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Today, the editor brings the “Quality Function Deployment Knowledge Expansion”.

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1.什么是QFD? What is QFD?

国际质量管理大师朱兰提出“质量是一种合用性”,产品或服务在使用期间能满 足顾客的需求,可以为顾客带来方便和愉悦。因此企业要想提供具有合用性的产品(服务),需要了解顾客,认清顾客的需求[1]。质量功能展开(QFD)是一个强调跨功能集成的新产品开发过程。它通过产品计划、 工程和制造的所有阶段,将客户的要求转化为最终产品(或服务),是一种在产品开发和生产过程的每个阶段确保足够质量的有效方法。顾客需求规划矩阵,被称为“质量屋”,是 QFD 的中心结构。客户需求通常通过市场调查或客户访谈获得,并将其转化为一套可测量的工程特征,以确定客户需求与工程特征之间的关系以及二者的重要性,根据重要 的工程特性设计产品以满足客户需求[2]。

International quality management master Zhu Lan proposed that "quality is a form of commonality", where products or services can meet customer needs during use and bring convenience and pleasure to customers. Therefore, in order for enterprises to provide products (services) with practicality, they need to understand customers and recognize their needs. Quality Function Deployment (QFD) is a Product development process that emphasizes cross functional integration. It transforms customer requirements into final products (or services) through all stages of product planning, engineering, and manufacturing, and is an effective method to ensure sufficient quality at each stage of product development and production. The customer demand planning matrix, known as the "House of Quality," is the central structure of QFD. Customer needs are usually obtained through market research or customer interviews, and transformed into a measurable set of engineering features to determine the relationship between customer needs and engineering features, as well as their importance. Products are designed based on important engineering features to meet customer needs.

2.QFD的应用 Application of QFD


Since it was proposed by Dr. Akao Yoji, QFD has been gradually introduced by some western industrial countries, especially the United States, and has been promoted in the automobile industry and Arms industry to further improve the QFD technology. It is a powerful tool to help enterprise organizations improve product quality and services, and effectively reduce costs. It has been widely applied in dozens of countries around the world. It has been not only applied in the initial production field, but also widely used in non production fields such as service industry, software industry, healthcare, etc. [3].

在供应链中,需求是连接市场、顾客和企业生产流通过程的桥梁,准确地理解和分析顾客需求,并落实到产品生产的每一环节是供应链运营的基础。质量功 能配置作为一种需求驱动的管理工具,被广泛应用于供应链管理。通过使用QFD, 供应链抵御风险传递和不确定性的弹性和灵活性得到了相对较好的研究,此外,还有部分研究表明,QFD 的使用有助于提高供应链质量和顾客满意度。

In the supply chain, demand is the bridge that connects the market, customers, and the production and circulation process of enterprises. Accurately understanding and analyzing customer demand, and implementing it in every step of product production, is the foundation of supply chain operation. Quality function configuration, as a demand driven management tool, is widely used in supply chain management. By using QFD, the elasticity and flexibility of the supply chain in resisting risk transmission and uncertainty have been relatively well studied. In addition, some studies have shown that the use of QFD can help improve supply chain quality and customer satisfaction.

目前的研究来看QFD 通常与模糊方法、逼近理想解排序法(TOPSIS)、层次分析法(AHP)和 TRIZ 相结合。并且随着数字技术的发展,一些研究表明,技术之间的互补性有助于应对传统 QFD 的不确定性,使结果更加客观。

The current research shows that QFD is usually combined with fuzzy methods, TOPSIS, Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP), and TRIZ. And with the development of digital technology, some studies have shown that the complementarity between technologies helps to address the uncertainty of traditional QFD, making the results more objective.

3.SWOT分析法 SWOT analysis method


SWOT analysis, also known as situational analysis, is a common method for enterprises to conduct strategic analysis. It is a basic summary and overall evaluation of their future development strategies based on their own strengths and weaknesses as well as external environmental conditions. The SWOT theoretical model provides a comprehensive and detailed evaluation of what an organization can and may do from two aspects and four dimensions. Among them, "what a company can do" refers to the strengths (S) and weaknesses (W) that the company possesses, which is the understanding of the internal situation of the company, covering technical conditions, research capabilities, human resource strength, customer loyalty, product quality, etc; What a company may do refers to external opportunities (O) and challenges (T) that the company cannot control, covering industry maturity, policy direction, market saturation, social demand, etc. The advantage of SWOT analysis is that it can enable organizations to have a clear and comprehensive understanding of the current environment and their own situation. It can not only prioritize problems, seek advantages and avoid disadvantages, but also help organizations focus their limited financial, technical, human resources and other resources on their strengths and most competitive areas, indicating the direction for organizational development. In recent years, with the precision of enterprise business strategies and the scientificity of management, the SWOT analysis described by qualitative analysis has gradually upgraded, and the SWOT model analysis method centered on operational analysis and data argumentation has become a trend. Specifically, more and more studies have introduced strategic diagnosis, factor strength measurement, construction of enterprise strategic quadrangle, calculation of azimuth angle and intensity coefficient to conduct accurate measurement based on expert scores. The addition of these computational methods makes traditional SWOT analysis more reliable. [4]

4.QFD法 QFD method

质量屋是质量功能展开分析的核心工具,是 J.R.Hauser 与 D.C Lausing 于 1988 年提出的。质量屋的构建能够准确完整地描述顾客需求与产品所具备的关系,将消费者需求有机地转化为企业提供产品的特性和功能,有效对应产品生产的具体操作。质量屋的构成主要包括如表 2-1 所示的七个方面,其一般结构如下图所示。

Quality House is the core tool for quality function deployment analysis, proposed by J.R. Hauser and D.C Lausing in 1988. The construction of a quality house can accurately and completely describe the relationship between customer needs and products, and organically transform consumer needs into the characteristics and functions of products provided by enterprises, effectively corresponding to the specific operations of product production. The composition of the House of Quality mainly includes seven aspects as shown in Table 2-1, and its general structure is shown in the following figure.






That's all for today's sharing.

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I wish you a nice day!



[1]韩梦圆. 智慧供应链精准化需求的多级质量功能配置研究[D]. 南昌航空大学, 2022.

[2]于如月. 基于两阶段QFD-MCDM的智能制造供应链风险敏捷性评价研究[D]. 福建工程学院, 2022.

[3]杨海荣. 供给侧改革背景下房地产企业市场拓展策略研究[D]. 武汉理工大学, 2021.

[4]叶景妹. VA公司基于QFD法的差异化战略选择与实施[D]. 浙江工业大学, 2009.

标签: #外部环境分析的关键是要找出企业发展的机会