像函数的返回类型一样。

② Java 的异常并不全是 Checked Exception,RuntimeException 并不是 Checked。

③ 异常不应该被用来传递程序逻辑的 Bug,比如空指针解引用。

④ 在一个函数的调用处,并没有显式地说明某个函数调用是否会抛出异常。大部分情况下都是一个try 包住很多可能发生异常的函数调用,处理方式太过于粗粒度,也不利于 Code Review。

⑤ Java 并没有鼓励“单一失败模式”(即 throws Exception)。有些时候,多失败模式是有必要的,但多数情况下,程序的恢复处理逻辑与具体发生了什么错误无关(即只需要直知道成功与否即可)。当与具体发生的错误有关时,作者推荐使用 “The Keeper Pattern”。

⑥ 相比于 Checked Exception,Unchecked Exception 可靠性更低,它需要以文档的方式说明一个函数可能会抛出什么异常,对程序员、IDE、编译器都不友好。但正如 Andrew 在一篇采访 The Trouble with Checked Exceptions 中所说,在某些时候(比如应用开发),大多数人并不关心如何处理异常,他们只关心当异常发生时我要处理好后事(C# 的 using),剩下的事就交给最上层的 catch 去做好了。这是大家喜欢 Unchecked Exception 的原因。


5 OutputStream(binary file)

import java.io.*;class WriteInts{    public static void main ( String[] args )    {        String fileName = "intData.dat" ;                try        {            DataOutputStream out = new DataOutputStream(            new BufferedOutputStream(            new FileOutputStream( fileName )));                        for( int j=0; j<512; j++ )                out.writeInt( j );                        out.close();        }        catch ( IOException iox )        {            System.out.println("Problem writing " + fileName );        }    }}
6 DataInputStream
import java.io.*;class ReadInts{    public static void main ( String[] args )    {        String fileName = "intData.dat" ;        long sum = 0;                try        {            DataInputStream instr =            new DataInputStream(            new BufferedInputStream(            new FileInputStream( fileName ) ) );                        sum += instr.readInt();            sum += instr.readInt();            sum += instr.readInt();            sum += instr.readInt();                        System.out.println( "The sum is: " + sum );            instr.close();        }        catch ( IOException iox )        {            System.out.println("Problem reading " + fileName );        }    }}

7 文件复制

import java.io.*;class CopyBytes{  public static void main ( String[] args )   {    DataInputStream  instr;    DataOutputStream outstr;    if ( args.length != 3 || !args[1].toUpperCase().equals("TO") )    {      System.out.println("java CopyBytes source to destination");      return;    }    File inFile  = new File( args[0] );    File outFile = new File( args[2] );    if ( outFile.exists() )    {      System.out.println( args[2] + " already exists");      return;    }    if ( !inFile.exists() )    {      System.out.println( args[0] + " does not exist");      return;    }    try    {      instr =         new DataInputStream(          new BufferedInputStream(            new FileInputStream( inFile )));      outstr =         new DataOutputStream(          new BufferedOutputStream(            new FileOutputStream( outFile  )));      try      {        int data;        while ( true )        {          data = instr.readUnsignedByte() ;          outstr.writeByte( data ) ;        }      }      catch ( EOFException  eof )      {        outstr.close();        instr.close();        return;      }    }    catch ( FileNotFoundException nfx )    {      System.out.println("Problem opening files" );    }    catch ( IOException iox )    {      System.out.println("I/O Problems" );    }  }}


标签: #java输入输出 #java中如何输入一个数据 #java输入和输出数据的形式 #用java输出 #java的符号怎么打